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Rated: NPL · Other · Other · #1016443
How sweet it is....
Wedding Daze

Cassanndra waited silently in the gardens of the Mysthanea Monastery. After many weeks, she and Keyser had decided to go there to be married. Their good friends were out of town, so it was to be just the two of them, with Atalienka and Tanaki as witnesses. Cassanndra had hoped to have Tatianna stand as her attendant, but the Muiri was traveling and could not make it. Keyser asked Tanaki to stand with him as he was free around that time.

The four traveled to Mysthanea and spend a few days there, resting and preparing for the event. The men seemed nervous, Cassanndra thought. She herself was calm, for the most part. She did have a few butterflies in her stomach. In her whole life, she never expected to marry a man like Keyser, who loved her as much as she loved him.

Atalienka kept asking her how she felt, and she wanted to scream at her. "Fine," she muttered through clenched teeth. Cass wore a gown of her own creation, a finely tailored gown of exquisite silk and satin. It had been difficult to find the materials and a lot of time and effort had gone into creating them. And she had also made Keyser's attire. It had been a lot of work to arrive at this moment.

Maybe her own nervousness was finally beginning to show. She wished her mother or her aunt were here to represent her family.

"But these people are my family now," Cass thought. "My family, for always."

The monk motioned her to come forward to the outdoor altar in the garden. Keyser and Tanaki stood by him. Keyser smiled reassuringly as she and Atalienka walked down the short path.

The perfumed flowers drowned out her nervousness. She saw only Keyser, in his finery of dark blue, his favorite color. She was so proud to have made his clothing. She was proud to become his wife, at last. The monk droned on about fidelity and marriage as a sacred institution.

Atalienka shifted anxiously from foot to foot. Cassanndra saw nothing, heard nothing, but felt everything. She felt Keyser's hand in hers, the bouquet in her other hand, the heavy diamond ring on her finger. Keyser took the matching wedding band and slid it on at the appropriate moment. He could not stop staring at her. She imagined he felt as she did.

"Will you, Cassanndra Riverfall, take this man, Keyser Soze, to be your lawful wedded husband, promising to honor him in sickness and health, for richer and poorer, in good times and bad, for as long as you both shall live?" The monk finally hit the important part.

"I will," she said, strong and emphatic. Keyser grinned at her.

"I will," he replied in turn. She smiled.

Finally it was over--Mr. and Mrs. Keyser Soze. Doves burst out of hiding as Tanaki and Atalienka congratulated the happy couple.

"Thank you for being here for us," Cassanndra said. "It means a lot."

"You're quite welcome," Atalienka said.

The foursome enjoyed a picnic lunch in the garden, over which many toasts were made. Keyser had saved some Hillhammer brandy for this occasion and glasses were passed around.

Later, Tanaki escorted Atalienka back to Neul Eilean. Keyser and Cass stayed at the monastery one last night. They sat in the garden, watching the sun set.

"Keyser, I'm so happy. You've made me so happy this day." A small tear rolled down her cheek.

He smiled and wiped the tear away. "It is I who is the happy one. By agreeing to spend your life with me, you have made me the happiest man in this land. I thank you." He put his arm around her, and the sun slipped below the horizon.

***(S.'s part)***

Keyser and his new wife sat in front of the fireplace after returning from their wedding ceremony. They held each other most of the evening, sipping brandy and admiring the decorative tree they had put up together for the holidays. It was their first evening back home as husband and wife, and they were enjoying the tranquil winter night, with not a sound but the crackling of the fireplace.

They made a few toasts, but spent most of the evening relaxing by the fire. They eventually retired for the night, holding each other as they drifted off to a peaceful sleep. They both had a big day ahead of them, returning to business as usual; Cassanndra had some harvesting to do, and Keyser had an appointment with some firbolgs near Neul Eilean.

His first stop the next morning was Nayalia and Tanaki’s house, to retrieve yet another porcelain horse. Tanaki scolded him jokingly about the excessive amount of repairs and new horses he had made for Keyser in the past few months. In truth, Tanaki didn’t mind at all, it gave him an opportunity to refine his tinkering skills and Keyser provided him with a good deal of materials as payment.

At last, Keyser was off to earn some much needed money; his time off to plan for the wedding was much needed, but he was always ready to go back to doing what he knew best. He spent the better part of the late morning besting firbolgs and firbolg warriors, amassing quite a bit of loot. At midday, he stopped to rest, riding back to Toad Hall to deposit his earnings at the bank and have a warm meal in the tavern. Returning to his adventures, he waved at a few passing friends as he left Toad Hall. Once across the bridge he donned his armor again and rode south, gathering his thoughts again and focusing on the task at hand.

He returned to the firbolg stronghold, catching the attention of a few at a time and luring them to the edge of the wooded area where he preferred to ambush them. There he could defeat up to three of the giants at once with ease. His senses a bit numbed by his helm, he failed to see the firbolg mage that had wandered off into his favorite ambush point. The mage studied him as he wove in and out of the three firbolgs, slicing them with his enchanted katana on each pass. Edging closer to the unsuspecting warrior, fortune smiled upon the mage, who cast a column of flame at Keyser as he had retreated from the battle momentarily to drink a much-needed healing potion. The fiery spell threw him from his mount, sending him cursing into the brush.

Keyser rose to his feet in a fury, closing on the mage as his magical mount was bested by the combined strength of the three giants. He bashed the mage in the groin with his shield, shoving a deadly purple potion into the beast’s mouth as it was doubled over in agony. Diving behind some suitable cover, Keyser counted the seconds until the potion would do its job, not able to hear it behind thick brush and wearing his closed helm. Scrambling from his shelter, Keyser smirked at the mangled remains of the giant mage, and turned his attentions back to the two remaining fighters, his mount having finished one off before being destroyed. “Tanaki’s going to kill me”, he muttered to himself, looking at the scattered porcelain pieces on the ground. In his rage, Keyser had forgotten about his own health, not realizing how injured he was until a mighty blow from a firbolg took him off his feet.

Keyser rose yet again, the pain in his body far more noticeable now that his rush of adrenaline had waned a bit. He decided too late that flight was his best option until he could recover from his wounds. The giants were too close now and sounds from just beyond the wooded area indicated more on the way. Keyser cursed silently at his poor judgement, lashing out at the closing warriors as he made a fighting retreat. After making it to the clearing north of the small wooded area, Keyser made better time as he retreated, knowing that he was yet a long way from the bridge south of Toad Hall. Without the interference of trees, however, Keyser was able to lob another purple potion over the heads of the two closest pursuers. The potion burst, sending enough shrapnel into the legs of the two closest firbolgs to sufficiently slow them.

Keyser began to shed his armor in an attempt to put more distance between him and the slightly maimed aggressors. Turning his back, he picked up the pace of his retreat, not realizing in his daze the tenacity and speed of the firbolg warrior who was quickly passing the two crippled fighters and gaining on the seriously wounded human.

The bridge was nearly on the horizon went Keyser felt a spear pierce his lower back. Howling in pain, he stumbled, falling to his knees. The larger, more aggressive warrior was closing, and Keyser knew he would not be strong enough to fight him off as he had many others of its caliber in the past. Frantically, his mind searched for a solution. Reaching into his pack, Keyser found the complimentary wand that Singeon Smythe had given him many months ago. He took aim at the skilled giant and spent both charges on the beast, engulfing it in flame, and sending it howling back to its home, inspiring the few followers it had to follow suit.

He dropped the wand, and struggled to stand back up again. He looked down at the spearhead poking through his lower torso, he grabbed some bandages his wife had given him that morning and held them to the wound around the shaft of the spear. He dropped the rest of his gear, save for his katana, knowing if he could make it to the bridge, certainly one of his muiri friends would spot him and give aid.

His head felt light and his vision began to blur slightly as he staggered forth. His body was becoming very cold, a feeling he had experienced many times before. This time the cold was more chilling, a chill he felt deep in his bones; the grip of imminent death felt tighter than it had before. He felt afraid. In the past, he worried over which of his guildmates would find him and take his body to a cleric, what possessions or other superfluous items might be lost, or whether the person giving aid would be successful in reviving him. Now, however, his fears were not so selfish; he would be leaving behind a wife, a woman to whom he pledged his undying love. He would be leaving her alone and lonely in this world.

“I shouldn’t have come here”, he thought to himself as he fought to regain his focus. He could barely make out figures in the distance as he staggered around the last wooded area south of Neul Eilean. Leaning against a tree to rest and regain a few last ounces of strength, he realized he would not be seen by the minuscule figures by the ship captain in the distance while he stood so close to the trees. Keyser strengthened his resolve and forced his feet to move once more. His legs gave out, leaving him in the brush on the ground, the wooden shaft tearing his abdomen ferociously. His body going into shock, Keyser could not muster the strength to call out, even in pain.

A sickly groan escaped his lips as he lay there in the tall grass. His eyes began to focus on tiny insects crawling about him ambivalently. As his body grew numb to the pain, his mind felt intoxicated by the lack of blood to it. He watched the tiny insects scurrying about, thinking it strange that these tiny creatures paid him no more mind than the tiny figures on the horizon. “How funny…” he thought to himself as the tiny creatures blurred from his vision, his mind’s eye taking over. His thoughts drifted as he lay there, scenes from his life playing back as though he were watching them in a theatre. His home world, the very dim image of his father, followed by the slightly clearer image of his mother; all his friends, associates, enemies, the worlds and places he had passed through in his travels. Then came the dungeons he explored, the creatures he bested, the scars he earned, and the treasures he once hoarded. He thought of his first days in this world, how different and beautiful it was. The many people he came to know and love flashed through his mind until one final image settled in his mind, an image as clear as the day is long. The image of his beloved Cassanndra stayed in his mind’s eye as he felt his body succumb to a deep and powerful sleep.


It was the coming of Dylla Odiisdatter, high priestess of one of four gods name Ysra, goddess of Comraich. She told of the coming of the destruction of our land and offered the invitation of salvation.

"Your world will end. Your gods, your virtues will not deliver you from death. Ysra calls the strong and hearty amongst you, worthy of her eye. I have heard this from her own lips. It will happen. She beckons of those of strong heart among you. She can save the essence of your spirit and transport you to Comraich to live a free and good life. In the ways of old it is the God's wish to summon those they will. It is also the God's will that none who wish sanctuary be not refused. You should know that besides Ysra, there are three other who will curry your favor, but Ysra only wishes the stout of heart and strong of spirit. "

Cassanndra stumbled away from Aman in a daze. She must hurry back home to tell Keyser of this. He had left many worlds before. He would know what to do.

The streets of Lower Mynoc were silent and empty. Cassanndra entered their home and set her pack gently on the floor.

"Keyser!" she yelled up the stairs. But there was no answer. She ran over to the Summerhouse, but only Galatea and Holly greeted her.

A fine evening for hunting!" Galatea said.

"Not tonight, I'm afraid." She left the two guards to their pursuits and went back to the main house.

As she spun the flax into thread, the words of this woman Dylla rang in her mind. This world, her homeworld, was going to perish? However could that be possible? Her fingers quickly wound the thread onto the spools. With Keyser at her side, she could face anything.

The hour grew late, and Cassanndra spun the thread into cloth. It was a numbing task and she lost track of time. At last, the final bolt was folded. She got up from her stool and rubbed her aching back. Only then did she notice it was almost dawn.

"Hmmm.. Keyser must have stayed over at a friend's on Neul. Maybe he broke his horse again." But it had been weeks since he had done that. He always came home after hunting. She decided that this day she would gather flax on Neul.

It was a nice day to sail, so she took passage on a ferry to Neul. The sea was calm, and the sky was pristine. Hard to believe a disaster was about to befall the world. Cassanndra pushed that out of her mind, concentrating on the task at hand.

Alighting on the dock at Neul, she began to head for the bridge when she heard a low sound coming from the nearby forest. She drew her sword and slowly walked toward the treeline. There were firbolgs in these woods. She decided to proceed cautiously.

"Is anyone there?" she yelled out.

No response. The woods had gone silent. She walked a few more steps into the forest, pausing every few steps to listen. She scanned her surroundings, ready to run if a firbolg should attack.

Then she saw him.

His yellowish cloak caught her eye first. She dropped her sword and bag and ran to him.

It was Keyser. He had been viciously attacked and lay there....dead? There was no sign of Adara and Dario. Their bodies must have been carried off by the firbolgs.

"Oh my god!" Cassanndra screamed. "Keyser, Keyser, wake up!?!" She shook his shoulder lightly. There was no response. She leaned down and gently removed his armor, only to recoil at the sight of the ghastly wounds. She bent her head down to his face and felt some light fluttery breaths.

"He's still alive, thank the gods!" She ran back to her bag and got her bandages and applied them to the wounds. But they were deep and terrible. He would be many days recovering, if he recovered at all.

"This can't be happening, not now, not when the world may be coming to an end." She left her golem to guard Keyser while she ran out of the forest and returned to Lower Mynoc to get Holly and Galatea. They helped her carry Keyser home.

As Cassanndra wiped the blood off Keyser's brow and bathed his wounds, she knew that she would have to be strong for them both. Whatever may be happening in the world, she would take care of Keyser as long as she was able, in this world and in the next. The wounds would heal, but would Keyser return to her?
© Copyright 2005 Cass--Autumn Spirit (keri5707 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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