Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1016439-A-Dye-Tub
Rated: NPL · Other · Other · #1016439
Remember when...
A Dye Tub

With the upcoming handfasting of Hephaestus and Whisper, Cassanndra decided to craft some new clothing for herself and Keyser. She had spent many days purchasing dye tubs, and mixing dyes to get exactly the right color. She whiled away the days, working, while Keyser was away on a business trip.

Finally, he returned, and she showed him the clothing.

"But I'm not sure what color to dye them," Cassanndra said. "I wasn't sure what color you would like."

"Black, I think," Keyser replied.

"Really? I'm surprised. I figured you'd choose blue." Cassanndra laughed.

"No, I think I need something more formal."

She held up a deep red velvet gown. "And this color? What do you think of this?"

"Oh, I think that is an excellent choice for you." He smiled at her.

"We shall make quite a pair then! But unfortunately, I do not have any black dyes. I believe there is a merchant in Pangaea who has one available. Let us go there and see."

"Are you sure? Last time I was looking, no one had any."

"Yes, I'm sure. I saw it recently." Cassanndra put the gown away.

"I must stop by the bank first," Keyser said.

It took awhile for Keyser to conclude his business at the bank, but finally they arrived in Pangaea. Checking each possible shop was time-consuming, and of course, in the last shop, they found the elusive black dye tub.

"Oh yes! I knew it was here," Cassanndra said. "Here's the white I like, too."

Keyser nodded. "Here's some tubs too, on this vendor." He pointed at one of the women in the shop. "But there's a black." He motioned to the dye tub on the table.

Cassanndra looked through the vendor's stock. "Oooh. I like the greyish one."

"Look at my apron." He had dyed it with the black dye. "It's very black." He smiled.

"Oh yes. Perfect! It didn't look very black on this sample cloth I was testing it on, but you're right. It's the best color." She quickly busied herself dyeing the rest of his formal attire.

"Here. Try these on. I want to see if they look ok." She handed him the items. He tried them on and strutted around the shop.

"Of course, if we'd had more time, I could have made some masterpieces." She sighed.

"True, but you have made some excellent finery nonetheless."

She nodded and looked at him. Did he look a bit nervous?, she wondered.

"Shall we return home, then? Our dyeing is done," he said. But before exiting the shop, he turned back.

"Perhaps a white undershirt with this would look better?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe," she said, taking out her sewing kit, creating a fine silk shirt, and dyeing it white. He waited patiently for her to finish. She handed it to him, smiling.

"Thank you, love," he said, trying it on.

"Hm... I'm not sure about that...." She looked him over. "Keep it to wear with the pants of your other white outfit."

"Hmmmm..." Keyser said. "Well, we can discuss it at home." He smiled at her.

They returned to their home. She meditated, while he tried the clothes on again. She put on her red velvet fancy gown, and modeled it for him.

Keyser admired her, taking her hands in his. "You look so stunning."

She smiled. "You flatter me."

"It's only the truth." He looked into her eyes. She returned his gaze, kissing him softly.

"I missed you so much," she whispered.

"As did I," he said, caressing her face. "You look all ready for the ceremony." He looked her over.

"I wish I had known sooner about this... I would have made some really nice clothes."

"Oh these are wonderful," he said.

His intense stare made her feel a bit nervous. She spoke to break the silence.

"But I'm glad you told me what color, because I'm not good with colors for you." She laughed a bit.

Keyser grinned, running his hands down her sides, resting them on her hips. Then he knelt down, caressing her waist suggestively. She giggled. He looked up at her, smiling.

"Mmmm, I see what's missing," he said.

"Hm?" she said, looking down at him. Her heart thudded rapidly in her chest. She was sure her hands felt clammy. "And just what would that be?"

Keyser took her hands in his again.

"Well, funny thing really." He swallowed. His hands felt slightly sweaty in hers. "Tanaki finally left our project in the bank."


"That's what i found when we were there." He paused. "And I thought... perhaps... that you might wear it to the ceremony tomorrow.

"Hm?" She looked questioningly at him as he reached into his pack.

Keyser produced a Flawless Diamond Engagement Ring from an ornate wooden box.

Cassanndra gasped. She swayed a bit on her feet.

"If you would..." Keyser smiled at her lovingly. "would you, my love..." He swallowed hard. "would you... marry me?" He slid the ring onto her finger.

Cassanndra felt tears spring to her eyes. Her heart beat faster. She hugged him close.

"Oh Keyser..." she stammered. "I... I would be honored to marry you." Tears fell down her cheeks. He stood, hugging her.

"I love you, Cassanndra." He wiped her tears gently.

"I love you, Keyser." She sniffed a bit.

"Well, that was a yes, right?" He chuckled, smiling at her.

"Yes... yes it is."

Suddenly, the voice of an unknown eavesdropper cried out from outside their window, "And so it is written Keyser and Cassanndra are engaged to be Wed!" The two nearly jumped in spite of themselves as the Mynocian town crier started to spread the news throughout the land.

Cassanndra sighed happily. "I thought... well, I thought this would never happen.... and I can't believe it hardly is happening."

"I wanted to have the perfect gift first, and it took this long for us to get it made. That's what all the travel was for: getting gold to make the ring. And of course Tanaki had a big hand in it."

"Well, I've seen him around quite a bit lately, and he sure didn't let on anything about it." She looked at the exquisite ring.

"Of course not." He grinned.

"I'm so happy... a little surprised at myself, actually."

"Oh, and why is that?" he asked.

"Because I once told Tati that I wouldn't be able to accept your proposal, if it ever came...."

Keyser looked concerned. "Why did you tell her that?"

"I didn't want you to feel like you had to propose, just because we live together and all. I'm not old-fashioned like that. And I know you value your freedom and independence." She smiled. "But when you looked at me just now.... all I could see was a long future together---with you."

"You are certain about this, though?" he questioned.

"Yes, I'm very sure. I just want YOU to be sure," she replied.

Keyser looked deep into her eyes. "I have never been so certain of anything---ever. I love you, Cassanndra Riverfall."

"I love you, Keyser Soze. I don't ever want to let you go."

Together, they looked at the ring.

"I'll never take it off," she whispered.

"I am so happy you love it," Keyser said.

"I love you most of all. The ring does not matter; just makes it more special. It is the man behind the giving that matters most."
© Copyright 2005 Cass--Autumn Spirit (keri5707 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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