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Ancient egyptian twins find themselves fighting against eachother for the Book of Time. |
The Book of Time: The Bond Ch.1 The Choice Ancient Egypt Nephertiti fiercely marched down the hall with clenched fists. Under her breath she whispered, "Oh Sepherough" in disappointment. She halted at a large golden door, which displayed an engraving of a hawk. Two burly men were guarding the door holding spears, standing there she looked at them folding her arms, she commanded, “Remove thy selves at once!” One guard approached Nephertiti and spoke up, “We had strict orders from Prince Sepherough to not let anyone in. No exceptions.” Nephertiti’s rage suddenly formed into a twisted smile. She said, “Oh did he?” The guard took a deep breath in and answered, “Yes.” Nephertiti turned around and seized a small dagger from a leather case that was tied on her hip. She immediately moved toward the guard and pointed it at his neck. The guard stood entirely still. Then she said, “Now, I know you mean well but if you know what’s good for you, you’ll let me in”. Sweat dripped down the brow of the quaking guard. He barely said, “Yes”. She removed the knife from his neck and he fled. The second guard let her through and followed the first guard. Nephertiti was not so surprised. Some of these new guards scared too easily. Walking through this room filled with various colored mists, she squinted until she saw five men in a circle. Each man was holding a Canopic jar. In the center was one man reading chants from a book. As he spoke they repeated. He recited, “Mighty Osiris we hail thee! We summon thee noble one of the Gods. We summon thee to show us the book of…” Before he could finish, Nephertiti tripped one of the men. He fell on to the next man next to him causing him to fall and that man fell on the man next to him until all five men were down on the ground. The Canopic jars broke and the ash spilt all over the men. The smoke disappeared. Sepherough slammed the book shut. Shaking his head he said, “Nephertiti! Was that necessary?” Nephertiti could not believe his arrogance. Half laughing she said, “I don’t know, Sepherough, was it necessary to miss your crowning ritual?” “Oh was that today?” Sepherough asked nonchalant. “Don’t be ignorant. We both know that you were to become Pharaoh today. You promised!” Nephertiti retorted. Sepherough motioned toward the door. The rest of the men straggled up and left. “I know I did, but I am in the middle of something important,” he urged. “What’s more important than Egypt?” Nephertiti asked. “ Simple, all time” Sepherough said. Agitated, Nephertiti said, “ What are you talking about? What are you up to?” “My dear sister I will tell you, in time. Right now you need to claim Pharaoh and keep up with appearances.” Sepherough pleaded. Nephertiti backed away, not believing what she heard. “You promised!” She yelled tears forming in her eyes. “I know and I will keep that promise, but not at this instant.” Nephertiti took a deep breath and said, “I will do my duty if it is asked of me. You know that. I don’t understand I thought you wanted to be Pharaoh so you can make some real change.” “I know and I will. What I am working on right now will make real change. I promise.” He advocated. Then he strode towards the window and gazed at the Great River. He saw all of his people continuing their lives. He liked the Great River when it was peaceful, but there were times when the river would flood and cause destruction. After the flood his people would be prosperous by the river and they would have peace. He knew destruction always had a purpose. He turned back to Nephertiti and said, “ Do this small thing for me, right now. And your dream will come true.” Nephertiti lifted an eyebrow and said, “What do you know of my dreams?” “I know you want to live a simple life with Jarha. Do not think me a fool, Neph. I know how you feel. We have always had a special bond. It cannot be broken.” Nephertiti fixed her eyes on the floor and whispered, “I know.” “Then you know how I feel.” “I know.” “So will you do this for me?” Nephertiti gazed at the horizon, the sun reflected on the Great River. She loved when it was at peace. She felt Sepheroughs desire but she did not know what for. She could feel what he felt but she did not know what he was thinking. “I … do not know. I need guidance. I will be back shortly.” She ran outside. “Oh, Isis, I need your strength.” She whispered. Looking around, she ran into the village. She noticed people staring. It was not everyday that the mighty Princess Nephertiti ran through the village. She didn’t care. As she ran, she remembered the tragedy of what happened yesterday. It was expected but a tragedy nonetheless. She was sitting down holding her fathers tanned blistered hand as she gazed at the sun set. The sun looked as if it were bleeding unto The Great River. Massaging his hand, she watched him sleep. His chest moved up and down. He wore his pharaoh robe. It was what he was going to be buried in. They told her this was a time of celebration, now that he would return with the other Pharaohs. The Valley of the Kings was supposed to be beautiful. Nephertiti couldn't bear seeing her father like this. It was awful. His breaths were so close together moving in twitches. A single tear flowed down her cheek and landed on his dry hands. His eyes slowly opened and he saw Nephertiti sitting beside him holding his hand and cried. He smiled at his daughter and said weakly, "Why do you cry? My child." "Father your dying!" Nephertiti cried out. "I... I'll be with my friends." "But, what will I do without you?" She cried laying her head over her folded arms on the bed, by her dying father. "You will be there for your twin brother and all of Egypt. They will both need your strength." He said. Nephertiti nodded in compliance and slowly looked up. She dreaded this moment all of her life. She wished she didn't have to be here and be the one to ask her father, the long dreaded question, but she knew she must. "Father, did you make your choice?" Nephertiti asked while noticing the quickness of her heart and her unsteadied breathing. He gazed up to his daughter and smiled at her. Squeezing her hand he said, "Yes, your brother will be Pharaoh." Nephertiti breathed out in peace. Then he spoke again and said, "I do not desire an unwilling Pharaoh but..." "But what? Father." Nephertiti asked. "Promise me that you will look after your brother and be certain he remains on the right path." "Yes, Father. I promise." Nephertiti obeyed. She held on to his hand until he slowly let go. Then there was no life left in him. Running, Nephertiti could not believe that this was just the day before. She did not know what do. Was her brother being crazy? Or does he have something big planned? Can she trust it? Sepherough always had good intentions sometimes his means were questionable. But she always trusted him to make the right choice when it comes to the important things. He always would protect his family’s honor and Egypt. He loved Egypt and all its glory. He would preserve it forever. She knew what he was feeling. She always did. No matter where he was she always had an awareness of what he was feeling. Right now he had feelings of great hope. Nephertiti worried about this. She worried that he put all of his hopes on one thing until he would explode with disappointment. As she ran through the crowded village she ran into Jarha. She gasped. Looking up at him and wispered, “Jarha.” He smiled, “Neph, I was looking for you. We need to talk I have great news.” “Oh. Good. I want to talk to you to, but I have something I must do.” Nephertiti said as she was looking around. Jarha noticed her anxiety and gently took her hand. “Neph this will only take a minute.” He gazed around and saw that none was around. He led her to his tent. She followed. He pulled Nephertiti closer to him and kissed her. She withdrawn from his arms and said, “What was that for?” “It looked like you needed that.” Nephertiti nodded, “Was that it? I have important …” “You really need to relax more.” “Can I relax when my brother will not do his responsibility?” she shrieked. “So you spoke to Seph about the inevitable?” “The inevitable? Oh no, I should have known. You are apart of it.” Jarha smiled and whispered, “Everything is going to be fine”. “How are you sure?” She backed away and stared at him. “What are you and my dear brother planning?” “Planning?” he innocently asked. “Yes, planning. I know he is up to something big. I just do not know what? What ever it is I know you are a part of it. It may have been your idea.” Jarha smiled, clapped, and laughed in amusement, “You know me so well.” Annoyed Nephertiti flipped her silky hair back and turbulently yelled, “I had enough!” She turned around and began to walk a way when he touched her shoulder. “Wait, Neph, let me explain.” Nephertiti slowly turned around and folded her arms. She said, “Then explain.” “Maybe you should sit down.” Nephertiti stood still, staring at him tapping her fingers on her folded arms. “A couple of days ago I was helping Seph sneak into the village and we bumped into this strange girl. She was holding on to this remarkable book and running from someone. We asked her if we could help her and she did not speak our language. Seph and I were intrigued. So we followed her. She went to this hidden cave. She opened the book and it glowed. Then images began to appear of people. These people were more strange then her. They held strange medal in their hands and when they grasped it smoke and noise came out. It was disturbing. It showed Egypt, but it was not the same. The great pyramids were there but it was old. We built the pyramids to last forever. So Egypt could be eternal. It was not the same. We do not want this to happen. We suspect that this girl was some kind of oracle and these were images of the future. Seph and I could not take this. We wanted to stop it. The girl heard us and turned around. She said something I did not understand then suddenly I understood her. She told us that we must leave. So we did. After that we hid. She pointed to the book and it flew to her. It was amazing. Seph and I left. We went to see your father but he was sick so we went to the priest and asked about books that could show you the future. They said such a thing could not exist. Later we snuck and found a scroll on the book of time. It said this book places all of time together. It said that it had protectors that went through a guided tour of all time. The thing is if the book were to be removed then time would ceases to exist and Egypt would be observed forever. It would be our own Eutopia.” He said energetically. “What happened to the girl?” “I do not know. She vanished.” “So you are trying to find this book.” “Yes.” “So that there will be no time?” “Yes.” “I see.” Nephertiti could not believe her ears. The room felt like it was caving in. She back away nervously and said, “I must pray to the gods.” She went out the net and ran to a deserted tent.The tent was made of dark sheets. She slinked through all of the falling sheets. She went to the back were a small alter of candles were made. Nephertiti kneeled down against it. She lit the candles and said, “ Isis goddess of women I need your guidance.” She backed away. The tent started to shake and pink and red mist flowed all around in a circle until it made a long shape, forming the shape of a woman. A woman appeared in a cloak. She levitated. In a piercing voice she said, “Who summons me?” Nephertiti bowed down to her then looked up and examined her face. Then she said, “ Priestess?” She levitated to the ground and said, “Nephertiti, why are you here?” “I am in need of guidance. Why are you here I summoned Isis.” Aseti replied, “ Goddesses do not appear because they were summoned. Why do you think they have priests and priestesses for?” “Indeed. Priestess. I am in dyer need of your help. Sepherough refuses to be Pharaoh. He and Jarha hear a myth or something about this book of time. They are trying to find it, but it can not…” “They are trying to find the book of time. Impossible.” Aseti gasped. “I never heard of such a book, until today. Does such a book exist?” Nephertiti asked. “Yes. Many years ago before the beginning of time, time was being formed. The timekeeper forged a book of time. He said it would have all of the major history written in it. A lot of times great secrets would be revealed in this book. He would give several people copies of this book. The book they’re given would serve as a guide as they went through the major allies through time. These people would become the books guardian and protector. The original book is set in place and protected by many incantations. If somehow this book would be taken from its rightful place time would cease to exist. All times would be squished together. Many people would die in the emergence.” “Why would my brother want such a thing to happen?” Aseti nodded. She said, “You must go to your brother and Jarha and stop them. As impossible as their mission is, they must not be on this deadly pursuit.” “I will talk to them. I am sure they will see that this is the wrong way.” “Good. I will be watching you.” Aseti said. Then she vanished. Nephertiti marched straight to Sepheroughs chambers. They were scrambling through papers. Jarha stopped and said, “Neph, oh good you are here. I was afraid we were going to miss you.” Hesitant Nephertiti said, “Yes, me too.” “What is wrong? You do not sound like your self.” Jarha said. “You cannot find the book of time. It is dangerous. If you somehow find it no time will exist. All of the times will be merged together…” “No it would not. Its glory would be preserved and all of time would see it.” Sepherough persisted. Some priests walked in. “If you excuse us we have some work to do.” The priests were holding statues of different gods. Nephertiti yelled, “No!” Sepherough and Jarha turned around and looked at Nephertiti breathing hard and her clenched fists. “You can’t do this!” she cried out. “Neph, come one. You don’t understand.” Jarha said. Her face got red hot. She could not believe her brother and the man she loved would do this. “No you don’t understand. This is insane you cannot rid the world of time. It is structured. If it all were to fall apart, we could fall apart too.” “Just come with us to the summon ritual. You will see that it is good.” Sepherough said. Nephertiti tried to calm herself down. She took a deep breath and said, “Fine.” They all went to the chariots and started to ride in the depths of the desert. They arrived at the temple of Ptah. She always loved this temple it was so beautiful. Now it did not seem so beautiful. It was dark and gloomy shadows seemed to pass over it.Getting out of the chariot Jarha took her hand. She held his hand as the walked in the temple. They had several people behind them. They were Sepheroughs followers. They lit torches and walked down the long stairs. She followed hoping this soon would be over. They all arrived in the bottom. There was an alter placed in the middle of the room with all kinds of gold, jewels, and treasure. “Everyone form a circle and take hands.” Sepherough commanded. They formed in a circle around Sepherough and took hands. Nephertiti held Jarhas hand and someone she never seen before. “Repeat after me.” Then Sepherough said. Suddenly, she got this pounding headache. She dropped her hands and fell. Nephertiti saw lightnings, thunders, earthquakes, men, women, and children running all around crying. She felt their pain. Land arose from underneath the ground. The sky was dark with light trying to leak out. In the middle of all of the ciaos Sepherough was laughing. “No!” Nephertiti wailed. She opened her eyes and saw Jarhas face. She realized that she was in his arms. She saw his concerned face. She wanted to stay there forever. But she knew she couldn’t. She quickly stood up. “You must stop this. It will be chaos.” She pleaded. “No.” Sepherough said as he folded his arms. Nephertiti backed away and marched towards the alter. She found a sword. Some guards ran towards her. One swiped swords with her then the other one came to her from behind and cut her arm. “That is enough.” Sepherough ordered. He looked down at his arm and a cut appeared. He felt the cut and looked at Nephertiti. Nephertiti rubbed her wound and saw Sepherough holding the same wound. Nephertiti fell through all of these colors then she landed on satin pillows. She saw Aseti in the midst of all of these Jewels and in front of several mirrors. These mirrors displayed all of these images of several Egyptian people. Nephertiti sat up and said, “What is going on?” “Nephertiti I need to know if you are on the right side. If you are willing to do what ever it takes to stop your brother.” Aseti said. Nephertiti could not believe she had to make this kind of choice. She remembered what her father told her about making sure her brother was doing the right thing. She knew he wanted her to always do whatever it took to protect Egypt. “Yes, Aseti I am with you to the end. We must stop them.” She affirmed. She gazed at the mirrors and saw an image of an oddly familiar girl. This girl was wearing very strange clothes. Something odd was covering her eyes. As Nephertiti stared at this image she wondered if her life would ever be the same again. |