Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1012036-Blackwood
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1012036
Two travellors seek refuge beneath the thick forest canopy.
The dark forest stretched as far as the eye could see, a vast canopy covered its roof. The moonlight barely penetrated through the thick branches, vines intertwined themselves about the trunks of trees and lazily swam about the forest floor. The piercing cry of a nearby owl echoed through forest then faded into silence leaving only the still, quiet night to fill the void. Small critters bravely risked being caught by predatory eyes as they scuttled about stockpiling food for their offspring. A fire penetrated through the thick night, it’s fierce glow illuminating the forest for miles in every direction.
Two travellers sat wearily by the fire, one threw a log on top and a shower of sparks rose to meet the canopy, the trees seemed to sway away from the deadly sparks fearing the intensity of the fire. The sharp snap of a branch broke through the silence of the night. The travellers sprang to their feet and grabbed their weapons, the man fingered his sword as his trained eyes scanned the surrounding thickets for signs of movement. Looking over his shoulder he whispered to his companion, "do you see anything?”
"No, what do you think it was Jared," she replied.
"I don't know," he replied sheathing his sword, "probably just a pig." He turned back to the fire and sat down. The woman moved to his side and sat down next to him. "Can you set a ward for this camp Illana?"
"Yes, though this forests energy seem to be drawn by another force. I could create one but would be weak and serve as a beacon for all who search for us."
"I feared as much, we'll just have stand guard for the night." He clutched his sword and moved to a nearby tree, "I'll take watch, you need sleep."
She looked up him lovingly then gathered some furs about her and tried to fall asleep. No sooner had she closed her eyes when a grotesque looking creature burst from a nearby bush, its gnarled hands clutching a crudely shaped axe, a long and sinuous snout punctuated its face then parted to reveal rows of razor sharp teeth that glistened in the fire light, small predatory eyes glowed with hunger and it lunged toward Jared. He braced himself for battle. The sword shot from its sheath, the empty scabbard tossed aside. Jared‘s eyes narrowed and he lunge forward swinging the sword in a deadly curve at the creatures torso as he did.. The blade connected savagely with the creatures arm. Half cutting, half ripping the arm free from the socket in a gruesome spurt of crimson. The goblin howled in rage as torrents of blood poured from the empty socket.
Illana tossed aside her blankets and reached for her longbow, levelling the arrow with the wounded goblins head she released the strings with a twang. The shaft sunk into the creatures eye. Mangled chunks of skull mixed with brains flew from the newly gouged hole in the creatures head. It fell to the ground quivering and its legs twitched before succumbing to its grizzly death.
Two more creatures came charging from the bushes, followed by a third carrying a twisted staff with a crystal wrapped tightly around its peak. The first two creatures descended upon Jared slashing maniacally with their crude weapons in one hand and deadly claws on the other. Dodging the frantic attacks he moved to counter the onslaught.
The third goblin gazed at Illana with puzzlement then its face sparked with astonishment. Raising the staff in the air it began to shout in a harsh guttural language, "Ig feradom mish DRATTA!" From the tip of the crystal on the staff a light began to emanate. Then two fireballs shot from the staff and careened towards Illana.
Jared's sword arced into the neck of one goblin, blood shot from the wound covering the blade with a thick crimson. The creature clawed at the steal shaft imbedded in its neck with one hand, the other frantically stabbed at Jared’s hip its sword digging into his leg. Letting out a strangled scream Jared yanked his sword free from the creatures neck; throwing his body sideways he narrowly avoided a thrust from the other creature. Turning, he lunged forward, his arm plunged the sword into the wounded creatures chest. Twisting the blade he gouged a whole in the creatures chest; the entrails to spewed onto the ground.
The remaining goblin threw itself at Jared, tangling its limbs about his. The weight of the creature and the savage intensity of the attack forced Jared to the ground; losing grip of his sword, it fell harmlessly to the ground. Disarmed he grabbed the creatures wrists preventing the claws from cutting him, the creature craned its neck and to snapped its razor jaws at his throat and shoulders.
Illana raised her hand; streams shot forth and connected with the two bolts of fire, extinguishing the flames. She reached out and grabbed two shafts from her quiver; loading them she fired at goblin shaman. The two shafts harmlessly bounced off an unseen shield. Cursing she tossed aside the bow; raising her hands she began to weave them in an intricate pattern, her eyes glazed over in deep concentration.
The goblin’s teeth sank into Jared’s shoulder; the sharp razors digging deep into the flesh. Pain lanced through Jared’s body; ignoring the fierce throbbing in his shoulder he forced his knee into the creatures back, the power of the impact stunned the creature. In the split second of relief Jared grabbed the creature and slammed it against a nearby trunk, the impact immobilizing it.
Illana raised her head, dark flames burned intensely in her eyes, the flames gently licking her brows. Thrusting her arm forward a dark bolt sprang forth shooting towards the shaman. The dark flames enshrouded the creatures body and raged around its flesh. When they died away the shaman was unscathed, it lowered the staff level with Illana’s chest; flames burst from the tip. She lifted her hand and faced the palm out; the air before her began to crackle with energy as it solidified. The flame splashed onto the invisible wall the rage of the fire enveloping her senses. The angry roar of the flames pounded through her head forcing her to one knee, then as quickly as they came they dissipated and she regained her composure. A look of annoyance played across the creatures face but was quickly replaced with a deviant smile. Raising its staff the goblin slammed it down onto the ground. The earth began to rumble and shake. Thick shards of rock burst from the ground followed a cloud of dirt which rose towards the dark forest canopy. A small crack circled the staff, then slowly spread across the ground Illana's direction.
Jared limped over to the creatures stunned form against the tree. Raising his booted foot he slammed it down onto the creatures skull. The impact knocked the creature unconscious. Jared knelt before then raised his thick calloused hands and gripped his battle worn fingers about the creatures head; with one quick jerk he snapped the creatures neck and let it fall lifelessly to the ground.
The crack moved towards Illana, then circled her. The cracks opened to fissures then fell to crevasses. A dull light glowed from deep within the ground. The creature twisted its features grotesquely into a vile grin, raising its staff it slammed the ground repeatedly, each strike widened the gap and made the earth violently shake in protest. Illana losing her footing fell to the ground.
Jared, noticing the danger Illana faced grabbed his sword and charged at the creature. The shaman lost deep in concentration failed to see the attack. Jared’s sword cleaved through the shamans neck with ease. A jetty of crimson spurt from the decapitated corpse in rhythm with the heart as it fell to its knees. The lifeless hands let the staff fall; it landed in a pool of the creatures blood and began to emanate a faint glow from within the ebony shaft.
Thick, agonizing screams wailed from deep gouges in the forest floor. From the ground tortured hands reached; desperately grabbing anything they could get a grip on. A hand grabbed Illana’s ankle and began to pull her towards the pit. Letting out a violent scream she kicked at the hand wildly with her free leg. another hand joined the first, a second rose to subdue the wild kicking of her free leg.
Jared reached for his darts; taking aim at the hands clasping her legs. He sent two darts racing from his deadly hands; followed by a third. Each dart hit its target and the hands weakened then let go. Two more hands reached from the abyss to take the place of every stricken one. The thick, sinewy fingers wrapped tightly about Illana’s legs slowly pulling into the depths of the hellish pit. She let out an agonized scream then hands closed about her throat. She stared in mute horror as the hands grabbed every inch of her body and forced her towards the fire in the ground.
"ILLANA!" Jared screamed in anguish falling to his knees sobbing violently, "I've failed you my love," he muttered in defeat.
The sound of a foot crushed heavily into the earth behind him. He rolled onto his back to gain sight of the source. A horrific, demonic figure stood before him, its bloodied flesh cloaked in a gentle rolling flame. Two twisted horns protruded from the head, its feet were shaped like eagles talons and clawed deep gouges into the soft underbrush, thick muscles rippled beneath its blood stained skin, the clawed hands clenched into fists and violent flames burst around them, radiating power. Raising one arm, it face parted in a friendly smile, then it thrust the arm into Jared’s chest the fist crunching bones as it passed through the flesh. Flames cauterized the flesh as they seared through the body. Jared’s back erupted as the fist burst from it spewing boiling blood into the air. Chunks of flesh ricocheted off nearby trees sending crimson smears oozing down the trunk.
Jared’s eyes bulged in surprise. The demon its arm with Jared's body impaled on it. In disgust the demon raised its other arm and forced Jared‘s broken body from its arm. Hands lunged for his carcass and hungrily ripped at his flesh, tearing chunks away.
Throwing back its head, the Demon began to laugh. Then slowly demons form began to fade and the laugh slowly faded with it.
The ground moved back on itself closing the gap. Small scavengers ran from nearby hiding places and began to pick at the carcasses of the goblins. Thick vines swam along the forest floor, wrapping their thick tendrils amongst the mangled forms. An owl swooped from a nearby branch and grasped a lone scavenger in its steely talons. The frightened creatures death cry echoed through the forests then was lost to the night. From over the tree tops to the east a light penetrated the calm night as the sun slowly began its ascent over the horizon.

© Copyright 2005 Jacob Strong (spirouac at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1012036-Blackwood