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Rated: 13+ · Article · Political · #1012007
Liberal suppression through social Programs
Liberals Pay for Votes with Welfare

I always get mildly amused when I hear the Senator Ted Kennedy refer to the plight of the poor, the minorities and the disabled Americans. He rants and raves how his Party has strived for at least sixty years to better these sectors of our society.
Why am I amused?
Well, this man has never had a poor moment in his life. Financially anyway.
Yes, I feel very sorry for him. For a man that has lived in excess and luxury his whole life, it doesn’t really seem like he can talk for Americas Poor, Black, Hispanic, and disabled community.
Yes, he does read, I am sure lots of reports, and studies concerning all of these matters. That’s great, but when you are heir to generation wealth, you have really no idea of self reliance, and how depending on oneself and working to obtain a goal, once you reach it, it is yours and yours alone. You own it and the pride of ownership. You may not become rich in the monetary sense but you don’t take charity, because charity isn’t needed. You know you can do it on your own, one it feels great.
There is an opposite effect when you are not encouraged to achieve on your own. When one is told they can’t do it on their own. When they are told they can’t achieve because there are obstacles that are sure to stop them. That is exactly what the Liberal Left is telling our Americans that live in Poverty.
Every time they stand up in front of the poor, and say they are bringing more programs to help them to eat and pay their bills and feed their families, when they say that conservatives don’t care, they want to take your “programs away, “What would you do”?
In saying these things ,Liberals are actually conveying a very different message. Their message is one of dependency on the government, not at all having faith in the people they swear they are standing by and fighting for. It is such a shame that they mask there message in a package labeled “compassion”, but when that package it opened up , it causes mayhem, that gives this section of the country more ammunition to fire off with, and at the same time, they get the votes from the majority of this section of society. Not because they believe in everything, or most everything these individual spout, but because they really believe in the dependency that they have become accustomed to. I do talk of what I know.
My husband since we were married , his trait, a Contractor, he made a good living, but we did not have health insurance. He, after 8 years of marriage, suddenly needed a major medical procedure. He had to have a full hip replacement at twenty eight years old. We had two small children, and I was a stay at home mom. Our world suddenly stopped; we didn’t know where to turn. At the time we lived in California.
We were very happy to find out that my husband could draw from his social security disabilities benefits. I t wasn’t much, but we tightened our belts and we got through. My husband had surgery and contracted an infection, so six months later he was back on the operating table, doing it again. After physical therapy, he knew he was not able to resume in the building traits, he had to retrain.
The state of California had deemed him 100% disabled. That means that you are not ever expected, by the state of California to ever have gainful employment. Basically, California says that they will pay you money for the rest of your lives. After his benefits were issued, he never was told that his benefits would ever run out.
After 4 years my husband returned to the job market. Shortly after getting hired we contacted the Social Security office, as we were directed about any change. Two weeks later, in our mailbox we received a letter from the Social Security Administatration informing us that they had determined that my husband was able to return to work.
We laughed. Why did we laugh? Well they only determined that he was able to return to work when he actually went to work. We know that if he would have never sought employment, he would not in the least have been encouraged to do so. That is the system.
As my husband and I look back on this period in our lives, we so much understand the dependency that is embedded in our Social Services System.
I am sure that at the conception of all Social Programs, the plan was different than the ultimate outcome. It is a locomotive out of control. The “Social System has for many decades been a big Political Toy. Bantered around as if you were at an auction.
The Democratic Party has monopolized. Monopolized, capitalized, and cashed in. The party incessantly insists that they are the Party that is more compassionate toward the poor and minorities. And how they convey their message to prove this point is how?
Well our Party will give you more programs and more money and you don’t have to do a thing to get they benefits. Well hey, you give anyone free money their whole lives, they become dependent on you.
I have children and I know very well how this concept works. You give a child a toy just for going to the store with you, after a while that child expects a toy, and then that child expects more and more things. Why not, that child didn’t have to work or obtain a goal to receive his or her toy. Why shouldn’t he expect it all the time?
I am not at all saying that the responsibility is that of the child, no not at all. I am saying that Parent will have to do some constructive parenting to teach that child that you don’t get something for nothing. It is hard work, but after the Parent does accomplish this task they see the pride the child has in there efforts to strive to reach a goal to receive their prize for their accomplishments. As Parents we are so happy that we saw the error in our ways. And that our child will benefit from this profound lesson for the rest of their lives. The community with benefit,
As American Parents we understand this concept. And many Americans understand this concept when it comes to the Welfare system in this country. But when you have a Party, like the Democrats, that want to keep a sector of society dependent on their Parents, (the government), it is very hard to convey this message. The programs are they, you don't snatch them away. You let the receivers know they are viable contributors to this society. Empowering the powerless to take control of their lives. Being able to do anything they want with their lives, the sky would be the limit, they control their futures. Not depending on a check the government will put in their mailbox every month.
The Liberals need this voting block. They perpetuate their lie of wanting to help poverty while they promote legislation that keeps people in poverty.
Now the reasons that the Democratic party prey on this sector of society is highly debated. What are the motives of the Party to hold back a sector of society? Why don’t they want the poor to be self reliant? Why wouldn’t they want to wean these government dependent families? We only need programs that will ultimately eliminate programs. Not programs that begat more programs that see no end in sight. Could it be that the Liberal Party does not have faith in Americans caught in the vicious cycle of American Poverty, of which Americans of all classes have helped perpetuate?
We as Americans are so afraid that we will be called insensitive or snobbish. No, not at all. What parent loves his child that does not teach him how to care for his self? So he may be prepared when he enters the real world. We start when they are very small, when we let those little hands go to take the first steps. To when we help them get their drivers license. We help them, we don’t want them dependent. That is a selfish action, dependency. We want independent children that can contribute in a very positive way to our community.
I can’t help but think what would happen if the poor and minorities stopped believing the lies of the liberals. In fact the Democratic Party would lose more than half of their voters. This is a sad state. A sad partnership that only is one-sided. Only the Democrats benefit from this union. They further their political agenda, and in many cases receive a platform to spout more of their hate – agenda... I call it hate agenda because of their technique.
Come out and say they love the poor and the minorities; they want and will fight for more equality and more programs. In doing this they know they are being divisive, and they welcome it.
If they keep the divide open between Americans they keep their voting block. Sounds crazy? This subject is so volatile only because conservative America has been painted by the liberal left as insensitive to social issues. That is a lie that has been getting plenty of airtime since airtime has been available.
Lies are a funny thing, if they are told enough times; the teller begins to believe them. And if the teller believes his lie, he can effectively sell this lie to others
I truly believe that a Parent that loves their child wants to grow that child up to be independent. I really can’t say what the motives of a Parent to make a child totally dependent upon that Parent.
In the same way I wonder why a Political Party of this Country would want to keep a very vulnerable section of our society dependent on their government.
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