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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1011622
The story of unforbidden love continues...
*Heart*Unforbidden Love Part 4 *Heart*

Katherine Millington heard as Marie’s body fell to the ground and turned around on her toes. She was surprised when she saw that Marie was lying out cold on the floor.
Katherine Millington walked up to the girl and knelt by her. She shook her and demanded that she wake up.
"Mrs. Millington would you like me to go call for help?" asked Ms. Anderson.
"Yes, it looks like this girl is actually sick. I thought she was just doing this to get some attention" said Katherine in a calm tone. Ms. Anderson ran to the telephone and called an ambulance. Within minutes the the blarings of sirens could be heard as it drove up the long driveway. The ambulance arrived and whisked Marie off to the nearby hospital. Ms. Anderson stood outside waiting as the ambulance disappeared into the dark and down the street. That night doctors had discovered that Marie's appendix had burst and they had to operate on her to drain the infection out. Doctors questioned themselves of how a young woman her age had survived the infection and the pain.
The following morning Marie opened her eyes. Everything was blurry at first but then it slowly began to clear up. Marie saw her parents there by her bedside. Her father had fallen asleep on the chair and her mother looked like she was sleeping peacefully while laying her head at the foot of the bed. Her mother felt Marie move and raised her head and found that her daughter had awoken.
"Marie?" said Ramona, "Are you awake?"

"Yes mom," answered Marie.

"The doctors thought you weren't going to make it and we were so worried for you. We came the moment we heard," said her mother and then took her hand and caressed it.
"I'm okay mom" said Marie in a weak voice and then her father woke up from his deep slumber. She could tell that he had been awake all night with worry. There were dark circles under his eyes just as her mother's.
He got out of his chair and walked to Marie's bedside.
"Pumpkin, I'm so glad you woke up. How are you feeling?" as he smiled down at her.
"I'm feeling fine. It just hurts a lot that's all" said Marie and then she fell asleep again.
Having Marie fallen asleep, her parents then left feeling better that their daughter would live after all...

That Saturday morning when Marie opened her eyes again, she saw William at her side. She had wished she could jump out of bed and give him a big hug.
William was there with a teddy bear and some flowers.
"Hello beautiful. These are for you. I hope you are feeling better" and he then leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. The nurse came in to check her and went to get a vase to put the flowers in.
“I missed you so much”, he said and then he continued, “When I heard that you were in the hospital I got really worried, they told me you were really sick. When you opened your eyes I was so relieved. I really missed you a lot beautiful” and he put the teddy bear on the table at the foot of her bed.
“I missed you too”, she said with a smile.
She was so happy to see William. She had been dreading all those school days without William and they couldn’t call each other either. There were strict rules at the school that phone calls were only for emergencies. She didn’t care about that now. William had come to see here and she was so full with glee.
William stayed and they talked until it was time for him to leave.
A week later Marie came back to school. Everybody was looking at her in astonishment because they had all thought that she would die. The entire school had heard how sick Marie had been at the hospital.
When Marie came to the foyer and was ready to go upstairs to her room, no one offered to help her up the stairs. The girls would look at Marie and just walk by. None of the other girls offered to help her up the stairs. The only ones to help her were Anne and Cordelia. The two of them stood at each side and helped her up the stairs as other girls looked on. Marie, Anne and Cordelia patiently climbed up the stairs, patiently, one-at-a-time.
Just then Carah was walking by and spoke in a loud clear voice as if to make sure that everyone heard her, “What are you going to fake next? A heart attack?” and then she and Alexandra laughed.
“I wasn’t faking it. I have been sick in the hospital and I wasn’t able to come back until now”, responded Marie and then she went back up the stairs.
Marie was tired of putting up with Carah’s antics. Marie for the first time couldn’t wait to finish with school so she wouldn’t have to put up with Carah anymore.
“You little devil! How dare you talk back and turn away from me! Didn’t you learn any manners in Etiquette and Elocution class?”, said Carah and she stormed off with Alexandra.
The following day Marie was summoned again to Mrs. Millington’s office. Marie was so tired of going to Mrs. Millington’s office and getting a punishment every time. Marie had begun to wish she was in Carah's shoes. Being the daughter of the owner of the academy sure had its benefits. Marie arrived at the door and gently knocked on it.
“Come in” said Mrs. Millington and she sure sounded infuriated. Mrs. Millington looked up and saw Marie. She was so mad she could be blowing steam out her ears any moment.
“Marie I was told that you disrespected my daughter Carah. You know that disrespect is not tolerated at this Academy. Haven’t you been learning anything at this school? It seems that I am going to have to give you a punishment once more. You will help the cook wash the dishes and you will start eating your breakfasts, lunches, and dinners in the kitchen. When I feel that you have learned your manners, you will join us in the dining hall again. I’m sure all the halls can use another mopping again. Don’t you think so? Your privileges to town will be cut off too," said Mrs. Millington as she continued to write. She then said, “That is all, you are excused”.
Marie couldn’t believe it. She had been back at school for only a week and she was already being punished for saying the truth. Marie felt frustrated. She was tired of being punished for the most minor details.
Marie went to write another letter to William to explain that they would have to postpone their outing to town. In response, William was frustrated and he expressed his anger towards Mrs. Millington.

Fall had just arrived and the leaves were beginning to fall. Marie had just finished her dinner and had begun to wash the school dishes.
Marie opened the taps and nearly burned herself with the hot water and then she put soap on the sponge and began to wash. While, she was washing the dishes, she could see all the beautiful colors of the leaves. some were red and others were orange. How she wished she could go out and play amongst the leaves with William.

Time went by and Fall turned into Winter. Marie's hands had become very chapped and they had lost the smoothness they once hand. All she wanted to do was just study and enjoy the outside weather. When Marie was done washing the dishes, Mrs. Millington came and told her that her punishment was complete. At the sound of those words, Marie felt all the strain leave her body in one long exhale.
Christmas was just around the corner and on one of their outings William invited Marie to go skiing at his mountain home after Christmas. Marie was delighted and she accepted. Cordelia, Anne, and their boyfriends were invited too.

When Marie went to the house up in the mountains, she noticed that the house they were going to stay at was not just a house but a mansion.
The six of them did a lot of skiing and at night they would eat dinner and then watch a movie with hot chocolate and marshmellows by the fire. It was then that William's hand started to wonder and found Marie's hand. Their hands would play together and they would hardly pay attention at the movie. Anne and her boyfriend then excused themselves and went out for a walk in the snow under the crystal clear night. Cordelia and her boyfriend had fallen into a deep sleep on the other couch.
William's right hand let go of Marie's hand and slowly moved it up her arm. Marie could feel a tingling sensation go up her spine.
William then moved closer to her and put his arm around her. Marie lay her head on his shoulder. She had never in her life felt so secure. She felt safe and far away from Mrs. Millington and Carah.
Then William took his left hand and lifted Marie's head up and kissed her on the lips. Marie began to feel hot. She didn't know where these hidden feelings were coming from but they sure made her feel very overwhelmed.
Marie could feel her tongue responding to William's and his hands began to caress her back. Marie could feel that his hands were becoming dangerously delicious. William continued to kiss her as they both moaned. Marie's hands started to go about William's chest. She noticed that for a guy he was pretty well built and muscular.
The two of them took off their sweaters and Marie could feel William's chest even better.
"Ohhh Marie, how I love you. I will always be next to you. I will never leave you. I will love you for as long as I live" said William as his hands came around Marie's waist.
Marie wrapped her arms around William's neck and kissed him even harder. "I love you too William. I will love you too forever" as she moaned through their kisses. Marie then felt William's hands drift up....


As William's hands started to drift up... they found Marie's breasts. William began to fondle them. He kneaded them with such gentility that he got a moan out of Marie.

"William, I love you very much but I think we need to stop." said Marie as she tried to cool down after an emotional roller coaster of caressing and kissing.
"Sorry, I understand if you want us to stop. Please forgive me if I frightened you in any way," said William with a look of concern in his face.
Willam and Marie got up, put on their coats and decided to go out for a walk in the snow. By the time they went outside, it had started to snow again. It was hard to believe that half a school year had gone by.
William and Marie sat on a log and there they looked as the snow came down. It was nothing but white splendor around them. The trees' braches were all white. They looked like white sculptures out of snow.
"It's so beautiful up here William", said Marie. She had never had a more wonderful vacation. She always wished she could have a white Christmas.
William and Marie got their coats and went out for a walk in the snow. The kissed and hugged each other. They even did snow angels in the snow. Then went back to the huge lodge and went to sleep. The following day, She had told William that it was so peaceful in the mountains. That the surroundings were so quiet and beautiful. Marie liked the idea that it was far away from civilization and away from people like Mrs. Millington.

The snow had melted once more and the flowers began to bloom once again. All the students had come back from their winter vacations. Everyone at the Millington Academy wasn't too enthusiastic at the idea of going back to a pile of school work.
Marie didin't mind going back to school but she dreaded the idea of facing Mrs. Millington for something else she didn't do.
Valentine's Day happened to fall on a Saturday and Marie couldn't wait to go out with William. Valenttine's Day had fallen on a Saturday and Marie had been so careful to not loose her outing privilidge on Valnetine's Day. How she wanted to spend the romantic day with William. She had even begun to count the days since she got back to school after her winter vacation.
After breakfast, Marie put on a dress with a beautiful pastel flowers and a cotton cardigan. There at the gates she saw her knight in shining armor, her William.
They went to the town's cafe and there they decided to share a banana split. Marie just loved banana splits anytime of the year. It could be freezing cold outside with a lot of snow outside and she still would eat a banana split.
William paid the waitress and they went for a walk out in the boardwalks. There was one that was Marie's favorite. There was a boardwalk in particular where one could walk out so far over the ocean on the boardwalk. She like this boardwalk because the seabreeze would blow in her face and she would feel as if though she were flying and soaring above the ocean.
Suddenly William told Marie to close her eyes. Marie didn't mind. She once more felt the warm breeze of the ocean as it brushed her face. She felt once more as if she were flying about the ocean. Then she felt William take her hand and told her to open her eyes.
There was William kneeling down on one knee with one hand in hers and the other holding a small dark blue velvet box. Inside the small box was a ring. William then asked Marie a question where she thought she would never be asked.
"Marie? Will you marry me? Will you stay with me forever?" asked William.
Marie could see that his deep blue eyes were full of hope. For a moment she remembered the first time she saw him in the garden beyond the white fence where they first met. They were still the familiar blue eyes that he had when he was a little boy.
Marie then noticed that William waited there patiently for her answer. She knew they were young but she never wanted to loose him. She did want to be with him forever.
Marie looked at her William with loving eyes and told him in a soft voice, "Yes, I will marry you" and then William put the magnificent diamond engagement ring on her finger. It was beautiful. It hand diamonds all around on the band and on top surrounded by more diamonds, in the shaped of a flower was another big diamond.
William had explained to Marie that it was a special engagement ring. It had once belonged to his great grandmother.
Marie did nothing but look at her ring. She thought it was the most beautiful thing she saw in her life. She then turned to William and gave him a big kiss. Passersby thought they were a cute young couple in love.
Back at the School Marie told Anne and Cordelia what had happened at the boardwalk and both her friends were very happy for her.
"I am so happy for you. Have you told your parents yet? When is the wedding going to be for?" asked Cordelia enthusiastically.
"Slow down Cordelia. They are still young. It might be a while before they marry" said Anne with a big smile.
Who is going to be your maid of honor?" asked Cordelia.
"Well, the both of you of course. You two are very special friends to me." said Marie
She and her friends had always gotten along and helped one another while they were at the academy. They also supported each other in everything.
That night Marie called her parents and told her the wonderful news.
"Oh sweetie already?," said her mother and her father was very happy for her too. They also thought that William and Marie were too young to get married. However David and Ramona Thompson that when one found true love they should take it. One would never know when that chance would come by again.
The following day David and Ramona told their co-workers the news about their daughter getting engaged.
William's parents were surprised at when William first told them that he found the love of his life. All that mattered to Arthur and Laura Hughes was their son's happiness.

Up in the highrise building of Millington Enterprises, John Millington decided to give the Thompsons a job overseas. He thought the Thompson family could use four years in Germany while Marie went to the University of Germany to get a degree with all expenses and vacations paid.
The Thompson family was really happy with the engagemnt of Marie to William and then the opportunity to go overseas. The Thompson family was really looking forward to their jobs and new life in Germany.

That early Summer, all of the academy students had graduated from the Millington Academy and the graduation ceremony had been a coed one. For the first time in a long time the boys and the girls could do something together. Some went into town to celebrate. Others went to their friends' mansions to celebrate, while other students left to study business abroad.
Marie told William that she would be out of the country for four years while she got a degree in international business.
International business had always interested her.
"Oh William, this such wonderful news but I have to leave next week for Germany. Promise me you will be a good boyfriend," she joked and they both laughed.
"I promise to be a good boyfriend" said William.
Then he continued, "You know that you are the only one for me Marie.
"I'm going to miss you so much Marie. I wish I could come along with you but father wants me to go to Harvard Business school and then begin to run the family business." said William with a slight tinge of regret.
"Don't worry darling, I'll be back before you know it." said Marie sadly, knowing she had to leave her boyfriend behind.
"I love you Marie Thompson" said William.
"I love you too William Hughes" said Marie and then they both hung up.

After the Thompsons arrived in Germany, their new house was beautiful. It was in the heart of Bonn. They were thinking about visiting the local museums and towns. They wanted to see the much admired Catheral in Koln. After a week of sightseeing, the Thompsons began their new job while Marie went to the University of Germany.

While abroad in Germany, Marie hadn't known that William had caught someone's eye...


While Marie was away in Germany, little did she know that William had caught someone's eye...

Carah was having lunch with Alexandra at Chez Jean-Paul. It was one of the most magnificent restaurants in all of Rhode Island.
The furniture was fit for a king. The chairs had an exquisite design of flowers in red and cream tones with gold-plated frames. The tablecloths underneath were white and one could tell that the table cloths were carefully washed, starched and ironed. Each table was adorned with a small vase which held pink roses at the center of the table and at dinner time a pair of candles were added to each side of the vase. The walls had a Versailles palace design with fleur de Lis designs and flowers. The floors were a unique parquet wood flooring which had been imported from France by the owner.
"Alexandra, I never thought it would happen to me but I am truly in love. He is charming, smart and his family has their business and they are of considerable means." said Carrah starry-eyed as if she were in an entire different world from her own.
"Oh Carah. I am so happy for you. It's so beautiful when one finds love. Specially when you feel it down deep that the other person might be the one." Then Alexandra out of curiosity asked Carah, "So who is it? Have you gone out with him yet?".
"Well" answered Carah and then she continued as she took a sip of wine that the waiter had just brought by, "I haven't gone out with him. I would certainly like to flirt with him a bit and see if he has the same interest."
In Germany Marie and Olga were in Switzerland walking in a town that lay just below The Alps. Marie just had to see it for herself. She had been told by Cordelia that it was one of the most beautiful places in the world.
"Oh Olga", exclaimed Marie, "Cordelia was right! The Alps are so beautiful! I never thought I would ever have a chance to come here. It's a bit cold though. Would you like to go get some hot chocolate?
"Sure" she said with a mild German accent, "in fact, that sounds like a very good idea. If I don't drink hot chocolate soon, I am going to turn blue soon" she said and the two friends laughed.
"I see that you are enjoying your visit to Switzerland very much" said Olga, and then she continued, "tomorrow we can go to Bern and then we can go back home." and Marie frowned. Marie didn't want to go back home to Germany. She wished she could stay for the rest of her life in Switzerland. Now she understood why Cordelia had said that it was the most beautiful country in the world.

Two Years Later...

William sat busily at his desk and he signed more papers. He was surprised at how quickly he had gotten used to the flow in the office. His parents had been so happy and proud when he graduated out of Harvard Business School earlier than all his other classmates.
The last couple years had been so tough on him since. How he longed to see her again. Marie had written that she only got one weekend per year available from her school work and so it didn't give her enough time to come out and see William in Rhode Island.
William had wanted to finish his work quickly so he could go home and relax before the annual Business and Entrepeneur's ball. It was to be held in the Hughe's palatial mansion next to the ocean. It was known as one of the biggest homes in all of Rhode Island. William knew that Carah Millington and her parents were going to be there and he wasn't to thrilled at the idea of running into them.
In Germany, Marie had stayed up until two in the morning to finish her thesis on the better improvement of interaction of international business. She couldn't wait to finish her thesis. When she will have finished she will have her masters then go back to Rhode Island, marry William and live happily ever after. Marie's room was a lot smaller compared to the room she had at her parent's house in Bonn.
Marie finally finished her thesis, rubbed her eyes and went to bed praying that her thesis would be successful. That night she dreamt that she had seen William next to the boardwalk that they walked to in their childhood days. He was there waiting for her.
At the party all the gentlemen were in their best white coat tuxedos and the women in the latest fashion of gowns. Among them flowed gowns by Versace, Dior, Patou, Carolina Herrera, and Chanel.
The whole party paused when the Millingtons entered the party. William didn't know what had happend but he felt an akward attraction towards Carrah. She had her hair up in the most graceful hairstyle along with a red gown which showed the exquisite and voluptuous curves of her body.
A few moments later Carah came out to the patio where the warm summer breeze from the ocean was blowing. Carah spotted William and thought he looked more handsome than ever.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't one of the hosts of the party. It's none other than Mr. William Hughes. It sure feels overwhelming in there doesn't it?" she asked as she took out a small silk fan from her red silk purse.
William was surprised to see Carah. He didn't know what it was but Carah's personality had sure changed since they were last in school.
"Yes, maybe we should of had that ball in the fall when it is a little more cooler. I'll make note of it to my father." he said and then he turned away from Carah to look out at the small smooth waves of the ocean.
"Have you always liked the ocean William?" asked Carah, wondering why he spent most of the evening outside.
"Yes, the ocean is my favorite place to be on my free days from work. I used to go out on our yacht with father and go swimming, fishing, snorkeling, and scuba diving. Sometimes when we have time we still do it." and this time he turned to look at the beautiful blonde who was standing next to him.
"Carah, would you like to go scuba diving next Saturday? Alexandra and her boyfriend are more than welcome." asked William.
"I would love to" and she smiled and shone the most beautiful smile William had ever seen in his life.
During their trip out to see, William had shared the most valuable information that she would use to her advantage to have William to herself.
It was on one of those awe-inspiring sunsets after dinner that Carah found William once more staring at the ocean staring at the sunset.
"What are you doing all by yourself here?" asked Carah with a bit of concern for William. William had a very sad look on his face and he was miles and miles away from the place where he currently was.
"William? Are you alright?" Carah asked again and with the second time William shook him self and noticed that Carah was standing next to him.
"Oh Carah it's you. Sorry. I guess I was just feeling a little out of it. It's happened to me who knows how many times." and he tried to smile but just couldn't.
Carah was determined to find out so she could have her man. "Oh... if you don't mind my asking, Why?" and she patiently stood there waiting for his response.
"Ever since Marie went away to Germany I have been feeling so depressed and empty. It's like she has already made a life for herself in Germany. I wish she would just drop anything and come" and William put his head between his arms which he had crossed on the verandah of the yacht.
"Well, as you may know, I don't know her very well, but it is possible that she has already made her life there. She would have come home sooner if she truly loves you as you think. Afterall, Switzerland is right there next to Germany and she can always go there and work. In fact, I think she already found a job in Switzerland and has forgotten about you" and then Carah looked out at the sea too.
"I don't know anymore Carah, I think I am just too heartbroken to let her go and forget her. How will I get over my pain?" and then he started to softly cry in his arms.
Carah could not believe how much William loved Marie. She wanted to free him of the pain. William wiped his tears and continued to look towards the horizon of the sunset.
Carah then told William, "William, please, let me help you heal your wounds. Let me help you forget your pain. Let me be your new friend" and William turned around to the woman who had whispered those words of hope.
William then did what he would never do to Marie. He betrayed both her and his heart. He slowly leaned and kissed Carah on the lips. He was surprised at how soft her lips were. They were sweet as nectar to him.
His hands went around Carah as his kisses began to linger to her neck. She arched her neck to welcome his kisses. Her soft sleek hands came around his neck and they made a tingling sensation go down his back. Before long, his hands found the voluptuous and beautiful mounds on her chest. There they remained pleasing one another with feelings that they had locked up.

Two Years later....

Everyone in Rhode Island was happy for William and Carah. Their love had deeply grown and they had gotten engaged the year before. William had proposed to Carah on another trip out to the ocean.
The Thompsons were so proud of Marie that they went to Monaco, the Southern coast of Spain and to Gibraltar. They all needed a vacation.
Marie's thesis had been a success and she had gotten her masters. She was going to miss their Germany home. They would be flying directly home from Madrid.
They spent long lazy afternoons in the sun and going for walks in the small streets of Monaco. In Gibraltar they visited the stores and bought a few souvenirs.
The following day Marie was so tired from walking that she decided to sleep in while her parents decided to drive near the strait of Gibraltar.
A few hours later before Marie went out for a walk along the cliffs, she heard the phone ring. She picked up and the receptionist said that there was a call for her. For a minute he heart jumped a few beats thinking it was William. She had sent him a letter of where she was traveling to the address in his Boston penthouse but it had been returned because he had moved. She thought William had finally found her.
Instead on the other end of the phone line there was a voice which she didn't recognize and Marie gradually became anxious.
"Miss Marie Thompson? Yes?" said the voice at the other end of the line said that he was Dr. Philippe de Savoir.
"Yes, this is Ms. Marie Thompson. What would you like?" and she waited for the man's voice to speak....


On the other end of the phone line there was a voice which she didn't recognize and Marie gradually became anxious.
"Miss Marie Thompson? Yes?" said the voice at the other end of the line said that he was Dr. Philipe de Savoir.
"Yes, this is Ms. Marie Thompson. What would you like?" and she waited for the man's voice to speak....
"Good Afternoon Mademoiselle. I am calling from Saint Agathe's hospital" said Dr. de Savoir with a heavy French accent. He had paused for a minute and continued, "I am calling you because your parents have been admitted to our hospital"
At the sound of "your parents" and "hospital", Marie began to shake uncontrollably. In a worried voice, Marie found the courage to ask the doctor, "Are they alright? How badly hurt were they?" and she silently waited to hear the doctor's diagnosis.
"Mademoiselle, I'm afraid that it's not a matter of how badly hurt they were but they were instantly killed in the car accident" said the doctor and then he continued, "We will need you to come and identify them." and he waited for Marie's response.
Marie found out that she couldn't utter a single word from lips. She was grief-striken with the idea that her parents had died.
What will she do now? Where will she go? Who will she depend on? Who will now be her crying shoulder?
After what seemed ages and finally stopped crying. Marie told Dr. de Savoir that she would be coming down to the hospital.
Marie took a cab and gave the cab driver the address of the hospital. When they arrived, she paid the cab driver and entered through the main door of the hospital. At the front desk she asked for directions to the morgue. It was a good thing that she has been learned French at the Millington Academy or else she knew she would be in a worse panicking state.
The only thing Marie could hear as she walked down the hallways and passed bustling doctors and nurses was the increasingly louder beats of her heart. She felt that the pacing of her heart was gradually beginning to beat faster.
In the morgue, she was lead into a very cold room with two gurneys and two bodies lay on them.
The morgue assistant uncovered both their faces.
The assistant yes asked "Can you identify these people mademoiselle?" and Marie responded, "Yes, they are my father and mother". With that phrase, Marie felt the room spin around, her vision blurred out and passed out cold on the morgue's floor.
Marie didn't even hear the assistant call out for her.
A few hours later Marie woke up in a room. When she looked outside she was expecting to see gray clouds and rain outside. Instead what she saw was the sun shining brightly and birds twittering about the hospital gardens.
Marie sat up and then remembered shey she was there. She was all alone in the world. Her parents were dead. When she suddenly remembered what had happened grief and depression overcame her once more.
One of the nurses walking by saw that she had gotten up and came in.
"Are you alright mademoiselle? Would you like me to call you a taxi?" said the friendly nurse with her sweet and charming French.
"I'm alright. It's just a matter of time. Please if it's not too much trouble could you call a taxi?" as Marie got up and started to walk around.
Back at the hotel Marie asked the concierge to put her in another room. She just couldn't bare the sight of the room where she heard the dreadful news of her parents. She decided to donate her parent's clothes to the local charity and decided to stay a few more days in the hotel to get over the blow.

Back in Rhode Island, William and Carah were in a dinner party and formally announcing their engagement to the newspapers.
"I love you Carah" said William, and then he gave her a tender loving kiss on her sweet rosy lips.
Afterwards they went into the ballroom and went before other members of society and newspapers to announce their engagement.
"Ladies and gentleman, I am more than honored to announce that I have proposed to this lovely lady next to me, whom you all know as Carah. She has consented to marrying me a little over a year ago. We will be getting married in two weeks. So let us lift our champagne glasses and cheer to love and marriage." They all repeated after William and was immediately followed by clinking of glasses all over the ballroom.


"Oh look at you Carah! You look so pretty. You are definitely radiant!" exclaimed Alexandra. Alexandra had gotten married the previous year to one of the most wealthies and most powerful Venture Capitalists in the country.
"Thanks Alexandra. I am so happy to have such a wonderful best friend like you as a maid of honor." said Carah and she softly giggled with nervousness.

Meanwhile, at the airport, Marie's airplane had just landed. She was so tired. She just wanted to go home, lie down and forget about the world.
She got off the airplane and went to pick up her luggage. There were so many people in the baggage claim that it took her almost half an hour to get to her carousel.
Outside, Marie felt that she could breathe fresh air and hailed a cab. She gave the cab driver the new address to her condo that she had bought while she was in Europe. She had gotten most of the furniture off the internet and her cleaning lady had helped her adjust and unpack her things and furniture.
She had just taken her purse out of her carry-on when she saw the front pages of several newspapers with the wedding photo of William with none other than Carah at his side. She told the cab to wait for a minute and she quickly bought some of the papers. One read "Wealthiest buisiness mogul marries". Another read "William Hughes marries Carah Millington". Marie got another paper where the headlines read "William Hughes and Carah Millington to be married" and underneath it told a brief summary of how they met and where they were going to get married and at what time.
Marie then told the cab driver to go to St. Peter's Cathedral. When they got there Marie got out of the car and entered it. There she saw William and Carah leaving the altar and their vows had been said. When Marie saw them, she fainted.
"Marie? Marie can you hear me?" said a voice and then she mumbled "William, I thought you would wait for me" and she closed her eyes again but drifted back to consciousness and discovered that Cordelia and Anne were at her side.
"Marie? Are you alright? You don't look so good. You look pale" said Anne with concern.
"I'll be alright now" Marie then remembered and said "I must of had quite a nightmare... I thought I saw William having just gotten married to Carah" and she took a sip of hot tea that Cordelia brought for her.
Anne and Cordelia shared looks and Anne decided to tell Marie. "Marie, it wasn't a nightmare. William is actually married to Carah. We saw you off to the side when you fainted." and Anne waited for Marie's reaction.
"No. It can't be. He promised me... No! It's not true!! No!!" and she cried profusely until no more tears could come out.

After what seemed like hours of talking with people, dancing, and eating, William and Carah were finally at their house on a private island off of the coast of the U.S. Virgin Islands.
"Carah, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. It's like I dreamed you into reality." said William with a loving look on his face.
"William were my wish and you came true" said Carah and then they were both locked in an embrace as they sailed off the shore of the private island in their yacht. It had been a gift from both his and her parents.
Before entering their stateroom, William took Carah and carried her over the threshold.
Once inside, William unbottoned Carah's cream-colored sun dress and then it fell onto the floor. Underneath he found the most perfect and beautiful skin he had never seen before.
In minutes, the rest of Carah's underwear fell to the ground. William took off his clothes and carried Carah to their bed. There he caressed and touched her in ways he never imagined. William's kisses found their way to Carah's rosy nipples on beautiful white chocolate mounds.
Their arousal was coming closer and closer and they intimately shared their desires for one another.
"Carah, the first time is going to hurt but I promise you, I won't hurt you anymore after the this time." and he positioned himself on top ofher. He slowly began to move in and noticed that she was very tight. His face showed the concern of causing her pain on something that should be pleasurable.
He went in all in one and he felt Carah flinch and moan with pain. He stopped and waited for her pain to subside as he began to fill her with kisses again and again.
When Carah felt better, he went in again. This time causing them the deepest of pleasures. William continued to thrust into Carah and they both moaned in pleasure until at last they found release in themselves. Then they slept for endless hours until the early hours of the tropical sun...

Thanks for being patient about my having to compress the chapters. There is more to come. Stay tuned! *Smile*
© Copyright 2005 Bioluv193 (bioluv193 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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