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This interlude happens between chapters 3 and 4. |
In a world where shape has no definition and where the physical is not permitted, two entities watch and wait. These two entities are known to very few as Watchers. They exist in spirit simply so that time will have no effect on them. They are here to watch. They are here to observe. In certain, rare cases, they leave their place and walk among men. They are protectors of the infinite. Though they exist in spirit only, they have grown so used to living bodies that, while in their realm, they mold their spiritual selves into a form similar to humans. The main difference in appearance of the Watchers and normal humans are the longer, slender, arms and legs. Both know of the duties placed before them and have been there since the beginning. God has his plan and commands the Watchers on protecting his kingdom until the time for the end arrives. While they wait, they discuss the coming battle. “But we must...” Eyoln began to argue his case once more to his companion. “Must what? We will wait for the command of the Most High. It is what we do.” Nolune interrupted his friend before this argument could start again. Eyoln had always been the most impatient and anxious of the two. Eyoln shifted his form to show his irritation. When he entered the physical world, he was most often a warrior whereas Nolune took the role of a wise teacher. After living as a warrior among humans, Eyoln has retained his impatience along with his courage. “I know that you still thirst for battle Eyoln. But the Father has given this one what he needs. We must let events work themselves out.” To reinforce the sense of honesty and compassion, Nolune laid his hand on Eyoln’s shoulder. More than anything else, the Watchers acted and felt like brothers to one another. “How can you place so much faith in one flawed man? After all that we have seen, you still believe him strong enough to handle the fate of a world? I don’t understand brother.” Nolune had been expecting that doubt would eventually find it’s way into the hearts of the Watchers. It is Satan’s way to turn brother against brother. Knowing the enemies tactics did not make countering them any easier or less painful. “All men are flawed. This one has had faith because life has been easy for him. But the Father believes him to be a leader of men. Lost souls will gravitate towards a true leader. We will learn of his true strength soon enough.” If Eyoln had been in human form, he would have begun to raise his voice ever so slightly. “And what happens to all of those souls when their leader fails? Do all those souls fall with this man because of his flaws? Does one man’s sin become a nation’s downfall?” “Even if it does, one Man’s death has already become their salvation. The Father would not lead his people to needless suffering. Be patient and you will see His way.” Seeing that Eyoln was about to start a new line of offense, Nolune quickly interjected. “I know that we have not seen great strength from him yet. But this man is the one that the Father has chosen to make the decision. That’s enough for me.” Eyoln looked at Nolune with sorrow in his eyes. “Do you really think that one single man, other than Christ himself, can change the world?” “He can not change anything by himself. No one can. But he can inspire others to help.” At this, Eyoln shook his head and focused his attention on the physical realm once more. He looked from one person to another that the Watcher’s knew would play a part in the coming act. He felt a human emotion for them all. Pity. None of them knew how much rested on their respective shoulders. But they would discover themselves soon enough. The prophecy for which the Watcher’s existed to protect was about to be fulfilled. It was time. |