Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1010561-A-Cherished-Letter
Rated: E · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1010561
A letter from someone in love...
My dearest love,

I love you like no other, now or to forever. You are my everything, my every smile that lights up my eyes, my every tear taht cuts across my face. I see only you. I see your smile in the sunrise, your skin in the landscape, your hair in the clouds, and your eyes in the stars.

My eyes want to kiss your face when I stand before you. I have no power over my eyes, they just want to kiss you. I flow toward you out of my eyes, a tremeor of heat passes around your shoulders, and I am there with you, all around you, your lips, your cheeks; I have no power over my eyes.

What, I wonder to myself in night's deepest, darkest, most haunting hours, is this magic you do, this spell that your quietly screaming eyes have cast over me? So that I cannot do one single thing or think one single thought without your smell tingling my nostrils, without the ghost of your taste playing across my lips, your touch stealing over my fingertips...

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and swear I feel you breathing softly at my side. But when I stir and open my eyes, you dissapear. And now, so many nights, I lie awake, eyes closed, perfectly still, just trying to suspend the illusion and embrace your sweet magic, whispering a little prayer that someday, somewhere, somehow... I won't have to pretend anymore.

My dearest, my one true love, never doubt this, never doubt me. If there is a wall to tear apart, I will do so with bleeding hands- for you. If there are mountains to climb, I will call your sweet song of a name from the summits. If there are oceans to cross, I will reach your shinging shores. This is my solemn promise and I have ceased caring what the world knows of us. Let them know! Because, I have learned that love isn't decent. Love is glourious and love is shameless.

Love always creates, it never destroys. There is a Japenese proverb that states: "He who travels a thousand miles for love, travels not but one." Because lovers don't finally meet somewhere, my sweet, sweet, darling, they are in each other all along.

They can tear away my life, my joys, and they can crush my dreams and even choke out my pride. But they can never take away my love. To forefit and fling away all former ties, hopes, schemes, and views; to violate all in my favor, every duty f society- this is a lover, and this is love. Nothing else matters. As long as I know that my love is returned, there "will be no white flag". I can weather this storm or any other...

To hold you in my arms against the sunset and to be with you forever- this is all I ever wanted so long as my life shall last... and this is what love really is after all: "This consecration, this curious uplifting, this sudden inexplicable joy, and this intollerable pain.

But rest well when night steals acrossus, my love, with dreams of sunlight, of glittering wine glasses, and soft kisses tinted with the lingering taste of cake, and a cool breeze playing in your hair. When all will see us in our moments of unshakeable glory and say: "They really DO love each other!" And then we will steal away into the setting sun- where there is no "I" or "You" only "Us".

And then, all promises will be fulfilled, all wounds healed, and all scars kissed. And we will bask in the rays of a love that has been tested, weighed, measured, and found more than worthy. This one... this one will last an eternity.

I Love You,
Always & Forever,

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