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Rated: E · Preface · Drama · #1010444
Rock'in life is script about kids who struggle in the music biz
Act 1 Scene 1

(A 3 person band is playing when curtains open 2 girls and a Guy. all seem happy to get their first song done)

(Song finishes)

Clover: (hoping of to a side table with a computer on it)
It’s great now we have to get known as a band I mean we are never going to be remember as someone working in a gas station or in a grocery store for the rest of our lives. I mean I want to amount to something…

Chris: (Still at Keyboard/piano) I think that getting our song known will be great but we want to be taken seriously at the same time. We don’t want to be just another band.

(Clover keeps looking at the computer)

Eve: (messing with her guitar) Yeah we want to be BIG no HUGE

Chris: First things first… Finding a gig

Clover: Looking away from computer) Fine how does this look? (Pointing at the computer) It says “ all bands come unite tonight downtown at the Main stage Talent Stage Where one lucky band might land a record deal 100’s of bands might not. But it could be your day to shine…
And theirs is just a address and a #

Eve: That sounds great

Chris: Yeah but one problem how do we get their?

(There’s a voice off stage of an older woman who is the Mother of Clover)

Cindy: (Mother of Clover): (Cindy Enters With a pile of Clothes folded nicely into her arms)
Here (handing Clover the Clothes) take these to your room

(Clover exits stage)

Chris: hey Miss Rogers how are you

Cindy: oh I could not be better thanks for asking, how are you eve

Eve: oh great we just finished our song you want to hear it

Cindy: oh heavens No I have heard you guys play all day today, Yesterday, the day before that and the month before That.

(Clover enters with hands empty)

Clover: Oh mom Speaking of Songs, Tonight they are having a contest downtown and the band that wins gets a record deal with Dave lane.

Cindy: (sounding like a protective mom) And who may I ask is this Dave Lane

Chris: oh He is the main record producer for the big record company down town umm… of Rubric Recording studios.

Eve: Yeah He hasn’t produced a big record in 6 years.

Clover: So mom can we go?

Cindy: I don’t know I mean I Can stay I still have to go to the store and stuff

Clover: This could be our big break

Cindy: sure I’ll go call Chris’ mom and Eves Mom

Clover: (giving her mom a big hug) Thank you so much

Cindy: Not so fast, in return tomorrow you are going to be washing dishes (as she walks off stage)

Clover: Fine

Chris: this so totally Great

Clover: If your parents let you guys go

Chris: Mine will because they have to go some place

Eve: Yeah, My Parents don’t really care

Clover: We Need to pack some stuff

Eve: What?

Chris: Probably a Contact Sheet with all of our numbers and a few copies of our demo

(Clover goes over to the table and picks up a bunch of CD cases and A 3 ring notebook with Paper and a pen in side and put it in to a bag)

Clover: I still think we need to practice a little more

(3 Band mates go over to there instruments and start the song)

Cindy: (Enters in the Middle of the song) Hey Guys (song comes to a stop)

Clover: Yes,mom (sounding Annoyed)

Cindy: Eve and Chris can go

BAND mates: Yes!

Clover: Thanks Again Mom

Cindy: Don’t thank me thank the dishes Oh yeah Be ready at 8.00

Eve: But it is 7:30

Cindy: well be Ouick about it then

(Cindy Exits the stage)

Chris: Ok, we need to pack up the Amps the keyboard the Mics and the Guitar
And We Don’t Want to Forget The Demos
Eve: Do you Guys think we have any chance in winning?

Chris: Not if we don’t Get our stuff Packed

Eve: How many Bands Do you think are going to be there? (Keep on Packing)

Clover: 100 maybe more (keep on Packing)

Chris: Well, We do write our own music

Clover: Ok I’m done

Chris: Me 2

Eve: Me 3

Clover: It is almost 8:00 now

(Cindy Walks In)

Cindy: Are You Guys ready? I am just going to Drop you all off I have got some earns to run.

Chris: Yeah, I think we are ready

Cindy: I can’t stay; I am just going to Drop you all off I have got some earns to run.

Clover: That’s fine let’s just hit the road

(Stage Goes Black while it gets changed into a Stage.

Act 1 Scene 2

(The stage gets set up into a stage with a Mic in the center and a guy Named Jeff as the Host)

Jeff: Thank You For Coming out tonight to the 3 annul Main Stage Event My name is Jeff and I am Your Host This evening And Here is our First band now

(The stage goes Black and then comes back)

Jeff: Now Please Give it up for our Very own band that lives right Here in L.A This will Be our last Contests of the Night so with that said Thank you all For Coming out to see our Show I hope you enjoyed it please come see us again Next year.

(Eve, Chris, and Clover Come out on Stage and pick up there preset Instruments)

Clover: (Speaking Into the Mic facing and talking to the audience) The name of this song is Fading Away

Chris: 1,2,3,4

(Music starts)

(Music Ends)

(All the Band Mates take a bow as a man walks out)

Dave (the recording Producer): (he walks over to the band and shakes All of there Hands)
I think we found a winner (talking to audience then focusing on the band)
You guy were great how would you all like to make a record with me?

ALL band members: YES!

Eve: Of course we want to

Chris: it is like a dream come true

Clover When can we Start?

Dave: I was Hoping Tomorrow

Chris: Tomorrow?

Clover: (talking to everybody) Don’t you think tomorrow is a little soon

Dave: Well, Yes We need to start as soon as possibly that way the record will be in stores for the holidays
Is that ok I mean I am sure I can always find another band

Eve: NO I mean no we will be there tomorrow

Dave: Good then here is my card (handing each of them a card) if you have any questions or concerns let me know. Good bye all (as he walks off stage)

Eve: YES! (Jumping up and down) we got the record deal

(Stage goes black as it turns in to an office with a desk a Jeff on one side and 3 chairs on the other)

Act 2 Scene 1

(Stage lights come back on and there sitting at a desk was Jeff and on the other side of the desk was 3 chairs)

(There is a knock)

Dave: Come in,(now looking up) Ah, Come and sit

(The 3 band mates come in)

Dave: Good Morning How Are you all this Morning

Clover: Good

Eve: Fine

Chris: (half asleep makes a noise of acknowledgment)

Dave: Now lets get down to business, First off I would like to say your song last night was ok not the best but it was just ok

Chris: (waking up) what do you mean “just ok”

Dave: Well, it sounds better now when I went…. (Cut off by Clover)

Clover: What do you mean, “sounds better now

Dave: well let me finish when I got here I was listening to your Demo and well it sounded like it ok it sounded like trash….

All Kids: Trash?

Dave: Yes well, I got my sound guys on it and now listen (pointing and a radio type thing with 3 head phone attached to it)

(The 3 kids pick up the headphones and placed them over there heads)

Clover: (after a few Seconds) That’s not my Voice!

Dave: Oh umm not exactly

Chris: There’s not suppose to be Drums

Eve: And there’s only Going to be ONE guitar!

Dave: Children Children Relaxes they are just a few adjustments nothing to be alarmed over I mean you all said you want a record deal, which really means you want Fame and Fortune And you ALL will Never go any where Sound like the trash on the DEMO, So here this is the Contract just sign here…

Eve: How can you be thinking of a contract when at the time no one is happy?

Dave: The way that record sounds right now is what is going to make money

Eve: Maybe we can find something we all like

Dave: I’m sorry but this is the way it HAS to be

Clover: Well, I think you can forget the record deal (tearing the contract)

Eve: (now talking to clover) Look, clover I know you are a little upset but this is how we will get to be big time stars.

Clover: Look Back Off I told you already I Want MY voice not a Edited Voice that someone made over night (she Exits The stage)

Chris: (talking to Jeff) Look I am sorry but I Quit too. Give our Band a call if one day you realize you can’t always get what you want. (Chris Exits Stage)

Dave: (Talking to eve) You don’t happen to sing play the guitar and the piano

(Eve just exits in Tears)

Dave: OK, bye don’t let the door hit you on the way out

(Stage goes Black and turns back in to the garage area again)

Act 2 Scene 2

(Stage lights come up to the same props as in Act 1 Scene 1)

(Chris and Clover are sitting in Chairs)

Clover: I’m so mad at eve right now

Chris: Why?

Clover: She knows I want MY voice on the record And she still wanted to do the record

Chris: I think she was not thinking clearly

(There is a knock)

Clover: Come in

(Eve walks through the door)

Clover: Yeah

Eve: Look I am sorry for everything I said I was just excited That someone in the world wanted to make us stars and I guess I just got my head full with thinking of the record instead of thinking about my best mates first and I am sorry

Clover: You think you can get off that easy

Eve: Well, I am very sorry (turns away about to walk off stage

Clover: (smiles) Because you just did

Eve: (Turns around towards Clover and smiles And gives her a hug) Thanks

Chris: Oh, just love Happy endings

Clover & Eve: Shut up

Chris: well I guess we now all have learned a lesson

Clover: Yeah well I guess we did

Eve: Sure did

Chris: One More Song?

Clover: What are you talking about? Try a million more

(All grin and Get up and go to there instruments)

Chris: 1,2,3,4

(Music starts)

(Music Stops)

Chris: I guess we showed “Dave Lane”

Eve: I guess we did

© Copyright 2005 Musickey7 (musickey7 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1010444-Rockin-Life