Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1010331-The-Day-I-Died
Rated: E · Fiction · Death · #1010331
Hello there. My name is Charles Manicarn. I'm dead.
Hello there. My name is Charles Manicarn.I lived in the city of New York. And currently I'm dead. But i used to be a rock star when I was alive. I was the lead singer of a huge band. The name of the band was "Followers of Death." We were a rock group. We were above the average band. I stood about 5 10. Black hair with blood red spots in it. I had black contacts to scare the kids! I had my trade mark tattoo of a heart with demons in it. For those who aren't smart enough that symbolizes my inner demons. Which there was a lot. I was the lead vocals and the bass guitar player of the band.
The lead guitar was named Jonathan Meadows. He was a little taller then me had brown hair. And he loved to do anything his body would allow him to do. Which you will find out that in the events that i will eventually tell you.
The drum player was named Bryan Hinkthrough. He could play any part for the drums possible. He had double bass drums and double everything else. He was rated best and fastest in the world. It's to bad what happened to him. He was a good friend. They all were. I'll tell you about the rest when they come into play in the following events which I am about to tell.
I was walking up the stage ramp on an awesome July evening. Getting ready to supply the music to the ones who really love it. And maybe get lucky with a groupie. Maybe two or more! I looked left the second before getting on stage and I saw the security holding back this group of people saying we are devil worshipers, and we are giving kids the wrong impression of life. Saying that we tell them that the world is nothing but rape, prostitution, death, and money. Although almost all of our song titles have atleast one of those words in it. Any way I'm on my way up and one of them through a rock with a piece of paper on it. I look at the paper and it said.
"Those who sing the song of the devil will perish." I just tossed it to the side and went on stage to perform. After the three hour concert I went to my bus with my four groupies. I always wanted to beat Gene Simmons' record of over 4,000 women. I was at 948 so I still had a long ways to go. So I had my way with the four young women. After that fun I drank some Jack D. When I received a phone call from my friend from junior high , Violet. She said that my mother back in New York was sick and i needed to come quickly. I told her i would but never did. I missed my mother's death.
But I did go back to N.Y. to see Violet. The beautiful women stood about 5'5". Her hair was blonde with red streaks in it. it came down just beneath her shoulders. Her eyes were a grayish blue. She was my first fan. back when we were just a garage band. She came to all of our concerts. She only missed the one concert because of a family emergency. Her grandmother was very ill and she didn't want to leave her in that state. Her grandmother lived though. Longer than I did at least. I think she still spends her time under the giant umbrella that she uses for shade.
After hearing that my mother died. I went back to New York. I cancelled many concerts and started a depression. Violet was the only one who kinda cheered me up. During the depression was when she and I got really close. She was the one who was with me when I didn't go to the parties with the guys. (The guys being the band.)
Jon came to me one day and asked when I was going to be ready for the band to start up again.
"You need to get your self back together man! We have to go back out there eventually to the fans. Do you remember the fans?" Jon asked. "Without them we would be nobodies right now. Did you Hear that? NOBODIES!!!!! We wanted to change the world and with the help of them. And we did. We made teenagers let go of anger instead of bottling it in. We pissed the parents off which of course is allways a good thing."
I sat there and thought about for about a millasecond and decided to go back out to the fans and have some more fun while I can. So for the next 4 months we write and record an albumn. The title of it was "In Those Who do Love Me."
There were 14 tracks on it. "The one who does love me" was the one I used Violet for ,and she was flattered. She even gave me a kiss for it. But then I also did something else. I asked if she would marry me. If she would bear my children and if she would let me love her for the rest of our lives.
"You're asking me to marry you? Of course I will!" She said with joy. For the next month we would be happy together we even picked a spot for the wedding. But apperently I did something wrong in a past life to get this... she broke up with me for someone else. Infact he used to be one of my friends from school.
The day she told me that she loved someone else my heart died. Though I still loved her I had to watch her love someone else. That is I guess when "In Those who love me" comes in. Some of the lyrics go like this (just so you'r not lost in here)
"Your flesh tears so easily, your bone snap so quickly where as mine stay intact in those who love me... the question is, does anyone love me?" That became my theme for along time. Although my heart was broken I had to keep going for the album. We promoted it, and went out on tour. It came out on the top five in the charts.
Every show there would be the group of people protesting. But I would just tell them to piss off and leave me alone. I didn't get any groupies though. I just didn't feel like it. After going platnum twice we finnished our tour and was back in the U.S. I bought myself another giant mansion.
One day Bryan came up to me and asked if I would like to go with him and Jon to this party. I told him that I would go but I wasn't going to sing that night. I ended up singing requests all night. I didn't drink cuz I elected myself as the driver. Bryan did his usual stunts jumping off of buildings, getting into fights, and other things that I'm not sure you want to know of.
One day I went to this resturant to have dinner. When I look over and see this woman that blew me away. She was so beautiful. I went over to her and asked if she wouldn't mind joining me to dinner.
"No, I wouldn't mind joining you. Infact I was wondering if I should go and ask you that but you beat me to it." She told me.
"Well what can I say I try my best to impress. Now what is your name for that would be wonderfull thing to know?"
"My name is Melisa. Now would be the point where I would ask for yours but I'm well aware of what it is Charles."
"You're a fan are you?!?
"No my sister is one of the leaders against your band. But I've listened to your lyrics and they are more than what she says. They are from the heart... the best place to get everything."
"Yeah well people say I don't have one. I agreed for awhile but now I just ignore them."
There was a saying that I always used. Its always darkest before dawn. I thought that this woman was my dawn. Milisa and I would keep in touch for the next few weeks going out for dinner and the talks we had were the best ones that I had in a long time. But I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. I was going to not say certain things that way if things blew up in my face like they usually do then I would be some what fine.
Well the feelings that I had for her just got stronger and stronger. We were talking everyday. But everyonce in awhile her sister and I would have words exchanged. Something along the lines of me being the spawn of the devil and she being a huge bizizatch. But that is besides the point. Melisa and I had fun and that was what mattered.
Well apparently I wasn't the only one who "liked" her cuz she was hit on by everyone including Bryan. But he was just joking around trying to get me angry. For some reason he thinks its funny when I'm angery. But there were some other people that would ask her to different small things. Like a movie or something like that. I really couldn't say anything though cuz I never really asked her out. But I really wanted to but we were never alone. And of course I wanted the two of us to be alone.
One day when I was just waking up I turned the television on. What was left of my heart was breaking apart. There had been a horrific accident on the highway. An eleven car pile up. There were only 3 survivors. Thirty-one were dead. One of them... was Melisa. I wasn't able to ever tell her how I felt, or say goodbye. But I had to carry on this time. I couldn't let myself go into another depression. But I did start to write. I would lock myself in my mansion and would just keep writing. Most of it would never be read, some would turn to songs, others I would post on websites.
Ever since the accident Melisa's sister blames me (how its my fault I have no idea) so she came to every concert and would be the leader of the group that heckled me! Some shows I couldn't finnish. I would walk off stage ready to burst with tears.

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