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Rated: E · Essay · Political · #1010120
Recent history leads to today
Leviathan: The Great American Benefactor
by Denny Wischoff

Looking through recent history, the United States Government, here to be known as Leviathan, has kept an immanent danger in
the collective face of the American People since Leviathan first instituted Federal Income Tax as a "temporary stop-gap" during

the Great Depression. Income Tax was to stop once the country was back on its feet.

The first Enemy Of The People, of course, was joblessness and ensuing hunger. By the time this threat was (for the most part)

beaten, however, Leviathan had gotten very used to that tasty, regular meal known as Federal Income Tax. It turned to the

world outside its own borders of find a new enticement for those Dollars it had promised to stop stealing.

Out of the deep, dark, long depressed central European country of Germany rose the National Socialist Party, with its funny

little Austrian leader, Adolph Hitler. Leviathan pointed at Der Fuhrer and told the American People, "See? You're paying for protection from THAT!" Leviathan managed to do so, however, without spending any of it's hard won Dollars by claiming to

be neutral while war and slaughter raged all over eastern Europe, engulfing most of its allies and terrorizing the remainder. It

wasn't until December 7th, 1941 that Leviathan felt the need to start actually "protecting" the people who feed it. Somehow the

attack on the home-front just couldn't be over-looked. Instead of facing west toward retaliation, however, Leviathan launched

it's attack toward the threat it had been rubbing in the collective face of the American People for so long--but that's another

subject entirely.

Once Hitler was defeated and Hiroshima and Nagasaki burned to the ground, Leviathan had to scramble a little for a new threat

to expose. Leviathan grows fatter and hungrier every day, but still needs to justify its appetite. It looked over it's allies from

WWII and spotted one sore spot. The USSR was a Communist country, and didn't agree with Leviathan's economic attitude.

The whole idea that a man should give only what he can and receive enough to fulfill his needs is abhorrent to Leviathan.

Leviathan knows only its own hunger and its capacity to seize that to which it has no right. And when the Soviet Socialists

started advancing throughout eastern Europe, Leviathan held up pictures of Lenin, from history, and Stalin, the current threat,

and told the American People, "See? You're paying for protection from THAT!" When interest in the Red Threat flagged,

Joseph McCarthy was sent in to institute and perpetuate the Red Scare (most people forgot later that Richard Nixon was one

of his most trusted and useful lieutenants).

When the Red Scare failed to keep the threat on the home-front interesting, Leviathan used Korea and Viet Nam as examples

of Creeping Communism to keep the threat alive. Meanwhile, Leviathan branched out--spread its tentacles. There was always

the millennia old conflict in the Meddle East to be sorted out. (the Six Day War between Israel and the Moslems was just the

opening act for what the American People live with today.) Leviathan saw the advantage it could gain with the American

People by going in there and playing Big Brother to the little Jewish Underdog. Leviathan no longer protects himself--Leviathan is responsible for the whole world.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the USSR, Leviathan was again hard pressed for a real threat. The Cold

War Leviathan had instituted had seen it thru a good number of years, but now that was over. A fitting metaphor would be the

aroma left behind in an empty box of chocolates--so sweet it makes one hungry. Granted, by now the American People have

grown so used to Income Tax that only the history books remember that it was supposed to be a "temporary stop-gap". The

money is no longer an issue. The money stopped being an issue during WWII (The Big One). The issue is control of the

American People--their attitudes, their emotions, and especially their loyalty to Leviathan!

Richard Nixon injured that loyalty badly when he was caught in his own lies and deceit by his own paranoid surveillance

paraphernalia. Jimmy Carter perpetuated that injury when the Ayatollah took hostages in Iran, and Our President stood in the

Oval Office wringing his hands because he didn't know what to do about it. Ronald Reagan alleviated some of that injury when

the hostages were released as soon as he took office, because The Ayatollah knew he was just crazy enough to nuke the place. George Bush re-opened the festering wound by failing to achieve his proclaimed goals in Desert Storm, and George W. Bush

made it worse by making an even bigger mess of the problem his father wasn't man enough to solve.

But the Middle East is quiet now--at least amongst themselves. There is no more Red Scare. So what can Leviathan do to

keep the American People feeling loyal and dependant? The answer was the title of an old Bob Dylan album--"Bringin' It All

Back Home". I think the GW Bush administration didn't just have hints that "9/11" was coming--they orchestrated it! Leviathan opened the door to set up those sacrifices so that the American People would again feel threatened on the home-front and again

feel dependency and loyalty to their Big Brother, their Great Defender, Leviathan! How else could some third world

towel-head pull this off? Notice we've been on Amber-Alert or better ever since. Do you think the securities get tighter around holidays because the third world threat pays attention? No. That's just to keep YOUR attention on what Big Brother is

doing for you! And the best time to get your attention is while you're trying to just live your everyday life--while your attention is

focused on your week-end cook out and beach party. Your convenience and your leisure time are threatened so you will feel it

where it strikes closest to home, and you will believe in Leviathan's need to protect you until next time. It's just another

temporary stop-gap that's not likely to go away.

So, thanks a lot for 9/11 and the War On Terror, Leviathan, and for all the death and terror that has come in its wake. And Congratulations! Your new puppet, GW Bush, is living up to all expectations!

Denny Wischoff
Just thinkin' about it.
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