Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1009949-X
by laydee
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1009949
An ordinary girl is stolen away and introduced to an entirely different world.
Title: X

Author: Laydee / Sarah

Inspiration: Superman. The X-Men. Peter Pan. The Haliwell sisters from Charmed. Maybe Roswell too. Getting my drift?

Author's Note:
//I'm in a creative mood so this is kind of a spur of the moment story. I have a feeling about this one so I'm posting it before I change my mind.
//No summary. I don't want you to expect anything. Yet. You'll get the plot as the fanfic progresses. But just in case, I've added a prologue.
//Okay, now for the routine stuff. Ahem:
I do not know, nor am I affiliated in any way with B2K or any other celebrity who happens to appear in X. All other characters are fictional. X has been created and crafted by yours truly. DO NOT STEAL IT (please).
If you like it, let me know. If you don't, that's cool too. I'm not trying to please the world.
Constructive feedback and general comments are highly welcome and appreciated.

That's it!!

Now it's time to sit back, chillax, and enjoy the ride.......



Omari pulled his car over to the curb and adjusted his black sunglasses. He nodded towards the female sitting on her front porch. The earphones in her ears were plugged into an ipod and her eyes were focused on the book in her lap. "That's her."

"You sure?"


"Hmm. She cute. I'd fuck her."

Omari sucked his teeth. He didn't have time for this. "Who cares. From what information I've gathered, this girl could kill you with her eyes closed."

"I was kidding."

"I wasn't."

"So the rumors are true? She's really that powerful?"

"You have no idea."

"Then how we supposed to get her?"

"The usual way."

"But what about the whole eyes-closed-killing shit?"

Omari sighed. Next time he was bringing Jarell. Dreux talked too much. "She doesn't know."


"Her ability is powerful as a mutha fucka. She just doesn't know it. Shit, she doesn't even know she has an ability."

"Ohh.... one of those. Cool! So I could, like, flick her on the forehead and she wouldn't do shit about it!"

Omari closed his eyes, reminding himself that killing Dreux would only hinder their current mission. But it would make me feel better....

Stop. Back to business. "Enough fucking around. Let's do this."

` - ` - ` - ` - ` - ` - ` - ` - ` - ` - ` - ` - `

...You don't even know me, but I been watching for a while
The way you move so slowly, makes me want you here and now
Shorty don't you let me leave without your number
I was hoping that your love could take me under...

I love this song. Have you heard it? It's called 'You Make Me' by Donell Jones and Fat Joe. I'm listening to it right now on the ipod I got for my last birthday. I'm not really reading the book in my lap. This song is too good to ignore. Especially now, at sunset, at the moment when half the sky is light and the other half is dark, dotted with stars. Nice.

I consider myself a fairly average nineteen year old. I have two parents, both alive and not divorced. My mother isn't a drug-addicted prostitute and my father is definitely NOT an abusing rapist with an alcohol problem. They're not on the list of 'The World's Top Ten Millionaires' but they're not exactly desperate for money either. I only have one older brother, Tai. And in case you were wondering, the answer is no. He's not a major drug lord, he's not the leader of a notorious gang, let alone in a gang at all, and he doesn't have seven kids to seven different women.

As for me? I haven't come from a broken home. I'm not a stripper or a prostitute. I'm not the girlfriend of a highly respected drug leader, nor am I in a gang. I'm not pregnant. I don't smoke. I don't do drugs. I'm not a saint. I have brown eyes, not green. Brown hair and brown skin too. I'm not 'Alley McBeal' size, nor am I 'Queen Latifa' size (no hating intended against either women). More like a slightly thicker Vivica Fox.

I don't have flawless skin but it's under control and although I get the occasional blemish (at the worst possible moments), I don't have any major complaints. My face isn't weighed down by a tonne of make-up but I gotta confess - I'm a lipgloss fiend. Maybe eyeliner if I'm in the mood. But chapped lips are a big no no.

My social status is undecided. I'm not stalked by the most popular guy in school who woke up one day and suddenly found me attractive. But, for the record, he doesn't hate my guts.... and he's an excellent kisser. Hehe. I'm not Miss Popularity but I'm not the social outcast either. I'm friends with both.

There are days when I need that extra little hug to make me feel better, and days when people just need to leave me the hell alone. I play sport whenever I can, listen to music 24/7, chillax with friends and family, read, write, watch t.v..... anything.

And yet, after rambling on and on and making you read all of that junk, I'm about to tell you I'm different. No, not in the 'everyone-is-an-individual' sense. What I mean is, I'm different, different. You won't understand. I'm not even sure I understand. All I know is, when I was fixing my breakfast two days ago, something out of this universe happened that made me convinced I was different.
Possibly a freak.


Oh well, nobody's perfect.

Haha, I know, you're probably going, "What the hell?" Don't worry. I've often been told I'm too mellow. That I handle situations too lightly, too casually. But what's the point in worrying? Worrying causes stress. Stress gives you wrinkles. Wrinkles. Nuff said.

There is someone who understands what I'm 'going through' though. I hope he has the answers I'm looking for. Right now he's sitting in the black Mercedes across the street. Watching me. Can you see him? Just over there, a few houses down. It's kinda creepy. There's someone else with him too. I don't think he knows that I know that he's watching me, so I'll just keep listening to my ipod and pretending that I'm reading this book.

Oh wait.

He just stepped out of the car...



They walked over to me. Cancel that, they strutted over to me, like they knew they were hot shit or something. I smirked. Good, I've found something productive to do today - burst their inflated egos. They stopped in front of my steps and stared at me through their black shades. Smooth entrance. Not bad. Seven out of ten.

I took my time raising my head and removing my earphones. "Can I help you? You're blocking my light."

"Do you know who we are?" he asked. I liked his voice. But he didn't even introduce himself. Fine, I dub thee, 'Braids'......

"No, should I?"

The other one, who I'll name Ponytail, stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Do you know why we're here?"

"No." I replied. I wouldn't have a clue. They looked like the type of people who could be relaxing on their luxury yachts right now but they wanted to waste their time with me? These guys have no life. Poor things. And what's with the black shades? Are they the Men In Black now?

"Good." said Braids.

Ponytail sighed impatiently and looked at Braids, "Seeing as you won't let me flick her on the forehead, I'm bored. Can we do this thing already?"

Flick me on the..... is this guy on crack?

Braids nodded at Ponytail and said to me, "Relax."

` - ` - ` - ` - ` - ` - ` - ` - ` - ` - ` - ` - `

Help me out here. I'm sitting on my front steps, right, having a pointless conversation with Braids and Ponytail. I blink. And just like that, the scene changes. Where did my book go? And my ipod? And my house?
I was now alone, in an office. A neat, expensive office. The walls screamed simple sophistication with a massive bay window that provided a nice view of a front lawn. A front lawn the size of a football field. In front of the window was large mahongany desk with a black leather executive chair resting behind it. Two black leather client couches in front. No old pizza boxes, no stains on the carpet, no dust anywhere just plenty of clean air. Being the mellow person I mentioned in the prologue, I decided that panicking would be highly unproductive so instead I tried to figure out what had just happened. No answers. Hmm. I blinked again. Nothing. I tried opening the door. Locked.

Fuck mellow, I wanna go home!

"Sup newbie."

I spun around and found a guy now occupying the executive chair. Where the hell did he come from?

"You confused right now, huh." he smirked and leaned back in the chair, "I remember when I first got here, I was like what the fuck. What did they do to get you here? I'l bet Omari and Dreux did the freeze method on you."

"Who? Did what?"

"Them dudes who picked you up."

Oh. Braids and Ponytail. "What's the freeze method? Did they hurt me? Where am I? How do I get out of here?"

He chuckled, "Woah, hold your horses baby girl. Save those questions for Omari. You got a name?"

"Have you?" I shot back.

"I asked first."

Fine. I figured I wasn't leaving this room anytime soon so I sat on one of the client couches. "Phoenix."

"Like the bird?"

Like yo mama. "Yeah."

"Cute. I'm Jarell." he leaned over the desk to shake my hand. I got a shock because his hand was unnaturally hot. I mean boiling. "So, Phoenix, what can you do?"

A lot of things bitch. "I don't understand."

"What, can, you, do," he repeated slowly, as if speaking to a three year old. Ugh.

I stared at him blankly. What can I do, huh? I can kick you in the nuts......

He gave an impatient sigh, "Everyone who's brought here can do something. That's why we bring you here in the first place."

"Who's we?"

He smirked, "Answer my question and I'll answer yours."

"Be more specific with your question then."

"You want specific?" he got up and walked over to me, "Aight baby girl, can you do this?"

I gasped in suprise as a flame shot out from the palm of his hand. A flame. Oh my god!

He grinned as he played with the spark, letting it weave inbetween his fingers while he spoke, "Cool, huh. This ain't even a fraction of my ability but it's enough to show what I can do. As you can see, it's not exactly a common trait, among humans at least, but I ain't complaining. This is the reason why I was brought to this place. Now, show me your reason."

Suddenly the flame froze. Literally. It stopped moving and began hardening, turning into a small shard of ice before shattering to pieces. Then a voice came from the door, "Enough Jarell."



Braids was leaning against the doorframe, hands in his pockets. His gaze was stone cold but the black shades were off and I could see the amusement playing in his eyes.

"Sup O" Jarell grinned, "Just getting to know the new recruit."

Braids sighed with a slow shake of his head, "You can never wait like everyone else. Always gotta sneak into my office so you're the first to see the new ones."

"Yeah, whatever." Jarell rolled his eyes, "I just came here because I have a few minutes to spare. Later Newbie." he smirked at me and strolled out of the room.

Braids remained in the doorway. "Hey Phoenix."

Hey Braids. "Um.... Hi...."

"Omari" he smiled, "C'mon now, I know you ain't nervous."

Hell yeah I'm nervous! Shit. "Nope. Not one bit."

"Can I get you a drink or something?"

I shook my head, "How about a ride home?"

"No can do." The amusement left his eyes. "Wanna know why you're here?"

Duh. "Not really. You should do yourself a favor and take me home because my parents are gonna notice I'm missing and they'll ring the police. Or worse, they'll ring my brother."

He walked over to the desk and planted himself in the executive chair. "How are your parents going to know you're missing when you don't live with them?"

Oh snap. Am I dealing with a stalker? Sure, I wanted answers about my 'condition', but not if I had to be kidnapped by a stalker. "I live with my brother. He'll know I'm missing and he'll come after you."

That was the honest to God truth but Omari didn't seemed phased. On the contrary, he merely replied with a grin that said, "I-know-something-you-don't".
"Look, I'll be honest with you. I'm not a nice person. Especially when I'm being fucked around by cocky smart-ass bit-.... people, who make an effort to be uncooperative. I don't have the time nor the patience. Whether you like it or not, you're here to stay and you're not leaving anytime soon so just be a good little girl and listen up because I'm about to say some deep shit that's going to shock the hell out of you."

Well excuuuse me, Mr Attitude. Who is he calling a little girl? "Listen buster, you can stick your stupid comments up your-"

Boom. An uncontrollable shiver ran throughout my entire body and I found that I couldn't move a muscle. Uh oh.

"One of my abilities." said Omari in a casual tone, "I can immobilize things using paralysis. Jarell calls it 'The Freeze Method'. Comes in handy on most occassions. Recently I discovered that I can paralyze a person's body but still leave them their sense of seeing and hearing. Exhibit A," he gestured a hand at me, "Now, you have two choices. One, you calm down and let me say what I have to say, I let you move again. Two, you keep doing what you're doing, I still say what I have to say, you stay paralyzed. What'll it be?"

One thing I hate, confinement. I hate the feeling of being trapped. Not claustrophobia or anything like that. More like people controlling me against my will. Such as this asshole who's paralyzed me. Suddenly I felt the muscles in my face relax as they became unparalyzed so I could answer him. "Let me go."

"You gonna behave?"

Ugh! That BIATCH! "Yes."

He released me of my frozen state, confident that I wouldn't try anything. He and I both knew that if I did try something he'd just paralyze me again. Punk. Bitch-ass. Mother fucker. I crossed my arms roughly and gave him my best pissed-off look, sinking lower into the couch.

He grinned with delight. "Alright. Now that we've sorted that out...... welcome to The X Domain. As you may have already figured out after seeing what Jarell and myself are capable of, we're not your average type of people."

No shit.

"The X Domain contains two parts to it. Part one is like a training school, where students are taught to properly control their abilities and use them to their utmost potential."

I laughed boldly, "Like the X-Men or something?"

He frowned, "Fuck the X-Men. I seen the movie, their crib ain't got shit on ours. You'll see."

Gees. "Okay, so part one is a training school. What's part two?"

"You don't need to know what part two is. That's classified."

"Then why mention it at all?" Dumbass.

"So you're aware that it's confidential and don't probe me with nosey-ass questions about it later on. Just know that you're here because you're just like us. Different." he rubbed his chin in contemplation, "Except in you're case you're really different. Apparently your ability is beyond any kind of power on this Earth."

Now we're talking. "And that ability would be..."

He snorted, "Fuck if I know. I don't have a clue..... yet."

Great. He doesn't know shit either. "Then how can you be sure I have an ability at all?"

"We have a scout within The X Domain. Ice. She can sense 'others' like us and part of my job is to retrieve them and bring them here. That's how we found you. I had to study you for about two days though before actually getting you."

Yup, I knew it. Stalker. "Why?"

"For my own protection. Ice warned me about you."

"What's there to warn about?"

Omari snickered, "That's what I said. You're not a threat at all..... just an annoyance."

I rolled my eyes. Don't retaliate, just ignore it. "So then why don't you let me leave. Do us both a favor." If he couldn't help me then I didn't need to be here.

"Nope. Ice was adament that I bring you here and put you in the training school." he smiled and I could tell he was thinking about her. Hmm, who is this Ice lady? I wondered if she was Omari's bitch..... I mean girlfriend. Somehow I didn't think it was much of an effort for Omari to obtain a girlfriend at all. That is, if he didn't open his mouth and release the egotistical arrogance within him.

"Well, sorry to ruin things for you but I don't want to join a training school that may enhance an ability I might not even have. You were supposed to have the answers I was looking for but you've been nothing but a waste of time. I want to go home." I clicked my heels three times and squeezed my eyes shut. There's no place like home, there's no place like home...

He raised a curious eyebrow at me, "What are you doing?"

There's no place like home, there's no place like-

"I'm sorry but you don't have a say in the matter. Like I said before, you're here to stay. Get used to the idea." he punched a few buttons on his desk and a small intercom speaker flipped into view infront of him. "Yo, Jarell. Get in here."

Jarell's voice came through the speaker, "I look like your fuckin' slave? I'm playing ball man."

Omari chuckled, "I need you to take Phoenix for a tour around the premises and then show her to her room."

"Who? Oh, you mean Newbie. Aight, be there soon."

'Soon' was only three seconds later and he cruised into the room dressed in a wifebeater and shorts with a towel draped around his neck. Wow, the basketball courts must have been really close by. He smirked at me and nodded, "We meet again Newbie."

I glared at the both of them. "You can't force me to stay here."

Omari's eyes blazed with anger for a brief moment but he rubbed a hand across his face as if telling himself to calm down. "Yes I can. You know I can. But it would be easier if you just cooperated. I don't want to have to paralyze you and keep you locked in your room until training starts."

Just the mere thought of that gave me the shivers. Damn him. If I really am as powerful as this Ice person thinks I am, the first thing I'mma do when I tap into that power is kick Omari's punk ass. "Fine. I'll cooperate."

For now.

Omari looked somewhat relieved and Jarell began walking out of the room, "Follow me Newbie, The X Domain awaits. Prepare to be amazed."



...I ain't really here to play no games, guh
You already know my name, yeah
Freaky deaky cause it ain't no thing, guh
Ba ba da, da da, da da...

Tai pulled into his driveway with the sound of Lil John & The Eastside Boyz blasting through his speakers. Two other cars followed suit behind him. His homeboy Zane stepped out of the silver Evolution, adjusting his blue fitted NYC cap and grinning at his own reflection in the car window. Vain mother fucker. The pink Mercedes, yes pink, was owned by Mani - Tai's girlfriend. These two were some of the few people who had his loyalty and trust. And that's saying a lot.

"Man, I'm hungry man" said Zane, rubbing his stomach, "There better be some food in that fridge of yours."

"Yeah yeah." Tai rolled his eyes and picked up a book that was lying on the steps. He sucked his teeth. "Phoenix. Always leaving shit around."

"Is she home?" asked Mani as she stretched out on the couch, "We were gonna hit up the mall later."

"Um... Phoenix!" he called, dropping the book onto the dining table, "Yo! Where you at?"

No answer. He shrugged. "Probably out with her little friends. She'll be home soon."

"Man, she nineteen." Zane added while rumaging through fridge, "Her friends ain't little, they fine as hell and Phoenix ain't too bad neither."

"I didn't hear that," said Tai. It was then that he noticed a slip of paper on the ground. It had fallen out of the book.


The X Domain

"Oh shit." Tai cursed, pounding the nearest wall with his fist, "Fuck. Fuck, shit, fuck...."

Zane poked his head around the fridge door. "What? You develop Tourette Syndrome or something?"

"Worse." Tai passed the note to Zane.

"The X Domain?! Shit!" Zane's eyes widened and he dropped the stack of food in his hands. "Shit!"

Mani was suddenly alert. "What about The X Domain?"

Tai gritted his teeth, "They took Phoenix."

"What?" Zane gave her the piece of paper. She gasped, "Oh my god. They said they wouldn't touch her!"

"They lied." Tai collapsed on the couch, bringing his hands to his head, "I thought she'd be safe. She wasn't showing any signs of an ability so I thought it had finally phased out of our blood. She didn't tell me it was starting to develop!"

"She probably didn't know," Mani reasoned, resting a hand on her boyfriend's shoulder, "I'm guessing she did what the rest of us did when we first found out. Dismissed it." She frowned in thought, "But how did they find out about her?"

"Ice." Zane answered harshly, "I'll bet she sensed Phoenix and told that bitch ass Omari all about her."

"You think they know how powerful she is?" asked Mani.

"No doubt."

Tai couldn't stand it any longer. He grabbed his keys and headed out the door.

"Yo!" called Zane as he and Mani followed him, "Whatchu doing? Where you going?"

Tai looked at his two friends. Eyes blazing. "I'm getting my sister. Yall coming?"

They were already in their cars.


To Be Continued...
© Copyright 2005 laydee (laydee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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