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Rated: E · Article · Religious · #1009813
So, does God exist, should, how, why and everything along those lines.
So, who is God and does he exist? Ever asked yourself that, I ask myself every single day why we exist, what we're all here for and if there is a God and I think I've come up with an answer. I was reading the Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams. which contains many snippets of his work, when I discovered what I now know (or think I know). That's a lot of sub clauses.

This article quite clearly pointed out all the obvious reasons for there not being a God but it also explained why which is the important bit. Any atheist will tell you that there is no evidence for a God. Christians (but to name one of the many religions) will completely object and say that God meant it that way. What I'm about to say may seem rude and uncalled for but I call that a pretty pathetic excuse - because God meant it that way. If he (or she) wants us to believe in him (or her) then why not make it obvious.

If God exists why doesn’t he, while I’m writing this, come and smack me in the face for being such an atheist. To which, Christians might say – God is forgiving. This is the main part that is related to The Salmon of Doubt – the rest of it are my other discoverings as I learned all about being an atheist.

Now, the Bible is a fraud. Sorry, but it is. There are many things in it that are lies. I consider the Bible merely to have been a story all about this Christianity thing which some people decided must be a real Religion and called it this.

Also, why should God exist – he (or she) defeats all the laws of physics just so he can exist. Why not just live in our world where everything makes sense. I mean, what real reason is there for him to exist rather than not exist.

Personally, I think that if God exists he’s a pretty bad one and should throw the towel in. So, to the questions – Who is God? – science is the answer to everything therefore I think we should worship it rather than God – Does he exist? – well, not if you’re talking about the dude in the clouds, no.

I’m not forcing you to believe this – I really don’t expect you to if you’re Religious but if it has changed you opinions in anyway I’ve done an extraordinarily good job.

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