Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1008930-Baby
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Supernatural · #1008930
Evil Little Baby!!!!
Miguel Carreno

I wish I would've dropped out of school a longtime ago so this would never have happened to me. I hated school, I was always in trouble and I never focused enough to learn much. I was into music and jamming with my friends, dreaming of making it big someday. But now I will never get that chance for I don't know how long I will be in here I never feared anything but now a simple pin drop frightens me like a child. I ball myself up in a corner and cry until someone in the hospital comes to help me. The doctors tell me its all in my head, but they haven't been through what I have. You will all think im crazy too, but my therapist says sharing my story will help me better then he can.
It all started three weeks ago, it was a Friday like any other and nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. The day was long and boring as usual, I had tried to sleep the whole day, but I was threatened with detentions if I didn't pay attention. So I was forced to listen to the mindless dribble of History, Science, Math, and participate in basketball during Gym. It wasn't till health class that I began to seem more enthusiastic. We were gonna watch a slide show for the entire class period and the last period of the day was only twenty five minutes long. The slide show began and I drifted off into sleep, that is until Heather the girl I liked that sat behind me bumped me and woke me up. I looked back at her with a smile and looked to see what the teacher was showing the class and I saw the strangest picture I have ever seen. It was a green and purple baby born from drug addicted parents laying on a steel table. The baby had just been born but it wasn't crying, or had an angry look on its face, it just stared at you with large empty black eyes.
I turned to look at the clock and saw we only had five minutes left, I was excited to finally get out. I turned back to see the photo one more time but I cried out in horror and fell off my seat. "Where did it go?!" the baby was gone all you could see was the metal table, the whole class began to laugh at me. The teacher quickly came to my aid to help me up and asked me "where did what go?"

"The baby where did it go?" I asked

"It still in the picture, it has been for since the slide was made"

"But, It..was....never mind"

I sat back in my seat but a sharp pain in my leg made me examine it, I looked at my shin and saw five tiny scratches. I looked back at the picture in shock and saw the baby was there in its original pose. Shortly after all this the bell rang and I walked out keeping my eye on the picture. My teacher stopped me to make sure I was fine and I assured her I was, until I looked over her shoulder at the picture. The baby was smiling holding its hand up revealing blood on its five little fingers. I quickly ran to my locker got my stuff and made my way to the exit doors. As I did though I noticed there was no one else in the school I was all by myself, and when I reached the doors they were locked. I went around to all the doors shaking them violently but all were tightly locked with chains and padlocks.
I went into a classroom to wait for the janitor, principle, whoever, to find me and let me out. I laid with my head down on the desk and stared off into space, trying to get the picture of that baby out of my head. The creaking of the door made me raise my head, but no one was there, nobody came in or said anything. I got up to close it and thought about going home so bad, this was all getting to creepy. As I closed the door and turned to go back to where I was seating, I felt something stab me in the shin again. I looked down and now I had five tiny scratches on both of my legs. I searched the room frantically for the baby that had been tormenting but found nothing. Its all in your head I kept saying to myself, none of this is real its all a dream, babies cant come out of pictures and attack you its all just a dream.
I closed my eyes and tried to imagine happier less frightening thoughts, but that was quickly shut down as I heard the chilling chant that still haunts me today.

"La la, la, la, la la, la, la la, la la, la, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha."

I ran for the door but sharp scratches knocked me to the floor, I could feel the baby scratching repeatedly with great speed, tearing my flesh and muscle, exposing the bones of my calves. I thought this was my end, but it all stopped in five minutes and I looked down and cried in pain as saw the terrible torture I endured. I crawled for the door and turned the handle to try and escape, But I could hear the baby's chant right behind me

"La la, la, la la, la, la la, la, la la, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha."

All night long the baby kept slashing away at my body parts while singing that horrible, blood curdling chant. My arms were too reduced to bone, leaving only my hands and upper arms. My back had large gouges in it and I was covered in my own blood from head to toe balled up in a corner crying softly.

The principle found me the next morning and I was imidiatly taken to the hospital, everyone thought I had done all this to myself and quickly sent me here to this institute. My horror didn't end there though. I was transported her in an ambulance, a ride that felt like forever, and when the driver told me we were here I looked out the back door window. I cried in terror as I saw the all too familiar large black eyes of the green and purple baby. I fear it dwells in this place waiting to finish me off but no one believes me they drug me up and sit me in front of the tv. Even as we speak........wait............what's that?

"La la, la, la la, la, la la, la, la la, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha."

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