Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1008627-An-immortal-love
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Drama · #1008627
An immortal man, loses the love of his life, the night before his wedding.
Walking towards her lifeless body laying on an alter in a church. Zeythan realizes he is too late to save his one true love. He falls to his knees over her. He touches her forehead, and her hand. He looks into her open lifeless eyes,

"I love you", he whispers, with his head on her chest. Than with his head back, looking up to heaven, he yells, "I love you Fieryen!"

He closes her eyes, and gives her a kiss on her cold lips. He holds her limp body to himself, as if his crying over her will bring her back.

He should have given her the immortal kiss when he had the chance. She would still be with him now. She had just asked him to. The night before last. He couldn't bring himself to end her mortal purity.

Picking her up, he carries his love down the aisle and out of the church where they were to be married.

"I will get revenge. I will get him. I shouldn't have let anyone know my love for you. This is my fault Fieryen. I will get him. I promise you my love I will get him."

He brings her to the graveyard in the raging thunderstorm. To where his mother and father are buried. He lays her gently on the gravestone that covers his parents eternal beds. He kisses her one last time. Picking up a rose, and placing it in her hands that he has gently placed together on her chest.

Kissing her hands, he cries, holding onto her waistline. Slipping down to the ground. Leaning against the gravestone where she lay. The gravestone that his parents are under.

The rain comes down, full of pain and sorrow, falling as his tears fall. He buries his head in his knees. Wishing it was the day before, and wishing he had known so he could have saved her. Wondering what her last thoughts were. Wondering if she thought about him. Wondering if she thought he had betrayed her by not saving her.

He vows, "I will never love another, I will never give myself as I have with you Fieryen. He will pay for this Fieryen. I promise his life will end"

Anarion, his bestfriend shows up. An immortal as well.

"Come on Zey, we have to go now. Before others see us here man, we have to go." She pulls at him, "Zeythan, come on man."

He lets Anarion pull him up to his feet. Looking again at Fieryen, he falls back to his knees over her. Cupping her small face with his hands, kissing her forehead, her eyes, her lips.

Anarion is heartbroken as well, she knew how much Zeythan loved Fieryen. Tears filling her eyes. The one person Zeythan had given his whole heart to. The one person that could make her bestfriend so happy. She pulled him up again.

"Come on Zeythan, we have to go. Let her go, let her rest now man." She pulls him away. He walks away, leaning on Anarion for support.

Back at the house he had shared with Anarion and Fieryen. He had pulled all Fieryen's clothes out of the closet. He could still smell her perfume on them. Laying on the bed surrounded by her scent, by her clothes. He cried himself to sleep. Falling into a web of dreams, filled with memories of Fieryen.

Anarion in her own room, looking at pictures of the three of them together. The last trip they took, they had gone to his beach house. They stayed for a week, and they took almost a million pictures.

She cried, though Anarion was Zeythans bestfriend. She was still very close to Fieryen. There were so many things they could share, as females that they couldn't with Zeythan. Things he wouldn't understand.

The only mortal that Anarion and Zeythan had both gotten close to. Looking at pictures of Fieryen and Zeythan together, she cried harder. You could see the love they shared. Even through viewing a picture, you could see how much love they had for eachother.

"I promise, as your friend Fieryen, I will do anything to help Zeythan avenge your death."

She lays down to sleep, after a billion tears have fallen. Poor Zeythan, poor Fieryen.

He was in bed for a week. Anarion was getting worried. Zeythan didn't want to get up. He wanted to stay in the dream. The dream that held him and Fieryen together. The dream where she was alive.

Anarion left him food daily by the door, each night picking up the untouched tray.

"C'mon Zey, you have to eat. You can't go on like this."

That was it, he couldn't go on, he didn't want to live without Fieryen. He dreamt of the day he proposed. The look in her eyes, the smile on her face. He dreamt of the day they went looking for dresses. The perfect wedding dress they picked out together still hung on the bedroom door.

He seen her in the dress. That was supposedly bad luck. Seeing her in the wedding dress before the ceremony. He didn't care about badluck, he didn't care about superstition. She was beautiful. The smile on her face. That was all that mattered to him. He could still hear her voice.

"This is it Zey, this one is perfect. This is the dress I want to be in when we get married."

She ran to him and kissed him. It felt so real. His dreams were filled with her. He dreamt of their wedding day. The way she would have looked coming down the aisle. The smile on her face as she walked towards him. In the dream. As she got closer to him, her face went pale. Her smile faded. When she reached him. The dress fell, formless, and she was gone. She disappeared.

He sat up, his stomach was aching, but he didn't care. His head hurt. He looked over to the wedding dress that hung untouched on the door. Just when he thought he could cry no more, the tears came pouring out. He cried out loud.

Anarion heard him and looked in the room. He was awake. She walked over and held him. She cried with him.

A couple of days later. Zeythan finally got out of bed, and he went and sat at an empty table. The table they shared so many meals at. So many happy moments. The table where he had last seen Fieryen alive.

Anarion came out, suprised to see him out of the room. She quietly walked over to the fridge, and pulled out something for breakfast.

'He was probably starving'. She thought to herself.

He didn't look over at her. He just sat there, staring at the seat where Fieryen always sat. Imagining her with her half a plain grapefruit, and a bottle of mineral water. Talking about the wedding, and other plans they had. What he loved was, she didn't need to look like a beauty queen in the morning. She didn't sit in front of the mirror for hours getting ready before they went out. She'd shower of course, in the morning. Without the many shower accessories, shower cap,exfoliating gloves, moisturizing soap...etc. She would be in and out of the shower in 5 minutes.

Little things like that , and the bigger things. He loved her for everything she was, and everything she wasn't

Anarion placed a bowl of cereal in front of him. Buttered some toast and brought it to him, and poured him a cup of coffee.

He picked at the toast, and sampled the cereal, but everything seemed to be cardboard flavored to him. He didn't want to eat, He wasn't hungry. His stomach had different ideas though.

"Come on man, you have to eat, you haven't eaten in a week, and you need to keep your strength up"
Said Anarion pushing the plate to him.

"What about you? You're not eating either" He said.

"I will man, when you do."

He defiantly took a small bite of toast.

"You shit. I mean eat all of it, if you don't I'll whoop your butt."

"I'd like to see you try" He smiled a real smile at her. It felt weird to smile, after the previous hundred hours of not smiling. He felt sudden guilt for smiling.His smile faded. He looked at Fieryen's empty seat again, and his smile faded.

"Hey, it's alright to smile you know, you can't go on forever, and I mean forever without being happy every now and then." Anarion said, patting his hand. "I know you're hurting. I am too. I loved Fieryen too, but it's been a week Zeythan. If you want to find Xenon. You are going to have to pull yourself together."

"I know Anarion. It's so hard, you know. Hard to know that she is gone. So fucking hard to believe that I will never see her again. Or hold her again." His voice started to give way. "To know I'll never hear her voice again." He whispered. His lips started trembling. Anarion had to get him out of the house.

"Hey man, lets go for a walk." She said

"I don't want to walk, I want to go to sleep".

"No man, you need some fresh air, lets go".

He reluctantly followed her out the door. "Where are we going to walk?"

"Just away from here. You need some excercise, you have been inside too long."

"Fine" He said tiredly, not wanting to argue anymore.

He walked beside his bestfriend. She had given him the Immortal kiss 10 years ago.

The Immortal Kiss. It doesn't refer to Vampires. It doesn't mean sucking on someones neck. They are still alive. They still have a pulse, and they don't live on blood. They just live forever. Though they are immortal, they do feel pain as a mortal would.

The Immortal Kiss is like a VIP party. Only the chosen ones, (invited by an immortal), are allowed this privelege. Mortals can perform the ceremony, and say the words, but nothing will happen to them. The ceremony has to be presented and performed by one who has been immortal for at least 5 years.

It's not that he didn't want to be with her forever. He just wanted her to enjoy being a mortal. For just a little while longer. He would have performed the ceremony on there wedding night. So Til Death do Us Part, would never happen.

"He didn't". He thought "If he had...no".

He can't keep thinking like this. Anarion is right. He needs to pull himself together so he can start planning. Start the revenge.

They sat in a little diner. Having some hot chocolate, some whip cream with cinnamon sprinkeled on top. Anarion knew that was his favorite, So she ordered it for him, when he went to the bathroom.

He smiled at her upon returning to the table. She was good for this, she knew him. What he wanted. She smiled back at him. She noted, his eyes were red, he must have cried while in the bathroom. She looked out the window, if only there was a way to help him.

"I didn't know what you wanted to eat, or if you wanted to eat, so I ordered the whole menu"

He smiled again."No, I'm not that hungry, your breakfast filled me up."

"Well, than I guess I should tell them to cancel the triple size order of mozzafries coming our way?"

His favorite food, mozzafries. Also known as Poutine, but it's best at this little diner. They make it with lots of mozzarella cheese, covering fries that are already drowning in gravy. Other than his moms, this is the best gravy in the world.

He started feeling a little hungry, no, he was starving. Yeah it was a good thing having her as his bestfriend.

She smiled. She knew that would make his appetite come back. For a guy with such an average frame. He seemed to have a huge appetite, under normal circumstances.

"Thanks, I think I needed that" He smiled weakly at her.

"I know you did" She smiled back, "so what do you want to do now?"She asked,

"I don't know,"

He knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to kill, that's what he wanted to do. He wanted to avenge Fieryen's death. He was going to make Xenon suffer...suffer all the pain he felt. Seeing Fieryen's lifeless body laying on the alter.
© Copyright 2005 Maddox Jade (rainonmarz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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