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A man persuades his wife to allow him to shrink down with unitended consequences |
Returning Readers Editorial Note: I have edited Linda and Bruce's child out of the story. He was only a passing reference and I decided to delete him. CHOICES CHAPTER I: The First Choice The summer was barely started and I had convinced her. Her being my wife Linda who I had convinced to allow me to live out my ultimate sexual fantasy; shrinking down to just seven inches in size. The seven inches were exactly one-tenth of my 70 inches in height. Linda was a good egg. We'd been married almost 14 years happy despite the fact that we had no children. Between taking care of aging parents and her job as a college professor, she was a wonderful wife. So wonderful that she indulged my fantasies in a way I thought she never would. Now she was about to allow me to cash in a raffle ticket I won to the RCI, the Reduction Control Institute. Located on Long Island, RCI was just a few miles from our Queens house. The catch with RCI was that all size reductions had to be allowed to run their course over one week. In short, you were stuck at whatever size you chose for one week. RCI provided a basic home away from home for the little person which was a fish tank with a glass bottom and three sides complete with plumbing. The top and the back panels were wire mesh with a little hinged door in the back for emergencies. The shrinking process itself was pretty basic. Some whiz had developed an atomic device which allowed a person to be reduced in size through teleportation. I didn't ask what the fee was while we were there, but I've heard it was in the thousands of dollars. After signing about a million waiver forms I was taken to a small room where the process of size reduction was completed in about a half hour. It was astounding when Linda first walked in the room. I wanted her to be the first one I saw when I was reduced in size. As the door to the room I was in swung open I heard the first on many clacking sounds on the hard tiled floor. It was my Linda in her sexiest high heels (as I had requested) walking into the room. She paid no attention to me as she walked into the room (again by design). I looked up at her nearly terror stricken. I guess I really wasn't ready to see her in all her giantess glory. Her legs reached for the sky and her rack, impressive under any conditions, was simply beyond my ability to comprehend. "There you are" she said as she spied me on the floor. "Get over here you" she commanded but I ran instead in the other direction. Quickly I once again heard the clacking of her shoes as they made foot falls on the hard tile. With each step they sounded ominously clooser and closer until they were right upon me. As I ran a netting fell over me and I tumbled to the ground. "Silly little man" she admonished me as she picked me up still wrapped in the netting. "The first rule is you must listen to and obey me. I don't want to have to tell you again." I shook my netting shrouded head up and down to indicate I understood her command. In a few minutes we were on our way home, my tiny clothes and all my accessories packed away for our arrival home. I was in the RCI carrying case which basically immobilized me until Linda decided it was safe for me to be let out. As she walked inot the house the phone was ringing. It was her sister Susan on the line. It wasn't good news. Their grandmother had been stricken with a stroke. No one was sure how bad it was but grandma was in Florida. Her daughters, Linda and Susan's mother and aunt were on a cruise in the Far East with their aunt's two children. In other words, it was up to either Linda or Susan to head south. The choice was obvious. It had to be Linda. Susan could barely take care of herself let alone deal with a medical crisis. There was one big problem; what to do with me? Talk about bad timing. I felt terrible because I adored grandma who treated me like gold but traveling to Florida was out of the question. First of all I wasn't allowed to fly in my shortened state and given my desire to keep my fantasies as secret as possible it wasn't as if I could just go anywhere and stay with someone. The thought of my friends asking questions about my diminutive size was too much to bear. I knew it before Linda said anything. It had to be Susan. Susan was everything that Linda wasn't. She was overweight to Linda's reasonably sized and curvy body. She was on some government program, disability or something like that with every grant she could manage to get while Linda was a professional. Her mother enabled her into this rut she was in and, although she had genuine problems with depression, she made things much worse with her attitude. The glass was always half empty as far as Susan was concerned no matter how good things were going. My relationship with Susan evolved over the years into something that resembled "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Acutally, we just gave each other space. In the early years I made many suggestions and tried to help her but she always had an excuse, she was always ready not to do something to help herself. Not that she wasn't helpful. It just seemed that asking her to do anything was always going to become an ordeal. The saddest part was she was very bright and had a pretty face. More than one person said she was too bright for her own good. We managed to tolerate each other I guess but I knew that at least when we all first met she had the hots for me. I guess the worse part about dealing with her was her penchant for making remarks that shouldn't be made in mixed company or probably any company for that matter. I guess she figured by spicing things up she would engage at least a few people. More about her later. CHAPTER II: The Second Choice My second choice was made for me. So here I was, my greatest fantasy about to be realized and I am stopped on the goaline. That's life I guess. A series of pleasantries and mishaps punctuated by what might have beens. Linda called the RCI which promised me a free reduction in size in the future given the circumstances. Who was I to complain? I would just have to wait out the week and Susan would bring me back to RCI to be made whole again. I waved good-bye to Linda after she kissed me on the forehead and she turned and left our house for the waiting taxi. Susan walked her out and they said their normal frosty good-bye. "Don't worry about anything" Susan said as Linda got into the cab. Linda smiled wanly wondering if she had made the right decision in leaving Bruce with Susan. There seemed to be a devilish little smile behind Susan's last words. There was nothing to do though. She had to go attend to her grandmother. Bruce was in the fish tank when Susan went back into the house. Entering the main bedroom of the house she saw Bruce where she had left him. "Well you're stuck with me" she said as he looked up at her bespectacled face looking down at him. "Kinda wierd, isn't it?" "Wierd" was right up there with what it was he thought to himself. Insane was more like it. He figured if he just kept to himself the week might past quickly. Then again things had already become mucked up and there was no telling where they were likely to go with Susan as his minder. After a few minutes of small talk Susan abruptly left the room to do what she did best; spend hours and hours on the internet. Linda made one last call before the plane took off for Florida. Susan checked the airline's web site to make sure the plane was airborne. Then she went back to see Bruce. "Well she's gone. I mean her plane is off. In the air" she said again, sputtering for words, anything to break a little ice with her tiny brother-in-law. Susan was naturally shy and always felt a bit browbeaten by Bruce who was successful and always had an idea for her. Even at seven inches he was somewhat intimidating to her but today he seemed very nice, even chatty. "I hope grandma's all right" Bruce said, trying to engage Susan. "Yeah, she'll be all right" she said, kind of terse with her words. She was never grandma's favorite and would shed no false tears here. "Same old Susan" Bruce thought to himself. "So whose idea was this" she asked. "I didn't think you guys were so kinky" she said tossing off a little, almost child like nervous laugh to herself. Bruce didn't answer her, pretending not to hear what she said. "My little sister's into sex toys" she continued. Bruce was glaring at her now. "You know Susan" he said "sometimes you know exactly the wrong thing to say. Our business is our business and I'll thank you very much to mind your own business." Susan mumbled some unintelligble words which signaled her defeat at the hands of her brother-in-law. Seven inches tall and he was still in control. Susan excused herself which was fine with Bruce. It had been a long day and he was exhausted. The teleportation process was a tiring one, especially at his size. Bruce knew, just knew that everything would be all right here in New York but wasn't exactly enamoured of spending a week alone with Susan. Still he reckoned to make the best of it, at least as best he could. Despite her clumsiness in so many things she was fairly reliable and there were so many places to hide in the house if he needed to. He wasn't helpless he confided to himself. As she left the room a wave of self satisfaction swept over him and he quickly dozed off to a long, sound sleep. CHAPTER III: Another Choice Bruce woke up the next morning after a fitful rest. The clock in the distance read 7:52 which meant he had slept for nearly 13 hours. After taking care of his morning business and chowing down he decided it was time to explore the house as a tiny man. Making his way to the back of the tank he noticed a pile of books were laying right where the hinged door was at the back of the tank. The pile was about a foot high and much too heavy for him to move. He swore to himself that they hadn't been there last night when he went to bed. Coming to the door he swung it open to the inside of the tank and then attempted to move the books but they wouldn't budge at all, not even a micron. He was stuck or trapped depending on one's point of view and then he noticed something else. Looking up he saw that the mesh on top of the tank had been taped down so that even if he managed to climb to the top of the tank he would not be able to dislodge it. There was, he intoned to himself, definitely something fishy in this fishtank. Hours went by. Susan was a late riser and it wasn't until nearly 11 a.m. that she awoke. Dressed in a nightshirt she arose from the bed and looked in the direction of the tank. She walked past Bruce and the tank on her way to the bathroom, her enoromous breasts bobbing up and down freely, without even stopping to say hello. Bruce yelled at her but she paid no mind to what he had to say. When she was done in the bathroom after 30 minutes she stopped at the dresser where the tank stood and looked in. "What's the big idea" Bruce screamed. "What the hell are you doing with the tape and the books?" Susan was a bit startled with Bruce's anger and tried to calm him down a bit. Removing the books she pushed in the door to indicate that it was okay for him to walk out which he did. "It's not such a big deal. I can never do anything right can I? Even as the 50 Foot Woman." She stormed off leaving Bruce alone to explore the top of the dresser. The ropes that Linda had placed on the dresser top in case of an emergency were gone. Four feet off the ground, he felt trapped on top of a small mesa with only Susan to rescue him. Susan returned a few minutes later with the carrying case. She placed it on the dresser top and opened it. "It's a long way down. Get in." Bruce got in and Susan sealed the carrier shut. Lifting it she carried it and its cargo into the kitchen where she set it down on the table. Susan opened the carrier and Bruce got out. He walked over and tried to break off a hunk of the blueberry muffin that sat on a plate in the middle of the table. He worked on it for a while until a bemused Susan reached in with her right hand and snapped off a small hunk and set it down in front of Bruce. "You're so little" she said as Bruce tried hard not to show how startled he was by even the most insignificant of actions by Susan. He had never seen her hand as it approached and its size, and quickness of movement, frightened him. Still he reassured himself that it was just a mattter of getting used to being around giants. "I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier" Bruce said trying to make some amends. "I guess I was more annoyed than I should have been. You were just trying to be helpful." Bruce's words while appreciated came across as condescending to Susan. "Well, you're basically helpless" she blurted out. "I mean, you can't even get off this table, can you?" Bruce looked around. She was right about that and he knew it. Fate had dealt him a bad hand but it was the only hand he had and he had to play it best he could. "Well I guess you're right about getting off the table but I'm not helpless. I may be small but I still have my wits" he said trying to sound brave. There's a difference between sounding brave and being brave and it was a line that was hard to find and even harder to define. But Susan, smart as she was, found it in Bruce's voice. It was, she felt, a bit too cocksure of itself. The day was half over, at least by the clock, but for Susan it was just getting started. And for once, it might just be an interesting day at that. CHAPTER FOUR: A Brave Choice Brave, that was how he played it. Foolish was the way it looked. Even to the most dimwitted of observers Bruce versus Susan was simply not a contest. Not if it came to a real contest. Oh she might indulge him. She might behave like a lady and take care of her tiny brother-in-law but that was totally up to her. She controlled the entire situation becuae unlike the movie, she really was the 50 Foot Woman. What he thought was a hand dealt to him by fate was, in actuality, a mirage. There was no hand to be played. Susan held all the cards and was just now beginning to realize it. Despite years where she managed not to work she was still a "good girl." There were lines that she never would cross and taking advantage of someone physically was one of them. Ever desperate to be wanted, to be longed after, she had abused and degraded herself in all kinds of ways but she had never taken advantage of anyone. Up until now in her life she just couldn't. Susan looked down at Bruce and smirked. All the years of her brother-in-law's "suggestions." All the put downs, real and imagined. He didn't look so big now. She had read an article about people who were shrunk and how, after a while, their minders began to treat them with contempt or worse, indifference. The minders were really no different than any other jailers. Given the opportunity there was a good chance that they would take advantage of the prisoners if only because they could. Now she began to understand what the article really meant. How puny Bruce suddenly looked in her eyes. How puny indeed and how vulnerable. "You didn't tell me whose idea it was" Susan said as she looked down at a this very small Bruce. "What does it matter" he asked but she was ready with an answer. "Well, if it were Linda's idea then I guess it doesn't matter, but if it were your idea, well that's different. That means" she said getting bolder with her language "that you want to be dominated." Bruce was silent as Susan scored a direct hit. And, as someone had told her years ago, silence was an answer. She knew just looking at him that he was the one who wanted, needed to be small. She had had lovers who enjoyed being tied up. She'd always wondered about Bruce. Now she knew. Cleaning up the table she asked if he wanted to play a game. CHAPTER V: Susan's First Choice It was past noon when Susan finished cleaning off the table. Bruce grew increasingly impatient as he waited and waited for her passive agressive side to get done with what she needed to do. He knew, just knew that she was manipulating the situation to frustrate him as she had done so many times in the past. Only this time, unlike all the others, he had no choice but to sit and take it. Finally he reached a limit. "Susan it's kind of boring just sitting around here. You think you could take me back to the bedroom? At least I can watch tv there." Susan looked down at him and said she was "almost finished." She motioned for him to hop into the carrier which he did and she closed it up. Immobilized he sat there while she gathered up a few things before she picked up the carrier and brought it into the living room and set it down on an end table next to the couch. A few minutes passed before she opened it and Bruce, who had spent nearly 10 minutes on a 15 second trip, was pissed. "Listen, you may be bigger than me and in charge so to speak, but this is still my house and you are still my guest" he declared. "I will not be treated like that in my own house." "Whatever" she said, turning on the tv to a Mets game that was just about to begin. Susan settled onto the couch next to Bruce who had decided to curl up on the arm of the couch. As she sat down he again had a lesson in truly how insignificant he was physically. Her enoromous bulk sank into the couch and as it did she nearly knocked Bruce off the couch's arm. She pretended not to notice. The game proceeded through the first few innings and Bruce and Susan made small talk as best they could. As the game spiraled out of control into a laugher for the Braves, Bruce told Susan that he wanted to watch something else. Engaging him she started to flip through the chanels until she came upon the remake of the "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" just as Darryl Hannah was beginning to move off across the desert to find her adulterous husband. "Now here's something we can both relate to" she said, laughing at her comment. Bruce was less than amused especially when she asked "how it felt to be seven inches small." "Well it was something I had been looking forward to. Now, no offense, it's just not the same without Linda." Susan loved her sister but Bruce's comment rubbed her the wrong way just the same. She might not be a curvy beauty like her sister but she was here and available. Still cheating with her sister's husband was a line she had never come close to even thinking about crossing before. Looking down at his tiny form she wondered what it might be like to, you know, explore the possibilites. Changing the subject she asked Bruce if he wanted to play checkers. Checkers was a simple game but one Susan and Bruce both enjoyed. Despite his size he was able to pick up the plastic discs and moved them around the board with alacrity. It was only when his checker was kinged that he needed Susan's help in moving the two discs stacked one on top of the other. Positioning himself just off the board he leaned his body into the stack barely budging it and losing his footing. Susan giggled and moved her left forefinger in his direction and effortlessly pushed the stacked discs onto the next square. Bruce fell down onto the board and Susan broke out laughing at his hapless plight. "It's not that funny" he said as he got up. "Oh yes it is" she said. "You don't know how funny it is to watch a seven inch man falling down because he can't move two checkers. It's somewhere between funny and pathetic. Believe me I know a lot about being pathetic. Don't I" she remarked. "Susan I hate when you talk like that. Especially now. It makes me feel uncomfortable." Bruce's few words revealed more than he imagined. Now she knew what she had already suspected. Being around a giant Susan was bothering Bruce. He was always bothered just being around Susan but now it was a bother that was much more than if they were both normal sized. The bother started to take on a proportion which reflected their difference in size. It wasn't that she was here, in his house for a week, he actually had to put up with her. He couldn't just leave the house and walk away. That was truly getting to him. Choosing her next words carefully, she probed her brother-in-law's defenses as if she were an intelligence agent. "Uncomfortable. Well some things haven't changed I see. You always seem uncomfortable around me. I guess it's just more difficult to hide now, huh Brucie." The last word Susan spoke was particularly difficult for Bruce to deal with. "Brucie" was Linda's pet name for Bruce and Susan never used it. Now it fell like a tree next to him, not hitting him but just about knocking him out just the same. Bruce looked to the ground as he struggled for the right response but there wasn't one. Susan leaned in toward him and as she did her immense chest threatened to fall out of her nightshirt. She said nothing but very much enjoyed the tension that was building up between the two of them. Bruce briefly glanced up at her chest so close and so inviting. "Wanna jump in" she asked. Bruce's whole body shook in one enormous spasm,like a bolt of lightning travelling from his head to his toes. He turned and slowly moved away from Susan trying to find some words to change the topic but the silence was deafening. After about 20 seconds Susan said she had had enough checkers. Perhaps they should watch some more tv. Bruce walked over to the carrier and got in. Susan smiled down at him with a big broad smile as she closed the case to take him back to the end table. Bruce was finished. They both knew it and now all that was left to be decided was how to complete her triumph. CHAPTER VI: Susan's Next Choice "This is fun" Susan thought to herself as she looked down at Bruce who was working to get comfortable on the end of the couch. "You know you could sit here" she said motioning to the pillow that lay next to her head as she curled up on the couch. Bruce didn't say anything but slowly slinked down off the arm of the couch onto the pillow which was much more comfortable and much closer to Susan's head than the couch's end arm. Susan once again flipped through channels and stopped at the Cinemax on demand choices and quickly began to look at their adult offerings. Choosing one she waited for it to start as Bruce squirmed on the couch. "Susan" he screamed trying to get her attention but she ignored him as if she hadn't heard him. "SUSAN" he screamed again, moving closer to her ear. This time she turned her head so that as it pivoted her nose was practically touching Bruce. "I'm kind of tired. Can you take me back to the tank so I can sleep" he asked. "You can sleep right here" she said turning away quickly. Frustrated he screamed her name once again. "Yes Bruce, I think you can tone down the volume. You're getting to be a little pain. I said to sleep here and that's that." There was no further discussion. Bruce balled himself up in a fetal position but he didn't sleep. A few minutes into the movie Susan picked up and craned her head to look at Bruce. "I guess you're not so sleepy. Do you watch these [movies] with Linda? Does she tie you up?" Bruce tried to ignore her comments but she was having fun and wasn't about to stop. "I could tie you up. All I need is some dental floss" she said as a big belly laugh erupted from her throat and filled the room. Bruce was begining to perspire as she became increasingly aggressive with her remarks. "Are you feeling okay. You're starting to sweat Brucie?" Bruce was starting to sweat. While he had worried about Susan looking after him he never imagined his zero self-esteem sister-in-law taking charge so quickly or effortlessly. As he scanned his mind for something, anything to say she would not relent. "I'm not getting you nervous am I? You know, the girl who can't do anything right." "No" Bruce stammered, "I'm not nervous. Not at all. I trust you Susan and so does Linda." Bruce briefly congratulated himself until she reminded him of something he thought she didn't know. "Do you really trust someone who you tried to cut out of her own mother's will." "That's not true" Bruce shot back. "We're only trying to protect you." "It doesn't appear that I'm the one in need of protection right now does it Brucie?" Bruce cringed at those remarks and started to get up from a sitting position. Susan leaned in and blew her hot, moist breath all over him and then blew him down as he tried to get up. "Sit down" she roared at him and he did so quickly. He sat perfectly still, too scared to move unbidden. "That's better" she said as she stood up and looked down upon a Bruce who was totally in her thrall. Leaning down she picked up the carrier and opened it. Bruce meekly hopped in and she took him back to the tank. Opening the carrier Bruce popped out and walked into the tank via the little door in the mesh. Once he was inside Susan replaced the books and put a sheet over the entire tank. Inside her something was starting to stir. It was a feeling she had never known before. A feeling that she had read about and dreamed about but truly had never experienced. It was a feeling of power. It was late in the afternoon when Susan returned to the tank. Peeking into the corner she could see Bruce was awake and looked bored. Lifting the sheet off the tank she removed the books and told Bruce to leave the tank. When he didn't move quickly for her liking she barked out the order again warning him not to challenge her authority. Bruce popped himself into the carrier for a short trip to the bathroom where he found the carrier opened in the bathtub. "Take your clothes off" Susan said. "We need to get that stinky sweat off of you." Bruce hesitated and then ran toward the front of the tub as Susan leaned in toward him. As she did one of her breasts actually swung out of her shirt which was cut very low. She didn't bother to pull her shirt up as she reached for the water and turned it on scalding hot. With the stopper placed in the drain it was only a matter of a few seconds before the bottom of the tub was covered with water and Bruce's feet began to burn. Susan pulled back from the tub and looked down into it on her knees. "Okay okay" he screamed as he started to rip off his clothes. Susan leaned over and shut off the water. She had crushed another piece of his independence out of him but she was only beginning. Bruce was so intent on complying with Susan's wishes that he tripped over his shorts and fell to the tub's hard surface. Susan laughed as he regained his feet standing anked before his giant minder. Susan now drained off the hot water from the tub. Replacing the stopper she motioned Bruce to walk under the spigot which he did and then turned on a more temperate flow of water. The water was heavy but Bruce managed to stand under it and enjoyed the water. It was a moment away from Susan even though she was right there, both her boobs now hanging out of her shirt. With the water flowing and Bruce's eyes closed, he did not see what was about to happen next. Leaning in closer to Bruce Susan placed her hand which had been resting on the top of the tub into the tub itself. Moving slowly she dipped her hand down until it made contact with Bruce's back. Bruce was startled and turned around to see Susan's log like finger in his face. Slowly the finger traced a path down Bruce's chest, past his stomach until she reached his genitals. Bruce backed up but there was nowhere to go. Awkwardly Susan's middle finger held Bruce against the wall of the tub while her index finger circled his body. Suddenly she removed her left hand but it was quickly replaced by the right which firmly held Bruce in place while she played with him more freely now. Susan removed her finger for a second to shut off the water but quickly it returned on its mission. As the water stopped flowing Bruce let off a string of obscenities in an attempt to startle Susan but she paid it no mind. His legs spread wide apart she alternately pinched and tickled his balls and penis. Crazed he tried to bite Susan but she moved her hand so he couldn't reach it with his mouth while he remained pinned. Susan worked her way with Bruce for 20 minutes before her knees began to ache enough for her to stop what she was doing. She had, of course, made her point. All the while she said not a word as she worked to complete her mission to dominate Bruce mentally as well as physically. As she withdrew her hands she could see the last traces of Bruce's confidence departing from him. Bruce collapsed to the floor of the tub as Susan looked down approvingly at what she had done. After a few moments she roared at Bruce. "Get up" she screamed. Bruce shot to his feet but was now nearly blubbering unable to look up at Susan's face. "I think we understand each other now, don't we?" Bruce just stood there too petified to move. "Don't we" she repeated, this time louder and more forcefully. Bruce just shook his head up and down to signal his acquiescence. "That's a good little Brucie. See, you got what you wanted. You got a giant woman to ease your stress. I look like Linda and sound like her too. All you need now is to get me to lose 100 pounds." She laughed at her comment as she pulled off her shirt and her panties. Without her clothes she looked truly gargantuan. Stepping into the tub her footfalls created waves that threatened to knock Bruce over. In the past few minutes she had humiliated Bruce physically, her fingers moving at will over his small form. Now she would humiliate him by basically ignoring him. As she stepped about in the tub her feet created waves of water and tremendous vibrations. Turning on a hot steamy shower she busied herself with washing her hair and cleaning her body. Bruce wasn't threatened overtly now, it was worse; he was ignored. She showered for 40 minutes, all the time ignoring Bruce who was now treading the water that was increasing in depth as the shower rained down into the tub. Susan stood fairly still in the shower but Bruce nervously eyed her feet just the same. Bruce struggled as the water rose around him but he was a good swimmer and when the shower stopped he swam to the back of the tub where he was able to stand in the shallowest depths. Susan toweled herself off and stepped out of the tub. She continued to ignore Bruce as she went about her post shower ritual. Another hour passed before she finally turned her attention to him. "Had enough" she said as she pulled the plug from the tub's drain. Sullenly he shook his head up and down several times and waited for Susan to place the carrier in the tub. When she did she also placed a small hand towel with it and he dried himself off before he stepped into the carrier. Up and up it went until it descended a little and came to a rest. As she opened up the carrier he could see he was once again in the bedroom but now he was on the bed. An enormous field of white spread out for some distance. Suddenly a shadow covered Bruce. It was the shadow of his sister-in-law who stood naked beside the bed, her enormous breasts falling down over her enormous belly. From where Bruce stood he he was about eye level with her dense forest of hair which furred her vagina. He didn't dare look up at Susan's face. She was a goddess to him now. And Bruce knew, just knew, a mere mortal such as he was never allowed to look a goddess in the face. Crawling onto the bed Susan the Goddess was nearly salivating. After all, being a goddess was so much fun. CHAPTER VII: Susan's Next Choice Susan lay on the bed in a semicircle surrounding Bruce of approximately 180 degrees. Bruce, his head still down, was running out of choices as Susan began to speak. "Well that was refreshing. I always liked your shower. It gives a good, hot, steamy blast. You know, hot and steamy. You like it hot and steamy Brucie, don't you" she said drawing her words out trying to be sexy and taunting all at the same time. Bruce said nothing as Susan's right hand approached and stroked him. His mind was an empty page at this moment. Physical resistance seemed futile as she ran her index finger all over his body, its creative energies focused on his most excitable areas. Soon his excitement was quite obvious. He was helpless to prevent it as he was helpless to prevent Susan's advances. "Poor little Brucie" she said as she continued to stroke and play with his penis. "I see your enjoying this, or at least some part of you is" she said totally relishing this situation as she chuckled to herself. There were only a few steps left to totally complete his humiliation and turn him from man into toy. Later she would reflect on how quickly human relationships can swing and morph in such a short period of time. She had entered into her arrangment to watch over Bruce unsure of what might happen. Now she was quite sure that she was changing her destiny and Bruce's as well. He was no longer her brother-in-law and a man who had basically controlled their relationship, such as it was, for 15 years. Through her physical dominance of this toy man she had, in just one day, overcome deep seeded psychcological fears to dominate him mentally as well. Now things were to be on her terms. Her way. As far as Bruce was concerned the old Susan was dead. She was about to bury it on this bed. Bruce was quickly running out of options. He could in fact surrender to his giant sister-in-law's advances or he could resist. Resistance seemed futile but at least it was an honorable course of action. Surrender could be honorable as well but he was unsure if Susan had any interest in his honor as she worked her finger all over him. As he examined his options Susan moved forward with hers. Curling herself around him she drew her head close to him and began to flick her tongue at him. Soon this pinkish slab of beef was on him, coating him with her saliva as she moved it all over his backside. Poking Bruce she turned his body round and now her tongue zeroed in on his penis and scrotum, moving his legs apart as she worked up his inner thighs. As she did so Bruce seized what may have been his last option, he turned and tried to run away. He didn't get very far as Susan slammed her right fist onto the bed next to him causing him to be launched into the air. Bruce fell on his back and was quickly smothered by Susan's tongue and saliva which now came in a torrent to cover every inch of his tiny body. Bruce curled into a fetal position in an attempt to ward off the giant snake which emanated from Susan's mouth but it was to no effect. She jammed her tongue into him, forcing his legs away from his stomach as she rapidly flicked her tongue back and forth. Like an animal now she worked Bruce over, pounding him out flat on his back and then slowly dragging her tongue over him while her saliva continued to gush out covering him as well. As she worked her tongue over Bruce she began to work herself as well. Laying her on left side, with her right hand she slowly separated her womanly folds and began to pleasure herself as she continued to play with Bruce with her tongue. After a few minutes she decided that Bruce was sufficiently humiliated that it was time for him to complete his humiliation. With that she pulled herself up and straddled Bruce so that he was now in a canyon, a "box" canyon that led straight to her furry cleft. "Get up" she barked and Bruce rose to his feet. Surrounded now by her fleshy, massive thighs, he was a beaten man but he held out his last shred of dignity and refused to move. She yelled and sreamed at him but he would not budge. Furious she slowly squeezed her legs together, crushing Bruce whose entire body was now trapped except for his head. Unable to breathe he struggled vainly to free himself but, of course, couldn't. Easing the presure just a bit, Susan allowed Bruce to take a breath and then pressed him again, this time tighter. Still he wouldn't budge. No matter she had other choices. In a flash she jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom quickly returning with dental floss. Nimbly working her fingers she tied Bruce's arms behind his back and then looped the floss around him so that his arms were tied down to his back. Working the floss around his little body, in less than a minute Bruce was securely tied from head to toe. Cutting off the floss she left a lead of it so she could dangle Bruce in midair, the lead wrapped around several of her fingers. There was to be no be no small talk now as she lay back down on the bed and stuffed Bruce where he had previously refused to go. Legs first he went in, all the way in. Thirty minutes later as she came the force of her orgasm expelled the shrimp like man in her vagina onto the bed where she left him to stew in her juices for hours. Later when she cut his bonds his pain was gone. He was more or less just numb. It took the better part of six hours for the circulation to return to normal in his body and he slept 12 hours recovering from his ordeal. When he awoke he was stiff and sore all over and smelled badly of her juices. Glancing up he noticed Susan looking down upon him. The mesh covering the tank was gone and soon her giant left paw was descending into the tank to retrieve Bruce. Her adventures of the past day had made the carrying case obsolete. Susan returned to the bed with Bruce and lay down in the middle of it. Quickly she splayed her legs and placed Bruce near the apogee of the angle formed by her legs. This time there was no dissent. With the memory of past resistance burning brightly in his head, Bruce moved as fast as his pain racked body allowed and made love, diminutive love, to Susan. The warmth of her body acted almost like a hot bath as he writhed around in her folds. He worked like an animal as her fingers gently encouraged and joined his efforts. In 15 minutes they were done and his cum splattered body came to rest where he had worked. Susan relaxed for a while before she gently retrieved Bruce and took him to the bathroom. Using the soap dispenser she covered his body in liquid soap and filled the wash basin with warm water. In 10 minutes he was clean as new. Toweling Bruce off Susan placed him his new carrying case, between her bra contained breasts. It was time for breakfast and some nourishment. There was still much work to be done. CHAPTER VIII: A Final Choice Susan ate her breakfast. She was good at that. A few times she pulled open the top of her shirt and dropped a few morsels in for Bruce to eat. For more than an hour she sat at the table as Bruce waited, trapped between her breasts. Finally she plucked him out of her shirt and put him on the table in front of her. "I've decided" she began "that there will be a new regimen in this house. From now on your life will be dedicated solely to serving me. Whatever I decide is the law here. If you learn that quickly you will suffer less. If not" her voice trailed off but it was quite obvious to Bruce Susan meant business. Over the rest of the day Bruce was kept busy painting Susan's toe nails, massaging her feet and back, nibbling her ears (it drove her crazy), and whatever else she could think of. When he balked at an assignment, even for an instant, there was punishment just as quickly. Bruce found out what it was like to spend a half hour naked in the freezer and his behavior improved radically when Susan taped him to the kitchen countertop with his legs spread wide apart. She spent the better part of an hour flicking his scrotum once a minute with her forefinger. It was amazing how fast his attitude changed after that. Much of the next few days were a reeducation process for Bruce. He was forced to recount his past poor attitude towards Susan and apologize again and again to her for how he had treated her in the past. On the fourth day he spent with Susan he quibbled with her for an instant over some matter that had happened 12 years ago. For that indiscretion he went 24 hours without food or water and spent the night surrounded by four heavy boxes which he could even dream of moving. He was thus forced to stand all night and could only catch the briefest of naps before the misery of punishment forced him awake again. For Susan Bruce had ceased to be her brother-in-law or even a human being. He was now a toy, an object to do with as he pleased. Much of the unpleasantness Bruce experienced at Susan's hands wasn't payback for his actions but were, in reality, payback for her lifetime of experiences at the mercy of society. It was likely that any shrunken person would have suffered the fate which befell Bruce. Her actions were also a verification of what researchers already knew; little people were mistreated by big people just because they could. It was really that simple. Not every little person to be sure, but the mistreatment occurred in numbers that couldn't be justified by any other reason. On the sixth day something strange occurred. Bruce awoke to find the books that had blocked his exit from the tank gone. The top mesh was no longer taped and the ropes Linda had left for him to be able to climb down had reappeared. Bruce took advantage of the ropes to make his way around the house. It was hours before Susan caught up with him. "There you are" she said as she spied him on the couch watching tv. "You must be hungry." With that she set out food for Bruce. What had happened he wondered to change Susan's attitude. Was it the fact that Linda was due home the next day? He just had to know. "What gives" he asked her as she sat down next to him on the couch. She laughed hard, her outsized boobs moving in every direction as her body convulsed with laughter. "You got what you wanted, didn't you? Since Linda wasn't here I figured I might as well give you what you always wanted" she said. Bruce was a little taken aback. He wondered if it were really a scheme on Susan's part to keep him from ratting her out to Linda. Susan saw the puzzled look on his face and told him to be "honest" with himself. He sat and thought about it a while. Over the past six days he could hardly deflate his erection as Susan totally dominated his every action. Maybe she was right, maybe not. It certainly was an interesting turn of events. "I hope your not disappointed with me." "No" he replied, you're a great giantess. "It's just, you know, I'm married to your sister." "Oh I don't think she'll mind somehow. We can always keep it our 'little' secret." She laughed at her pun and so did Bruce. "How about one for the road Bruce." Susan picked up her shirt and Brian clambered on board her rack. Leaning back to make it easier for her small lover, Susan soon found Bruce mounting her left breast with his tiny erection quickly inserted into her nipple. It wasn't long before he came. Picking him up she licked Bruce for a while, for old times sake. The rest of the day past uneventfully. Uneventfully that is except for several trips he made to her nether regions, providing "aid and comfort to the enemy." The next day Bruce awoke early and was very excited. Linda was due back and he couldn't wait to see her and play with her. There was, of course, the little matter of his dalliance with her sister, but Susan was probably right he thought. Would she really care? She might but if she got mad Susan was there to protect him. It was around noon when Bruce heard the clicking of a key going into the front door. That's when he knew Linda was home. Susan, who was, of course, eating at the kitchen table got up to greet her sister while Bruce raced his little legs off and stood a safe distance away from the door. They were both in place to greet Linda when the door swung open. She looked terrific. Her time in Florida had allowed her olive skin to tan, making it even more beautiful. As she stepped into the house Bruce was in awe of his giant wife. She was wearing a short white skirt which played off well against her tan legs and the killer stillettos that he loved. Bruce waved to get her attention but she didn't look down as she stepped into the house with her luggage. She placed her bags next to the door and stepped forward in Bruce's direction. In three short steps she was practically on top of Bruce and as her stilletto clad feet drew close Bruce dove out of the way to prevent being stepped on. Linda kissed her sister hello and briefly spoke with her ignoring Bruce who waited behind her. After 30 seconds Bruce was beginning to feel neglected and began to shout out Linda's name in an effort to get her attention. He quickly got it and much, much more. "Well what do you have to say for yourself" she roared at Bruce whose face went from smiling to puzzled to frightened in about one second."Well" she screamed as she stood over him. "I,I, uhh" Bruce blubbered as Linda glared down at him. "What's the matter? Did you forget how to speak my little toy of a husband?" As she spoke she took several steps over to the bookshelf that was in the foyer of the house and grabbed a small bottle off of the top shelf. Susan stood watching the unfolding drama with a smirk on her face. The moment of truth was at hand. "I understand your training has gone well. Susan told me that you had one last day of freedom yesterday. That was for old times sake and because my sister always wanted you in the sack, even if you are only seven inches small. From now on you'll live to pleasure both of us. "This" she said, pointing to the bottle, "is your new home. You see Bruce I've gotten a little tired of all your requests for sexual indulgences. Frankly I was getting more than a little bored by it all. But Susan, Susan was just itching to give you a whirl. And seeing how you wanted to be made small well... it was too good a chance to pass up. Susan will have you most of the time but I can use you too if I'm in the mood." At last comprehending what was happening he made a final choice of his own; he started to run. He didn't get very far. With the front door closed he imagined he could run through the kitchen and through an old doggy door into the backyard. Susan pulled off her shirt and tossed it at him. It landed on top of him and she wrapped him up in it and dumped him into the jar. As Linda screwed the lid of the jar back on he screamed at the two sisters that they would be "sorry" for their actions. "Oh I'm sure" said Linda in a soft and sarcastic tone before the sisters burst out laughing. When they stopped laughing they watched as Bruce beat his fists against the jar until he collapsed, defeated with no options. As she placed the jar containing Bruce on the shelf Linda reminded him that this was "his choice." She was right. Life was a series of choices. Unfortunately for Bruce, he chose poorly and with it earned a life of service to two rather large goddesses. Linda walked away. She had to unpack her things. Susan lingered for a moment and picked up the jar. Unscrewing the lid she put the jar up to her mouth and stuck her tongue out, furiously working her pink appendage over Bruce until he was coated most everywhere with her saliva. Bruce was defenseless. His only relief came when Susan ended her assault. She then screwed the lid back on and placed the jar back on the shelf and walked away. She didn't have to say a word. She too had made her choice. It was a choice that put her in charge of a helpless little man. It was a choice that she would enjoy for some time to come. But most of all, it was her choice. Finally, it was her choice. THE END AUTHOR'S NOTE I would appreciate any comments or reviews. I would also like to know if you would enjoy a prequel or sequel. Thanks. |