Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1008067-The-Collaring-Part-1
Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #1008067
What happens when a slave does bad and a Master's girlfriend is thown in the mix.....
It all started when aiko had disobeyed her Master when he was very clear and direct about the orders. The orders by her Master were very misunderstood in aiko’s mind and she did something that she would regret for awhile. A week goes by without a word from aiko’s Master and she is worried that she will be dropped very soon. She thought about what she could do to change things and fix them. All aiko could do was wait….

Preparing for bed, the slave girl washed up and did her nightly chores. Before sleeping she laid in silent darkness for an hour thinking about her Master and wondering when He would allow her to see Him again. She thought about the times she spent with her owner and pondered on what she could have done differently in the past to prevent all of this mayhem. Growing tired she yawns and her head sinks deep into her pillow as her body falls to sleep.

Aiko sleeps as the intruder leers through her window at her. The unlocked window is opened followed by the trespasser’s entrance to the slave girl’s room. Looking down at her, he grabs a hand full of her hair and pulls close to his face. Stunned by the startling wake up she cries, “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

“Shut up slut and come with me.” Her Master’s voice demands.

Feeling relieved that her Master is finally there she obediently follows His orders and crawls through the window along with him. T/they quietly snuck through the back forest of her parent’s property, trying not to wake her family. Aiko grows nervous, scared and is anticipating the unknown. When T/they got to her Master’s car, He told her to stay put and stand with her head down. She tries to peak at what her Master is grabbing from the car but with no luck.
“Close your eyes, whore, and do as I say.” Her Master orders.

Doing so, she feels a ball gag being shoved into her mouth and a blindfold masks her sight. The slave girl then hears another person get out of the car and in a female voice aiko hears…

“Do you want to tie her up now or later?”

Fear shoots through the slave’s body as she is exposed and vulnerable to more then she had thought. Her Master replies that he wants to bind his slave then and there so when aiko figures everything out that she wont run away. The hair on the back of the defenseless slave’s neck raises as she realizes whom the mystery woman is. It is assumed that the woman is her Master’s girlfriend, Jessica, who has a passionate hate for aiko. There is an intense silence as the rope is handed to aiko’s Master and all throughout the process of her being tied. Aiko’s wrists and ankles are tied very tightly. The slave girl has never been so intimidated in her life. aiko fears that Jessica will get her time with her and abuse what is not hers to abuse. Incapable of speaking her worries, aiko is shoved in the back of the SUV.

“Didn’t think W/we would ever be in the same car together now did you, Aiko?” The female voice breaks the silence.

The unguarded submissive is now positive of the woman’s identification and wonders why she is there and what Jessica wants with her. Anxiety grows in aiko as she fears her Master has planned an abuse session for her last scene with Him. The slave starts to tear up and cry from the thoughts of her last time with her Master. She hears her Master yelling from the front seat,” Are you being emo(tional) back there!? You better not be!” The rest of the ride had only the noise of a car on the freeway and deep breathing. This intimidating and eerie stillness was unbearable. The car finally stops and the Master gets out leaving aiko and Jessica in the car alone together. “It will be better then you think it will in due time.” Jessica said as she tries to calm aiko down.

The Master returns and pulls his slave out of the car, leading her up stairs and in a room. After the door shuts, Jessica pulls aiko’s head back by her hair and calls her a stupid submissive fuck. The slave is shoved on a bed face first by the woman and is told that she is in for it. Aiko’s mind is racing about what is about to happen: Is Master really this mad at me that he would allow her to hurt me? Does this mean that I am done with? The angry Master unties his slave and strips her of her clothes and dignity in front of Jessica. Pulling up the blindfold that aiko had worn the whole ride, the Master says “I am very mad at you and you will do as you are told from now on. I am going to make sure of it. I have been way too lenient on you and it is now time for me to show you just how I really am.” Aiko sees the anger in his eyes and feels terrible. After that moment, the slave doesn’t care what is done to her, nor about the intrusive woman who will be watching the whole thing. Aiko just wants her Master to stop being so angry and so disappointed. The slave convinced herself that being obedient and not fight whatever is about to come would be the best thing to do in this situation that she has put herself in.
“You are aware that Jessica will be beating you?” Her Master says.

At that very moment aiko feels complete and utter fear but replies in a head bob of acknowledgment.

“Good, because what you are going to do is lay there and take it. She also is very upset with you but is willing to punish you for it and be done with all of the drama. I thought that was a very good idea, since you are a bad little bitch.” The Master scolds.

“That is fucking right. This is what is going to happen. You have a safe word which is ‘red’. If you say it while I am beating you then I will stop. If you don’t then I will beat you until I feel satisfied with your punishment. If you make me stop, I will continue to hate you. If you allow me to beat you thoroughly then I will accept you a W/we will go on with O/our lives. Get it, whore?” Jessica instructs.

Without a word or sign, the slave is held down by her Master and has started getting spanked by the displeasured woman as hard as possible with a wooden paddle. Each sharp smack pierces through her nerves like lightning leaving the feeling of bee stings on her whole ass. Tears start to flow from aiko’s face as she is being beaten brutally. The slave grasps the sheets in agony. Her Master, sitting on her back, grabs his slave by her hair and whispers harshly, “I am sure you wont be pissing anyone that I care about again because you WILL remember this night.” The beating gets worse and worse as each smack of the paddle gets harder and faster. Tears rush down aiko’s face as she bites down onto the gag while whining in pain. Her ass is being blistered and she is regretting everything that she has ever done to him and everyone he knew. The torn slave girl feels immense pain and she wanting Jessica to stop but not hate her. So many things rush through the girls head and her crying so hard is starting to block her ability to breath. The paddle continues to beat down on her blistered ass harder and harder with every swift smack while the Master is pulling his slaves hair and telling her how much of a useless slut she is. The only thing in aiko’s mind is getting through this vicious assault and the word ‘breath’ is what her body is telling her. Her ass goes numb as does her mind and she just sees light and her Master’s face. The pain she had felt made her block out the moment but everything starts to slow down. Lights, faces and muted mouths moving…

Back to reality as her Master snags the gag from her mouth. The beating was over and the slave gasps for air as she sniffles and coughs. Her Master gets off of her naked beaten body with her hair still in his hand. Pulling her head back, He gives her a soft kiss on her cheek and lets go of his grasp.

“I didn’t think you would finish it! Congratulations, whore.” The satisfied woman snickers.

Before aiko could say anything, her Master jumps on top of his slave with no shirt on and flips her over on her back. The slave faces her Master and sees the pleased look in his eyes. For a moment, aiko is content and a small grin shows through her teary face. Grabbing a wad of his slave’s hair, the Master pulls aiko’s head over to the side and bites down hard on her shoulder. The abused slave gives out a moan of discomfort. Her Master then kisses up his slaves neck and nibbles her jaw line. Releasing aiko’s hair, the Master sits straight up on top of her and slaps the slave across the face with a disciplinary look on His face. Grabbing her by the throat, He squeezes tightly as aiko’s hands come up to try to set his hands free from the deathly grip. Another slap is administered to the Master’s slave as he replies, “Do not fucking touch my arms. What I do, I do for a reason and there is no way you will stop me. Don’t fucking try, it will just get worse for you. Just trust me.”

With those words, the breathless slave calmly places her hands by her side in faith that her Master will let go soon. The Master releases her from the hold and bites down on aiko’s nipple with a great deal of pressure. As aiko cringes from the pain, she sees Jessica coming up being Her Master. The woman places her hands on the Masters back and slowly trails them upwards. Master’s mouth lets go of his slaves nipple and His attention is given to Jessica. He kisses her in front of aiko. The slaves heart burns with jealous rage. Knowing that, the Master grabs a hold of his slave’s breast and squeezes with intense power as he continues to kiss his girlfriend. Aiko squeals and asks for forgiveness. The Master lets go and raises up from his slave. Caressing His girlfriend’s face and telling her how beautiful she is, the Master ignores His torn slave who lay on the bed in horror.

Aiko realizes the difference between her and her Master’s girlfriend. Master has never done anything like that to His slave and all of it is coming together for the shocked slave. A deep love grows in aiko’s heart towards her Master. For she now knows that no matter what, Jessica can’t replace her. Aiko is His slave, which could never be what a girlfriend is or visa versa. The slave is content with an accepting place in her ‘home’ for Jessica. Seeing that had opened her eyes.

The Master walks over to the backpack that is carried everywhere he goes and and pulls out a small brown box while He calls aiko over to his side. He demands her to kneel down in front of Him with her head facing the ground. The slave does so obediently without question.

“ I hope you have learned and realized a lot in this very quick session of O/ours. I see in your eyes that you have learned your place and is hopefully never going to step out of line or disobey me again. Am I correct?” The Master says.

“Yes Sir”, aiko replies.

“Things are going to change a lot around here and I want you to know that no matter what happens, I will not care any less about you. Do you understand that as well, aiko?” The Master continues.

“Yes Sir” aiko says as she not dare raise her head to see the expression on her Master’s face.

“Close your eyes and do not dare open them until I say.” The Master demands His slave.

Obediently, with her head down, aiko closes her eyes with no doubts or fear in her Master. She hears her owner opening the box and unrolling something out of some packaging material that made a jingle when dandling from her Master’s hands. He places a collar around her neck and locked it around her. A smile brightens through aiko’s face that goes from ear to ear. The slave is very happy and does not believe what just happened. The Master who she had loved and cherished more then any other Master she had had has chosen to officially collar her as His own. She will wear it with pride. The Master puts his finger underneath his slaves chin and raises her head up.

“Now for part two.” Her Master says with an evil grin.

Calm but still aching, aiko looks at Him hesitantly. Her Master guides his slave to stand and sit in a chair.

“Sit there and do not move.” The Master demands.

© aiko
© Copyright 2005 esclavedefille (esclavedefille at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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