Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1008037-The--Exchange-Student-1-A-New-Visitor
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Teen · #1008037
Mystery's dad sends her away to get over the death of his wife and her mother.{hp}
A New Visitor

         Mystery caught sight of herself in the reflection of the windowof her sliding glass door that led to her balcony. Her smokey green eyesand black eyeliner shone oddly against her pale complection and almost white blond hair. She brought her hand up to mouth and say her perfectly manicured fingure nails. She put her short jean jacket on over her silvery string tank. On her hips were a pair of dark blue jeans and a small belt. On her feet were her favorite pair of flip-flops: black with light green roses.
         She turned around and saw her luggage and owl cage sitting next to her bed. Her mother died lat week and her dad wasn't taking it very well. He is sending her to a family friend for the summer and she will attend the school there in the fall. Her dad went to school with Lucius Malfoy before moving out of England. Mr. Malfoy and his wife agreed to take Mystery in during her fathers time of grieving.
         She is leaving at six o'clock in the evening, or when Mr. Malfoys son shows up. Draco is coming out of the fire place to help her take all of her luggage.
         Her dad had locked himself in his room after his wifes funeral, so Mystery had not had a chance to say good-bye. He had left a check for $25,000 on the kitchen table while she was sleeping. That was the only communication between Mystery and her father: money. He gave her five hundred dollars a week and that was the only time they talked.
         The time clicked away on Mystery's wall clock. She layed down on her bed with her music playing as loudly as it would go. She sang along with the lead singer of her favorite rock band. She had once sang with them on tour when they came to Florence. She was so immersed in her music that she didnt realise the green flames followed by Draco coming out of her fire place.
         He shook ashes from his sleeve and looked around he say Mystery laying there with her back to him. He thought Damn, she's fine! He walked around the bed and caught her eye. She looked stunned at being surprised and jumped up to go turn off her music.
         "Hey," she said. Looking at the clock that now read:6:03. "Sorry I lost track of time." She thought Wow he's cute! She went over to her bureau and grabbed her wand off the shelf above it, which she tucked away in her pants pocket. She pointed to her bags and said, "It's just these two here and my owl's cage."
         He folowed her over to the bed and tried his hardest to resist looking her up and down. He figured she must have some veela in her: how else could she be so beautiful? "Nice owl, you dont see many black ones in this area."
         "Her names Juliet. She was a gift from my mother when I was five."
         "Oh, I'm Draco, by the way" he said.
         "Hmm. I'm Mystery."
         "Mystery I like that. Mystery Aurora, isn't it?"
         "You got it!"
         "Well let's get going, then." Draco said as he picked up her bags and grabbed Juliet's cage. Mystery merrily nodded and they went over to the hearth. Once inside the fireplace, Draco said, "MALFOY MANOR!" She felt the normal sensation of floo powder and the awful spinning. The next thing she knew they were stopping. And the hurling sensation left them as soon as it had come.
(indent}"I hate using Floo Powder!" Draco said as they were coming out of the hearth.
         "I have to agree with you. I can't wait to pass my apparation test!" Mystery countered.
         Just then Mrs. Malfoy came bustling around the corner. She ran straight to Draco and fussed over him before even noticing Mystery. When Draco managed to push her away, fully embaressed, she looked at Mystery. "Well. Your very pretty. Veela?" Mrs. Malfoy said with her head inclined to the side.
         "Um, no actually, but thank you, Mrs. Malfoy. Your gorgous also." Mystery said.
         Mrs. Malfoy smiled demorely and said, "My name's Narcissa darling, please use it. Well I'll let Draco show you to your room. Would you like to join us for dinner? It should be ready in a few minutes."
         "Okay, sounds great. I'm starving." Mystery said.
         Narcissa walked back around the corner and Draco picked up Mystery's bags and said to Mystery, "Follow me. It's on the fourth floor. You'll be in the room right next to mine." Draco led the way up to the fourth floor where he stopped at the fifth door on the right. He openned it up to a black and dark red themed room with a large bed at the center. Mystery noticed a door to the left and asked where it went to.
         "Oh. That goes to the bathroom. You'll have to share that with me, but don't worry it's big enough." Draco said. "And we also share the balcony just beyond that curtain there." Mystery merrily nodded and Draco said, "well let's get down to dinner, then. I can give you a tour after we eat."
         Draco grabbed Mystery's hand and led her back down stairs to have dinner.

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