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Rated: E · Other · Romance/Love · #1007389
It's a short story about love, heartbreak and your true love's desire.

DESTINY- The Soul Catcher!

He looked me in the eyes; those deep blue eyes help me captive as I was standing in the rain. His hair-dripping wet from the rain. He needed a haircut I thought, as I reached out and pushed the hair out of his eyes.
“Choose” he said, as a shock raced through my wrist when he touched me. Kevin stepped closer. He was six foot and built and spoke so softly that the sheer force this man exuded in my presence startled me. I could not help slipping my arms around his waist and lifting my lips to meet his. Just give in, my body screamed- I closed my eyes and felt his lips on mine. Unable to think about right or wrong, just feel consumed me. I felt my heart beating out of my chest then the kiss ended. I felt weak, deserted by him. I stumbled away from him and placed my hands on my head. When I looked up he said” tell me you do not love me anymore and I will leave.” But as I looked into his eyes, my cheeks burned, and my mouth went dry, I could not speak.
“I’ll… I’ll call you,” I said, finally able to put together more than two words. He stood there piercing me with those blue eyes. “I need time to think.” I said as I was backing away.
“You know were meant for each other Annmarie,” he said as he started to turn away.
“I know,” I said, my eyes like portals to my soul, staring back at him. He promised forever, heart, body and soul. He turned away and I started to shake Feeling worse then I had in a long time. Was it confusion, excitement, sadness? Yes, and I was jealous that he was not mine. I was angry that he had this hold over me even after two years of being apart, but most of all, I was scared. Scared that I was going to make a wrong decision and end up either breaking his heart or worst of all breaking my own heart.
The real problem had started two years ago. You see when I met Kevin he was separated from his wife but not divorced. When Jodi, his wife met me, everything was fine. It was not until Kevin and I became best friends and spent almost every waking minute together that she started to cause trouble for him. He lost everything, the house, and cars. She even created problems with the boxing association so that he could not fight anymore. Finally she came to me and said,” that if I did not leave her husband she would take his career away from him.” I tried to explain to her that nothing was going on and she just laughed. I turned to walk away from her and she called Kevin’s captain at the police station. She had lied to his captain and he was under investigation now and was suspended with pay pending an investigation. I could not let this happen to Kevin- his job was his life. Anytime he spoke about his day his eyes would light up like the stars in Heaven. I turned to Jodi and told her I agree to never speak to Kevin again. As I was walking away, she said,” Do not even tell him good-bye. Just leave!” I dropped my head down in defeat, and said, “OK.”
I boarded the plane in a daze. –As I sat down in my seat, I did not even hear the pilot’s announcements about how the weather was in Hawaii or anything else. It was if my body was headed to Hawaii but my heart was still at the airport. Thinking about the first time we met. I had met him at the police station picking up my drunken sister. He smiled at me and asked, “Are you the responsible party were releasing her to?” I was in bed when I had received the call to come get her. So I threw on my jacket and header to the station in my pajamas. My hair was disheveled and my eyes were only half open. “Yes” I said mortified by her behavior and wishing a hole would just swallow me up that instant. My face had turned pink from embarrassment and he came over to me and looked me in the eyes and said” All situations are blessing in disguise.” Later when we had become best friend I asked him what he meant by that and Kevin stated that he saw me with Jimmy going into our home and felt this incredible urge to try to meet me. For months though he did not even know my name and he never saw me after that day. That is why when I walked into the police station he felt like the angels had smiled upon him. I smiled and said “thank you.”
Now, I had a choice to make. Stay, and start my Law Practice from scratch or leave town to become a partner at a well know practice in Hawaii.
As I stepped out into the bright sunlight, I was forced to pull myself together. .
“Annmarie?” said the voice from behind me.
Startled, I jumped back” Yes. Yes, I am Annmarie?” I said nervously.
“My name is Kuna… I am here to escort you to your hotel and show you around our gorgeous island,” he said. “I nodded my acceptance and was once again lost in my own thought…I’m sorry if I startled you before. If you want me to leave…” I looked up at him and said “ do you think you could take me to a secluded part of the beach where I could think?”
“Kuna shook his head yes and soon we were on our way. When we stopped I looked out the window at the most beautiful ocean I had ever seen. I quickly lost my breath; it was strong, powerful, and inviting. In a trance I started to run toward the ocean. I could hear my heart pounding in time to my footsteps. Moving quickly, thinking if I could only calm this raging storm inside me, I could be free from this terrible situation.
My anticipation is growing I am getting closer! You can smell the ocean close by. The birds are singing, and the flowers are beautiful. Vibrant colors of red and orange as well as pastel colors of rose and yellow and fringed with the green leaves makes you take a deep breathe of fresh air.

When I finally make it to the to the edge of the sand I am reminded of an easier time. I was a child then, running carefree and felt that I had the whole world right here with me. “If I could only recapture that sense of freedom and relaxed spirit!” I thought. “Are you okay?” Kuna asked. The sound of his voice brought me back to reality. I turned to face him.
“Yes. Just…” This was all I got out and as he raised his hand and I stopped “ You run as if you are being hunted.” Kuna said. “Your journey here, through life has been a battle.” “Be at peace with your spirit, sit and just listen to wind. It will speak to you and reveal your heart’s desire.” Kuna said.
“I will be close by if you need me …” He said as he turned and seemed to disappear. Once again I heard Kevin’s words “ We belong together Annmarie, it is our destiny!”
I wanted to shout; frustrated with this whole situation and how even thousands of miles away my body betrayed me. Frustrated, I drop down onto the sand and look out over the ocean.
The sound of the waves crashing down relaxes me. It is as if heaven is whispering to me. I feel the wind on my bare arms and legs. I remember what Kuna said about listening to the wind. I watch the ebb and flow of the tide and feel drawn in; I find myself at the lip of the ocean and I plunge into its depths. When I emerge from the ocean’s depths I having this feeling of contentment and purity. I hear the wind in my ear and feel the chill on my body. “Think it says, what does he mean to you?” I start thinking about this morning, just as I was about to hand my ticket to the stewardess and board the plane; I felt this hand on my wrist take hold of me. Confused I turn to see who has me and it is Kevin, staring right into my eyes. My whole body shook He handed me this piece of paper that had a poem written on it. I could not think about this now. I dove into the ocean again to clear my thoughts. I kept swimming and swimming until I felt at peace again. I walked over to the sand and wrapped myself with a towel that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Kuna I thought.
Sitting there I started to think about what Kevin meant to me. He was my best friend before I left two years ago. I was devastated, unable to eat, or sleep. I would cry myself to sleep thinking about him. . I thought about how he would make snow angels on my front lawn so that I would smile and think of him (his “secret” talent as he called it.) I told him everything and he told me everything - well almost everything. Through all those nights of talking on the phone and watching the stars together, he never told me his true feelings for me. I would tell him my dreams and desires and he would smiled and say “follow your heart, it will never steer you wrong.” But he never once was honest enough to tell me how he felt about me- until today.
Once again I start thinking about the scene at the airport. Kevin hands me this paper right before I walk on to the plane. I take a deep breath as I open the letter and I found a poem with a picture of me that Kevin had drawn freehand. As I read the poetry now, I could feel the wind lifting my hair up around my head like a halo. The wind was whispering in my ear” Feel the words, listen to your true hearts desire!” The poetry tells the story of a love that has never been spoken. That is never realized, and ends in heartbreak when the woman leaves him never to be found again.”
My hands shook, and I felt the wind pull the paper out of my hands.
Suddenly as if I was dreaming I heard Kevin say, “I’m sorry.” I did not mean to hurt you, or cause you this much pain,” as the tears quietly rolled down my cheeks. I stepped toward him to see if he was real. “I could not stay away” he said,
“I will not Annmarie… Can not make you choose between true love or a career?” he said softly. I could not answer .I stopped breathing. All these feelings hit me at once. I turned to run; my emotions were too powerful like a volcano ready to erupt. But then I noticed that Kevin’s whole body was shaking. “Oh Annmarie…please… don’t run away from me again…” He pleaded. I could not move. Suddenly as I was looking at him I felt this need to wrap my arms around his waist. I realized how much I have missed him. How safe and loved I am with his arms wrapped around me like a cocoon. Then he lowers his lips to mine. How my heart jumps each time he reaches for me, how exquisite our bodies feel entwined together. It started to rain and I loved how the rain cooled our warm skin.

Suddenly, the rain stopped and the sun came from behind the clouds and was shining all around us. It was then that I realized- that the answer was in me all along. I just needed to listen to my hearts desire. I looked up into those amazing beautiful blue eyes and said, “ You are my destiny, and my true hearts desire and I love you!”
© Copyright 2005 nikita09 (annmarie09 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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