Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1006352-Intoxicating
Rated: 13+ · Prose · Relationship · #1006352
Thanks Ray forletting me make a scene.
I know pirate. Although this is recently acquired knowledge he is indeed a pirate all the same and has been given access to much of what I value and hold dear. In the same respect, I am not sure he is privy to the fact that I have discovered his true identity. It is my current delmna to determine if I should find a course of escape or allow myself a tarty little adventure. The second choice of course can leave me destitute and stranded on a deserted island. However, if I escape I do believe there is a possibility of a greater loss.

At the time of our aquaintance, I thought him nothing more than a common rogue. He is a playful sort; flirtatious and aloof, quite fond of laughter, ladies and liquor and not in any particular order of preference. One would know such antics aremeant only for the moment and certainly would be forgotten in the morning. He is mischievious in all regards.

I must admit, there is something alluring about this type of scoundrel. He is not what I would call malicious, but rather impish. At least I was under the assumption his intentions were purely hedonistic in nature. "Today is the day and we have no idea what will come in the marrow. Therefore, seize the moment and live for the day." This carefree attitude was quite different from my own sense or responsibility and obligation and while I find it reckless to deviate from such a narrow path, there appears to be an intriguing sense of freedom in such abandon.

And so, we would meet on occasion. In those moments, I lived a temporary life of one such as my friend. Purely in innocent terms I would participate in the reveling of the underworld. Always aware that in the morning, my life would return to what I knew as normal. I would never allow myself the same reckless abandon, but to be merely a minor participant. Flirtations with this rogue were hidden under all things: sobriety.

These moments were statigically spaced so as not to interfer with my normal and boring life. I escaped that mundane routine only inder the assumption that I too would forget come the next day, but after a time something began to change. In my own mind I was seeing the rogue in a light that some may find ridiculous, but somehow he became my friend. However rare the occasion, there were seconds when the most minute chip would fall away from his facade revealing a glimpse of a person very few knew. Odd as it may seem, I knew I would never befall any misfortune while in his company. It was with great pleasure, he would remind his fellow rogues exactly where they fell in the pecking order whenever one might over step thier bounds. I also suppose now that this was his first step in tresspassing into the secret placeI have so desperately tried to protect.

And then one day, he disappeared. One would think a girl with sensibilities such as my own would simply mark this as one passing of time and move toward the next. Oh, I tried to do this, but there was always the feeling of loss. I missed the laughter, that feeling of wantonness no matter how superfulous it might have been. This is understandable and in the company of other partymates, there was a void. No one mentioned this and I may have been the only soul who experienced such loss. Well, then again, some of the ladies did mention his name, but the conversation then quickly turned to other topics. He was missed, but I was not sure if others felt his absence to the same degree as myself. It was in discretion that I determined it might be wiser to leave my longings under the lock and key hidden in the dark places only I know of.

Untill one day I saw him again. It was not an accident but niether was this a chance meeting. It was simply a spontaneous agreement in a moment when my boring life was on the verge of suffocating me and he offered a breath of fresh air. I suppose one could drown in fresh air and if this is the case, I will gladly die. I inhaled deeply.

By now I suppose you might belive I am nothing more that a pride and a dispicable contrast to this scamp I write of. This may be true, bit I will confess that I allowed him to ravish me and ravish me he did. He found ways and places to kiss me that no other man has ever explored. Now I could beg you to get your mind out of the gutter, bit in fact I implore you to dig a little deeper. Not all erotica lies buried in the depts of the flesh. Yes, his tresses fell acrossmy belly like a silken blanket and all the while what he was really doing was picking the lock on my heart. He purred into my neck and drove his dagger still deeper into that lock. To say I did not enjoy his tinkering would be a lie, but at the same time I was aware of what I could lose if I did not secure the hold on my heart.

Now this was the interesting thing. Since it was not my habit to completely immerse myself in drunkenness, at least not deliberately, he was not at first aware of how rich his discovery was. In my own searching for a new adventure, I would take the spirit he offered me into my mouth not just to taste it's potency, but to feel it's power. Perhaps, I was on a quest to find what magic these spirits possess. Where did that power come from that unleashed the imp in the soul? Where was that genie in the bottle that would free me from my prison?

Honestly, most of the spirits I found repugnant and comperable to a cleaning potion. On these occassions, my distatse was his amusement.

Ah, but one of these spirits brought me so much closer to an experience that was sensual and reminiscent to a childhood pleasure all at once.
Such oral pleasure I have never know in one encounter intil this. This spirit came into my mouth and warmed it immediately. Thick and sweet it bathed my tongue. I hesitated to swallow not out of repusion which was his fist assumption, but so as not to waste this spirit in haste. At last, I allowed it to slide the length of my throut and eventually heat every cell of my being. Another taste og this wicked spirit and I found myself in such rapture I could barely contain it in my mouth. This spirit flowed over my quivering lips and onto my chin like a drop of honey and I was compelled to rub it into my skin all the way down the length of my neck hoping to absorb it into my very pores. Bliss very similar to what happens when a woman is completely satisfied set itself upon my lips. And then he knew.

Being what he was, he stole a taste from my very own lips and it was in this moment I knkew he was a pirate. Of course, he claimed innocence. he was not trying to steal anything, but what pirate ever tells the truth?

The magical, seductive and talented things he did were weakening that clasp and I made a discovery of the pirate that he was. It is amazing that one can find enlightnment while experiencing a loss of the senses at the same time. It was in this moment I realized I was indeed dealing with a pirate and that I might be on a course for which I was at one time trying to avoid. The most recent encounters involve a sprit from the islands. Exotic places I have yet to visit. I believe he had to experiment to find the one that would please me enough and find it he did!

And I myself made a discovery whicjh I suprisingly do not find repulsive, but rather mystifying and enchanting and deliciously dangerous. I believe I just might allow myself to set out on this dark voyage at the risk of losing all I treasure, but I do it willingly and with the knowledge that to not take such a risk I could lose those things that cannot be bought. The freedom to laugh and cry with reckless abandon, passion that is heard most loadly in the quiet of the bedroom chamber under the most vulnerable conditions and the discovery of faw away places that have never been charted because those seas and islands and caves are not in places accessible by normal means of transportation. He might take those things I hold dear, but then again, maybe I myself might steal something of calue from him as well. After all, there always was a tarty little scamp in me too.
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