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by DawnK
Rated: GC · Chapter · Fantasy · #1005862
After the fight the men regroup. The King goes to battle.
Hadah smoothed a blanket over her bedroll as Jayce asked to enter her tent a short time later.

“What’s up?” Hadah looked up at him as he ducked under the tent opening.

“Luc said you didn’t hear any more of them following us.”


“You think they may yet?”

She cocked her head as if listening for something.

“Nope,” she said after a small shake of her head.

He nodded and walked over to her weapon belt.

“Hands off.”

“All right, woman, you don’t have to be so touchy. Fuck woman you fight like a dream. It’s goddamn hot to watch a woman fight like that.”

That made Hadah smile. Jayce thought everything any woman did was “hot”. He wasn’t as tall as most of the men, a little taller than her own 5’ 8”, but he was well muscled and what he may have lacked in height he made up with the sexual energy of ten men.

She threw him her water skin. “Cool off, blood drinker, you’re not going to work it off on me.”

This time it was his turn to smile. For a woman she knew a man’s needs well. After battle the blood beats heavy, and he worked it off best with a woman. He usually wasn’t short of willing participants when he got to a village or into the city as Luc didn’t allow any camp followers. His short blond hair and light blue eyes drew the ladies like flies to honey as his fair coloring was an oddity in these parts. In addition, they instinctively knew he adored them, no matter what size they were. Because of that, his strong body, and easy charm his bedroll was rarely empty.

Hadah however never gave any inclination toward using any of the men to work off the battle heat, though he wouldn’t be surprised if the need was there. Most suspected she and Luc worked it off together, but he knew better. She kept him at bay just as much as the others. Still it was best that the men thought that she and Luc were together anyway. He was just as protective of Hadah as Luc was.

“Do you think Luc might be right in his suspicions?” he said taking a drink.

She got up, grabbed her weapon belt and sat down crossing her legs on her mat. Pulling one free of it’s sheath she set about cleaning her short swords with their intricate hand guards. They were never far from her reach.

“Do I think someone betrayed us?” She looked over at Jayce as he shook out the rug she hadn’t unfolded yet. She shrugged and looked back at her work.

“I don’t know. I don’t like to think that someone among us may have”.

Jayce sat down on the rug and stretched out his legs when Luc joined them.

“You finished with set up already?” He asked Jayce a bit annoyed. Jayce didn’t bother moving.

“With just a fucking bedroll to set up, what do you think?”

Luc grunted then pulled up a stool from the corner of the tent.

“I sent some men back to scout the old camp. If they find it clear, we’ll send more back to clean up.”

“How you gonna find the fucker who ratted on us?” Jayce asked point blank.

“Will you keep it quiet?” Luc was annoyed again. “We can’t smoke them out if you’re screaming it across the camp.”

Chagrinned Jayce replied in a quieter tone, “Well I don’t like it. Pisses me off to think someone among us is a goddamn traitor.”

Hadah sighed. “We don’t know that for sure, they could have just come upon us.” But even as she said it she knew that Luc was probably right. She never knew anyone who could plot and see abstract connections like he could. She trusted his instincts on this kind of thing, just as he trusted hers on the mystical realm.

“Do you have any feelings about it?”

She stopped what she was doing. “Not yet,” her brow furrowed a bit. “I wish I could talk to Uncle Tal, he might have seen something." She slowly wiped her short sword with oil and a soft cotton cloth.

“Do you think you might be able to get a read on any of the men when we gather?”

“Hmm. Maybe.” She set down the blade and picked up the other. “I’ll give it a shot.”

Luc stood up and Jayce sighed.

“Yeah I know, gather the fucking men.” He stood up too.

“You know Blood drinker, you’ll never get a woman with that foul mouth of yours." Luc slapped him on the shoulder.

“You would think, but it’s my mouth in the right places that keeps my bed roll busier then yours will ever be.” Hadah smiled as Luc pushed him out the tent.


Hadah stood back a bit leaning one shoulder on a tree, arms folded, watching Luc speak to the men. Her gaze drifted to each man, while at the same time she listened for a clue that might lead her to the traitor. Her gaze was continually drawn to one who sat beside Kel. She couldn’t remember his name for the life of her. Something about him made her inner senses light up. He looked up at her, sensing her gaze, and became uneasy. His eyes darted away from her intense look back to Luc.

Yes, something was definitely up with that one, but she didn’t sense the Calahite on him.

Edo! Yes that was his name. He asked to join them not long ago and they accepted him on Kel’s word. She focused on him a little tighter, and she heard it. Relaxing a bit, a half-smile lifted the corner of her mouth. He had something to hide for sure, but it wasn’t betrayal. He was running from a debt he owed. Not the most honorable of men in that regard, but then many of those who joined them where men who were in trouble or in debt or who were just discontented. Still they all became quite loyal and valuable to the cause.

Hadah was a bit frustrated because if it wasn’t Edo, then who could it be?

“All right men, get some rest, it’s been a long night. Tomorrow I will be leaving for Fasad. While I’m gone Jayce and Hadah are in charge,” Luc said finishing up the meeting. The men began to break up; some remained talking quietly and others headed straight for their bedrolls.

Hadah followed Luc back to his tent. “I couldn’t get a read on anyone, although Edo was a concern for a moment.”

“Edo? Oh, Kel’s man. What did you get on him?”

“Nothing different then the rest of the men…running from a debt is all. He's not the traitor.”

Luc nodded then looked down at Hadah’s amulet lying on top of one of his maps of the Palace. She approached standing behind him.

“You’ll do your best to not come to harm,” her voice was quiet, filled with concern.

“Of course.” He turned, crossing his arms with a reassuring smile.

“I do want to get your friend out too, Hadah, I just couldn’t risk you.”

“I know,” she picked up the amulet then reached up to place it over his head. He ducked allowing her to do so. She arranged the amulet in the opening of the leather vest he always wore. He hadn’t enough time to throw on a shirt when they left the old camp, and Hadah admired the view.

Luc’s smile grew, knowing the direction of her thoughts.

“Like what you see?”

Hadah playfully slapped his crossed arms a smile touching her own lips.

“Yes, you’re a handsome man. I’d have to be blind to not notice.”


“But, I don’t…I don’t know if I…” she began then looked away.

If it was difficult for her to sort out her feelings for Luc even with herself, how could she express it him?

She cared for him, loved him like no other, but she never explored any sexual feelings she might have for him. There was a pull, but something always held her back.

Luc brought his hand up to her cheek gently turning her face back to him. He knew she was more than likely responding to her worry for him. Many times in the past he expressed the desire for more in their relationship, but she never saw him as anything but her best friend. He doubted that had changed.

He leaned down and kissed her other cheek.

“I’ll be ok little warrior, you just keep training and try not to worry.”

Hadah looked up and gave him a watery smile.

“I know and I will,” she turned and left his tent.


“Sire, are you sure you want to do this?”

The sun was blazing high in the afternoon sky as The King of Ardara sat atop his mount while 20 Calahites on horse waited behind him ready to do battle. His dark-eyed gaze swung to his top advisor, known as the King’s Eye, who had just addressed him. The man was simply doing his job but the questioning still bothered him.

“Yes I’m sure. The men are eager to avenge their brothers and I have been absent from the battlefield for far too long.”

King Jo-El’s exploits in battle were renowned throughout the kingdom. His presence with them brought a calming effect and a steely resoluteness to the men. He had that way about him. He spoke with quiet authority and the earth moved it seemed. In many ways it did, for his decrees broadened borders and settled skirmishes. He was known to be a fair man and a wise leader.

In the past, his predecessors had conquered many peoples but it was he who changed the way of ruling them.

Instead of an Iron hand of oppression, forcing the conquered to change their culture, he allowed them to retain their uniqueness so as to ease their placement in society.

He set up Advisors for every city. Each Advisor, known as Harfelds, reported to the Cailem who in turn reported to him. The Harfelds and their consuls were instructed to rule with justice, letting the people have a voice.

The Cailem or Key men, were advisors who reported directly to the King’s Eye. They were dispatched often to keep the finger on the pulse of the Kingdom for him, and also just to be sure the Harfeld’s were kept in check. They never let the Harfelds forget who the High King was.

Recently Jo-El was feeling that more and more of the business of Ruling was taking up too much of his time.

Dealing with my queen and her ways has taken up too much of my time as well. He did not like the deception he felt from her of late, and knew that it did not bode well for him.

Theirs was an arranged marriage and he found out early on he didn’t like her much. She was selfish and short-tempered, but what turned him away was a mean streak that surfaced too many times.

He performed his marital duties with her only to get an heir, but even that was becoming unbearable. Of late, he found his sexual release elsewhere and with much more pleasure. He had hoped she would outgrow her foolish ways for she was young when they had married, but he knew he was going to have to confront her soon and he was not looking forward to it.

He was however, looking forward to this fight.

“It is time to ride,” he said raising his arm. His highest advisor bowed and stepped back as Jo-El motioned his men into the forest of Hazurr where the rebels hid.

The man stood quietly watching after the Warriors had left. Someone approached his side. A second passed and his eyes glanced sideways to look at the mercenary beside him without moving his head to acknowledge him.

“Be sure he doesn’t return.” The man nodded and disappeared into the forest.
© Copyright 2005 DawnK (dkelley at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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