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Rated: ASR · Other · Thriller/Suspense · #1003952
A supernatural story set in the 1800s, it has a killer twist ending
The Journal of Diary

It was a cold, December day. School was about to start from Christmas vacation. There was this girl in my class. She had red hair, blue eyes. Her name was Diary, Diary Johanson. This story is about her.

Today was the first day of school. Diary had just woken up, she got on her garments, her clothes, and tied a yellow bow in the back of her hair. She got her school books and started walking toward the school. She lived about 3 miles away from the school, but of course it was 1901 and cars were not invented yet.

She was walking toward the road, and she started singing a song she made up. She thought the song was embarrasing so she sang it to herself:

Nothing, nothing is happening today,
everything is boring,I hear my dad snoring,
What can I say?

She didn't know why she actually sang that song, she didn't even have a dad. Her mom used to sing it to her, until something happened to her, she didn't know what only that she disappearred. As she was walking she saw my grandpa running past me. He's scared of pretty much anything. He believes that the reason that Diary's mom disappeared is because some Journal sucked her in. She didn't believe it of course, but well, She doesn't have much to believe in.

She finally made it to the school, it was an old, red, shed. She walked in just when class started. We had about 40 kids in the little shed. We had a teacher, her name was Ms. Azkaban. She was so strict.

Ms. Azkaban somehow knew Diary's mother, and for some reason she hated her. She also hates Diary(probably even more). She walked up to Diary, "Why are you late?!?!" I looked at Ms. Azkaban because well I'm in Diary's class. "I'm not late, school hasn't started yet." She smirked at her, "I bet you started singing that stupid song again, and fell asleep!" The whole class laughed after that remark. "Your mom always sang that stupid song." She looked at Diary like she was going to hit her. She stared in hatred of those blue eyes, and her blonde hair. She even kept the paddle close to her desk. So mean, so angry.

It was after school, and Ms. Azkaban embarrassed her throughout the whole class time. I was so angry that day as I passed her house, but, however this story isn't about me so lets get back to her. She went outside on the swing set, and kicked it hard. She sat down on it after that. She saw a cat come up to her. She had a what looked to be like a book. She got it out of his hands, and he ran off.

My grandpa looked out the window and saw that Diary had the book. He ran as fast as he could, and slammed the door. "Don't read that journal! It's cursed! He swiped it out of her hands. "Now get ready for supper!" He said as he walked back into the house.

After supper, Diary got ready for bed. She thought about what grandpa said. That her mom was in the journal. It was really late and Diary dozed off singing the same song she always sings:

Nothing, nothing is happening today,
everything is boring, I hear my dad snoring,
What can I say?

It was morning, Diary had to stay home from school to work(which I think she loved). She went to use the bathroom, when she saw the same journal from before. She noticed something jumped out the window, but she only caught a glimpse. Her grandpa had to go to town, so she started to read it, and that's where her troubles began.....

She opened the journal, and the first page was a little poem. She looked out the window just in case her grandpa was coming back. She started to read:

You have no mom,
you have no dad,
we cursed them both,
and we are glad,
you are next,
dont run away,
you will be cursed,
if you run or stay,
you will die a painful death,
soon will be your own last breath.

She read the rest in horror. She couldn't believe what was happening. Her grandpa was right, there was a curse. She looked into the mirror, and she didn't look like her self. It looked like zits upon zits were growing on her face. She felt her face, and it felt find. Something was happening though, and she turned the page and read on:

Your doing great here's your first clue,
of how to get me away from you,
go to school, you'll see a kid,
this is exactly what your parents did,
he'll have a necklace with a red heart,
It will have an engraving of your next clue,
You better start!

She couldn't sleep that night. All Diary could think about was the curse, and what would happen to her if she was curse. She read the clues over and over again. "This has to be a dream?" She said to herself, as she finally fell asleep.

Diary woke up, it was 11:30. She couldn't find grandpa, she guess he went to town or something. She read the next page of the journal it had a picture of my grandpa yelling for help. "I told you not to read that journal, now......" He stopped talking suddenly. She stared at him, and you could see a monster with red eyes and what looked to be like a skeleton. "Grandpa look out!" She yelled. He turned around, and she shut the book.

She went to church that morning, and asked God to help her. "What's the use?" She whispered. She left the church as I came in, but well the stories not about the narrator! She came back to the house, and it disappeared! The house was no longer there! She saw the journal right by her feet. She opened it, before she started to read it, she looked up, and saw a boy holding a necklace. She looked at the Journal, and saw the picture of a woman with a distorted head. She was moving! Her hand started to stick out of the Journal, but she shut it just in time.

She ran to the boy, he smiled and kissed her cheek. He gave me the necklace and read the engraving on the back of the necklace:

Not much time,
don't give up,
they will try to get your soul,
they are after you because,
they want to be whole.

The journal opened by itself, and she dropped it(bad mistake). She took a few steps back, and a hand came out. Four or Five people came out of it, they looked like they were from the 1870s. They were walking towards him. She ran into the church a half mile from the road. They followed her, she passed me(the narrator), and pushed me on the ground. She ran to the very back closet. She waited and waited, she heard footsteps, everything was silent. She steadily looked under the door, and she saw one of the skeleton guys foot. It had a blue glow to it, and it smelled. It stopped right by the door. She started to shiver down her spine. The foot disappeared, and she thought he was gone. She looked down very slowly again just in case. She looked for what seemed to be an eternity. She heard something, she kept as quiet as she could(so did I, as I was in the room next to her.) All of the sudden she saw the ghosts looking back at her.

I(the narrator) heard her yell, and they all heard her. For some strange reason they couldn't open the doors, but she saw that the door knob was moving, and she backed away to the back of the closet. The door started to jerk and rattle. She saw an axe and grabbed it. I(the narrator) heard in the room next to me someone chopping a wall. She cut the back of the closet to make the wall crumble down so she could make a run for it. It worked, it actually worked. I just stood hidden in the church(of course it's the narrator)!

She ran as fast as she could. She saw Ms. Azkaban in front of her. "What are you doing?" She asked. She looked at her to tired to talk. I saw, from a little hole in the church, her eyes grow bigger in fear. "Come on! Run!" She yelled. They ran to her house. Diary ran to the bathroom, and saw a cat. She came in, she pointed to a little room in the basement, and they went in it.

They stayed there for about 3 hours, and they finally came out. It looked like they didn't follow them. They came outside. She told her to go back home, and she did what she said. Diary was walking back home and she saw the kid from before. She held on to his hand, and he transported Diary to some cave. He disappeared, and she went in it(as I, the narrator, followed her). Inside it was like a mansion, She looked as if she didn't know what was going on.

She looked at the clock and it was almost noon. The Journal appeared suddenly, she opened it and read what it said:

You have five minutes,
to figure it out,
if you don't,
then you won't,
ever get your parents out.

She looked confused, she must be in the right place. She went silently but swiftly throughout the mansion. She saw a bulletin, it had her house on it. Her family was in it, but she wasn't. I flipped through the pages and saw to my horror........ Diary Johanson 1891-1901. "I think I've figured it out!" She said to herself. The cat appeared in front of her. "I'm the one trapped in the journal. My mom and dad are in the real world."

"What happened to my grandpa though?" She looked at the cat. He looked back, the cat started walking on it's hind legs and turned into to her grandpa(I was amazed as I was hiding behind the staircase). "Grandpa! I....I....I...thought you were.....umm....In the real world....." she said confusingly. He smiled, as he twitched his mustache,"I was with you until you found the journal. I was told to stay with you and be your guardian until you find the journal and figure this mystery out. Something came over me though, I didn't want you to find it. I liked this place so much, it was perfect. When I found out you let people in the real world come into the journal I had to leave."

"But if you were the cat," I said to him. "Then you didn't leave? You brought me the journal. It was you!" He looked at Diary with the utmost forgiveness. "I'm sorry, but you had to know. I didn't want you to know what it was not like to live in the real world. There's one way to get out of here though and your mom and dad did it."

Diary stared at him in disbelief. "What do I have to do?" He looked at her and started crying. You know those guys who were chasing you?" She nodded at him. "Let them get you, and they will bring you back.

She waved at my grandpa, and started walking back down to the church. She saw them and they saw her. She fell on her knees and prayed to God. The leader came to her, got out his pitchfork and pointed it at her. I looked on as she got transported...............

She woke up, and she was in bed. She saw her mom washing her face, and her dad was sleeping in the bed next to me. It was 1901, they saw that Diary woke up and hugged her and kissed her. That night she looked at the journal. She saw grandpa sleeping in his chair by the campfire. I guess he loved it there, and she turned the page, and it said:

You figured it out,
there was no curse,
I guess it could have gone very worse,
Your back with you mom and dad,
Well, I got some more people I got to attend,
so for now see you later, and The END.

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