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Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1003950
A fantasy story about a family who go to a place they werent suppose to go to
The Cabin

You hear the rustling of leaves in the woods, as a man walks passed a field of corn. He is severly wounded, You hear him talking to himself.

"I got away! I got away!" He said to himself, as he almost tripped on a log. "They almost got me, and I almost died, but I got away.! You could see smoke behind him as he looked back, It was coming from behind the trees. He found a gas station seven miles away and went in.

He was getting a Dr. Pepper when a family came in. Their was a man, a woman, and two boys. The boys were fifteen and seventeen; they were talking indistinctively about going to a cabin on a place they found out about. The strange man overheard.

"We are going to go fishing! I can't wait! We are going to have so much fun!" The little one said as they were about to leave. The strange man walked up to the cashiere. "Here, that's what I want." He handed the cashiere two bottles of twenty-ounce Dr. Pepper. The cashiere looked at him suggestively. "Kevin? How are you doing, man?" The strange man handed him 5 dollars, "How do you know my name?" The cashiere gave him his change. "You use to come in here all the time when you were little." The strange man known as Kevin walked out of the gas station.

The family had just made it to the cabin. "Hey Mom, we are going straight to the pond." They ran as fast as they could. The mom and dad walked into the cabin. "I'm glad we did this," the dad said. "It's better than playing that gamebox all day." The mom put her hands on his shoulder. "It's a gamecube, Frank. I'm also glad we came, after all we have been through. We need this." They looked each other in the eye. "Things will get better," Frank said.

That night the family sat around a campfire. The fire made the family forget their troubles back at home. The kids went to sleep while the mom and Frank still sat by the fire. "I'm going to get more firewood." Frank said as he got up.

Back at home, Frank worked at a butcher shop. He was gutting a fish as his boss came in. "Frank, can you come with me to my office?" Frank nodded and followed his boss. Frank looked on as his boss was almost in tears. "I don't enjoy saying this, but Carter's principal called. There seems to be an accident." Frank stared into his boss's eye with his heart pounding. "What happened?"

It was the next day and the boys woke up to the smell of bacon. "The fish are really biting out there. You should go out there and see if you can nip anything." The boys went on the boat, and the current pushed toward the middle. "This is boring," Carter said. "I'm seventeen years old! I could be at the movies right now!" Kevin looked at him, "I'm fifteen years old and I love to camp! Besides, we need this particularly you, Carter. That horrific experience at school could scar you for life."

At school, Carter sat in the back of every class. He had alot of friends, but they were in other classes. After lunch a girl came up to Carter. "Are you riding the bus today?" Carter got really excited, but he remembered something. "My grandpa's picking me up today." She walked away, and Carter went to his next class.

Carter and Kevin were still fishing when their dad, Frank, waved them in. "Can we go hiking?" Carter asked. "Yeah." Frank said, "but I'm coming with you." Frank went over with to his wife." Hellen, the boys and I are going hiking." She nodded and saw a picture of her library.

"Would you like to check out that book, young man?" The shy boy nodded and walked off. The phone began to ring. "Hello?" Hellen asked, "Okay you're going to pick up Carter from school? Ok thanks, bye."

The boys were halfway up the hill by now. "Dad?" Carter asked breathing hard, "What time is it?" The dad looked at his watch. "This doesn't make sense, it says 12:11 p.m. It says the year is 2045?" Frank showed his kids. "It's probably just broken." Kevin said.

The boys finally got back to the cabin. They started to put the fishing poles back into the cabin; it started to get really windy all of the sudden.

"Have you been listening to the radio for a storm alert?" Frank yelled. Hellen squinted at him, they could barely hear each other over the wind. "Yeah!!!! It said nothing about a storm!" Frank tried his best to keep his feet grounded. "Everybody get in!!!! Everybody get in the closet!!!!

Everybody ran in and huddled together for what seemed to be an eternity. Then the wind stopped. "You all wait here, I'll be right back." Frank said.

Frank opened the door slowly, and walked outside. Everything was like it was. There was nothing blown over, not even a plastic cup that Frank drank earlier. "Hellen! You might want to come see this!"

Frank was on his way to the hospital after he heard the news of the accident. He was going 75 on a 60 mile speed limit. He saw a police car behind him, he got out of the car and came to his window.

"Is something wrong, officer? Frank asked. The police officer looked at him. "You were speeding 15 miles over the speed limit." Frank looked at his watched. "Please, just give me a warning I have got to get to the hospital. There has been an accident. I got to go now." The police officer looked at him. "I'm sorry, but this is the 3rd time you have done this, I have got to act." "No please! I got to go! There is no time! Let me go now!" Frank noticed himself get out of the car without knowing it. The policeman took his gun out. "Get back in the car! Get back in the car! I will do it!" Frank without thinking pushed him into the ground and got into his car and drove off into the hospital...

"Hellen! You might want to come see this!" Hellen walked over and kneeled down next to Frank. "Oh my gosh! What are they?" There were footprints everywhere. It was like a whole army of people just walked passed their cabin. "We have to leave now."

The whole family ran to the truck, Frank pulled on the truck but it wouldnt open. He budged and budged, and then he heard rumbling. "You feel that?" Frank said. Then a huge whole engulfed the truck and Kevin slipped.

"Dad! Dad! Help me!" He yelled holding on for dear life. The started to pull him out when the hole was doing something wierd. The opposite side turned to a sandy wave, and engulfed Kevin. After this event the ground was just as it was, except there was no Kevin..

Carter was in his last hour class, he kept looking at the clock just over the door. "Come on! Come on!" He whispered. There was five minutes left until school was out. He started to pack his bags, when he heard something that would shock him forever....

“Where did he go?” Hellen yelled with tears in her eyes. The whole family was in panic. Carter was pounding the ground as hard as he could. “Come back! Come back now!” He was in tears, his hands started to bleed as he hit the ground. “Hellen? Does your cell phone work?” Frank asked. She looked at it, and in shock she had a text message and it read:


“What does it mean?” Hellen asked. Frank looked at it for a long time. You could hear a bone break, and it was Carter’s hand breaking from hitting the ground so hard.

Hellen was just leaving the library. When she saw a police man on the ground, she helped him up. “Are you okay? What happened?” The police driver had scars all over his body and got up. “Some crazy guy was speeding and I was giving him a ticket. He pushed me, and drove off saying there was an accident.” His face started to turn dark and disturbing. He bit Hellen right in the foot. Hellen yelled, and ran off down the road. Hellen walked up the road a ways and saw a Yankees hat. It had Franks name on it. “Frank.”

Frank was still looking at the cell phone. Carter was mending his hand, and Hellen was staring into space. Frank was studying the codes, when something wierd happened. The phone started vibrating, it started to make a screeching sound that would make any person yell in tears. Then sparks started shooting out of the phone, and it blew up.

Frank was so startled that he cut his hand on a rock. His hand started bleeding, and it kept bleeding and bleeding. He went to look for a paper towel or anything to stop the bleeding. He went to the back of the cabin and heard something in the woods..

Then he heard something that would shock him forever. Carter went outside, and he saw a crowd of kids crying. They were screaming at the top of their lungs. Carter got closer and closer, he noticed that the accident happened outside. He saw a man in a black hood holding a gun to the kids. "Get back! I will shoot you all!" The kids could do nothing but stare. Carter saw a woman on the ground, she was shot in the heart. Carter looked at her arm move "She's still alive!"

Frank walked closer and closer into the woods. He heard a mumble voice, it was coming from behind a tree. He saw a man sitting behind it mumbling to himself. "Who are you?" Frank asked. The guy kept sitting there, and looking into the woods. "I know what hunts you. It will never stop. It got me 25 years ago, and I just got out of that place!" Tears started coming into his eyes. Frank kneeled down beside him. "What's going on?"

Hellen started driving towards the hospital. She passed the school, and saw a man with a gun. She parked and got out. "Hey! What are you doing!" The man looked at her, and aimed the gun towards her. "Don't shoot! Please!" By this time all the kids noticed, and there was a crowd of kids watching. "I just want to get my son, Please." The bell rang, and Carter heard gun shouts, and went outside. He saw her arm move. "She's still alive!"

Frank finally got to the hospital, and saw her wife laying there. "What happened?" The doctor checked her pulse. She's been shot, right through the heart. "The only thing we can do is a heart transplant, but I dont know if that would even save her." Frank looked at him. "Do it."

"What's going on?" Frank asked the strange man. "There are creatures here, and they need human flesh. They do this once every 25 years." Frank was in disbelief. "What are they?" The man finally looked at Frank. "Before humans lived on this Earth. There were creatures that God created. They were called Angels. One of them wanted to be God, so God through him out with one-third of his own angels. He put them in these woods. Where there is no time, no escape, nothing." Frank was almost in tears, but was fighting it. "They took my son, yesterday." The strange man looked at Frank, and shook his head slowly. "No, there is no time here. I was in the real world briefly, and it was the year 2045.."

All of the sudden they heard noises. Tch....Tch...Tch... "They are here! Hurry to your cabin!" They ran in there as fast as they could. "Where's my family!" He looked out the window, and saw the hole engulf Hellen and Carter. "No!!!!" They ran into the closet. They could see through a crack. The creatures walked in. They had red cloaks, and 5 legs. One of the legs came out the middle of the belly. They started to communicate. Tch......Tch....Tch. Then they both went through the floor.

"There is something I have to tell you." The strange man said. Then they heard the noises again. "We have to leave now! Get out of the Cabin!" They ran out of the cabin, and a gigantic hole surrouned the cabin. The gigantic wave engulfed the cabin, and the ground was the exact same, except there was no cabin. "Do you know how to get out of here?" He looked at Frank. "The only way is through the holes they make."

The doctor came into the waiting room, and sat by Frank. "I'm afraid she didn't make it, Frank. She died during the surgery. Frank started to cry. "What happens now?" The doctor couldnt look at him. "You want to say goodbye?" Frank went into the room, and knelt down beside her.

"How do we find them?" The strange man looked at Frank. "Well, they live in fire. So maybe we can make a fire or something?" Frank looked by where the cabin used to be and found a match and lit it on the grass. They could hear noises again. Tch....tch...tch.... "Are you ready?" Frank looked at him. Five creatures came towards Frank and the strange guy, and they went through the hole.

They found a place of fire, but it was freezing. There was no one anywhere. "Where's my family?" Frank asked. The strange man looked at Frank. "There are different sections to this place, you will never find them." Both of them started to shiver, and kept walking. Then they saw a boy, he was laying there. He must have been about 3 years old, and he was so cute. They walked closer to him, and his eyes got huge. His teeth started to get like a sharks. He bit Frank in the leg. Frank yelled at the top of his lungs.Then purple fluid started going through his body. It was so thick you could see it from the outside. Frank started to lose conscienceness...

Frank kneeled down beside Hellen. "I never thought this would happen to you. I was suppose to die first, Hellen, I was! You can't leave me like this! I love you! Please, come back! He was crying so hard, he couldn't talk anymore. He held her hand. He held it all night, and wouldnt let go. The doctor came in the next day. "We have to take her, Frank." Frank didn't pay attention. Frank looked at her dead body, and purple fluid started to shoot through her body. "Doctor! "You might want to come see this." It went into her head, and she shot out of the bed. "Frank? Is that you?"

Frank thought about her coming back alive over and over again. The strange man looked at him. "You got to fight it! Fight it! Frank! I got something I got to tell you." The purple liquid was into his neck now. "I'm your son. It's me, it's Kevin!" Frank looked at him, the purple liquid started going down to his knees. He finally got up. "What is that stuff?" Kevin hugged him. "It's venom. Hellen got bit to, the policeman was one of them.

They found a hole that went up like a ladder. They climbed it, and got into civilization. There were no humans left. They were smarter beings. They stared at Frank and Kevin. "My name is Frank. I want peace. I'm your friends." They all started looking at each other. Frank saw the purple fluid in their veins. "Oh my gosh!" They started shooting at them, and Frank got hit 6 times in the chest. Kevin jumped back into the hole.

You hear the rustling of leaves in the woods, as a man walks passed a field of corn. He is severly wounded, You hear him talking to himself.

"I got away! I got away!" He said to himself, as he almost tripped on a log. "They almost got me, and I almost died, but I got away.! You could see smoke behind him as he looked back, It was coming from behind the trees. He found a gas station seven miles away and went in.

© Copyright 2005 ouryan2003 (ouryan2003 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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