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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Religious · #1001472
The story of how the Arch-angel Lucifer fell from Grace.
In the beginning was God. An all good, all Holy, all knowing being. He had the power to create things. He started with Heaven. The most beautiful place imanginable. He then took himself and formed from his spirit a son he called Immanuel. He then created the universe and galaxies. He put planets in the galaxies. He then created beings from light he referred to as his messageners. We know them as Angels. He created different groups with different jobs.
One such group was known as the Arch-Angels.
God made the first Arch-Angel leader of the other Angels. The wisest, most beutiful one there ever was. His name was...Lucifer. He obeyed God up until he found out about God's plan to create a planet he called Earth. Using Heaven as a model He would create a place for different forms of life to dwell. Lucifer thought he would be put in charge of it. He was angered to learn Immanuel would rule over the planet and the inhabnants.
He plotted his revenge. He decided he wanted to be God. He just knew he could do a better job. He would rule the Heavens while his brothers ruled the Earth. So he gathered the Angelic Council togeather in the Divine Hall to tell them of the plan he had.
"I will rise up and make myself like the most high.And I will give you authority over all the earth and the creatures that dwell there."
A third of the angels started shouting,"Hail Lucifer the light bearer, our new God!" At that moment Gabriel stepped forward in protest. "You blaspheme by calling yourself God. The Council blasphemes by calling you God. Repent now and secure your place in Heaven!"

"My place is secure," Lucifer had said,"bow down to me and make sure your place is secure."

"I will only bow to the one true God. Will nobody satnd against the dragon." The rest of the angels shouted there allegance to God. Lucifer looked at Michael.

"Brother will you follow me?" Michael drew his sword and pointed it at his one time friend. "I will follow God." At that Lucifer drew his sword and attacked Michael. The war between good and evil had begun. The angels that followed Lucifer fell by the dozens, while Michael was being defeated by the much stronger Arch-angel.

Suddenly, Michael felt this intense straegth. He knew that God had given him his power in order to defeat Lucifer. He knocked the sword out of Lucifers hand, and was prepared to strike him down when he heard a voice calling. "Do not strike down the Light-Bearer." All of the Angelic Host looked and saw Immanuel and the Lord God approaching. Immanuel looked at Lucifer. "Do you repent of your sins?"

"NEVER!" His followers cheered their leader. God looked at Michael.

"Strike him down!" With that Michael raised his sword and struck Lucifer. He and his follower angels were thrown to the earth. They were angels of light no more. The glow that shown around them was gone. Lucifer looked around at his new surroundings and saw the man. God's masterpiece. He then started to formulate a plan for revenge. The battle in Heaven would continue only on the earth.
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