Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1001404-Getting-Settled
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #1001404
Sam finds herself in the postion to start a new life where she never had one before.
When the trees finally gave way and the ranch appeared before them there was no sign of cop cars and the only light on was the one shedding light on the front of the house. Sam walked around the pasture and then slowly made her way to the front of the house. She was just about there when a shadow was thrown across the front of the house. Sam stopped and waited. She slowly peeked around the corner to see Cal there drinking a cup of coffee. Zeus picked his feet up and it came down on the pavement. Cal stopped and she saw him smile. She sighed and walked around the corner with Zeus at her shoulder.

“I thought you’d come back.” Cal smiled at her.

“Where the hell have you been?” Joe said appearing from the shadows.

“Joe, knock it off.” Cal told him. “Let her talk before you say anything, and you sound so concerned. Did you miss her?” Cal grinned at him.

Sam just gave them a confused look and waited.

“So…?” Cal asked her.

“I couldn’t let them take him.” Sam told him.

“He seems to like you.” Cal said.

Sam put her hand on the side of Zeus’s head that was over her shoulder. “We understand each other.”

“He’s a dead horse.” Joe told her.

Zeus’s ears moved threateningly and he lifted himself to full height.

“Not if I can help it.” Sam shot at him. “He is a good horse and all he needs is to be understood and as you can see he’s not dangerous to me and if I can help him then why can’t he live?”

“He is more dangerous then you know.”

“He has done nothing to me and if I remember correctly I saved your ass from him earlier today.”

“You’re just lucky.”

“Joe, this horse trusts her and I see no
reason why she can’t keep him around while she’s here. It’ll be good for her and the horse.”

“You’re too soft Cal. You don’t even know this girl and you’re already on her side. Just wait…this will all backfire.” Joe told them and walked away.

“Don’t worry about him. He’s not exactly the easiest guy to get close to and he’s not very upbeat.”

“I’m not worried. And thank you for sticking up for me. You have more faith in me then anyone ever has, and maybe more then you should.” Sam told him.

“I’ll be the judge of that. And like I said, I believe in second chances. Now get to bed.” Cal smiled and went into the house.

Sam watched him go into the house and then she walked to the barn. She walked to Zeus’s stall and when he was in she closed the door behind them. Zeus laid down and Sam laid down next to him. She stroked him and closed her eyes. Soon they both were asleep.

Before she knew it there was a crash on the stall door that jerked her awake. She looked up and could see Joe outside the stall. She stood up and looked out the door.

“Morning.” Joe said coldly.

“What time is it?” She asked him.

“Just after six.” Joe told her. Sam groaned. Zeus was up on his feet and he shook the bedding off of him sending it all on Sam. “This is the time you will be getting up everyday.”

“Oh goody.” Sam said and opened the stall. “So tell me the routine. What do I do?”

“You start by cleaning all the stalls and getting them fresh food and water.”

“Do you help or am I all on my own?”

“The boys help out and so do I. If it was all up to you it wouldn’t get done by the end of the day.”

Sam eyed him a moment. “Alright, get me set up then. Do we wash the horses’ at all?” Sam asked.

“That’s about a once a month thing unless they get really dirty. Some of these horses are race horses so they get washed more often and with your boy there since he’s got such long hair he may need more cleaning then the others but since he’s technically yours you will have to do that on your own time.”

“Fine, show me around.” Sam told him.

Joe stopped and looked up at her. “Fine.”

Joe led her from the barn and around the ranch showing her where everything was. All the tack, cleaning supplies, working gear and equipment, the wood for the fences, and everything else imaginable that would be needed on the ranch. There was a special section of the house that was for the workers. They had their own little kitchen and bathroom to clean up at. There was a chef that made their meals for the day so the only thing they really had to worry about was the work that needed to be done on the ranch. It was an amazing place to Sam. Everything you could have needed was there. If she played her cards right this could be the closest thing to a home since her family died.

When the day was done she had seen the entire ranch and was trying to remember everything that Joe had shown her. He didn’t seem the type of person who would repeat himself very much. He had rushed through a lot of it and had her help him haul some hay and watch him clean stalls. It didn’t seem like it would be very hard but watching and doing are two very different things. She was thinking about it as she sat on the fence watching the sun go down.

She jumped when a stack of bridals and a saddle fell on top of the fence.

“Since you’re just sitting there why don’t we practice scrubbing bridals and cleaning saddles.” Joe told her.

“Okay.” Sam said and jumped from the fence.

Joe started to walk away and left Sam to bring the bridals and saddle. She followed him into the barn and put them down. Joe watched her as she got everything ready and started to clean them.

“That’s wrong.” He told her flatly.

Sam just looked at him and changed the way she was doing it.

“That’s not right either.” Joe told her sitting in a chair and leaning back.

“Okay.” Sam said starting to get a little annoyed.

She changed what she was doing again and continued on. She assumed it was right, Joe wasn’t saying anything. She was nearly done when Joe spoke up again.

“That’s still not the way you do it.” Joe told her tediously.

Sam threw the brush on the ground. “Are you going to tell me the right way then?” She asked him annoyed.

“I suppose.” Joe told her. “First off that’s not the right product. You’re basically washing them with water. Once you add water to the product you’re using it dilutes it to the point where there is hardly anything left. Use this…” He said putting a bottle in her hand. “Put some in so it covers the bottom and fill it the rest of the way with water. Then, rewash everything. You can be done for the day when it’s done.” Joe told her and left the barn.

It took a bit longer this time since she wanted to make sure it was done right and everything was as spotless as it could possibly be. The sun was down when she finally finished. There were still a few lights on in the house. Sam turned off the lamp that was giving her light and walked from memory to the door of Zeus’s stall. She looked in at him and his ears perked and he walked over to her. She stroked his face and kissed his nose before turning and heading to the ladder leading to her room.

As the days passed by she learned how to do everything there was to do at the ranch. The first couple weeks seemed to last forever and Joe was always letting her do things and then half way through tell her she was doing it wrong. He never seemed to like her much and made her feel lower then the dirt she was always cleaning up. She couldn’t count the times she had dumped the manure wheelbarrows as she cleaned the stalls and the number of times she squirted herself with the hose. But despite all the bad that seemed to be happening she was catching on and kept up with Joe and despite Joe’s efforts, he was having trouble finding things that she was doing wrong. Before she knew it Sam had learned the basics and since she really didn’t need anyone to help her or tell her what to do she kept mostly to herself. She had hardly any contact with anyone. She hadn’t talked to the family she was working for other then Cal. He stopped in once in a while but only for a quick hello and to see how things were going. She had never talked to Mrs. O’Connell or her three kids. She had seen the boys but had never talked to them. She didn’t care to. She spent her time listening to what other’s said about them or listened to them talking while they helped with the chores. She knew that Derek was a couple years older then she and Brendan was the same age as her. Kiley was a few years younger then she, a senior in high school. Sam was happy that she had so far remained in the shadows. She was with Zeus at every opportunity and was hardly available to do anything in between work and Zeus. There was usually only enough time to get some sleep and start everything over again. Things were going just the way she wanted them to be, for now.

“Here…” Joe said throwing a pile of clothes at her and started to walk away.

She had been sitting on a bale of hay during her lunch break.

“Hey!” Sam said standing up letting the clothes fall to the ground.

“What…?” He said turning and looking at her. “I want you to go wash those by hand. The washer isn’t supposed to be used when there is that much dirt and shit on them. It’d take more then one wash so it’s just easier to do by hand.”

“I have a hard time believing that and I refuse.” Sam told him.

Joe looked at her and gave her an evil smile before turning and walking away.

“Joe…! Joe!” Sam called after him. He ignored her completely.

Sam stared after him. She looked down at the pile of clothes. Things that used to be white were nearly completely brown and the smell that was coming from them could only have been concluded that they had been put in a pile of manure. Sam’s mind immediately ran a scenario of Joe putting the clothes in manure just to give her something to do. She spent almost the rest of the day getting those clothes cleaned and she felt do disgusting when she was done. She had finally hung them to dry and was on her way to the house for a shower when she was stopped.

“Sam! I need you to help me with something.” Joe said appearing from the barn.

“What?” She replied shortly, stopping in her tracks.

“Come with me.” Joe said walking back into the barn. He led her to a stall some wash down. “Blue Midnight is gone now so we need…well; you need to give it a good scrub down while I go pick up some fresh food from Frank. He just got a new load in and we’re a bit low so I’m going to go pick some up. Just get the diluted bleach and spray it down and scrub it top to bottom. That is after you get all of the hay out. I think you get it.” Joe told her and left.

Sam watched him leave and then started to clean the stall. The sun was barely up when she finally finished. She relayed hay in the bottom of the stall and then went to put everything away. She was passing through the barn when she noticed a huge stack of horse feed stacked where it should be. Sam stopped and looked at it. She stepped out of the barn. Joe still wasn’t back yet. Anger started to rise in her. He deliberately ducked out so she would be left to clean up. She shook her head and went back into the barn to put the finishing touches to the stall. She was untangling a bridle in her hands when she looked up to see Blue Midnight being put back into the stall. Sam dropped the bridal as well as her jaw as Jeff, one of the trainers, closed the stall door behind him. Sam watched Jeff leave and then walked over to the stall. It was defiantly Blue Midnight and she leaned against the door just as he started to defecate onto the nice clean stall floor before turning and getting it all over the wall. Sam sighed and then heard Joe’s truck. She heard him get out and slam the door. She crossed her arms and tried to calm herself. She spent the entire day doing everything he had asked and in the end he had lied to her. Ordering her around was fine but Sam was not going to put up with anyone lying to her.

Sam waited a little trying to think of what to tell him. The more she thought about it the more it pissed her off. She headed off to his trailer home. She walked around the barn and could see his light on through the trees. Her anger built as she reached it. She pushed open the door without knocking and stepped inside.

“What the…!” Joe yelled covering himself up.

“You are such a fucking liar!” Sam yelled at him.

“I just got out of the fucking shower! Get the hell out!” He shot back.

“You lied to me and I will not let you walk all over me like that just because you don’t like me! I washed all of those fucking clothes and I cleaned that stall till I could see my face in it only to walk back in there to see Blue Midnight going back into it! Wasn’t it you who told me that he was gone?!” Sam yelled at him.

“What?” Joe said looking confused.

“I’m not finished!” Sam yelled at him. “You told me that you were going to go pick up some feed and I was fine with that until I went into the barn to see enough feed to last at least another month! Why the hell are you lying to me? I’m working my ass of for you and all you’ve been is an ass and now you’re lying to me! God! Fuck you asshole!” She yelled at him and stormed out of the trailer.

She was nearly to the barn when she heard stumbling behind her.

“Hey!” She heard Joe call behind her. He kept moving. “Sam! Will you just wait a minute?”

“No!” Sam said without looking at him.

“Sam…” Joe said grabbing her arm and turning her toward him. “I don’t know what the hell you are talking about.”

“Like I’m supposed to believe that.” Sam said and started walking again.

“Sam, will you just listen to me. Midnight is gone. Cal told me himself.”

“Follow me.” Sam said and briskly walked into the barn. She led him to the stall and looked inside seeing Midnight inside of it. “See.” Sam said looking at him.

Joe looked inside and was going to speak but words escaped him. “I…Sam, I…”

“Come with me.” Sam said taking his arm and walking through the barn.

Sam led him to the feed storage. There were piles of food lying next to the already full stock.

“Isn't this the food you bought?” Sam asked accusingly.

Joe just looked at it all. “I didn’t unload it. Derek did.”

“A huh.” Sam said frowning at him. “So you’re not going to take any responsibility for this? Are you still sure you didn’t lie to me? I’m not convinced. I don’t care if you don’t like me but I can tell you that you don’t want to mess with me. I don’t need an enemy and I don’t want to hate you considering the time we’ll be spending together but I don’t take being lied to well. Maybe that’s one reason why I didn’t do so well in prison. I’m going to bed.”

Sam left him where he stood and went to her room as fast as possible.


Sam looked up to see Derek looking over a stall door at her as she cleaned it.

She just looked at him. “Hey.” She finally replied. “Can I help you with

“It occurred to me that you’ve been here for over two weeks and we’ve never spoken.”

“And the problem is?” Sam asked him.

He smiled and Sam’s stomach turned slightly. He was tall and well built but a little on the skinny side. He had short dark brown hair and a great smile with blue eyes that twinkled every time he smiled.

“The problem is, is that you are going to be here for a while and it would probably be a good idea if we get to know each other a little.”

Sam smiled at him. “You can share all you want but I’m not big on talking about myself.”

“Good, because there’s work to be done.” Joe said walking up to them.

“Joe, you always seem to have the best timing.” Sam smiled at him and finished with the stall before moving on.

“Ginny needs to be washed.” Joe called after her. “Use colder water on her.”

Sam just waved as she walked away.

“Ginny!” Sam said as she saw the beautiful red chestnut mare being walked toward her. “Thanks Brendan.” She smiled and took the horse from him.

“You’re welcome Sam. Did Joe send you to wash her?”


“Do you ever get a break?” He smiled.

He looked a lot like his brother but wasn’t as skinny or as muscular. But he was an attractive guy and by far one of the nicest Sam had met in a while. Today seemed to be the day to meet everyone. Sam figured that it was bound to happen eventually, now was as good at any. One can live in solitude only so long.

“I don’t need one.” Sam told him. “I’m not here to have fun or to make friends. I’m here to work and that’s what I intend to do.”

“You can’t be alone forever.”

“I have Zeus.” She told him.

Brendan smiled. “Right, the evil horse.”

Sam frowned and raised an eyebrow at him. “He’s not evil, just misunderstood.”

“Yeah. You want any help washing her up?” He asked.

Sam’s mind told her no but for whatever reason she went up on his offer. “Sure.” She smiled.

He followed her over to the hose and she attached Ginny to the fence used for washing. She started the hose and got the right temperature. She started to hose her down and Brendan started to put shampoo and scrubbed her with a scrubbing brush.

“Are you happy here?” Brendan asked her.

She thought a moment. “Happy as can be expected I guess.” Sam smiled. “I try not to get attached too much. Zeus is one thing but I don’t want to get attached to this place…to the people.” She said and paused.

“Sounds like a lonely existence to me.” Brendan told her.

“I’m used to lonely, things get weird when I’m happy.”

“Aren’t things different now?”
She smiled. “Not really. It’s just a mask for what really lies beneath.”

“I think you need to get past everything that has happened to you before you came here. Just put it behind you and move on. Be happy. Things are looking up for you aren’t they?”

Sam just looked at him and thought a moment. “Maybe. If I can play my cards right and keep out of trouble. I’ve been able to do that for a couple weeks but it’s kind of a habit so it might be hard to break.”

“Just let it go Sam. Be you, that’s all anyone wants from you around here.” Brendan told her and didn’t say anything more.

They finished washing the horse and went on their way.

Once the day was over Sam went into the kitchen and grabbed a bite to eat. She was sitting at the kitchen when Joe came in wearing an all-to-familiar look.

“What now? Do I need to go redo something? Did I forget to do something or turn something off?” She asked him. “Or maybe you’re going to tell me that there is something to be done and then I’ll discover that you’ve once again lied to me.”

Joe gave her an almost hurt look. “I still don’t know what to say to you. A man can apologize so much and I haven’t brought it up so I don’t know why you are. Just drop it. I already have.”

“Maybe it’s a sign of being an ass. Are you going to tell me what I did?” Sam asked plainly. If she had to redo something she wanted to get it done then go to bed, and away from him. She was having trouble letting what had happened go.

“You didn’t do anything wrong.” Joe told her.

“Are you sure? You have the face.”

He frowned at her. “What face?”

“The face that clearly says that something is not up to par or not to your liking. Usually it’s something I’ve done so tell me what it is so I can fix it and go to bed.” She told him annoyed.

“Your stuff is fine I promise. Brendan left some stuff lying around. I was just about to go get him to pick it up. You’re doing quickly.” He told her quickly.

“Wow, a compliment. Wasn’t expecting that from you. Or are you just buttering me up because….” Sam started.

“I’m going to stop you right there.” He said stepping up to her. “Stop holding that over my head. I didn’t know anything other then what I had told you. I just did what I was told, just like you. People make mistakes, I can’t help that.”

“I know that.” Sam said crossing her arms. “And…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to piss you off. I just…”

“I know.” Joe said and for the first time in front of her he cracked a smile, even though it was minuscule.

“Okay.” Sam said and then Joe left.

Sam watched the doorway he had left through before grabbing the book she had been reading and heading back to the barn. She sat on her bed and looked around the room. There were hand me down clothes in the dresser for work and more hay then anything else. She brushed some off of her pillow and laid down. Her mind was swimming with mixed emotions. She didn’t want to feel anything for this place. She didn’t want to become attached in any way to the people here but the more time that seemed to pass the more at home she seemed to feel. That past two weeks had been the best for her in a really long time and the feeling of holding on filled her. As she thought about it she realized that Cal had been right, months of being there and it would be hard to leave. The worst of all was the fact that she had been hurt when she thought that Joe had lied to her. If she were truly herself she wouldn’t have cared. Another sign of attachment. Damn it all to hell. She thought before rolling over and falling asleep.

“Hey there beautiful boy.” Sam smiled at Zeus the next morning.

She opened the stall and he trotted from it and cantered up and down the barn before returning to her in a playful mood. He shook his head around and pranced around her herding her out into the morning sun. Sam laughed as he ran around her enjoying the morning and his freedom. But he never went far. He was always with Sam. He had become her most trusted friend and confidant. It’s amazing how connected one can be with an animal. Sam wished she had a camera as she watched him circle her. His mane flowing in the wind, the look of happiness shinning in his eyes. It was one of the greatest moments of her life.

“Morning.” Joe said walking up to her.

Zeus skidded to a stop and then charged Joe but stopped once he was a few feet in front of Sam. She put her hand on him and he turned his head toward her and she rubbed his nose.

“I know you don’t like him. But he’s okay. Really.” She smiled at her horse.

“I don’t think he’ll ever like me.” Joe told her.

“I know.” Sam smiled. “I kinda like his protectiveness. It feels good sometimes.” Joe smiled at her. “Jeez, you’ve really warmed up to me.” Sam said still slightly shocked at how he had been acting.

He wasn’t being mean and grumpy, but almost kind, even though he still gave her the cold shoulder now and again. It was a sudden change and unexpected. Sam was used to dealing with the mean Joe, the one that treated her like a horrible felon. The Joe that seemed to be coming to the surface was a lot harder to hate.

“I’m not like I seem.” Joe told her.

“I’m beginning to see that. And for the record, neither am I.” Sam told him and walked
back into the barn with Zeus.

Zeus trotted past her into the attached pasture. Sam started to open the stalls and all the horses ran down the hall-like passage into the pasture and they started to run through it playfully before starting to graze on the grass. Sam watched them for a while before turning back to the barn and concentrated on cleaning the stalls.

When the day was half done Sam went and stood on the fence watching the horses. She caught site of Zeus and he stopped and looked in her direction. He swooshed his tail and started galloping toward her.

“Hey there.”

Sam looked to her side to see someone she’d never met before. He was her age if not a little older with semi-long light brown hair. He was attractive but the cocky smile on his face said everything she needed to know about him.

“Hello.” Sam replied and did her best to ignore him.

“You must me Sam.” He smiled.

“And who are you?” Sam asked.

“I’m one of Derek’s friends. I’m Andy Donovan.”

“A huh.” Sam said and wished Zeus would hurry up.

Sam zoned Andy out as he kept talking to her. Zeus was nearly there and he seemed to perk up even more when he noticed Andy. Sam climbed higher onto the fence and lifted her legs over it sitting on the edge of the fence. Andy was still talking when Zeus slowed and stopped in front of her. She stroked his face and then pushed his neck to the side so he turned parallel to the fence.

“Well Andy, it’s been a pleasure but I must be off.” She told him quickly and put her leg over Zeus’s back and slid onto him.

She quickly moved him forward and across the pasture. They jumped the fence on the other side and began to weave through the paths that were already laid in the woods and then veered off of it into the woods. She moved through the woods enjoying the scenery. The sun was shining through the trees in a way that made them look more mysterious. Zeus was a magnificent horse and his movement was always so fluent. They were gingerly walking though when the trees gave way to an open field that was covered with dandelions as far as the eye could see. Sam stopped Zeus and just took in the site. She looked around the field. In the center there was a single tree. It was an enormous weeping willow. She smiled and moved Zeus forward. He seemed to have brightened up a little. He picked at the plants as they passed them by. Sam stroked his neck and then kicked his sides. Zeus sped up. Sam kicked him till he was running full out across the field. Sam closed her eyes and let the wind pass over her. She squeezed Zeus’s sides and took her hands from his mane, raising them to the sides. She felt like she was flying. When the moment passed she slowed Zeus and moved him toward the tree. She slid from his back and started to walk. Zeus followed her for a while before having a wave of giddiness and started to prance around the field, throwing his head in the air neighing happily. Sam sat amongst the yellow plants and watched him. When he tired out he returned to her and started to graze. Sam sat a long time just enjoying herself. She didn’t stay long. There were things to do yet at the ranch and she needed to help. When she returned to the ranch she walked into the kitchen to see an unexpected person.

“Sam! I’ve been waiting for you.” She said cheerfully.

“Have you?” Sam asked uneasily, it was Mrs. O’Connell.

“Yes. I wanted to see how you were doing.”

“I’m dong fine.” Sam replied and opened a bottle of water.

“I got a call from the police station today. A young officer named Sean is going to be stopping by with your parole officer this afternoon.”

“What does my parole officer want?”

“He’s just checking in. He’s been calling once a week and I didn’t think it necessary to inform you of that but since he’s coming I thought you’d like to know.”

“Thank you. Did Sean say why he was coming?”

“He’s a nice man. I think he’s just checking up too.”

“Well, thank you for letting me know. I’ll have to go roll in some dirt to make sure it looks like I’m working as hard as he thinks I should.”

“Sean or your parole officer?” Mrs. O’Connell smiled.

“The parole officer.”

“How do you like it here? I hope your room is acceptable enough.”

“It is. I like it a lot. I like being
with the horses.”

“I’m glad. But I won’t keep you. Maybe you could join the family for dinner on Friday?”

“Sure.” Sam smiled at her.

“Alright.” She smiled and went to leave. “I’ll inform the kitchen that we’ll be having one more.”

“Thank you, Mrs. O’Connell. I’ll be looking forward to talking to you on Friday.”

“Me too. Call me Meg.”

Sam smiled at her and she left. She’ll inform the kitchen? Good god. I’m defiantly not in prison anymore.

“Getting in with the Mrs. huh?” Joe said coming behind her.

“Yeah right.” Sam laughed. “Personally I don’t think she likes me much.”

“I think she does. But don’t worry about it.”

“I have too. I’m eating dinner with the family on Friday.”

“You are?” Joe said practically choking on the drink of water he took.

“I think we need to go get you some different clothes then.” Kiley said coming into the kitchen. “Hi Joe.” She smiled sweetly to him.

“Hi.” Sam said. “Kiley, right?”

“That’s me.” She said standing as close to Joe as possible without touching him. “We can go into town later tonight if you want.”

“Um, that’s nice of you but I have work I need to do.”

“I’ll take care of it.” Joe told her.

“No, Joe, that’s nice of you but I can handle it.” Sam smiled and gave him a look that bluntly said ‘shut-up’.

“No, Sam, really. It’s not a problem. Besides you really do need new clothes if you’re going to the big house.”

“Personally I don’t want you to come to dinner smelling like shit.” Kiley told her.

Sam gave her a small glare and looked at Joe. He just looked back with an uh-oh kind of look.

“I really think tonight is a bad idea.” Sam told her.

Joe caught her drift and backed her up. “Yeah, I just remembered that I have this thing I need to do and I can’t cover your work along with it. Maybe I’ll take you into town with me in the morning. There are a few things I need to pick up. It’ll work out fine.” Joe told her.

“Yeah, I think that will work out much better for me.” Sam agreed with him.

Kiley got a rather evil look on her face and shot Sam a glare. “Fine. See you later Joe.” She said touching his arm before leaving.

“My god.” Sam said when she had left. “She’s a treat isn't she?”

Joe looked at her. “One of the more foul kind, yeah. She’s been stuck on me for years now and I can’t exactly tell her to push off or her mother would fire me before I knew what the hell happened.”

“I’m sorry.” Sam grinned at him. “It must be so horrible for you.”

“Shut up.” He said frowning at her. “Get back to work.”
© Copyright 2005 The Writer (doggy_25 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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