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Rated: ASR · Other · Ghost · #1000944
The beginning of the Half Ghost Chronicles
Hi, there my name is Brianna, Brianna Joseph to be exact. I look like a normal teenager but like they say ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’. That totally applies to me. I mean, I’m not your average teen. I have powers, not your regular superman powers. I had supernatural powers. People in the medieval thought these powers came from the devil. So try and figure this out for yourself, you don’t need me to tell you that most of the sisters at St Mark thought I was a she-devil.(And not because of my powers...) Let me explain my powers,

Death Seeker: I can see the dead and communicate, interact, whatever the agony you
people call it.

Physic: Yes I can see into the future but only when someone is going to die. I can also figure out the cause of their death. Then I’m supposed to save them unless
1) They’re supposed to die (you know criminals)
2) Like if they are sick or they get killed by forces of nature
I’m basically supposed to protect innocent people.

Shape Shifter: I love this power the best because I can change into anything. I can also change other people and things. Isn’t that so cooool!

Time Manipulative: I can control time to my liking. Whenever I want, wherever I want. It usually helps whenever I need some extra time to study for math tests.

Am I not a freak? That’s why only 3 people know actually 4 if you count Sebastian. He’s a ghost; you see he’s my little brother. When he was 3 he was diagnosed with leukemia. Unfortunately he died at the age of 4 and I was 6. Now he’s 14 and I’m 16. He’s been with me for 10 yrs and it’s like he never left. Now it’s about me, I’m 5 feet 11 inches I have chocolate and caramel covered skin. I have brown eyes unless I’m wearing my amethyst contacts. I’m not fat but I could shed the extra pounds.
Now Im gonna to introduce the other people that know my power.
Sarah Joseph: my older cousin, kind of the brainy but cool type. She found out when she saw Sebastian reading one of my Hardy Boy Books that I used to read when I was 12. So I had to tell her, but she understood perfectly. She thought it was cool when I transformed her into Angelina Jolie to play pranks on poor boys.
Carson Taylor: He was Sarah’s closest friend at least that’s what she claims. I swear there is something between them. They look perfect for each other. Anyway he’s also got a brother with autism so I promised I would take good care of him. Carson’s pretty calm about it too.
Richard Jacob: He’s kind of my friend; I mean I met him at this retreat and I may… like him and all. I mean like him like him. He’s smart and charming and endearing. He doesn’t know yet but he will find out.

Now that I have introduced everyone let me finally begin the story.

Chapter I

Here I was once again in Sister Theresa’s office. It was not my fault that Jade’s face hit my hand. Ok so maybe I have a bad temper, I mean who doesn’t? “Is this not the third time we have met this week” she asked “Oh Yes” I replied “I just love these meetings we have!” She sighed and looked disappointed; she was trying to help me. It’s like none of the other teachers would.
“You know this means you have detention after school right?”
“Yes I know” I said disappointed knowing that I had just wasted another precious day looking at the vomit colored walls within the rooms of St Marks. Then I stepped out of her office and into the barren halls. I had deeply hated living here; I had moved here from Brooklyn and started living with Sarah Joseph. It was the fact that my “troubled mother” had gotten into some type of problem and blah blah blah. So I ended up here in the oh so glamorous St Marks. I did have a couple of friends Sarah.., Carson, Richard and that’s basically it. Oh wait I forgot Sebastian my ghost brother he was my best friend. He also followed me here all the way from Brooklyn.
So as I started walking down to Science (ewww!) Sarah walked by and gave me the look. The ‘Please don’t tell me you got in trouble…again and have to go to detention’
Look. I nodded my head and she sighed then came up to me and said
“Cant you use your powers to turn back time and not get in trouble?’’
“Why would I go through all that trouble? I’ll just go ahead and take my punishment.”
“So you don’t get in trouble Brianna, what am I supposed to tell my mom?”
“Tell her I got in trouble and that she’ll have to come pick me up at 4:30 today.”
“You know she’s going to be mad.”
“So I’ll take that chance.”
Then the bell for 6th period rang, it was time for lunch. I usually skipped lunch and went up to the computer lab. That was my only refuge from the catty girls and persistent teachers. There I was at one with myself.

Chapter II
Ahhh there’s nothing like spending a nice afternoon in detention, the rebellious teens , the off guard teacher that wishes she was home watching General Hospital and don’t forget that annoying clock that moves sooo slow. SO I decided to take a seat at the back no one would have noticed anyway. There I saw a figure appear in the shadow and it was Sebastian!
“Sebastian what are you doing here!”
“Cant I visit my fave sis while she’s in detention?
I gave him a arduous look.
“Ok Ok, Sarah told me you were in detention and I thought you were lonely So I came to cheer you up.”
“Thanks” I replied
Slowly and painfully seconds, minutes passed and finally it was 4:30, I walked outside to see that my aunt parked in her car. Unfortunately she did not bear a grin on her face.

© Copyright 2005 ghostgirl (ghostdog1226 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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