Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1000671-Reunited
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #1000671
Jon leaves his boyfriend but vows to come back and isn't going to break a promise.

“MOVING? Why?” Jon asked his parents after they gave him the news.

“We’re moving because you got caught in bed with a guy and we want to get you away from that brainwashing sicko,” his father said.

“Brainwashed? He didn’t brainwash me? What are you talking about?”

“Can you honestly tell me that he didn’t talk you into getting in bed with him?”

“Yes,” he said sincerely but his dad wasn’t convinced.

“I don’t care what you say. He had to have brainwashed you. You’re not gay.”

“Okay fine.”

They packed up their things and were ready to leave the next day. Jon talked his parents into letting him go by the school and say good-bye to the people that he could.

“Hi Mrs. Tomleson,” Jon said to the receptionist as he walked in the door. “Can I get a visitors pass? That way I can say good-bye to some people.”

“Sure. Jon, I want you to know that you are going to be missed by many. You’ve grown on people here at the school, especially among the staff.”

“Thanks ma’am.”

Jon got the pass and then he went to the library and said good-bye to the librarian, Mrs. Sandy Johnson. She had helped him through a lot of things in the past two years and he had to say by to her.

Jon was walking down the hall just outside the office and was turning the corner and smack, Jon ran right into him. Him being Jake Bradford, the guy that he had got caught in bed with. They weren’t even having sex or anything. They were just lying there in each other’s arms and watching television.

“Sorry Jake.”

“It’s okay,” he said, his face lighting up. “Are you back?”

Jon didn’t reply and the look on his face gave him all the answer that he needed.

“So you’re going to move away?” he said and tears started to appear in his eyes.

“Don’t cry, baby. Yes I am moving but I want you to know that I love you more than anything in the world and I am going to come back for you,” Jon said, wiping the tears away from his face.

“I know...sob...I just love you...sob...so much. You were the one that I wanted to be with for the rest of my life.”

“Hey. We are going to be together. I promise that I am going to come for you as soon as I can. I love you Jake. You Jake Bradford are my soul mate. If I have to go away for a while because my parents can accept that I want to be with you, then that is something that we have to overcome. Remember, God doesn’t throw anything our way that we can’t handle. We were meant to be together and we will be together, one way or another. I love you, now come here and give me a kiss.”

“What about Mrs. Tomleson?”

“She knows that I love you and I don’t think she would mind if we kissed, just once.”

Jake didn’t say a thing; rather he grabbed Jon and kissed him hard. One kiss and he was gone. Jake turned, walked away and rounded the corner and Jon didn’t see him again before he left the school.

Moving. That’s exactly what Jon and his family did. They moved to a whole new city and Jon was forbidden to contact Jake again. Jon’s cell phone was taken away from him and his Internet shut down. He was completely cut off from his past, although Jon hadn’t seen or talked to Jake since that day at the school when he said that he was moving but he vowed that he would come back for Jake as soon as he could and he was going to do just that. He was going to come back for Jake; he was going to come back for his soul mate.


Five years later, Jon is 21, out of college and driving down a backcountry road. He’s on his way to his hometown. He’s doing exactly what he said, he was going to go back to Parleton, and he was going back to Jake.

He went to his old home first and saw that nothing looked the same. The place was built up but what he couldn’t believe was that it was for sale. He made a note of the number of the realtor and planned on calling to find out how much his old home was.

Next and this was the hardest thing of all, he headed to Jake’s old home. He pulled up in the driveway and a little boy, no older than four or five, came running out of the house and Jake came running after him. He looked so happy. Jon stepped out of the car, ‘shades’ still covering his eyes.

“Can I help you?” Jake asked, now holding the young boy in his arms.

As I walked closer, I pulled the shades off.

“Oh my God. Jon is that you?”

“Yeah Jake. You don’t know how much I’ve missed you,” Jon said, moving closer and letting Jake make the first move to connect. Jake slid his free arm under Jon’s arm and pulled him close.

“Who’s this Daddy?” the young boy asked when they pulled apart.

“Jonathan, this is Jon. You remember me telling you about Jon don’t you?” Jake said.

“Hi Jon,” the young boy said, still in Jake’s arms.

“Hi Jonathan, nice to meet you.”

Jake put Jonathan down and he immediately went over to Jon and opened his arms up to him.

“He wants you to pick him up,” Jake said with a smile.

Jon picked the boy up and he laid his head on Jon’s shoulder and slowly closed his eyes.

“So how have you been?” Jon asked, the young boy in his arms not stirring one bit although the words from Jon’s mouth were a bit louder than he had expected.

“Okay. It’s been hard at times but Jonathan has made it easier. He’s so happy and full of life,” Jake said then motioned for them to go inside the house.
“Mom passed away two years ago and I never found my Dad.”

“Oh Jake, I am so sorry. I wish I had known.”

“It’s okay Jon. I know you couldn’t have known.”

“Back to Jonathan. So you’re a dad?”

“Yeah. You remember Donna from high school don’t you?”

“Yeah. What, did you two get married?”

“Oh no. Nothing that extreme. Believe me when I say that I am still gay,” he said, smiling. “Naw, we did the artificial insemination thing. She carried the baby for me.”

“Oh Jake I can’t believe that you have a son. I wish I could have been here to help you with him.”

By this time, they had put Jonathan down on the couch and covered him up and had headed to the kitchen.

He didn’t have to show Jon where to go. Jon knew this house like the back of his hand. Jon had spent a lot of time here when they were together in high school.

“I know but I knew you were going to come back and I made sure I told him about you. I told him how funny you were and how loving and kind you were. You know, when he would get down to say his prayers at night, he would as God to bless you and to keep you safe so that you could return to me.”

“You’ve got a good kid there, Jake.”

“So, how have you been?” Jake asked.

“Good. I guess. I went to college, got a good education. Got in my car, drove down here and in doing that ruined any chance of an inheritance from my parents.”

Jake looked angry when Jon said that.

“Don’t get angry. That’s just what they told me when I entered Parleton. You know me, Jake. I never cared about the money. The only thing that I ever cared about was you. You were, you are, the one thing I want in my life. That is, if you’ll still have me.”

“God Jon, I’ve missed you,” he said.

“I’ve missed you too, baby. I thought about you every single day. I would have dreams about you and then I would wake up and cry because it was just a dream.”

“Come on. Jonathan will be asleep for a little while longer,” he said and he led Jon to his bedroom. “Lay with me Jon, like we used to.”

They climbed in bed and Jon held Jake in his arms and he laid his head on Jon’s chest.

“I love you Jake,” Jon said and he kissed the top of his head.

Jake fell asleep and Jon just lay there and held him until he heard Jonathan call for his daddy. He didn’t want to wake him so he let Jake stay asleep and went to the living room.

“Jonathan, Daddy’s asleep right now.”

“Da, will you watch TV. with me?”

“What did you call me?” Jon asked, curious about what he had just been called.

“I called you ‘Da’, is that k?” he asked.

“Sure. I’ll watch TV. with ya lil’ man.”

Jonathan put the TV. on the Disney Channel and went and laid down on the floor and Jon went and laid down with him.

Jonathan moved over and laid his head on Jon’s stomach and they made a t-shape on the rug.

“Jonathan, what has your daddy told you about me?”

“He said that the two of you were together before I was born. He said that the two of you loved each other very much but that you had to move away. Grandma told me that you loved Daddy and did everything in your power to stay with him but that it just wasn’t enough.”

“You’re grandma was a wise woman.”

“Are you going to stay here with Daddy?”

“If your Daddy wants me to.”

“I know he does. He loves you.”

“Enough talk. Let’s watch some TV,” Jon said, a tear escaping his grasp.

Jon wound up falling asleep there on the floor but when he woke up, he found himself in Jake’s bed and under the covers.

The smell of food fell over him and he got up and walked into the kitchen and saw Jake standing in front of the stove, stirring something in a pot.

Slowly Jon walked up behind him and slid his arms around him and kissed his neck.

“I love you,” Jon whispered in his ear.

“I love you too,” Jake whispered back.

“How did I get to your bed?”

“I carried you. Even after five years, I can still carry you to bed.”

“Jake, how did you come up with Jonathan’s name?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I named him after you.”

“Thanks. I’m honored.”

“He went to bed already but he told me to tell you he loves you and goodnight.”

“I love him too. He’s a cool kid. He called me Da when he asked me to watch TV. with him. Short for Dad, I guess. I remember when you were his age, he looks a lot like you.”

“I know but I was hoping he would look more like you.”

“Me? How could he look like me?”

“You remember that time you donated your sperm for some quick cash?”


“Well, I went to the bank, got your sample and had it mixed with mine when we did the artificial insemination. He’s a combination of both of us.”


“Yeah. He has your eyes.”

“Oh Jake. I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you’ll set the table,” he said, moving back over to the stove.


Jon moved around the kitchen. He got everything he needed and didn’t ask where anything was. Again, he knew where everything was.

The two reunited lovers sat down to their first dinner together in five years.

“So, when you went to college, what’d you major in?”

“English, with writing being my field of study.”

“Impressive but I always knew you would write. You were always writing or reading.”

“Thanks,” he said, turning a shade of dark-red. “So what are you doing?”

“Actually, I’m living off inheritance. Apparently my grandmother had more money than she thought and when she passed away, it was left to my mom and then to me.”

“Good. I mean, you don’t have to work and neither do I. I have a steady cash-flow from my grandmother.”

“That’s good. How’s she doing?”

“Good. She misses you. She said she couldn’t believe how my parents did us.”

“She was always so nice to me. I told Jonathan about her too.”

“Do you want to take Jonathan to see her this weekend?”


After dinner they both helped wash the dishes, checked on Jonathan and then went to bed.

They climbed in bed and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The next morning they awoke to Jonathan bounding up into their bed.

“5:30, it’s too early to play. Do you want to sleep in here?” Jake asked his son lovingly.

Jonathan didn’t say anything rather he just climbed under the covers between Jake and Jon. Jake lie on his stomach and put an arm over Jonathan and went back to sleep. Jon did the same on the other side.

Later that day Jon called up his grandmother and she said that she was busy over the weekend but they could come over that day.

Jon sat out in his car and he saw Jake and Jonathan come out of the house and Jake looked so happy.

“Ready to go?” Jon asked as Jake got in the front seat and Jonathan in the back.

“Yeppers,” Jake said, rememberin’ that’s what they said when they were teens.

“You’re such a cornball. Come ‘ere,” Jon said and he kissed Jake slowly on the lips, using his hand on the back of Jake’s head to steady the two of ‘em.

‘Hehehe,” laughed Jonathan from the back seat.

“You think that’s funny do yuh. Here, maybe you’ll think this is funny,” Jon said turning on the DVD player on the back of Jake’s seat and handing Jonathan a pair of headphones.

“What’s that?” Jake asked.

“DVD-player. Had it put in for when I baby-sat a few years ago. I figured I would leave it in. Findin’ Nemo’s in right now. He should like that.”

“So how long do you think it will take us to get to Susanne’s house?” Jake asked.

“About thirty-minutes. I just know that she is going to be so happy to see you. She has pictures of you up in her house. Almost mad Mom and Dad so mad that they almost stopped talking to her forever. They reconsidered though. She told them that it was her house and that she could have any pictures up in her house that she wanted.”

“I’ll be glad to see her too.”

Jon didn’t say anything but he did reach over and grab Jake’s hand in his own and that’s how they drove the rest of the way to Susanne Thomas’ house.

“Wait here with Jonathan,” Jon said, motioning to the wall not visible from the front door. “I want to surpise her.”


Jon walked up to the door and knocked on it a few times and then a few minutes later his grandmother opened the door.

“Hey Grams, how are you?”

“Good. How are you?”
“Good. There’s someone here I want you to meet and someone who’s been missing you.”


Jake and Jonathan rounded the corner and walked up to the house.


“Hi Susanne. How have you been?”

“Good. Very good and who’s this?”

“This is Jonathan. You’re great-grandson.”

“Mine?” she asked, confused.

“That’s a story that I think Jake should tell you. I, on the other hand, am going to take Jonathan with me right now and show him the ducks and around the yard.”


Jonathan grabbed Jon’s hand and they walked out to the pond.

Back in the house Jake and Susanne walked in the house and into the living room.

“So how is Jonathan my great-grandson?”

“Well, he is a combination of...well... he’s a combination of Jon’s and my sperm. A month or so after Jon left, I had a girl at my school who had offered before to do artificial insemination and I had my sperm mixed with Jon’s and inserted into her and when Jonathan was born, he was a combo of the two of us. He’s just as much Jon’s son as he is mine.”

“Oh really,” she said beginning to tear up a little. “I can’t believe that I am a great-grandmother and my daughter is a grandma and she doesn’t even know it.”

“Hey look,” Jake said pointing to the window where he saw Jon and Jonathan rolling around on the ground and playing.

“Jon always good with kids. I can’t believe that he’s a dad. I can’t believe that you are a dad. God Jake, you don’t know how much I have missed you. I always thought of you as one of my grandkids, one of the family.”

A few minutes of rolling around on the ground, Jon and Jonathan brushed off and went in the house.

The four of them sat around for a couple of hours talking and everything but then it was time to get back to the house. Jonathan had to be in bed at a decent time because he had school the next day.

The boys stood in the kitchen and made dinner together tonight while Jonathan waited in the living room for supper to be ready.

Jon was standin in front of the stove this time when Jake came up behind him and slid his arms around Jon’s waist and started nibbling on his ear.

“Here, try this if you’re hungry,” Jon said turning around with a smile on his face.

“Ummm. That’s good but not as good as you,” he said, pressing his lips to Jon’s.

Jon put the wooden spoon down and put his arms around Jake and held him tight.

“God, I love you Jake,” Jon said, hugging him as tight as he possibly could without cutting off the circulation.

“I love you too Jon. You don’t know how much I have wanted to just hold you in my arms. To kiss your sweet lips, to feel your tongue gently brush against mine.”

Jon pressed his lips to Jake’s and he slowly opened his mouth and slid his tongue past Jake’s lips and they shared a passionate kiss until they had to break it off when Jonathan came running into the kitchen asking when food was going to be ready.

“It’s ready now, lil’ man,” Jon said, motioning to the seat for Jonathan to take at the table.

“Yaaa,” Jonathan wailed.

Jake and Jon both help put the food on the individual plates and then taking their places at the table.

“Jake, do you think we can say a prayer before we eat?” Jon asked nervously.

“Sure, lead the way.”

They each joined hands and then Jon began to speak.

“Heavenly Father, we thank you for this food that you have provided for us tonight. On a more personal note, I thank you for making it possible for me to come back to Parleton and reunite with Jake and my son Jonathan. I thank you for keeping Jonathan and Jake healthy and happy and showing me over the years that I was meant to be here. That this was meant to be my family.”

“That was amazing Jon,” Jake said, squeezing Jon’s hand in his own.

“I meant every word of it.”

Jon did mean every word of it. He had a hard road to traverse to get to where he was now. Jon had to live without the inheritance from his parents but like he had told Jake, he had never cared about the money. All he cared about was his family. Jake and Jonathan were his true family besides his grandmother. She was always a part of his family. His parents on the other hand, were a different story altogether.
This story may have another part to it consisting of Jon’s confrontation with his parents after he moved back to Parleton but for now, this part of the story is finished. I hope that you like it.
© Copyright 2005 Jeremy Denton (jm9364 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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