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Rated: 13+ · Quiz · Sci-fi · #1571135
Discover which Star trek alien race you are most like in this fun test.
If you were in the Star Trek Universe, just which of the many races would you be similar to in behavior and attitute? Take this short test to find out for sure! Select the answer that would be closest to your initial response to these situations. You will wish to jot down your answers as this exam can't be auto-scoring. Record a's, b's, etc.

1) The person in front of you at the ‘10 Items Or Less’ line at the grocery store has placed 12 items on the conveyor belt. You are late for a meeting… What do you do?

a) Realize that it may just be an oversight on their part, and the extra two items won’t take that much longer to scan, so you just sigh and try to relax.

b) Calmly point out to the person that they are being unfair to you and others by using the wrong check out, and ask them to switch aisles.

c) When they’re not looking, grab two of their items for yourself, figuring that they were cheating anyway so they deserve to be shorted.

d) When they’re not looking, slip two of their items into the candy rack so they get shorted—hey, they were in the wrong, right?

e) Confront them and demand that they follow rules and either lose two items, get in another line, or you’re calling the manager. Rules are rules and need to be followed.

f) Drool down your shirt front and try to remember if 12 is more or less than 10. Lose count and start over…

2) You’re driving to town in a pouring rain and see a middle-aged woman struggling to change a tire in a skirt and high heels along the side of a busy highway. You would likely do;

a) Stop and offer to help. You could be the next person stranded in the rain and good deeds aid your karma.

b) Stop and suggest that she ride into town with you to the nearest garage to get help there. No sense both of you getting wet.

c) Offer to help if she pays you for your time. After all, you didn’t have to help.

d) Aim for a mudpuddle and splash her good. Stupid woman anyway…

e) Understand that struggle is good for the soul and when she finishes her task, she will be a better person for it. Drive past and wish her well.

f) Stare until you swerve off the road and slam into the guide rails 50 feet in front of her. The air bag frightens you.

3) Your neighbor becomes seriously ill suddenly and is going to spent two weeks in the hospital. He left his dog tied up outside. What would you do?

a) Take a moment in the morning before you go to work to take over table scraps and spend some time petting the dog.

b) Realize the dog requires more care than you wish to give and arrange for a kennel to take him.

c) Contact the neighbor and offer to care for the dog if he pays for the food and shelter.

d) Call the SPCA and explain the problem and ask them to come and rescue the dog.

e) Bring the dog to your house and care for him.  Adopt him for your own.

f) Eat the dog for lunch… problem solved!

4) In a large toy store you witness a father screaming at his daughter because she wants a toy he’s not willing to buy for her. What is your feeling about this?

a) It’s none of your business.

b) There’s a better way to deal with that.

c) He’s a cheapskate!

d) I’m better than that with MY kids!

e) He’s an idiot and she’s undisciplined. They both need a good smack.

f) Start to cry because you want the toy too…

5) Walking into the bank, you find an envelope laying on the ground under the shubbery. Inside is $50 in small bills.  What is your first thought?

a) Some one lost this and needs it back. I’ll turn it in at the bank.

b) If I turn this in and no one claims it, I’ll miss out. I’ll give the bank my name and number. The person can call me to claim it.

c) Finder’s keeper’s! Besides—it’s only 50 bucks. It’s not that much to worry about.

d) I’ll keep out $20 for a finder’s fee and turn in the rest. Who could say where the other $20 went?

e) I’d ask around to see if anyone is missing some money, but I won’t tell them how much is inside—if it’d theirs, they can tell me the amount.

f) Shout out that you have $50 and promptly get mugged.

6) A burly man cuts you off at a red light and clips your car’s bumper, scrapping some paint. He gets in your face and is very belligerent.  He demands that you pay him on the spot for the damage to his car.How do you handle this situation?

a) Just to prevent a bad scene, agree that you may have been at fault. Offer him $10 and let him leave.

b) Point out that he is at fault and the insurance companies need to be contacted. Take his plate number in case he drives away.

c) Threaten to sue him if he doesn’t shut up. Mention that the damage to your car is greater than his and he owes you some money.

d) Round up several bystanders that will back you up when you tell the police about the man’s behavior.

e)  Insist the cops be called and refuse to back down if he threatens you.

f) Pee on his shoes and call for your mommy.

7) A raccoon has been knocking over your trash cans and strewing garbage all over your sidewalk. What do you do?

a) Call the Animal Control people and wait days to have the animal removed.

b) Set a Hav-A-Heart Trap (non-lethal) and take it out in the country release it.

c) Trap it for the pelt. Make $25.

d) Poison it and bury it in the back yard where no one will see.

e) Wait for it and shoot it with a pellet gun. You have the right to a secure garbage can!

f) Knock over the can first so the ‘coon can’t!

8) Some one you work with has been talking trash about you and the rumors are getting nasty.  He claims you are having sex with everyone, of both genders. Other co-workers are starting to treat you differently. How would you react?

a) Ignore the whole thing hoping it will just go away. Make an effort to sway your co-workers with your good behavior.

b) Approach him and try to figure out why he’s doing this to you.

c) Find out something bad about him and offer him a deal. He shuts up or you’ll spill his secret.

d) Two can play this game! Start a campaign to smear his name. Write his name and number on the bathroom wall…

e) Confront him and offer to button his lip, but good, if he doesn’t shut up… 

f) Grin stupidly and pick your nose.

9) One of the people that you have on your team for a school assignment isn’t pulling their weight on the project. Since you’re in charge of the task, you have to do something about it. What would you do?

a) Schedule a meeting with this person and see if there’s a problem. Offer to shift the workload if there’s a scheduling or workload concern.

b) Point out the grade for the entire project relies on everyone doing their part. Break the tasks into smaller parts and set a deadline for completion.

c) Offer to share some of the workload if they would consider doing some of your  work for another class.

d) Work around them to complete the project, but tell the professor that this person didn’t do anything and their grade should be a zero.

e) Berate them in front of the rest of the team for their failure in an attempt to produce some results.

f) Wait until some one else takes charge.

10) There is a vacant lot in your neighborhood that is rank with long grass and weeds. Walking past, you think…:

a) There’s a good place for the squirrels and birds in the neighborhood to hide.

b) That’s a waste of good space; could be a playground there.

c) I ought to see if the owner would pay me to keep that mowed.

d) The owner should be fined by the city. I should complain.

e) I’d like to have a word with the owner of that eyesore.

f) I’d like to roll around in that!

11) Pick your favorite sport:

a) baseball

b) pool

c) poker

d) basketball

e) football

f) watching the old bug zapper

12) The airliner you’re flying in to another city is suddenly hi-jacked by a lone gunman. What would you plan to do?

a) Secretly organize the other passengers to overwhelm the terrorist with a co-ordinated attack.

b) Try to talk the terrorist out of his actions—distract him until the plane lands if possible..

c) Drop some large bills on the floor of the plane and when he bends over to get them, kick him in the head.

d) Exclaim that you also feel the way he does and offer to help… and wait for a chance to clomber him by surprise.

e) Scream ‘let’s roll!!’ and jump him, kicking and clawing.

f) While everyone is distracted, look for more of those tasty dry-roasted peanuts!

13) A local art gallery, with whom you had a contract to display your work in their next show, runs the show without informing you or getting any of your artwork to sell. Your first response would be to;

a) Get very upset but figure your stuff just wasn’t good enough and try to forget about it.

b) Approach the owners and try to determine why you weren’t invited. Try to get a commitment for the next show.

c) Demand that the gallery compensate you in some way for the slight—perhaps take some of your work on consignment.

d) Tell all your friends to shop elsewhere and send a letter to the Editor of the local paper describing their unfair business practices.

e) Confront the owner and demand a reason that you were denied equal time for your work.

f) Hang the paintings back on the ‘frig and go watch TV.

14) What type of car would you prefer to drive?

a) 4 door sedan

b) mini-van

c) luxury car

d) Tricked out 2 door coupe

e)  4X4 pick-up

f) bicycle with a basket on the handlebars

15) Which of these professions could you see yourself doing?

A) teacher

B) scientist

C) entrepreneur

D) lawyer

E) police officer

F) scarecrow


Add together how many of each letter answer you had, i.e.., 7 A’s, 2 B’s, etc.

Compare the highest total for a single letter to the following chart.

A)    Star Fleet Human

You are concerned about fair play but are forgiving and tolerant of others. You tend to trust that things will work out without the need to get too involved yourself. Your submissive attitute can often get you in a position that allows others to take advantage of your tolerance. You tend to be very noble and understanding.

B)  Vulcan

      You tend to be calm, cool, and analytical. You prefer reason and working things out to           

      rushing into a solution. Your friends may think you are dispassionate, but you prefer to

      believe that you are logical and precise. Details and puzzles fascinate you. People view you

      as not very much fun because you are not impulsive by nature.

C) Ferengi

You view success in one way—the person with the most toys at the end wins. Anything worth doing is worth being paid for, in your opinion. ‘What’s in it for me?’ is your credo. Your friends regard you as a valuble resource, but don’t ask to borrow money from you. Of course, your friends were chosen for the status they lend you.

D) Romulan

You value ‘right’ but  mostly for yourself. You tend to view other people as objects in your path. The most fun you have is playing one set of friends out against another. Your friends hang with you because it’s safer to be able to see up you’re up to at all times. You believe in following the rules, but folks that don’t are fair game for you to trip up in various underhanded ways.

E) Klingon

You are noble and honorable, if a bit heavyhanded in dealing with people. You prefer the face-to-face approach and detest sneaking around behind people’s backs. Rules were meant to be followed and rule-breakers are dealt with harshly. Your friends like you because you are dependable and will always stand up for them. You tend to use force instead of your head in a tough situation.

F) Pakled

You are as dumb as a box of rocks and shouldn’t be allowed out without a keeper. You’re simple and straight-forward, mainly because you lack the cognitive skills to be complex.  Your friends make fun of you and only hang out with you so they can look smart by comparison. They steal your pocket change and put sticky notes on your forehead. The good news

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/quiz/item_id/1571135-Star-Trek-Personality-Sorter