Printed from https://writing.com/main/quiz/item_id/1564564-Do-you-know-your-Biology
Rated: · Quiz · Educational · #1564564
A fun quiz to test your knowledge of high school biology!
Test your knowledge of High School Biology!
This quiz focuses on Five main subject areas:

1. Molecular Genetics (DNA, RNA, Biotechnology)
2. Ecology and Ethology
3. Evolution and Taxonomy
4. Cells: Structure, Function and Division
5. Plant and Animal Physiology
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1. Molecular Genetics:
 Which of the following is not associated with DNA replication?
       Replication fork        
       DNA Ligase        
       RNA Primer        
       RNA Polymerase        
       DNA Polymerase        
2. Ecology and Ethology:
 A baby bird is born thinking its mother is a paper cup. This is an example of which of the following?
       Classical Conditioning        
       Fixed-Action Pattern        
       A Pre-Zygotic Reprodructive Barrier        
3. Taxonomy and Evolution:
 Which of the following was an adaptation essential to the evolution of bryophytes, the first land plants?
       Switching to the sporophyte as the dominant generation        
       Developing broad leaves for more sunlight capture        
       Developing a waxy cuticle to prevent against water loss        
       Developing xylem and phloem        
       Switching to flowers as the major reproductive organs        
4. Cells:
 Dendrites are structures found on what type of cell?
       Liver cells        
       Islets of Langerhans        
       Epithelial cells        
       Plant Cells        
5. Plant and Animal Physiology:
 The anterior pituitary gland is damaged. Which of the following hormones would not be DIRECTLY affected?
       Luteinizing Hormone (LH)        
       Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)        
       Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)        
6. Molecular Genetics:
 Which of the following events occurs first, chronologically, in the process of protein synthesis?
       5' Cap is added to the mRNA        
       Introns are removed by Spliceosomes        
       Small ribosomal subunit binds the the mRNA        
       RNA Polymerase reaches the TATA box        
       Releasing factor enters the P Site        
7. Ecology and Ethology:
 Which of the following is an example of Mullerian Mimicry?
       A tapeworm feeds off its host's nutrients        
       A butterfly has large spots that mimic owl eyes        
       A poisonous beetle and a venomous snake take on identical colouring patterns        
       A baby bird mimics its mother's flight patterns        
       A duck mimics a swan        
8. Taxonomy and Evolution:
 Which of the following is NOT an example of allopatric speciation?
       An earthquake separates a population of frogs into two        
       Two extremes of a phenotype lose the ability to interbreed        
       Half the population of a species of bird gets lost while migrating and forms a new colony        
       A tornado separates a population of rabbits        
       A dam separate a population of fish        
9. Cells:
 The cristae folds of the mitochodria in a cell are ruptured. Which process is directly halted?
       Calvin Cycle        
       Kreb's Cycle        
       Electron Transport Chain        
       Cyclic Photorespiration        
10. Plant and Animal Physiology:
 Which of the following cells is associated with the phloem?
       Companion Cells        
       Assistant Cells        
       Helper Cells        
       Guidance Cells        
       Directional Cells        
11. Molecular Genetics:
 The restriction enzyme EcoRI produces which of the following?
       Blunt ends        
       Ground ends        
       Sticky ends        
       Large ends        
       Small ends        
12. Ecology and Ethology:
 Humans are an example of which of the following?
       R-selected population        
       K-selected population        
       Type II Survivorship Curve        
       Type III Survivorship Curve        
13. Taxonomy and Evolution:
 Which of the following are more closely related?
       Humans and sea stars        
       Sea sponges and sea stars        
       Segmented worms and sea stars        
       Jellyfish and sea stars        
       Spiders and sea stars        
14. Cells:
 When a virus invades a cell, which of the following organelles would be most likely to respond?
       Golgi apparatus        
       Endoplasmic Reticulum        
15. Plant and Animal Physiology:
 Where would you find the adrenal glands, and which hormone do they produce?
       In the brain, Epinephrine        
       In the brain, Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)        
       Below the liver, ACTH        
       Above the kidneys, ACTH        
       Above the kidneys, Epinephrine        
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