Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/valimaar
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131 Public Reviews Given
156 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I prefer to take an in-depth approach, citing examples of referencing, style, voicing, and grammar errors, but at the same time I try to be encouraging. My goal isn't to pick a writing apart a piece at a time but to help make it the best writing it can be. I often will include links to articles that may help with an error, if that error seems to be a writer's weak point (we all have one). I try to do all of this while at the same time being energetic, encouraging, and positive!
I'm good at...
Style is to me, the single most paramount key to a good narrative after plot and emotional effect have been established. As such, I tend to find structuring, wording, and voicing concerns quicker than anything else.
Favorite Genres
Fantasy, Dark, Supernatural, Occult, Horror/Scary, Action Adventure, Thriller/Suspense.
Least Favorite Genres
Erotica (won't review it or even bother to read it, sorry)
Favorite Item Types
Short Stories, Chapters, Novels, Novellas, Contest Entries, and Poetry. Chapters may require some context if you'd like me to review one.
Least Favorite Item Types
I don't really have a least favorite, but I would say the most difficult to review is a Novel simply for size. Second would be poetry. I enjoy poetry but I'm useless at determining what makes a good poem.
I will not review...
Erotica, sorry, Heterosexual or Homosexual, it's just not my thing. I'm sure that whatever you have is lovely, but I just can't read it.
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Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hello, I found this under the Read a Newbie  Open in new Window. section of writing.com. First, I'd like to extend my warmest welcome to you, I hope you find this community as helpful as I have over these many years.

I'm unfamiliar with what story you're writing this fanfiction for, and it's more than likely that whatever it is, I haven't read it. That said, I can't really offer any thoughts on how it ties into the source material, so what you'll be getting from me, is only raw and honest opinion of a reader in real-time.

Before we get into this, I'd like to preface this by saying that I tend to take a pretty in-depth approach to most reviews. It may seem like I'm really picking something apart. Some folks might see this as negative or mean-spirited. I assure you that that is not my intention, but rather to call attention to areas of the writing that I think could use some polish. Keep in mind, however, it's only my opinion. You may use whatever suggestions I might make, or you may use none at all if you disagree with it. It's your writing, after all.

I'd like to mention that in some of my reviews you may see a word with a dotted underline like this. This is a spot in a sentence that I've marked for your attention. I've packed a comment within the notes that you can read simply by mousing over the word or phrase with this dotted underline.

*** Opening ***

Some may say that this opening line is lacking a hook, but for me, it's there. It's simple and short, and it works. It tugs on the heartstrings a bit and feels wholesome.

*** Style and Voice ***

There's a fairly constant tone of passive voice written in one way or another, which I've marked some examples below. One of the recurring issues that stands out to me is weak to be verbs i.e. was, were followed by a gerund phrase i.e. 'ing' verbs. I won't list every instance of this, as there's simply too many and would make this review enormous, however here's an example:

*Right*She was staring into the blackness of the forest, ears rigid.

*Thought*She stared into the blackness of the forest as she stood rigid as a statue, ears perked straight up.

A correction like this removes the passive undertone and the more vivid description paints a clearer picture while also building a bit of tension, to elaborate on that which you started with her growling.

I would say that it's likely not solid footing to begin the start of your story with passive voicing, as it just feels a bit weak. In the case of your second sentence, the key word is a to be verb form was. This just pulls away from the atmosphere, and I think would better deliver if you gave the quiet a bit of life itself.

*Thought*For Joseph, a still quiet smothered his road home...

Granted, it doesn't have to be verbatim, but it removes the diminishing to be verb and gives a bit more substance to the scenery.

*Right*She was an elderly mutt —kind and loyal.

Rather than telling me she was elderly, consider her description a bit. You don't need a whole paragraph of sentences, but a quick tidbit will help the reader imagine her age rather than you telling me. Perhaps, graying patches of fur on her snout and eyebrows, or just old, tired breathing. Simple and to the point will offer the reader enough to picture the rest.

The second paragraph might be better broken down as smaller points somewhere in the story, as this kind of just drags the pacing with exposition that I really didn't need.

*Right*As he turned toward the house, Suqy let out a low growl.

This is a form of passive voice where action is acting on the subject, which I've marked above. This diminishes the action and is delivered to the reader in a more telling rather than showing way. As Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon says: Think of a story as a guided dream. The best way to guide a reader through this dream is by offering vivid, and descriptive imagery while avoiding weak verbs like saw, heard, smelled, etc. Instead, allow the reader to experience through the perspective of your character. Give the growl a bit more substance and avoid the weak words let out. Perhaps, something like:

*Thought*He turned toward the house but a rumbling growl from Suqy interrupted his steps.

This reads now as Joseph perform an action rather than joseph's action acting on Suqy.

*Right*The tremor was gone as quickly as it had come, but the silence it left behind felt heavier than the quake itself.

This is another example of a bit of wordy telling rather than showing. felt is a rather flat word when trying to describe the atmospheric portion of a story. Consider something like:

*Thought*The tremor settled as quick as it came, but a heavy, lingering silence eclipsed the quake's rumbles.

Joseph pushed himself up, grabbing his shotgun—{dropnote:"the one he kept only for emergencies and restocking the meat freezer."}In a situation that just occurred, Joseph isn't going to be thinking about his shotgun in this context, he'd simply grab and go. Adrenaline doesn't offer you a moment to reflect like this, and I imagine such a shock would send a pretty electrifying wave of adrenaline through you.{.dropnote}

Based from the comment in the dropnote above, simply adding a small snippet of context here instead of the reflection, is all the more image the reader needs and doesn't pull us from the character's PoV. Maybe the shotgun just leaned against the arm of his chair, or beside the door, or something, just a spot somewhere is all the reader needs. We don't need to know why he kept it, because he wouldn't be thinking about it at that momemnt.

Heart pounding, he crept around the house toward whatever had just fallen from the sky.

I think a bit more life should be given to the heart pounding, as this will add more tension to the scene.

*Thought*Joseph crept around the house toward the impact. His heart thumped hard against his chest as he fought against the trembles in his arms. Short breaths choked him with itchy dryness as he swallowed hard against the nervous lump that hung in the back of his throat.

Something like this will help establish a bit of nervous trepidation and give substance to the heart pounding by adding a few other symptoms of mild worry. Adding snippets of richness to the atmosphere can help better bring the scene to life.

*Right*Thick plumes of vapor curled over the newly upturned soil.

This is a really solid image here. Well-done.

I will mention at this point you start going into small bits of rambling by way of describing things with two adjectives. Here and there is fine, but you do it in rather rapid succession, and it kind of just seems a bit bland.

*Right*Dark liquid, thick and viscous,...

In this case, 3 adjectives. This is just too much, and it really falls flat. Really in terms of describing liquids, thick and viscous aren't too dissimilar from one another that you could scrap thick all together, and it would still give me the same description.

"Come to me." It was not a request.
*Right*His right foot immediately felt crushed beneath an unbearable weight, yanked forward by an unseen force.

*Thought*Unbearable weight crushed his right foot as an unseen force yanked it forward.

*** Ending ***

I like the ending, but I think it should have been savored just a bit more, it happened a little too quick but otherwise, it worked.

*** Summary ***

There's a good bit of telling in the story, but its marked here and there with some real solid imagery that shows that you do have a way with words. I think this really just needs a good once over with all of the was and weaker tells with the 5 senses of your PoV character. Otherwise the action was good, the tension was good, and for the most part the pacing was good. I still think the 2nd paragraph really kind of wasn't needed for the story at all, so there it was a bit slow. The end, also was pretty much a bottle rocket. whoosh—pop—the end. I like fast paced action, but I think this was just a little too fast, and could have been savored a bit longer, with a hair more tension. I am however, questioning the dog in all of this. You mention she's loyal. A loyal dog, would still have been afraid I'm sure, but I think she would have stayed at her master's side if she truly was loyal. If you truly wish her to exit the picture like she did, a bit more foreshadowing using the dog would have helped. More than just growling, add a bit of restlessness in the scene before the crash. Rather than sleeping, perhaps have her stirring anxiously, whimpering, etc. Clearly, she knew it was coming before he did so there's a lot of possibilities here.

I imagine it may seem like I sort of really ripped this writing a new one. Again, it's not intended to be mean-spirited in any way. I'm only calling attention to areas I that I think could use a second look from you. You do have some pretty solid imagery in the atmospheric side of it, and some of the action was a good break-neck trip through all of it. Your fundamentals are definitely there so I believe you could really get this writing in tip-top shape with a few adjustments.

I've included a couple of articles for you, discussing Passive Voice, and Showing vs. Telling as well as their impacts on a story. They are both written by writers in this community that I have a tremendous amount of respect for, and I hope they give you a better understanding than what I managed to explain in this review.

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Showing Why Showing is Important Open in new Window. (18+)
Why showing is important in fiction
#1970226 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon

"A Word on Passive Voice Open in new Window.

I hope these and this review helps. I thank you for sharing this writing. I enjoyed reading it. Again, welcome to writing.com, and best of luck in your future writings.

Sig for Angel Army
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The Frozen Flame  Open in new Window.
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
Hello, I found this while browsing the read and review section of writing.com and would like to take a moment to offer you my thoughts on the writing. Before I get into the review however, I'd like to simply mention that the bold face of the font makes this a bit difficult to read. It's just a lot of black on the screen. Just something to keep in mind. Also there's no spaces between your punctuation. This doesn't help with the flow of the writing when combined with the bold letters. All of it makes it a bit uncomfortable on the eyes. While this may seem kind of trivial, remember that some of your readers don't have the eagle eyes they once had. Reader comfort is just a nice courtesy.

I'd also like to suggest separating Frederick's internal dialogue as their own paragraphs.

I'd like to mention that in some of my reviews you may see a word with a dotted underline like this. This is a spot in a sentence that I've marked for your attention. I've packed a comment within the notes that you can read simply by mousing over the word or phrase with this dotted underline.

*** Opening ***

I like this hook. It's simple and strikes the emotions well.

*** Style and Voice ***

I need to bring this up before I get way into the review, that some of your sentences are enormous. Granted, anyone whose read some of my more Victorian style writings would probably say you're one to talk, J.M. and they'd be right. I write some whopper sentences, which is why I can spot them. I get hounded about it all the time. The problem with your second sentence isn't so much the length as it is the repetition and the telling nature of point its trying to convey.

*Right*Frederick leaned against the door , hoping against hope that somehow his weight could keep the robbers from coming in, hoping that for some reason they wouldn’t appear, desperately wishing for someone to help - but he knew that wouldn’t happen.

This is just too much infodump right at the start. This is a big bite to swallow for a reader, and would be better delivered into smaller chunks for a smooth-brained reader such as myself. Also, I think the leaning against the door is just a bit weak. It's only mildly telling, but a bit more action could be had out of this. Something like:

*Thought*Frederick planted his feet and braced his legs as he pressed his back against the door. He hoped against hope that somehow, his weight could bar the robbers' entry. He desperately wished for someone to help—but he knew that wouldn't happen.

This isn't much of change, but everything is smaller and easier to process. It removes the wordy repetitiveness, and give a bit more substance to his leaning against the door. You could further explore this by digging into his body's feelings, perhaps his muscles ache or burn, he's trembling from fear, etc. This will give the opening scene a bit more life and bring a good bit of tension as well.

*Right*He could hear the front door fall with a crash, the infidels not even bothering with stealth as both sides knew there was nowhere he could go.

As Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon says: think of a story as a guided dream. In order for a reader to dig into the story with their imagination, you should take care to avoid weak verbs such as seemed, hear, heard, etc. and instead, offer vivid imagery with more distinct verbiage using the five senses sight, sound, taste, touch, smell.

*Thought*A crash erupted through the house as wood splintered and cracked, and Frederick's heart sank as he realized they'd breached the door.

Something like this offers the sound of the break-in, with more vivid description, while at the same time avoiding a weak phrasing of could hear.

I also mentioned in the dropnote above, that Frederick can only assume what the robber's know or don't know. I get the tension you're trying to establish here with that phrasing, but sadly this removes me from the PoV which only distracts me rather than pulls me in. Perhaps consider:

*Thought*He rattled around his dwindling options of escape, but deep down, he knew there was no way out. They must have known it too, because they hadn't even bothered with stealth.

This gives the same point, but it keeps the PoV rooted with Frederick.

*Right*The gang that he was supposed to have gotten rid of.


*Thought*The gang he was supposed to exterminate.

*Right*He jumped off of it, wanting a quick death instead of a painful one from burning alive.

*Thought*He peeled away, preferring a quick death to roasting alive.

Frantically he searched through his drawers , looking for anything that could possibly fend off even one of them - but of course all he found was his metal water bottle and a flashlight which he quickly stuffed in his pocket.

The whole sentence tells more than shows, but the real problem I have with this, is if the guy is facing imminent death, what reason would there be to stuff a water bottle and flashlight in his pocket? You need a bit more context for this statement to not seem unrealistic, which I would leave to your own devices. Your tension building is pretty good, so the correction I suggest is only on the telling side of things:

*Thought*He darted to his dresser and ripped open drawer after drawer. He raked through the contents, shoving aside everything in hope to find something he could use to defend himself.

It's not much, but when trying to keep action and tension moving, as StephBee Author IconMail Icon points out in Action/Adventure Newsletter Feb. 12th, 2025  Open in new Window. Keep your action short, and exciting. Don't dig into the mega specifics of the scene, but give just enough for the reader to use their own imagination. You've already done well with establishing tension, so adding a bit of action in short bursts like this, will help keep the reader in the edge of their seat.

*Right*As he yanked drawer after drawer open, the door collapsed in a pile of burnt wood and sparks, sending Frederick scurrying behind the bed, simply trying to stay alive and uncaptured for as long as possible… which didn’t seem to be very long.

THERE YOU GO! This is all a great image! This is showing rather than telling. Descript, short and sweet verbiage that offers the reader a clear and tense picture. The only thing I might say about this is the sentence is pretty long, and I'd suggest ending it with Frederick behind the bed, as the next bit is really a good sentence on its own. That, and I'd consider switching the words around a bit to remove the gerund phrases, which have a tendency to diminish action. Perhaps:

*Thought*...pile of burnt wood and sparks, and Frederick scurried behind the bed for cover...

*Right*Assessing the situation, Frederick counted six of them.

This is a good example of passive voice in an otherwise predominantly action-packed sequence that sadly stands out like a dandelion on a golf course. Tn this case, and it is generally the most common form of passive voice, the action is acting on the subject. In active voice the subject is performing the action. It is widely thought (perhaps a bit narrow-minded and dogmatic in my opinion) that all passive voice is bad. I disagree, and would counter that that is an imperfect understanding of literary mechanics. HOWEVER, too much is not good, generally. In this case, it's not that there's too much, but rather, it's been active up to this point, and when it comes to the white-knuckle action, a passive sentence is kind of like hitting a metaphorical brick wall.

I'd simply drop the assessment part, as Frederick counting six is by somewhat no small degree, already an assessment of the situation. You could however, add a small bit of repetition through some internal dialogue to add a bit of tension, but that is up to you. Something like:

*Thought*Frederick counted six. Six ways to die.

*Right*But, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a small but slowly growing wisp of flame creeping along the doorway, left over from the now-smoldering door.

You were doing so good too! Sadly, this is both passive and telling. Using all the points I've mentioned above, I will simply reiterate that it is good practice in action narratives to avoid weak verbs. In this case, he noticed. That is the telling part of it. The passive part of it is the very beginning, as well as the gerund phrases that I've marked in the popnotes. To write this in a more active voice, try:

*Thought*A wisp of flame slowly grew in the corner of his eye. It crept along the remnants of charred doorway that popped and crackled as it smoldered on the floor.

Frederick tried pointlessly to stop breathing heavily, knowing it was giving his location away, but the panic overcame him, heightened by the need to keep silent and stay alive at the same time.

This is all pretty passive and telling, as I've stated through the points above.

Frederick fought against his involuntary gulps of air. Calm down, he scolded to himself, but the need for silence and self-preservation only exacerbated the overwhelming waves of panic.

*Right*As he pondered that, he felt the barrel of the flamethrower poke into his back.

This is passive and telling, but more importantly, it's unrealistic. A flamethrower barrel is only the exhaust port of fuel and oxygen. There's a flame burning in the front of that barrel, either in the barrel itself, or in a smaller pilot line. Either way, he'd feel the burn of that flame, or if someone pressed the barrel into his back, it would snuff the flame out, making the flamethrower useless. It's important to keep these points in mind when trying to maintain realism in the scene such as it is discussed to an extent in the most recent action/adventure newsletter written by Legerdemain Author IconMail Icon: Action/Adventure Newsletter Mar. 12th, 2025  Open in new Window.

*Right* He knew who it was without turning around - Brady, the silent one of the group, who turned and grinned at Johnson who knew exactly what he meant.

This sentence shifts from Frederick's PoV, to an outside, omniscient view, an into Johnson's. PoV shifts can be overly distracting, especially when the story has been firmly planted in Frederick's PoV the entire time. While some authors such as Clive Barker do utilize head hopping in their stories without any breaks or signals, this is still somewhat of a distraction, at least for me. You've been in a third person limited PoV this whole time, and this only takes away from the tension that was so well established through the eyes of Frederick.

Johnson whacked Frederick in the head with the barrel of his pistol.

This seems like a weird thing to just do off-the-cuff. Let alone, I'm a gun owner. Gun barrels are unbelievably stiff. This would hurt beyond any normal pain, and would either draw blood, or at the very least evoke a pretty sharp wave of pain that should have been explored through this action. I still think it seems out of character. Despite how little I know of this person, it doesn't seem a normal action. I think it would be better saved for after his question. Frederick offers an unsatisfactory response, then, whack. That would flow much better, and be a lot more believable.

*Right*...even though while it was asked the cover finally came off of the flashlight, revealing the batteries inside.

The flashlight is still in his pocket, so revealing isn't quite right. That would suggest that he could see them. Consider the feel of them in his hand instead. Batteries in a flashlight are usually sitting on a spring conductor. They would just so slightly pop out a bit, bumping his hand. I'd work with that image.

*Right*Johnson noted the pause and whacked him again, causing an audible snap.

Johnson should be seen through Frederick's eyes, so his annoyance should be displayed on his face and body language, this will keep me in Frederick's PoV. The audible snap is a bit of a missed opportunity here, as by now after being bludgeoned by a gun barrel numerous times, you'd be in a pretty significant amount of pain, and likely on the verge of collapse. Instead of the audible snap, consider the crack ringing in his ears, and blurring his vision, something like that, in combination with the by all rights, sharp pains that would come from this kind of punishment.

He hurled the batteries at the now-crackling flame, his youth as a baseball player coming in handy as all three of them landed right in their midsts.


*Thought*...all three of them landed on target.

*Right*Johnson turned to follow the projectiles and, for the first time, noticed the fire along the wall.

Like I said, this should be seen through Frederick's eyes. Think of Johnson's look of surprise.

Frederick noted fear in his eyes for the first time as the batteries exploded, causing the flames to envelop the room.

Flashlights run on alkaline batteries (dry cell). Now when exposed to heat, they can explode. HOWEVER, unless that fire is about 3000 degrees, they wouldn't explode instantly, it would take at the very least, a few minutes and I don't think it would be a tremendous explosion, as the chemicals inside are not overly reactive. I'd really consider dropping the whole flashlight thing for something a bit more plausible that is quite volatile, but also readily available in the household. Lots of household chemicals are extremely flammable, but something far more believable and plausible; high proof spirits. Alcohol. All alcohol above 80 proof is quite flammable, and when it is thrown on a fire, it is violent. This is coming from someone who distills spirits as a hobby, everclear, vodka, absinthe, 151 rum, low wines, high shots, heads, foreshots (acetone)... any of this is wicked flammable, and a molotov cocktail would do precisely the job I think you want it to do, and it would do it quick! Granted, it's not explosive, but if you've ever seen an alcohol fire, its about a quick and booming of a fire as you'll get before you could call it an explosion.

*** Grammar ***

*Right*But even as he thought that he heard the flamethrower fire up and the crackling of the flames upon the wooden door .

This isn't grammatically quite right, as there's nothing here to finish the sentence. but even as he thought requires a resolution, but there is none. I'd simply say, He thought he heard...

*** Ending ***

Well, if you're gonna die, might as well make it cool I guess, if 6 dudes wanted to take me down, I'd probably want to go like Sampson did (biblical reference). I'm not real keen on the stern specificity of the three-stories, simply because Frederick would have no idea how high the flames went in the end. He'd only know how quickly they spread where he was standing. I do think a bit more attention ought to be paid to the heat and roar of the fire, as well as the cries of the six men that attacked him. This would add a lot of atmospheric richness to an ending that I think ended far too abruptly. Add a bit of action to this; scrambling, clawing at their flaming skin, screaming, and of course don't forget the sounds and smells!

*** Summary ***

It's got all the makings of an action packed story. The start and end could use some attention, but as it gets going, you get a lot more involved in the scene building with solid and descriptive verbs. The middle of your story is really well written! I mean that. I felt the images as I read them, which means you've got it in there to bring this story to life, and it so desperately wants you to. There's some real substance here. The telling tone of your writing kind of fades away, and you start into a real solid foray into the meat of the action, but sadly it dwindles away again, right when you need the descript and decisive words the most, the climax. Really, there's a few spots that are quite frankly, magnificent images, that are sadly placed in the weaker imagery at the beginning and end. Granted, it could be an attempt at ramping up the action, which is a good idea, but it still should be done through more showing than telling.

I really need to reiterate that the bold letters and lack of spacing between punctuation, paragraphs, and dialogue (internal and external), make this a pretty meaty block of BIG BLACK LETTERS. I'd really stress to you that you should consider changing this aspect of it. I'm not going to fault you for something like this, but I'm ALMOST at the age where this is going to be hard for me to read. Seriously, I squint when trying to read something 2 feet away, and this will be a nightmare for me in a couple of years. (Always think a little bit about your audience, we appreciate it.)

There's some head hopping between PoVs in the writing, that really pull me out of the tense atmosphere. I've marked them already, but I would like to stress that head hopping is a distraction for the most part. Especially in a writing of this size. I'd strongly suggest keeping the PoV in Frederick's perspective.

I want to mention that you've gone pretty specific with naming some of these characters that really didn't require names. You've also elaborated on this lore with a bit of backstory (just a bit). Your main character has a base in San Francisco, and he was supposed to wipe these guys out. This leads me to ask you a burning question I have: Where's the prequel? This had all the right tone, words, and setting for a more elaborate story, and to really bring this to fruition, I implore you to explore this if you haven't already. I think with some polish, it deserves it. I can clearly tell you've thought about these guys. They have a history, and I would love to read some of it. I'm wondering if this main character is some sort of operative, spy, rival gang member, etc. There's a lot of possibilities here, that I think you ought to spend a bit of time with and see if you can't further deepen this story.

At any rate, I know it might seem like I really beat this writing into the ground. Please understand, this wasn't done with any ill intent. I'm only marking areas in your writing that I think you might want to look at, based solely off the perspective of a reader in real-time. If it seems like it was mean-spirited, know that I didn't mean it that way.

You've got something here. With some work, it could be excellent. I've included a few articles to help you better understand Showing vs. Telling, PoV, and Passive Voice. All of them are written by writers on this site whom I have a tremendous amount of respect for.

I hope you find them helpful as well as this review. Even if you don't, and that is entirely your prerogative, I wish you the best of luck in your future writing, and I thank you for sharing this story.

Sig for Angel Army
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R.O.A.R. Signature 2

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Hello, I found this story while browsing the read and review section of writing.com. Before I get into sharing my thoughts with you, I noticed that your account is only a day old. That being said, I'd like to welcome you to writing.com. I hope you find this community as helpful as I have these many years.

I'd like to mention that in some of my reviews you may see a word with a dotted underline like this. This is a spot in a sentence that I've marked for your attention. I've packed a comment within the notes that you can read simply by mousing over the word or phrase with this dotted underline.

I'd like to mention that I enjoy a good spooky tale, having written many myself, so I'm ecstatic that I found one! There's not enough of the scary writers here on writing.com. I'm glad you found this site.

*** Opening ***

Sadly, there's not much here that implores me to keep reading. The opening line of a story is your one good shot at grabbing a reader's attention. The hook. This, in my opinion, makes it the most important line in the writing. As such it is the one that ought to be read, reread, and thought over again.

The greatest opening lines in novels tug on a reader's emotion and establish tone. My very favorite ones do this in few words.

         One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey

         Farhenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

That said, your opening paragraph is not at all without hope. As a matter of fact, though wordier than I prefer an opening hook, your second sentence sets a great tone, and I think it would do better as your first sentence with a tiny bit of trim.

*Right*It was always the subject of quiet rumors, but it was also one of those places that didn’t seem to want to let go of the stories people whispered about it.

That sentence with a bit of adjustment could make for a magnificent opening line while taking into consideration the exposition you had in your first line, a small adjustment can set up to where you can keep everything, but establish a solid hook:

*Thought*The house was always the subject of quiet rumors, but it was also one of those places that seemed to cling to its whispered stories.

Just a suggestion but it sets a solid tone, and allows you to move your original opener to the second line, and you'll lose none of the exposition.

*** Style and Voice ***

You have a tendency to utilize certain key words that contribute to passive voice i.e. verb forms of to be such as was, is, be, been, etc.. These words have a way of diminishing the imagery, which when setting an ominous and foreboding tone, that is the last thing you want to do. Some examples of this:

*Right*The wind was sharp, biting her skin, but it wasn’t enough to make her turn around and walk back.

This could be better visualized by dropping the was and giving the sharp bite of the wind a life of its own, this will help the reader better envision the scene and give them a firmer foothold into your character's PoV.

*Thought*The sharp bite of the wind stung her skin, but it wasn't enough for her to retreat.

This gives the wind a bit more life in the scene, which could further be explored by its sound. A wailing, rustling, ghostly moans, etc. Exploring the 5 senses (sight, smell, sound, taste, touch) can help better set the stage for the reader.

*Right*The door was cracked open just enough that she could see the dust, the decay, the thick layer of neglect that had built up over the years.

The bolds words again, show key words that contribute to passive voicing and telling rather than showing. Especially in the world of ominous writing, the reader wants to feel the scene in their bones through the eyes of the character. Setting tension, and eeriness is crucial by giving descriptive, and vivid imagery. One of the easiest ways to do this is by avoiding leaning on weak crutches like to be verbs and telling verbs like see, seemed, heard, etc. To establish tension, and ominous scenery giving these things a bit of life is a great method.

*Thought*The cracked door offered a slight glean into the dark dilapidation of dust and decay that enshrouded the interior with gloomy tales of neglect.

*Right*The floor creaked under her boots, and a musty smell hit her as soon as the door closed behind her.

As Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon says: think of a story as a guided dream. Avoiding telling the reader what is happening in the scene is key to guiding your reader through that dream. Again, this can be done by avoiding those weak crutches I mentioned above (musty smell) in this case. While the start of the sentence is also mildly telling, its simplicity is sometimes needed to set a firmer foothold in the next image you want the reader to experience. A creak is easy enough to imagine. A musty smell, not so much. Everyone kind of knows the smell of old but it's still abstract, and we only recognize it WHEN we smell it.

Consider how what smells mix to make an old house smell old. In my town (all original houses were built in early 1900s or earlier) There's a lot of distinguishing smells. Neglected ones smell moldy, rotted, wet, earthy, dusty, and rusty. Now it would be silly to list all of these things, but using a couple more specific words like this can better paint a picture for the reader to arrive at the conclusion of a musty smell.

*Thought*The icy air hung low and sick with the perfumes of mold and stagnant water that assaulted her as the door groaned hideously behind her. It clicked shut, hammering its shocking snap through the quiet, oppressive creaks and moans of the wind washed interior.

Again, these are just suggestions, but the key to ominous settings is adding tension, and subtle images. Distinct words that hit the emotions harshly accomplish this task well. This suggestion, also eliminates the telling line of the next sentence (a little surprised by how loud it sounded) It accomplishes this through the vivid verbiage that rings through the subtle sounds of the exterior winds. In this case, your next sentence:

*Right*She jumped...

Would be a completely appropriate response, but it eliminates the need for the telling loud sound that follows that statement. I do like the image of the quiet settling back in though, that's terrific! The reason I say that is tension is best established through high and low points. Peaks of senses followed by brief breaks set the next scene to hit harder. In horror, writers like Stephen King, and Clive Barker use comedy relief. In Thriller/Suspense, its more subtle like this, or its through a nice seat on a patio sipping iced tea, either way works, the point is the high and low you did there is perfect!

*Right*There wasn’t a sound—just the low hum of the wind outside.

This is a bit of a contradiction, isn't it? I get it, but it did kind of distract me a bit. Perhaps consider something like:

*Thought*The quiet wails of the wind churning outside was the only interruption to the heavy silence.

Something like that, again it's your writing, but rather than contradicting yourself in the same sentence, something like this would offer the picture but not diminish the otherwise quiet interior.

*Right*The flashlight in her hand flickered once, then stayed on, and she sighed in relief.

Nothing wrong with this sentence. I do, however, want to point out another example of you deftly utilizing highs and lows to establish tension. Well done.

*Right*The wallpaper was peeling in places, and the floorboards looked like they hadn’t been walked on in decades.

This is all a bit telling in a sense, the wallpaper for the most part is okay, but I think you could establish a bit of atmospheric richness here by just a quick sentence describing the wallpaper. Floral? Flat? Pale? Dingy? Just a quick nod to it would help better set the scene. The floorboards however, could be better described. How would they look if they hadn't been walked on in decades? My guess is they'd be caked with dust, mildewy, warped, etc. Any of these to establish to the reader they hadn't been walked on in decades would show us the image, and we would then discern that that was the case.

*Right*{popnote:"The air was cold,}telling a kind of chill that got under her skin and made her feel like she wasn’t really alone.

Aw you were sooooo close here. This sentence is almost right where it needs to be. The chilling part is perfect, but give the air a bit of life rather than saying it was cold.

*Thought*Icy claws raked her skin as the chilling air crawled under her skin... etc.

*Right*It wasn’t until she saw the mirror at the end of the hallway that the unease settled in.

Again, you were real close with this, but the unease settling in is still a bit telling. What does this feel like through your character? Quoting my most favorite story of all time, by Edgar Allen Poe, who I believe to be the master of unease:

         The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe

*Right*...just a cracked old thing hanging crookedly, its frame an ornate mess of peeling gold.

I love this bit right here.

*Right*Her breath was sharp, shallow, and she expected the mirror to feel like normal glass, but it didn’t. It felt *wrong*. Like there was something *on the other side*.

I'd drop the asterisks and go for italicizing this by using the writingML code {i}italics{/i}. Other than that, the sentence is pretty good, but I'd give her breath some action rather than telling me it was sharp and shallow.

*Thought*She choked back sharp and shallow breaths...

*Right*The walls were bending, stretching like they weren’t part of the house anymore.

This scene was really chugging full steam. This sentence immediately pulled me out of it because of its passive delivery. Consider:

*Thought*The walls bent and stretched as they slithered further and further from the path through the house she'd trod.

*Right*She could feel her pulse pounding in her throat.

Maybe try something like:

*Thought*Her pulse stuck in her throat like a pounding lump.

*** Ending ***

Really nice ending, loved it.

*** Summary ***

You've got the right idea. You're really close to having a great tale here. Sadly the biggest reason that it its stifled is through a good deal of telling rather than showing, especially in the first half. Spots where you just barely mention the stains on the wall that looked like water damage could be better imagined through what your PoV is seeing. What color? Blotchy? Dingy? Dark? Water damage on plaster would decay the plaster. The walls would warp a bit, the plaster would be brittle and crumble, and the floor underneath would be warped beyond anything (I used to do home repair, water damage is pretty nasty) I will say the second half is a real change of pace, and your climax of the scene was nearly perfect. It hit all the right chords for emotion and tension, and the stretching hallways really pulled me into the story. The pulse image of Clara was good, but I'd have liked a bit more feel for desperation in this moment.

That being said, your tension setting is superb. You've got a great grasp of relieving the reader through highs and lows to set the next hit of the scene. You've definitely got a knack for spookiness, and this has all the makings of being counted among the modern atmospheric delves a good fright read. If you give this a good and solid polish, I'm confident that you'd have yourself a magnificent piece of scary storytelling.

I think you're real close here. I've included an article discussing showing vs. telling, and its impact on a story. This is written by a writer here that I consider to be one of the best on writing.com. Oddly enough, he was also my first in-depth review, and if it weren't for him I wouldn't have ever developed into the writer I am now.

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Why showing is important in fiction
#1970226 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon

I hope this article helps, there's some great information here.

I also hope this review helps. I know it might seem like I really ripped it apart, but it wasn't meant to be mean-spirited in any way. I really did enjoy this writing. Like I said, you're really close to having something real special here. I thank you for sharing this story, it was a joy to read. Best of luck in all your other writings, and again, welcome to writing.com.

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Review of "Don't Bother Me"  Open in new Window.
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I found this in the Read & Review section of writing.com and would like to take a few minutes to share my thoughts with you.

Before I get into this I want to say I noticed your account is only about a day old, that said I'd like to offer you a warm welcome to writing.com, I hope you find this community as helpful as I have over these many years.

I'd like to preface this review to let you know that I read this in its entirety before deciding to write this. While there's a few things that I'd consider more stylistic of a change, I was pressed to find any real errors. Well done. You've got a magnificent grasp on writing.

The few comments I do have for this are simply my own opinion, and should be taken as such. None of what I say is meant to be mean-spirited.

*** Opening ***

I will say the story as whole is enjoyable, but it does lack an initial hook. At least for me. I imagine you wrote that sentence thinking it would evoke a desire to know more, but for me it just fell a little flat.

This writing really falls down a rabbit hole of a crazed obsession. I think a more visceral opening would better serve the purpose of opening the writing. Perhaps consider the inescapable irritation of the buzzing sound. This is, however, your story. If you like it, then who am I to argue?

*** Style and Voice ***

There really wasn't a lot here that stood out in terms of weak sentences. I'd make a small suggestion of adding a space between paragraphs, just for folks like me who are at the "starting to squint when reading" age.

I'd have liked the last exchange with the fly to perhaps have a moment of locking eyes. I think it could have added a little more before the ending.

*** Ending ***

Sometimes the one who keeps calm and collected is the one to follow, really that's the case most of the time. The emotional roller coasters always end up as a hammer looking for a nail. Sometimes they smash a window, sometimes a puppy, and sometimes they actually hit a nail, but they usually bring the building down first. This is a good representation of that anecdote.

*** Summary ***

It's a silly story but it's funny in the right slapstick sort of way, if a bit of extreme slapstick. It reminds me of the Breaking Bad scene when Walt is trying to catch a fly in the lab. The imagery is good, and it paces down a crazed descent into madness.

I can relate. I hate flies. I really hate how they circle back to land on you right after you shoo them away. I really feel this guy's pain.

This was an enjoyable read. Thank you for sharing it, and again, welcome to writing.com

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Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, I found this while browsing the Read a Newbie  Open in new Window. section of writing.com. The image was captivating. Generally, I'm not a big reader of sci-fi, but the sub-genre being dark, I decided to give it a go. Before I get real far into this review, let me first welcome you to writing.com. I hope you find this community as helpful as I have these many years.

I want to note that I'm not quite at the age that I need reading glasses, but I'm getting there. The font size of this isn't exactly comfortable to read.

You mentioned in the intro that this is not your best work. We all start somewhere, and while I'm far from an expert writer, in the 15 years I've been on this site, I've grown to be a far better writer than when I first arrived, thanks to receiving solid, in-depth feedback to my work. It wasn't always what I wanted to hear, but it was the honest, less than stellar comments that sent me on a mission to learn how to improve my craft. That said, because of those helpful reviews, I too take an in-depth approach to the reviewing process. The comments you'll see may not be what you were hoping to see, but please understand that none of them were meant to be mean-spirited. I only wish to point out where I think the writing could use some attention. After all, the overly positive compliments are nice and maybe boost the ego a bit, but it's the solid, honest critiques that stick to the ribs. What you'll get from me is only the honest opinion of a reader in real-time.

I'd like to mention that in some of my reviews you may see a word with a dotted underline like this. This is a spot in a sentence that I've marked for your attention. I've packed a comment within the notes that you can read simply by mousing over the word or phrase with this dotted underline.

I want to point out that there are several instances of passive voice and showing vs. telling in the writing. I simply don't have the time to mark every single occurrence of this right now, as there are quite a few, but I've written examples for you, as well as possible ways to rectify this common mistake. If you would prefer I do an actual line-by-line review of the writing, simply ask, and I will find the time to do this for you, but it will take some time.

There's also issues with continuity in the writing. Things in the scene simply pop in out of nowhere, an example:

*Right*He realized how high up he was, and would need to take the long way down as he soon figured out the elevator was not functioning.

The elevator is mentioned nowhere in the scene, it simply just appears, poof. This makes the story feel fragmented, like there's missing bits. You could actually sort of use this to your advantage in a way, given the content of the writing, this could sort of read almost like a bit of amnesia as the PoV character comes back into his senses from 27 years of not using them. Granted, you'd have to firmly plant the reader into that perspective which would be pretty challenging, but it COULD work, or you could simply tie everything into the scene through atmosphere, which would be the much easier, albeit less artistic liberty way to do it. That method would also be easily accepted by a reader and wouldn't require any explanation, all the while painting a clearer picture of this dystopian setting and would be the method I would suggest.

I want to also mention that you tend to bounce between present and past tense in the writing. This can be confusing and distracting for the reader. I think in terms of the tone and delivery you're going for, it would be more ominous if written in past tense, but that is entirely your decision.

*** Opening ***

As badly as it's trying, there's really no hook to the opening line. There's nothing pulling me in to compel me to read more. The first line is usually your one and only shot at grabbing the reader's attention. In my opinion, it is the most important line of the story like a first impression at a job interview. Personally, I prefer short sentences that pull on emotion in one way or another. The greatest openers in fiction do this with very few words. Some examples:

         Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

         One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey

Keeping these in mind, it's not to say there's no hope for your opening line. There's some real solid potential at setting the dark, ominous tone I think you'd like to capture. Firstly, I think you're simply offering way too much information right from the off. Give it to me in snippets, a sentence here, a sentence there. A big infodump like this is sadly dull rather than foreboding. Perhaps consider something a bit more obscure that gives away just enough information to elaborate in the next few lines. This will captivate your audience with a desire to know more.
Something like:

*Thought*The infection was named the hivemind.
or perhaps
*Thought*In 27 years, the hivemind infection spread rapidly.
I've got a bit of misgivings about an adverb so early in the writing, but this gives the time, and the tone.

Granted, this is your writing, and this is only a suggestion, but something like this, pulls on me to know more. It gives away just a bit, allowing you to further dig into the exposition in the coming lines, without a massive, wordy infodump.

*** Style and Voice ***

Sadly, the opening lines of your writing deliver in a passive voice that is generally not a great way to get a writing going. Some folks do use passive voice to great success and I don't follow the dogmatic opinion that all passive voice is bad, but too much of it makes a writing a bit dull. In the case of the opening lines, the lack of vivid verbiage and the contraction of who with the to be verb is is the primary culprit of this.

*Right*the hivemind makes anybody who's infected with it not have control of their own body, the infection controls their body.

This section of your opening sentence (Which I believe is far too long) is dull because of the sections of marked above. There's no vivid imagery here to really set the mood. I'm guessing based on the little information I have, this infection is pretty horrific. A name like the hivemind which is all I have to go on, gives me the feeling that its almost sentient. Give it some life. This will give you a more active voicing. Try something like:

*Thought*The hivemind controls the bodies of its hosts.

This says the same thing, with more active voicing, and less than half of the words used to arrive at the same conclusion using passive voice.

*Right*As subject 4474 stumbled out the cryo tube he had been placed in, he found himself to be looking at a bulletin board that had a note that read:
This is another example of passive voice and telling vs. showing. Again, there's a lack of vivid imagery to plant me into the story. I should be experiencing this through the eyes of your PoV character, as Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon says: think of a story as a guided dream. This is sound advice, and it is the duty of the writer to provide firm ground for the imagination to do the work. Don't tell me he's looking at a bulletin board, show me through his eyes, utilize the 5 senses in your story (touch, taste, sound, sight, and smell) Avoid weak words such as seemed, saw, looking, felt, etc. Give the imagery life through vivid verbiage. I'd consider a restructuring using a bit of sensory images such as:

*Thought*Subject 4474 strained to coax the unfamiliar use of his muscles as he stumbled out of the cryo tube. He rubbed the bright blur of 27 years from his unaccustomed eyes as his hazy vision focused on a bulletin board that hung on the wall above a table in front of him.

This paints a picture in the mind of the reader. Granted, I'm no scientist, I have no idea what 27 years in cryo storage would do to a body. I'm sure it wouldn't be like simply flipping a switch. While it was instant for the mind, the internal clock I think would know, and it would take time for the character to adjust, just like when you spend time in the dark to go out into a bright day. Things like this give me a vivid sensory image of what is happening to your character. Based on further exposition in the coming lines, it also gives context to the table that comes into play. This will keep continuity in the writing without things just appearing in the scene as it unfolds.

"Dear subject , if you are seeing this it means you're likely the last one left; they were hoarding the door as I was writing this , so I dont have much time left. Under the table is a metal pipe- use it to defend yourself."

First, I would consider dropping the quotations and italicizing this. I would mark it in the typos below, but I'll just do it here: Hoarding is the act of accumulating items. Hording is a large group or swarm. Also, I don't mind a bit of grammatical flair, but I feel like the person that wrote this, in the heat of the moment didn't care about semi-colons. I'd consider making this feel a bit more hasty and frantic, this will add a bit of edginess and realism to it. I'd also mention the dropnote above, you've written the note in a past perfect tense, using the notes I've packed in there, consider instead writing it in present tense to give the author's situation a more dire feel to it. I would perhaps offer a more frantic restructuring that gives the scene a more ominous feel:

*Thought*Subject, I don't have much time left. They are hording the door as I write this. There is a metal pipe under the table—use it to defend yourself.

This makes it feel more indirect without a formal address to the character as I'm guessing whoever wrote it wasn't a close friend to him. It's also more desperate in its delivery.

I will say, I do like how it just chucks this guy right into a crappy situation. That sucks for him. It's opening like a horror style first person shooter would, I'm not much of a gamer, but I do enjoy me some "Dead Space."

*Right*As he finished reading it , he looked under the table , located underneath the bulletin board, and found a metal pipe.

In the above sentence there is another example of passive voice, and the one that I think is the most common. Passive voice in its dullest delivery, is written with the action acting on the subject, rather than the subject performing the action. Generally, this makes a sentence abstract as the reader is left waiting to see what the action is going to land on. I'd also mention that the way its written, He's looking under the table while at the same time, reading the last lines of the letter. as he finished reading it suggests he's doing this while also looking under the table. Unless he's one of those lizards, I don't think he can do that. There is also a comma splice above which I would mark in grammar, but I mentioned it in the dropnote. A comma splice is a comma that separates two independent clauses instead of a period. Sometimes you can get away with the use of a semi-colon, but in this case, I think a period would be more appropriate as the two sentences aren't exactly leaning on one another. That said, I think you should consider writing this with a more active tone that I mentioned. Keep in mind, when PoV is done right, the reader is already in the head of your character. We're reading that address to him FOR him. So stating that he finished reading it, isn't entirely necessary, and just gives hollow context to what the reader already knows, because WE just read it. Keeping that in mind, a restructure could look something like:

*Thought*A dented metal pipe lay on the floor beneath the table.

*Right*As Subject 4474 walked through the halls, they noticed how bleak it is here: white tiled walls with a green stripe going horizontally down the hall, the gray tiled floor, and the white paneled roof with buzzing lights.

There's a small continuity issue here, where it seems the character has now teleported into the halls rather than found his way there. You can use a page break here to skip whatever you feel isn't needed like the whole "walking to the door to the halls," but I'd say that that would be a missed opportunity to do a deeper dive into the atmosphere of the place. Again, I find myself wanting a bit more in terms of the character's senses. Sounds, brightness, the room he's in, all of it could really add a lot of depth to this writing that could be explored while he makes his way to the halls. You don't need to go real deep into it, but a few well written sentences could really paint a clearer picture for the reader.

That said, this is a huge infodump for a reader. Sadly, all of it is simply a big list telling me what it looks like rather than showing me. Again, avoid the weak words like noticed, and put me behind the eyes of your character using more vivid imagery like the word bleak. which I think is a perfect opportunity to dig in.

*Thought*Electricity hummed in the lights overhead as Subject 4474 walked through the bleak halls. Bright white tiles bounded down the length of the walls and ceiling, interrupted by a pale green stripe that ran horizontally down the hall on either side. The buzzing lights flickered every so often with a glassy blink of darkness that swallowed the gray tiles at his feet.

Something like that gives action to everything, and paints the scene better than it does by simply throwing everything out in a list.

*Right*...until he saw their face which had a huge rash on it.

Ignoring the lack of a comma following their again this is an example of telling vs. showing. Give life to the rash with distinct and vivid verbiage:

*Thought*A scarlet, blistering rash seared the skin of their face.

Descriptive action brings the scene to life rather than it reading like a sport caster recapping something on instant replay.

*Right*Before he could find out{/popnote} the answer , the person lunged at him
There's a couple issues here, one I mentioned in the popnote above. The other being the person lunging is the bit of the sentence that carries the most weight, as such in this format, the sentence reads passive. The lunging should be in the forefront to bring the conflict and action to the reader faster.

*Thought*The person lunged at him before he could determine their malady.

in a panic he swung the metal rod.

This is another continuity issue. It was a pipe earlier. This is distracting for the reader because it stands out like a sore thumb.

*Right*the person's skull made a loud cracking noise as they hit the wall; not moving.

The reason that this sentence tells vs. shows is due again to the weak verbiage of made a loud cracking noise. Don't tell me, I want to hear it through your character.

*Thought*He hit them square in the forehead and a shock rattled through his hands with a hollow, metallic thud. The person reeled backward and slammed against the wall. A horrid crack erupted from the back of their skull before they crumpled motionless to the floor.

Action should bring a scene to life. This is where it's your time to shine as a writer with sensory images for your reader. Granted, too wordy diminishes the action because it takes too long to sift the information, but a keyword here and there sprinkled in can give depth to the scene. In terms of the RIGHT or WRONG way to write action, I think there's not really a metric, but keep it flowing. (Short and exciting) As mentioned in a previous newsletter written by StephBee Author IconMail Icon: Action/Adventure Newsletter Feb. 12, 2025  Open in new Window.

*Right*After staring at the body for a moment, he continued to walk down the hall.

You said this almost verbatim in a previous sentence, this is simply not needed and only makes the writing wordy.

*Right*...looking out the city was a mess: orange colored sky, broken or collapsing buildings, and many infected people roaming about.

I want to mention that the panorama of the city when he first sees it should give the character an emotional rush otherwise it just feels synthetic. I think overall the city picture is good, but it needs a bit more depth to really drive it home rather than a list. Something like,

*Thought*Silhouettes of shattered and collapsing buildings rose against the glow of an orange sky. The derelict city sprawled as far as he could see to the burnt horizon. Infected people shuffled through the shadows of the ruins below...

*Right*...black marble floor.

Marble is a porous stone, and you would not find it as the flooring of a lab because of that property. A lab would be floored with something generally non-reactive and resistant to spillage such as vinyl tile or epoxy resin.

*** Grammar ***

*Right*But soon the metal mechanical sliding door opened in front of them, as a person stumbled out ...

While there are some grammatical things with this sentence, I also want to point out that this metal door just sort of appears out of nowhere in the story. As I mentioned try to keep continuity in your writing. I need a perspective of where this door is before it happens, he was walking through a hall, I can assume it's at the end of the hall, but this isn't at all mentioned. This makes the story feel more like a jigsaw puzzle, with snippets and fragments popping up in puffs of smoke in the writing and clicking into place.

*** Typos ***

*Right*...cryo storage for 27 years after the outbreak of a infection that was named...

*** Ending ***

That's a nice cliffhanger.

*** Summary ***

It probably seems like I hammered this writing. Don't be discouraged by this. I'm only pointing these things out because what you have here has a lot of potential. With the right scene setting and tone, this could be a truly scary experience for a reader. You do have the foundations of a good story, but it gets lost in the wordiness of passive voice and telling the reader rather than showing them. Again, I've got no issues with a bit of it here and there, and I disagree with anyone that says that all passive voice is bad. I consider that an imperfect understanding of literary mechanics. I do however believe that too much of it isn't ideal in a writing.

I've included articles by two terrific writers here on writing.com. Each explains the importance of showing vs. telling, and the impact of Passive and Active voice on writing.

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Why showing is important in fiction
#1970226 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon

I hope this review helped. I thank you for sharing this interesting scene, despite how this review may have come across, I did enjoy reading it. As I said there's a lot of potential here and with the proper tweaks, this would be a great story! Again, welcome to writing.com, and I look forward to seeing more of your work.

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Review of CHAINS OF FATE  Open in new Window.
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, I found this while browsing the Read A Newbie  Open in new Window. section of writing.com. I'd like to first take a moment to extend to you my warmest welcome. I hope you find this community as helpful as I have over these many years.

I'd like to preface this review with a few things. I tend to take a pretty in-depth approach to the review process. As such, it may seem that I am really picking something apart, negatively, that is not my intention. I'm merely pointing out areas of the writing that I think could use some attention. None of what I say is intended to be mean-spirited, but is simply just the real-time opinion of a reader.

I do want to say that the title of your story ties in very nicely with the content. In my opinion, a well crafted title is as important as the opening line, and you've done well with this.

Before I get way into this, I'd like you to know that I was going to mark areas of typos that lacked capitalization in the start of your sentences. There's simply too many to mark, so I'm bringing it to your attention here instead, just a quick edit can fix them all. Most of them are in your first paragraph. There's also some areas in the writing that are spaced improperly between punctuation a couple examples:

*Right*He lost everything , his house , his favorite dress .
In the example, there's spaces between the word preceding your punctuation, and the actual punctuation. This isn't a major issue, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention. There are more areas in the writing like this, so give it a good once over. I can't mark them all or this review would be gigantic!

I'd like to mention that in some of my reviews you may see a word with a dotted underline like this. This is a spot in a sentence that I've marked for your attention. I've packed a comment within the notes that you can read simply by mousing over the word or phrase with this dotted underline.

With that said, allow me a few minutes to share with you my thoughts on your writing.

*** Opening ***

It's not a bad opening. It's intriguing, but there's some repetition that I think kind of takes away the impact because its distracting.

*Right*The man who was young once is now a fragile old man.

I'd suggest a simple redo of the opening line to remove the repetition:

*Thought*The man who was young once, is now fragile and old.

Sadly, this version lacks the hook that is so desperately needed in the start of a story. The best hooks (in my opinion) are accomplished with few words, but pull on the reader's emotional strings. Some examples:

         Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

         A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

         One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey

The first line is the one and only chance you have at getting a reader's attention and imploring them to read more. That is why the first line should be really given a lot of your attention. Consider what is going to pull on a reader's strings when thinking of your character, and think about what your first line tells me. Right now, I know he's old, he was once young. That's it. Granted, I know that unless there's some terrible medical condition, every old person was once young. Consider for a moment the pleasure one gets (at least I do) of talking with the old timers about life back when they were young, and about how different everything was. I could listen to an elderly person all day talking about things like that. Keeping that in mind, perhaps try something like:

*Thought*Behind the fragile facade of the old man, lies an untold story.

Granted, this is YOUR writing, and I'm only giving an idea that you might work with. I'd prefer the hook to be your words and I'm only pointing out ways to pull on the reader's strings.

*** Style and Voice ***

There's a fair amount of passive voicing in the writing that is taking away from the impact of the sentences. In most cases, its due to weak to be verbs i.e. was, is, were, etc. This diminishes the descriptions and imagery with less impactful action a few examples:

*Right*he was born to a mother who was scorned by society, who was burned as a witch. But it wasn't her fault

Sadly, it could be a good sentence but the to be verbs just pull away from it and doesn't impact me as well as it could. I'd also mention that it is repetitive as well with 3 was in rather quick succession, this distracts me. I'd consider a restructuring like this:

*Thought*Society scorned his mother and burned her as a witch.

This reformat removes unnecessary context and arrives at the point quicker and without the passive to be verbs, delivering a harder impact on the reader.

*Right*It was the fault of people who were blinded by superstition.

This is another example of the passive to be getting in the way of the impact of this sentence. Being that it is still referring to the sentence mentioned above, it can actually be added into it without the passive to be and still make the same point:

*Thought*He was born to a mother scorned by society and burned as a witch by people blinded by superstition.

This combines 2 sentences and allows it all to tie together the same as it would with the breaks, without all of the repetitive was. Of course, there is still one in there, and I did rattle my brain to avoid using it, but I simply couldn't come up with a better line.

*Right*During the time of plague his mother was a doctor who was so much dedicated in her work.

This is another form of passive voicing, not only with the to be verbs but also in its structuring, as it starts abstract because there's not subject referenced in the beginning of the sentence. This leaves a reader scratching their heads to figure out who the sentence is referring to.

*Thought*His mother was a doctor and abundantly dedicated to her work during the time of plague.

This removes the abstract beginning and the repetition and wordiness but allows the sentence to arrive at the same point, only with more distinct action.

*Right*at that time when everyone was thinking just about money she brought a solution for the disease but when the nobles saw that their business would be closed , she was publicly executed for the accusation of witchcraft.

There's a few issues with this sentence. It is rather large, and carries on longer than it should. And again, lots of repetition of was. There's some grammatical things in there as well but I'll ignore that for now.

Again, I'd suggest a restructure to get rid of all the was:

*Thought*At that time, money consumed the thoughts of society. She brought a solution for the disease but when the nobles saw the potential closing of their businesses, they accused her of witchcraft, and she was publicly executed.

*Right*As he lay on ground with tears streaming down his eyes, he blamed God for his misfortune.

This is another example of passive voice where the action is acting on the subject. I'd restructure the sentence to deliver in a more active voice:

*thoguht*He blamed God for his misfortune as he lay on the ground with tears streaming from his eyes.

*Right*He was depressed he cried , he shouted,“let me go, please ,is anyone here?”

Most of the comments for this sentence are in the dropnote above. Keeping in mind those notes, and the grammatical issues, a simple restructuring would be:

*Thought*"Let me go, please, is anyone here?" He shouted.

This should also be its own paragraph separate from the one that follows it, which is how all dialogue should be marked in stories.

*** Grammar ***

*Right*yes he made some mistakes but he has done many good things for people which they don't know .

*Right*He lost everything , his house , his favorite dress

*** Typos ***

*Right*yes he made some mistakes but he has done many good things for people which they don't know .

*Right*be he didn't break

*Right*He was 5 year old when the war started.

*Right*A Arab man made him a slave and took him to a far country for sale.

*Right*He thought the concept of god is false.

*** Ending ***

It's not quite an ending but it ends in an adequate spot.

*** Summary ***

It's a pretty gloomy writing in its beginning. Emotionally dreary which I enjoy a writing like this. Sadly, I think the impact it could have is diminished by the passive voice and repetition.
With some restructuring and touching up it would be a good beginning I think. There's some trippy sentences in the writing that I think is likely from translation issues. I'm guessing that English isn't your first language, which would explain it. If I am correct, then I will say that you have a solid grasp of the English language for the most part and only a few bits were kind of wonky.

I think it could be a good start, I'm not sure what is going to happen to this character, whether he will go down a darker or lighter path, but the options are both there. With some refinement, I think you've got something here.

Thanks for sharing it and again, welcome to writing.com.

I've included an article on active vs. passive voice that may further help you understand the differences and the impact they have on writing. I hope it helps! Don't keep me waiting too long for the continuation of this writing, I'm cheering for this poor guy.

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A Word on Passive Voice  Open in new Window. (E)
A Novice's Take on Passive Voice
#2300396 by Joey says, Spring has Sprung Author IconMail Icon

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Review of First draft start  Open in new Window.
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello, I found this on the read and review page, and would like to take a few moments to offer you my thoughts. I saw that you were a new account, so before we get going, let me also offer you my warmest welcome to writing.com. I hope you find this community as helpful as I have over these many years.

I'd like to preface this review by saying that I more often than not take an in-depth approach to the reviewing process. As such, it might seem like I'm really picking something apart. Some of these comments might seem a negative in their tone. I assure you, that is not my intention, I only wish to mark areas of the writing that I think could use some attention. I will say, there are many sentences in this writing that have something that could use a look. If I marked all of them, I'd basically be rewriting your story, this I think would be a tremendous disrespect to you, so I've only included some examples that had some heavy issues. If you would prefer me to go through each line, let me know and I will give you a private, line-by-line review of this.

I'd like to mention that in some of my reviews you may see a word with a dotted underline like this. This is a spot in a sentence that I've marked for your attention. I've packed a comment within the notes that you can read simply by mousing over the word or phrase with this dotted underline.

*** Opening ***

Sadly, there's not much of a hook to the opening. There's a mild bit of tension in its delivery, but nothing in its substance that implores me to keep reading. The first line of your story is generally your one and only shot at grabbing a reader's imagination. The best first lines (in my opinion) use few words, bring tension, and tug on the emotional response of the reader.

         One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest by Ken Kesey

         Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

In your very next sentence there's a line that evokes tension and asks me to read more into the story that I think would do you well as the opening hook:

         First Draft by Juno Stardragon

*** Style and Voice ***

Passive Voice and Showing vs. Telling

There's an overabundance of passive voice in the narrative which sadly diminishes the imagery. Passive voice in its simplest terms is the action acting on the subject rather than the active voice of the subject performing the action. A few examples of this (one being your opening line) are:

*Right*As the arena lit up , Juno started to tremble.

In this current format, the sentence is delivered to the reader in an abstract way because I'm waiting for the verb to land somewhere in the sentence so I know who or what the sentence is referring to. This is not a terrific way to start a story, and most folks will say that passive voice is something to be altogether avoided. I'm not quite that emphatic about passive voice, but I think its use should be minimized wherever possible unless you're going for a certain shade of gray in the narrative and even then, I'd still caution its use. A way to fix this line to deliver in a more active voice:

Passive Voice:As the arena lit up, Juno started to tremble.

As Juno took in the speech, he could feel the stress in the air as Bildad, pulled the level, to start the trial , as the iron bar grate was pulled up the students stepped out onto the floor of the arena, looking to begin their trials.

The entirety of this sentence is a run-on that should be separated into 2 sentences, however the bigger problem is that its format is entirely passive and lacks vivid imagery with all the telling vs. showing. As Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon says: Think of a story as a guided dream. An easy way to accomplish this is by avoiding key words such as saw, see, seemed, etc. Rather than telling me they saw x, show me through the eyes of the subject. In this example, the first bit of the sentence Juno takes in the speech. This sadly offers no good imagery to the reader. The speech over a crowd should boom, think of the colosseum scene in the movie "Gladiator" when the crowd gets addressed. Imagine that voice, and put it to words:

Following that statment, consider Juno's stress. Rather than telling me that he could feel x. Give me visual cues of his stress i.e. his heart pumping, his fingers tingling, his head reeling, anything like this can show the reader the stress rather than saying, he is stressed.

Using these methods you might arrive a sentence such as:

*Thought*Bildad's speech thundered through the arena, echoing off the walls and into Juno's ears like a drum. His heart pounded in his chest as Bildad grasped the lever and pulled.
This format puts everything into smaller, easier to digest chunks, holds the tension, and shows rather than tells.

Your second half of the sentence above which is passive as well, is also repetitive. In a short span, you've marked that the trial is beginning, using the above suggestion, and really in general, you only need to say this once. To fix both the passive voice and repetition I'd suggest a restructuring which will also add a bit of imagery, like this:

*Thought*The iron portcullis rattled in its ascent as the students stepped out onto the floor or the arena.

With these 2 suggestions you'd arrive at a reformatting like this:

*Thought*Bildad's speech thundered through the arena, echoing off the walls and into Juno's ears like a drum. His heart pounded in his chest as Bildad grasped the lever and pulled. The iron portcullis rattled in its ascent as the students stepped out onto the floor of the arena. The trials were about to begin.

Then feeling the moisture on his feet Juno looks down and sees a strange mist begin to rise out of the floor of the arena, as it rises and begins to obscure the other students Juno reaches out and touches the mist , it feels as if a cool breeze is flowing through it and as is his hand is fully enclosed by the mist the hair on his arms tingle with static electricity.

There are a lot of grammatical flaws in this sentence, as it is a gargantuan run-on that should be 3 separate sentences, but, ignoring this, the whole sentence is passive and telling based on the explanations above. I would restructure and reformat this sentence in a way that uses better imagery and less abstract action-to-subject structuring which I marked with popnotes above:

*Thought*Moisture cools Juno's feet as a strange mist rises out of the floor, obscuring the other students. He outstretches his hand into its thick wisps and a cool breeze tickles his skin and raises his hairs as it crackles with static electricity.


There is some repetition in the writing that I think is quite distracting. In a short span you mention starting the trial 5 times in almost as many sentences. This makes the writing bland and annoying and should really only be mentioned in something this small, once or twice.

*Right*He looked up and saw the massive wall of the arena, with the whole village watching, and the massive wall carved with fine integrated lines that Juno could see radiating immense power .

To be quite plain, the sentence is long-winded and doesn't read well due to the repetition, structure, and the telling vs. showing which I will explain further in a moment. Let me first discuss the sentence structure itself:

The initial subject of the sentence is interrupted in its delivery by a separate clause that interrupts the original action i.e. with the whole village watching. This could really do better in its own sentence. Or as the opening as I mentioned above. I'd restructure this as follows:

*Thought*He looked up at the massive wall of the arena with its intricate carved lines radiating immense power.

This structure arrives at your point much faster and keeps the reader engaged in the imagery, however there is still some elements that are telling rather than showing. In this example, the first element of telling vs. showing is removed by simply removing and saw and simply deliver the image straight to the reader without the hollow context of what he's seeing. The second element I left because this is really more for you. The immense power is immense how? Is it radiating light? heat? sparks of lightning? Remember when writing a story to pull on the readers senses: Sight, Sound, Smell, Touch, and Taste. There's a lot more that can be unpacked from the phrase immense power that can further deepen the image.

Beyond what I've mentioned in the examples above, you switch from past to present tense about halfway through, with no break in the writing at all. The action up to that point, didn't read, nor do I think you intended it to be a flash through the past, so I'd suggest keeping everything in either present or past tense. Personally, I'd prefer past tense.

You also then switch from the PoV which was firmly planted in Juno's head, to my own head i.e. from third person limited to second person. This was tremendously distracting. I was not part of the action up to that point, so there was no reason to establish the reader as a PoV in the story, keep the PoV firmly rooted in Juno for 3rd person limited, or both Juno and Mato for third person omniscient. I would however caution the latter PoV as it is quite difficult to write in that PoV seamlessly.

*** Grammar ***

*Right*"Welcome everyone to the Ironband competence trial," said Bildad, "this is an important day for our young students with all their training going toward this great trial, this trial will decide where these young students will do their apprenticeship and their starting rankings at Ironband."

*Right* "If each student will please step into their assigned circle the trials will begin," says Bildad as he waves his hand above his , and 16 small circles engrave themselves into the center of the arena radiating, a little blue glow and a shimmer of light right above them.

I already mentioned it in the style and voice section above, but your second to last sentence is a massive run-on that should be separated into about 3 or 4 smaller sentences.

*** Typos ***

The typos I found were marked in other sections of this review.

*** Ending ***

I don't think this was an ending. This is simply the beginning of a larger action sequence, that I'm guessing is going to be somewhat similar to a nod to Suzanne Collins' hunger games-ish battle royale it did however leave me wanting to see what was going to happen.

*** Summary ***

I think it has the makings of a good start, but there are many errors in the writing that need attention, as well as the passive voice and telling vs. showing. Overall, you have the right idea of the story, and I think it just needs refinement. The two biggest shortcomings of course, being what I mentioned. I will include articles discussing the differences between active and passive voice, and showing vs. telling. In summary, a writer should always strive to show vs. tell to keep the reader engaged in the narrative. It is intriguing, however, and I think once you put a defter hand to this, it could make for a great tale, because there is a lot of potential, as I quite enjoy the coming of age stories.

Here are some articles discussing a few of the issues in the writing (Active and Passive voice, Telling vs. Showing, and Points of View) I hope these can help you further understand the issues I've mentioned in the review. They are written by two writers that I have a tremendous amount of respect for.

Thank you for sharing this writing, and I apologize if it seems I just hammered it with negativity. That is not my intention when I review. As I said, it has the makings of a good story, and a good foundation to build on, it simply needs some touching up. I again, welcome you to writing.com and encourage you to continue to pursue the craft. Improving writing ability is a remarkably rewarding journey! I hope to see more of this in the future.

Should you add to this, please let me know and I'll gladly have a look at it again. Until then, keep writing!

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Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there, I found this on the read & review section and I'd like to take a minute to give you my thoughts on it. I'm not going to do a super in-depth review that I normally do, but I'll give a bit of a picking apart.

I'd like to mention that in some of my reviews you may see a word with a dotted underline like this. This is a spot in a sentence that I've marked for your attention. I've packed a comment within the notes that you can read simply by mousing over the word or phrase with this dotted underline.

I'm assuming that this was a "Daily Flash Fiction ChallengeOpen in new Window. entry, and that the prompt was you have been warned
That however is just a guess.

*** Opening ***

It works. If its the prompt you took care of that, and it still hooks at the same time.

*** Style and Voice ***

Overall the voicing and style is consistent and accomplishes a lot in the few words you use, there are, however a few spots I think could use a bit of attention. I'm a flash fiction person from time to time, and one think I have to say is the story I end up writing is always about 325 - 350 words until I thin it out. This requires to somehow arrive at the same point without diminishing the narrative. In short, every last word is precious. Here is a sentence that I think could have saved a word, and given a better image:

*Right*I slowly walked closer.

I know this is a flash fiction so I can't really hammer this too much, but it's kind of a bland image, and I think a word could have well been saved here with a quick swap of:

*Thought*I crept closer.

Not much of a change, but at least for me, saving words is crucial. I think that it also gives a better image without the use of an adverb.

Beyond that there really wasn't anything that stood out in the writing.

*** Ending ***

It's a fun little twist to the story that I hadn't expected. Those are the best ones.

*** Summary ***

To be honest, for almost the duration of the story I had reminders of 'The Brave Little Toaster' in my head. Then near the end we came closer to the movie 'Heavy Metal.' By the end I was completely wrong. With that said, it was a good writing that I enjoyed. Its short, simple, and sweet. It felt natural and fits with all the weird dreams that I have.

Thanks for sharing it. It was a fun story to read.

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Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi, I found this on "The Shameless "Plug" PageOpen in new Window., and thought I'd take moment to offer my thoughts on the writing with you.

I'd like to mention that in some of my reviews you may see a word with a dotted underline like this. This is a spot in a sentence that I've marked for your attention. I've packed a comment within the notes that you can read simply by mousing over the word or phrase with this dotted underline.

*** Opening ***

I like a little bit of tension right from the gate, but I doesn't really hook me to want to read more. The first line is your one and only shot at really grabbing the reader's attention. The best first lines pull on a reader through emotion. While there is tension, there's no emotion.

         Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

         A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

         One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest by Ken Kesey

A line in your writing that hooks, hard on me is the opening line of your 2nd paragraph.

         Crown of Thorns:Chapter 1 (intro) by Korosus92

*** Style and Voice ***

*Right*Reaching up with trembling hands to his temples, Henry rubbed them in circles as the pulsating throb could be felt under his fingertips

The second half of this sentence is telling me he felt the throb rather than showing me through his eyes. Telling a reader leaves the story feeling drab and uninteresting because it lacks the vivid imagery to prime the imagination. As Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon says: Think of a story as a guided dream. A good way to accomplish this, is by avoiding weak words like feel, smell, taste, seems, etc., use action and vivid images to instead show the reader what's happening which I will make an example below.

This line is pretty passive in its delivery and in the first paragraph I think it's a good idea to avoid as much passive voice as possible to get the reader and the momentum of the story going.

Passive voice is a style of writing that is usually overly wordy, and has action landing on a subject, rather than the subject performing the action. This makes the entire first half of a sentence abstract, as the reader is left waiting for who or what the action is going to land on.

Really, this sentence could be divided into two, in active voice, using less words and giving a better image to the reader:

Passive Voice:Reaching up with trembling hands to his temples, Henry...

Passive Voice and Telling:Henry rubbed them in circles as the pulsating throb could be felt under his fingertips.

Using these examples you can restructure this sentence with Active Voice and better imagery:
*Thought*Henry's hands trembled as he reached them to his temples. A pulsating throb pounded against his fingertips as he rubbed them in circles.

*Right*Pushing himself off with an audible groan escaping him , Henry got to his feet and felt the familiar plush carpet that was warm and yet unremarkable as ever.

Again, this is another line of Passive Voice mixed with telling verbiage. There's really not a whole lot of this in the writing so you seem to know what you're doing, but when it does show up, like this, it really stands out. The same method above can be used to fix this. I'm going to avoid all the formatting examples here and simply type what I would suggest as a restructure.

*Thought*Henry groaned as he pushed himself off the bed. The plush carpet tickled the soles of his feet with a familiar and unremarkable softness.

*Right*He turned it to a decent temperature and began to splash water on his face, the distinct smell of city piping filled his nostrils.
This sentence is another example of telling vs. showing that could be better explore more if you dug a little deeper into the key words I've marked.

*Right*At first glance they appeared just as another boring aspect of himself. Yet there was a glint of depth deep within them.
The structuring of these two sentences makes it all passive and abstract, and is granting the emphasis being on the statement At first glance because it's front and center in the sentence. Looking at the entirety of these two lines, this could flow much better and put the emphasis where it ought to be: his boring eyes.

*Thought*They appeared just as another boring aspect of himself at first glance, yet there was a glint of depth within them.
This delivers the message quicker and puts emphasis on the boringness of his eyes, also segueing into the next sentence without any seams.

*** Grammar ***

Nothing that stood out.

*** Typos ***

*Right*With a annoyed exhale, Henry shifted himself

*** Ending ***

Not really an ending that I could see, I think there's a lot more to this story.

*** Summary ***

Overall, this is a well-executed writing. To me, so far, this doesn't necessarily read like a story at the moment, but more of a long description of your main character. Granted, I know its only a few paragraphs and maybe there's some conflict in this chapter later on. But as it stands at the moment, the conflict isn't there. What I can say, is Henry is well described, and I have a pretty good image of him. There's not an overabundance of faults in any particular category that I could find other than what I mentioned above. I will say, because of the method and voice you use throughout the narrative, being predominantly active voice, the times where there's a long sentence started with gerund phrasing and telling verbiage really stands out. Sadly, the few instances that it happens distracts me with a sequence of gray, uninteresting words in an otherwise distinctly vivid exposition. I think you have a handle on writing a narrative to keep a reader's imagination involved in the story, but I have included a couple of articles that discuss Active vs. Passive voice and Showing vs. Telling.

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Showing Why Showing is Important Open in new Window. (18+)
Why showing is important in fiction
#1970226 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon

"A Word on Passive Voice Open in new Window.

Both of these are terrific articles written by excellent writers. These can help you better understand the faults of both of these common mistakes.

I hope you found this review helpful, and I thank you for sharing this writing.

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Review of A Little Get Away  Open in new Window.
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, I found this while browsing the newbie section. I'd like to take a moment to extend to you my warmest welcome. I'm assuming this was for "Daily Flash Fiction ChallengeOpen in new Window. is that right?

Either way, I enjoy a good flash fiction, it's difficult to put a story into words with only 300 to work with, but I must say you don't miss a beat. Your imagery is spot on, and active almost through the whole thing.

I like your little subtle clues as to what is going on in this story, not handed out on a platter, but enough to give a reader a good "fill in the blank."

It entices the imagination with colorful language and as such, I think it's worthy of praise. Well done!

I hope to see more of your flash fictions, you're pretty good at this!

Thanks for sharing, and again, welcome to writing.com.

Sig for Angel Army
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Review of Fire in the snow  Open in new Window.
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hello! I saw this in the review request page, so here I am to review it. I want to preface this with a little bit of information first:

I take a pretty in-depth approach to the reviewing process. As such it might come across that I really pick things to pieces in a negative way. That is not my intention at all, I only wish to mark areas of the writing that I think could use some attention. Nothing I say is intended to be mean-spirited.

I'd also like to mention that in some of my reviews you may see a word with a dotted underline like this. This is a spot in a sentence that I've marked for your attention. I've packed a comment within the notes that you can read simply by mousing over the word or phrase with this dotted underline.

*** Opening ***

It's sets a tone to an extent, but the first line doesn't really do much for me other than let me know it's light out. It's a 3 word exposition but there's nothing here to really draw me in to read more. The first line is usually the one and only shot you have at grabbing the reader's attention. Because of that, this is the one line that really takes some extra attention. It ought to be read, reread, and really examined. The best first liners have a hook that pulls on the reader's imagination.

         A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

         One Flew Over the Cukoos Nest by Ken Kesey

         The Crow Road by Iain Banks

*** Style and Voice ***

*Right*How naive I was to think for us to be alike, but it is the only one I know, and after keeping me company for so long I couldn't but think that the two of us resembled each other a little: we're both bright and scorching shapes of fire , endlessly walking in the same direction, yet after so long I cannot but feel so very distant from it.
Lordy that's a monster of a sentence! Over 60 words. That's a lot for a reader to chew in one sentence especially right in the beginning. I'd consider breaking this into smaller, bite size chunks for the reader while at the same time, giving it a bit of stylistic flair with an exclamation, this is reading forlorn and while I like forlorn, sometimes a couple motes of excitement can shock the system for reader. This creates tension in the narrative.

*Thought*How naive I was to think for us to be alike! But it is the only one I know. After keeping my company for so long, I couldn't but think that the two of us resembled each other a little. We're both bright and scorching shapes of fire, endlessly walking in the same direction, yet after so long I feel so very distant from it.
         I do want to point out that there is, however, a lot of passive undertone to the entirety of this. Some
         folks will tell you that all passive voice is bad. I think this is a dogmatic, narrow-minded, and imperfect
         understanding of literary mechanics. I will, however, say that too much definitely isn't great. It turns a
         writing into a meandering droning thesis that takes 10 words what active voice can describe with more
         clarity in 5 words.
An example using your sentences with the above adjustments:
         Passive Voice:How naive I was to think for us to be alike!

         Passive Voice:After keeping my company for so long, I couldn't but think that the two of us resembled each other a little.

A little bit of flowery language is fine in writing, but too much gets to be painstaking to wade through sentences to get to the point. A long string of overly wordy sentences gets a bit boring in its delivery. Passive voice is a good contributor to this issue.

*Right*I remember the first day here and he was the first and only one to greet me: birds, deer and all the other critters of the forest all ran away as soon as I stepped closer, but he didn't.

There's a couple of issues here: Repetition, and a full colon (see what I did over there? *Left*)

While I appreciate your grammatical style, I think in this case the full colon isn't quite right. Your previous one was actually fine, but this one is pretty borderline and leaning closer to the no side of it. The grammatical rule for a full colon that I think you're leaning on here suggests that the clause following the colon paraphrases the clause that precedes it. This doesn't really do that. It's sort of a list, but it's an unannounced list so unfortunately, that rule doesn't quite apply either. It's a shame, because a full colon doesn't get much love these days. I will, however, yield to the notion of a semi-colon, which I think would work just fine.

I suggest a restructuring both to remove the repetition and replace the colon:
         *Thought*I remember the first day here, and he was the only one to greet me; birds, deer and all other critters
         of the forest ran away as soon as I stepped closer, but he didn't.

This solves the two issues above, but narratively speaking, the but he didn't. as little as it is in the sentence, carries a lot of weight to the narrative. Because of this, I think the sentence should be shortened to arrive at this resolution quicker, because it does evoke a nice emotional response, so I'd further reword this to:
         *Thought*I remember the first day here; he was the only one to greet me. All the critters of the forest ran away
         as soon as I stepped closer, but he didn't.

This removes some unnecessary words but still arrives at the same conclusion, only faster.

It would be beneficial to the reader if you would separate points of dialogue into their own paragraphs.

*Right*...so naturally I called out to him. "You there! You're like me! Do you know me? Or do you know where are we?" I yelled out,

*Right*side of the sky to the other, taking the bright sky along with him.

*Right*He had left a gloomy space in its stead, but in doing so he revealed to me the thousands of beautiful and bright dots further beyond what the clear blue veil was concealing, so I naturally thought that was a gift for me, and thus the first night was serene.

This is another monster of a sentence and really runs about twice as long as it should. Sadly the to be form of was lends this entire sentence a passive undertone. I'd consider rewording and restructuring:
         *Thought*He had left a gloomy space in its stead that revealed thousands of beautiful, glimmering dots far
         beyond what the clear blue veil concealed. I thought it was a gift for me on that serene first night.

*Right*The first steps off the cobble road and into the snow were the most painful: I would sink my feet in the snow with every step I took and a puddle of water would quickly form around me, dousing my flames, burning painfully until I would move my foot to another patch of snow, repeating the same process again and again.

60 worder this time. These are simply too big of a sentence to convey a point to the reader, and there's a lot of wordiness that doesn't need to be in it.

         *Thought*The first steps off the cobble road and into the snow were the most painful. Puddles of water quickly
         formed around me as I sank my feet into the snow with each step. It burned, and the pain would stay
         until I stepped to another patch of snow, over and over.

This is the same point, but smaller, more understandable sentences, and done with less words.

*Right*"But what about me, what do I do? What is my purpose?" I feel compelled to ask...
Because you feel compelled to ask suggests you didn't actually ask it, which in this case, I'd suggest dropping the quotations and making this reflective inner dialogue with italics:
         *Thought*But what about me, what do I do? what is my purpose?

         I fell compelled to ask, looking down at my hands clutched in fists...

*Right*I get up and start running towards where I came from, retracing my steps , etching my footprints with each step I take, hearing the sizzling of the snow under my weight, hoping I could somehow outrun the Sun's light.
Not a monster like some of them, but there's some unnecessary wordiness in this that could be dropped.

         *Thought*I get up and start running from whence I came, etching my footprints with each step. The snow sizzles under my weight as I hope to somehow outrun the sun's light.

Same conclusion to the sentence, but less words and no repetition, also in a more active voice and it removes the telling vs. showing of hearing the sizzling of snow under my weight and replaces it with the snow sizzles under my weight This may seem like an insignificant change, but this allows the reader's imagination to do the work of what's happening rather than the writing telling them what's happening. As Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon says, think of stories as a guided dream.

In which case, don't tell the reader what is happening, show the reader what is happening by putting them in the perspective of the character. Avoid key words such as I hear, I see, I feel, I seem, I smell, etc. and instead give action to the sound with simple, vivid words like in the example. I will include an article on this as well as active and passive voicing at the end of the review.

Even if its been but a few days since I first woke up , they now feel like a distant dream, as if only now I'm truly awake, as if every moment I had spent thus far was wasted because someone else needed do something else with it, but I am alone here.
Marked a typo in this, but again this gets too wordy and drones on. Consider restructuring it like this:
         *Thought*It's only been a few days since I first awoke. It now feels like a distant dream, as if only now I'm truly awake and every moment I spent thus far was wasted because someone needed to do something else with it. I'm alone here.

*Right*Take a step back, analyze your surroundings, look at the bigger picture. I feel as if I knew that's what I had to do.
I really feel like the underlined section should be separated and italicized as internal, reflective dialogue otherwise the writing is telling the reader to do these things.

*** Grammar ***

*Right*I've already started to sink down in the snow as I was waiting for the morning.

*Right*"You there! You're like me! Do you know me? Or do you know where are we?"

*Right*It was only on the third day that I decided to follow him, see if it would bring me anywhere.

It was not gifted with a mind of its own, it couldn't act or think the way I do.

*** Typos ***

*Right*Maybe because, simply put, it lives contempt with its purpose

*Right*Knowledge evoked by my will to express myself, to know what I was feeling and why I felt the way I did.

*** Ending ***

The ending was pretty good. The language used, though a bit long winded, actually worked well here and it added building tension to the climax of the story.

*** Summary ***

It's a nice writing, but there's quite a few things in it that I think could use some attention, predominantly the passive voice and the gargantuan sentences. I don't mind a big one here and there, but yours are absolutely enormous. It's a common practice to try to keep sentences below 30 words. Anything longer will most certainly become boring and lose track of the reader. The benefit to shorter, concise sentences is the reader will much better understand your writing because they don't need to process 50 or 60 words to figure out what you're trying to say.

You flop between present to past to present tense in the writing. During the reflection of how the character got there, this is fine, but you go back with no clear indication that it was going to happen, this is pretty distracting, a small page break would fix this.

Overall, it's a nice reflective narrative but sadly the emotional effect that it could have is diminished somewhat because of how long-winded and tiresome the style of prose is. I feel like a lot of this could be trimmed out, several paragraphs at least, and none would be the wiser, and we'd arrive at what I could honestly say was a rock-solid climax and ending. The entire narrative was a very slow burning fuse, and the finale happened at warp speed.

If the pacing were picked up in the narrative, kind of a rolling stone method, I think this could really be an amazing writing. As it stands right now, I think it's good idea that just needs some trimming.

There's a lot of tell vs. show in the writing, in first person like this, it's pretty hard not to do it, but there's simply a bit too much to keep a reader's imagination engaged with a fantastical scene and instead it carries on more like a soliloquy. This is further exacerbated by passive voicing formats of sentences that are abstract and indefinite in the action. Below, I've included two articles to help you better understand these two mechanics of writing.

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Showing Why Showing is Important Open in new Window. (18+)
Why showing is important in fiction
#1970226 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon

"A Word on Passive Voice Open in new Window.

Both of these are great articles and go into easy-to-understand details of the natures of both of these topics.

I imagine this may seem like I really put this one through the ringer with the comments, I hope it doesn't discourage you, because it IS a good idea, and I think it has a lot of potential. I love first person narrative, and the gloomy style of prose is right up my alley. I only offered these comments to show you areas that I think this writing could use some attention.

I hope to see me of your work around writing.com and I thank you for sharing this writing.

Sig for Angel Army
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Review of THE DEVILS MATCH  Open in new Window.
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Thanks for the 2nd review request. Here we are again. I've got to mention once more that I'm not exactly a great judge of poetry, but I will gladly offer you only my honest opinion and what limited technical knowledge I have of poetry composition.

I first want to mention that occasionally in my reviews you will see words with a dotted underline like this. This is an area of the writing that I've marked for your attention. There's a comment packed in that can be read by mousing over the said word.

I like to start by saying the rhythm you've got going into it paces well with your story. Your first 2 stanzas are nice and ominous. Oddly marked by the tapping of your rhythm. I enjoy gloomy stuff a lot so this is off to a strong start.

Your 3rd stanzas changes rhythm in lines 3 and 4 in contrast to stanzas 1 and 2. While it did trip me up a little bit in my own internal method of reading it, I think the tension that it caused actually worked well. You might however need to dig a bit with reference to Dante. I'm an avid reader of classics and epics. The Divine Comedy is a masterpiece, however this could be somewhat abstract to those who have not read it. I will say that Dante's Inferno is somewhat of a trademark so perhaps not, but this is just a caution. I, however, get what you're referring to, don't forget though that he wasn't just in Inferno, he was also in Purgatorio, and Paradiso.

Like I said, I get the reference, but to more solidly place the berth of the horses, perhaps consider Satan instead of Dante. This would create some alliteration in your verse that could add another stylistic flair, but even if you don't I think what you have is fine, at least for me.

In the 7th stanza there's a minor grammatical flaw:


Up to this point I haven't noticed any eye rhymes in the writing, and though the first word of verse 1 and 4 are an eye rhyme, the Prince of Darkness requires a definite pronoun.

In the 9th stanza has an inconsistency with the rhythm and iambic meter. Stressed syllables are bold:


The start of the 3rd verse is anapestic or in terms of stressed syllables is --X. This isn't a huge issue and could just be an artistic flair to the stanza itself, but again the internal rhythm I used was tripped up because of this. However, this is open to interpretation and the way it is formatted is still fine. I'm simply sharing my real-time opinion here.

I want to note that you've brought in a new player to the board: Mephistopholes. I'm a slave for demonology and depictions of Hell as well as classic literature like Dorian Gray. This is a really nice reference to all of that. I don't however think that he was ever called "The Prince of Darkness." Small detail so I can let it slide. The devil has many names depending on who you talk to.

Beyond those stanzas, nothing stood out in err to what was written.


I really didn't find much to fault in its entirety. It's a sound piece of writing, and I assume it's for the Quote contest. If so, I think you have a pretty righteous contender. If I could cast a vote for this writing, I would. It's pretty solid.

The pacing of the entire thing is break-neck but it works great. I think something like this ought to have that "hit the ground running," feel to it. I enjoyed the curt jousting in the dialogue, that really added the cherry onto the entire composition for me. Truly this was well done. Thanks for sharing it, it was a joy to read.

Again, this probably isn't what you were expecting but as I said, I'm a poor judge of the proper composition of poetry and can only comment on my personal opinion of the piece with a limited understanding of proper mechanics of a poem. Hopefully you still found the review helpful, and I'm honored you asked for a second review from me.

Best of luck to you in your writing! I'm looking forward to seeing more of it.

Sig for Angel Army
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The Lighthouse  Open in new Window.
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, thank you for reaching out with a review request. I noticed you're account is only a couple of days old, so before I get into the review I'd like to offer you my warmest welcome to writing.com. I hope you find this community as helpful as I have over these many years.

I generally take a pretty in-depth approach to the reviewing process, but that is with long narratives, short stories and novels. I enjoy a good poem, especially the romantics such as Keats, Wordsworth, Clare, and Shelley. I'm not exactly a great judge of poetry, but I shall try my best.

I will say that the content of the entire poem speaks volumes. I'm no gambler, but I have one in the family. You've captured what I believe their struggle to be pretty well.

To get more to the technical side of it, which is really not exactly my strong point here;

Your poem's rhythm is pretty consistent, but the meter is kind of all over. In stanza 1 for example you go from a strong Iambic meter to trochaic between line 2 and 3.

With X showing the stress, and —showing the unstressed beat here are examples of this:

Iambic Meter
Trochaic Meter

I personally have no issue with this, but the differences in the syllables for each line trips me up. I'm wanting to read this poem with a rhythm. To me, it's not written like free verse, and it doesn't read like free verse.

Written in a format like this, keeping a consistent beat and line rhythm is important.

A life paused, drained and broken
7 Syllables
Omitted truth, and never spoken
9 Syllables
False, half hearted token
6 Syllables
Echo constant lies
5 Syllables

The verses shine between stanzas 2 and 4. These are really well executed. The rhythm stays constant and the words you use hit home well. There is however, one tree branch in the path:

Lost memories I can never tell

Memories really makes me trip and fall over myself when I'm reading.

I will say, when you go into a stanza format of:
Your words flow beautifully. The poem runs along maintaining a lovely beat and striking the right chords with me. I'd consider having a look at those stanzas that are a little inconsistent just for better flow of the rhythm, but otherwise I think what you have here is a very nice piece of poetry. Thanks for sharing it and thank you for the review request.

I apologize if this wasn't what you were expecting. I don't particularly have a format when it comes to poetry and only share my opinion. I can offer a little bit of analysis but again, I'm likely not the best judge of what makes a truly great poem.

Sig for Angel Army
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hello there, I noticed your writing under the Read a Newbie  Open in new Window. Section on my homepage. The title was intriguing, so here I am. I'd like to extend my welcome to you before we get going. I hope you find this site and community as helpful as I have over these many years.

Before I get into the review, I'd like to preface this with a bit of information as to my review style. I take a pretty in-depth approach to reviewing, so it may appear that I'm really picking something apart. Please understand, even if the comments come across as negative or even mean-spirited, that is not at all my intention. I'm only offering you my thoughts and I hope that they can help you understand the perspective of a reader.

I'd like to add that sometimes in some of my reviews you will see words with a dotted underline like this. This a section of a sentence that I've marked for your attention. There is a comment packed in that you can read by mousing over the word that has been underlined. I hope I've explained that well enough for you, I'm not very good at explaining things.

With all that out of the way, let's get to the review.

*** Opening ***

I have to say I really like the start to this. Very cool. It has a nice rhythm and is an intriguing hook to your story. I would however, consider a minor stylistic change to it. I think this could be accomplished with one sentence, no need for the period there, but if you're keen on the pause for tonal purposes, perhaps consider an — {emdash}

Really though, that's a solid start regardless of whether or not you make changes to it.

*** Style and Voice ***

I'm alone and it's starting to feel it will always be this way.
A first person soliloquy takes some bravery. It's hard to write without it droning on. While what I marked above seems real insignificant, keeping a reader's attention through a reflection like this is accomplished easier by reducing the words that I have to wade through to see your point.

*Right*...but from my own experience later in life. I can say it was bad.
Because you haven't really addressed anyone else in this narrative, you wouldn't need to label this experience as your own, the reader already knows this.

*Right*We were relocated to my grandparents in Scotland.
You haven't mentioned others in this narrative, so We isn't the correct pronoun. You'd have to mention who else with you was relocated, or simply say:
*Thought*I was relocated to my grandparents in Scotland.

*Right*This is around the time I have my first unquestionable memories from.
Technically, it isn't wrong to end a sentence in a preposition, it is however, not always accepted, personally, I don't care, but just a caution. That said this sentence is very wordy and could be restructured to read a little better.
*Thought*This is around the time my first unquestionable memories appear.
A simple restructuring like this gets the point across easier and with less words.

It would be silly for me to copy the entire thing, but there is a large chunk in paragraph 6 that switches to present tense and then goes back to past tense.

*Right*...stress and anxiety to the point of those symptoms ...
There's no reference to any symptoms in the narrative thus far, you'd have to establish for the reader what symptoms these are.

...value in this world I was born out of.
I'd suggest restructuring this for less wordiness and a better impact.
*Thought*...value in this world which I was born.

*Right*He had always had a gambling addiction, but this very strange relationship formed.
The past perfect tense and the usage of the demonstrative pronoun this makes the sentence a little confusing. I'd consider a restructure like this:
*Thought*He always had a gambling addiction, but a strange relationship formed.
This removes the wordiness and makes the sentence more direct. It also removes the adverb very which I find to be of all adverbs, the least useful one. If I may quote John Keating from
         'The Dead Poets Society:'

*Right*I accepted with giddy , It felt as if I was joining the club.

*** Grammar ***

*Right*I believe I have a memory of this time period, it's of my mother.
This is known as a comma splice—joining two independent clauses together with a comma when they are actually themselves, separate and complete sentences. Because of the tone and style of your writing, you could replace it with a period, but I would recommend, though fallen out of fashion, a semi-colon.
*Thought*I believe I have a memory of this time period; it's of my mother.

*Right*I can't definitively describe the environment of that home, but from my own experience later in life. I can say it was bad.

*Right*A few times in my life, social workers have made inexplicable decisions, I hope it's just pure incompetence rather than something malicious. But sometimes it feels malicious.
Couple of things that I mentioned in the popnotes, but a reformatting of the entirety of this would work better:
*Thought*A few times in my life, social workers have made inexplicable decisions. I hope it's just pure incompetence rather than something malicious, but sometimes it feels malicious.

*Right*The police did come, we were returned to our grandparents.
These 2 independent clauses need to be joined with the conjunction and or separated by either a period or semi-colon.

*Right*We were told stories of sexual abuse, glass in the food. And people disappearing

*** Typos ***

*Right*I've developed into a multi faceted person, one of high passion.

*Right*But within that mix of self, There is a lot of internal strife

*Right*I've only ever seen him a few times since this.

*Right*This highly effected us, my older brother especially.
Common mistake but effect is a noun, affect is a verb.

*Right*I was young, but I remember how scared I was here.
Unless you and I are standing in that place, here is not the correct preposition.

*Right*...and other flashes of us in strangers houses.

*Right*And I believe they seriously effected the development of my young mind.

*Right*I think mainly due to my mothers interference.

*Right*Then my mother would do what she would {popnote:"does.}do.

*Right*...I saw what used to be my mothers

*** Ending ***

This isn't the true ending, but it ended in a place that actually made me angry at the scene. If I could score it based on emotional response its a 10/10

*** Summary ***

You poured a lot into this writing, and it shows. This a real emotional ride for a reader and I'm guessing this was not something that was easy for you to write. I know it might seem like I really hung it out to dry, but I wanted to maintain this review from the perspective of an objective reader. This was visceral. Truly.

Honestly, I feel for you. I want to give you a hug. Your testimony here really hit home so emotionally, but it could hit even harder.

It truly cries that the agony of life is a constant action and reaction to events and circumstance.

I dare to call it marvelous, considering the content of the writing, but what you achieved in writing this is nothing short of marvelous.

I don't know where this is going to go as you've alluded to a 2nd part to this, but from what I've read, you've got some real tenacity to have made it to writing this. I admire you for that.

Thank you for sharing this, it was a privilege to read it.

Sig for Angel Army
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, I found your writing while browsing the read and review section and I'd like to offer you my thoughts. I noticed that you joined only last month, so please allow me to extend my warmest welcome to you, I hope you find this community as helpful as I have these many years.

I'd like to preface this review with this: I take a pretty in-depth approach to reviewing, as such it might come across that I pick apart the writing pretty hard. This may seem negative or mean-spirited but it is not intended as such. I only wish to offer what help I can coming from a reader.

I'll also mention you might see some words with a dotted underline like this. This is a particular area of a sentence that I marked for your attention. I have packed a comment in there that you can read by simply mousing over the dotted underlined word. I hope I've explained that well enough.

With all that out of the way, let's get this review going.

*** Opening ***

I really like the tone you're setting with the opening hook. Very nice. There's only one thing in it that I would like to mention. This isn't a big deal but you've used a double hyphen as an emdash. You can accomplish a proper — by simply typing {emdash}

*** Style and Voice ***

The style of your writing is pretty natural and well executed. I'd like to mention that perhaps consider spacing your dialogue and paragraphs a little bit. I'm not quite at the age where I squint to read, but I'm getting there. This is more for comfort of your readers.

Really there's not a lot of fault in your narrative but there's a couple things I'd like to point out:

*Right*The kettle began to whistle1 , its sharp, grating tone pulling2 me from whatever limbo I had been in.
This may seem a bit knit picky because really, thus far the writing style is quite solid and melancholy. That is why I marked this sentence, as there's two issues I have with it.
The first issue is that the opening of the sentence is telling the reader the kettle is whistling rather than showing. The sound you describe right after is decent but the start of the sentence diminishes what could be my own imagination doing the work.

The second issue is that something that ought to be snapping the character out of the stupor is written in a passive voice like a doctor is going over a list of symptoms rather than someone telling a story at a campfire. Because of this, I don't feel any of the shock that I should feel. Something more direct would better deliver this sentence:

*Thought*The sharp, grating whistle of the kettle pulled me from my limbo.

This gets the point across a little quicker, as well as still marks that the sound snapped the character out of it, but it does so without so much indirect verbiage.

*Right*"Hey, mate. You're up early," he said, his voice carrying forced brightness.
I get what you're saying here, but it's worded kind of odd. Perhaps it's the gerund phrase but I won't blame that. I think there needs to be a bit more exploration of the main character's senses here or even something a bit reflective to describe his roommate's voice better.

*Right*The house falls quiet, punctuated only by the distant hum of the boiler.
Thus far the entire narrative has been in past tense, this kind of stuck out here, most likely just a mistake but I marked it for your attention.

*Right*...as if proximity to the dead was enough to bind us together.
Stylistically, I really like this ending to the sentence. Puts a lot of depth to the reflections of this character. Well done!

*Right*The thought made my chest feel tight...
This is another case of telling rather than showing. First person is hard to write without avoiding telling, but sometimes some of it really comes through more than others. This line for example, any time a first person narrative tells me the character felt something. That stands out as unexplored areas for the senses.

Choking up is something that should come with a lot of symptoms that you could explore. Yes there's the tightness in the chest, and strange numbness in the fingers, things like this can better assist the reader in feeling what the character is feeling more than the character telling me their chest was tight.

*Right*...succumbing to gravity and landing with a soft, anticlimactic plink in the puddle below.
It's a little verbose, but this is a great example of showing rather than telling. I had no trouble at all imagining this image due to the way in which you wrote it. Very nice.

*** Typos ***

its tyres hissing against the wet ground...
I might be wrong about this. I noticed you mentioned tea, and 'mate.' in your story so I think it's fair to assume you or at least your character is metric, like my wife. Is this the metric spelling of tires? If so, then ignore this.

*** Ending ***

Very nice ending.

*** Summary ***

The character was relatable and very somber. The whole story was a shade of gray. In a good way I mean, written in a method that it changed from one shade to another but never lost the edge of melancholy and stupefying reflection.

It seemed there was going to be a lot of tell vs. show comments made, but at the end of the story, you really started shining with imagery. I would have linked an article speaking on this, but you have a clear grasp of what to do to guide the reader's thoughts. I'm wondering if this was perhaps mildly deliberate.

If it was, very neat, if a little overbearing.

I will say overall, it was a very well written piece, worthy of praise. I enjoyed it very much, thank you for sharing it.

Again, welcome to writing.com, and I look forward to seeing more of your work.

Sig for Angel Army
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The New Woman  Open in new Window.
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, I found this writing while I was browsing the Read & Review section and I'd like to take a few minutes to offer you my thoughts. I'd like to mention that I noticed you have just joined writing.com today and for that I'd like to extend to you my warmest welcome. I hope you find this site and its community as helpful as I have over these many years.

I'd like to preface this review by mentioning, I go pretty in-depth. This might be somewhat jarring, as some folks don't generally expect such a thorough analysis. Bear in mind that while what I say may come across as negative, I don't at all intend it as such and only desire to offer you my own thoughts as a reader. It's my goal to help in what way I can in bringing to light what some may see as shortcomings in a writing. None of the comments are meant to be mean-spirited.

You'll notice in this review, some of the words will have a dotted underline beneath them like this . This is an area of a sentence that I marked for your attention. I've packed a comment in it that can be read by simply mousing over the dotted underlined word. Hopefully that makes sense, I'm not great at explaining that.

With that said, lets get to the meat of this.

*** Opening ***

For starters, I'm a bit confused by the entirety of the writing in relation to the opening. I'm not sure if this is a funeral and a wedding, or the memory of a funeral before a wedding. There's simply nothing to separate them. That said, I'd like to bring to light that the opening falls a little flat. The opening line is your one and usually only chance at hooking a reader to continue reading. There's nothing in the opening line to leave me with the desire to continue to read. While the entirety of the open paragraph is good and reflective, and sets a solid tone and mood to the narrator of your story, I'd consider rethinking that first line. The greatest opening lines in stories implore you to keep going.

         A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

         The Crow Road by Iain Banks

         One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey

Lines like these grab your attention. Look at your opening and ask yourself, what about this makes someone want to read more? That's the art of the opening line, and probably, at least in my opinion the biggest challenge of a writer.

*** Style and Voice ***

I'd like to mention that the main character to this story is nameless, only being referred to as 'NW.' I don't mind a bit of mystery in a character at all, and in a lot of circumstances and can add a lot to a writing, but as I read, reciting 'NW' really trips me up. This could just be me, but I felt it worth mentioning. I think even just a first name could contribute a lot more to this character.

*Right*NW wondered what she would have said if she’d known the last time she spoke to the Professor was in an innocuous email eight months before.
I get the reflective nature of this sentence, and it does evoke the emotions well but I think the way it is structured hinders its flow and impact on the reader.

I think it's also worth pointing out that an email wouldn't really constitute speaking, as that would be over a phone call or conversation.

I'd consider moving the 8 months prior earlier in the sentence to drive home to the reader the span of time it has been.

*Thought*NW wondered what she would have said eight months ago had she known that innocuous email would be their last exchange.
A format like this removes some of the wordiness and adds her reflection of the time that has past, to the front of the line which evokes more engagement with the reader.

She’d meant to reach out again, especially after hearing that the cancer had returned with a vengeance. It just hadn’t worked out.
Other than the little correction in red, this is a terrific emotional set of statements. Very relatable. Well done!

*Right*It rang almost six times.
This is a bit of an odd sentence. Almost six, in terms of telephone rings is five.
To keep the reader's head into the reality of the scene, something like this can be pretty distracting. I'd simply reword this to say:
*Thought*It rang five times.

I'd like to point out the dialogue over the phone feels very natural, and kind of distant, like the conversation between two people not on the best of terms. This is really well-crafted.

*** Grammar ***

I found no blaring errors in grammar.

*** Typos ***

...she pulled out her phone and dialleddialed that horrible number.

...and her disabilityinability to describe hers to one therapist.

*** Ending ***

Pretty distinct turn-around from the beginning. I like it but as I mentioned before, this feels a little disjointed to the opening part of the narrative.

*** Summary ***

The tone of the narrative is reflective and melancholy, but it ends on a more positive note. Ups and downs like this are a solid way to engage the reader by pulling at their heartstrings, for that I think you've done well.

There's some issues with the flow and continuity of the writing as a whole. I think I get what it's trying to do, but there needs to be a clear division between the reflection of the character to the next act of the scene, otherwise it distracts the reader.

I'll say again I think the conversation was very well done, I liked that a lot.

Overall I think its a good backbone to a solid, emotional piece of dramatic writing. With some polishing this could be great. Thank you for sharing it, and again, welcome to writing.com.

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Review of Trust me not!  Open in new Window.
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)

Hello again, you've asked me to have another look at the items in your portfolio, and here I am to keep my word.

I will again preface this review as I have the last one, I've read this writing in its entirety before writing this. So if any of my comments appear to be negative, that is not at all my intention, I'm only here to help bring to light areas of the writing that I think could use some attention. This is going to be a fairly in-depth review, so the comments you'll see might seem not-so-great, but I assure you, the things I see are simply areas that stand out to me as a reader. They don't diminish the emotion that your writing evokes which you've done that remarkably well.

I want to mention you will see certain words with a dotted underline like this . This is a point of a sentence that requires some attention, and I've packed in a comment that you can read by simply mousing over the word that has the dotted underline. I hope I explained that well enough, I'm not very good at explaining things.

With that said, I'd like to again welcome you to writing.com and I hope to see more of you around the community!

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's get the review started.

*** Opening ***

You've got a mouthful of a sentence here. 37 words! That's a pretty big bite to take in right off the bat. Your opening line is the one and only shot you have at grabbing the reader's imagination and imploring them to read more. That said, and this is only an opinion, I find the best hooks and openers are done with few words. At least for me, this primes the imagination to want to finish the set-up that was constructed by these opening lines. Some examples of this:

         One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey

         Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

         The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo

*Right*Hopping with joy all over the cage, the little white puppy was ready to play, he had many visitors but none was ready to play as for them the white pup was a burden without a leg.
Granted, I love the setup, but it needs to take its time and breathe a little. This is a LOT for a reader to take in in the very beginning and could best be managed by breaking it into smaller chunks.

*Thought*Hopping with joy all over the cage, the little white puppy was ready to play.
This is more than enough for the opener to set a tone and get a reader excited before you smash it with the next couple of lines, which to be honest I like that the overall exposition of the puppy 180's almost immediately. Thats a neat literary mechanic you've done.

The bits that I've underlined are areas that kind of fall on themselves due to the wording.
*Right*          was is the wrong 'to be' form in the context of the sentence.
*Right*          as for them isn't quite right in the big picture of the sentence and would require a cause and reason conjunction such as because

*Thought*He had many visitors but none were ready to play because for them, without a leg the little white pup was a burden.
This format of the sentence flows a little easier, but more importantly the last section that you mention burden without a leg suggests that the burden has no leg rather than the puppy. In the format I've done the Puppy has no leg and therefore IS a burden. Granted, I understand what you're saying in the sentence so this is only a suggestion to make it easier on the readers.

*** Style and Voice ***

Phew! That was a lot to take in I imagine. Sorry about that. I will mention in it's format, the entirety of the opening reads in a passive voice. For me at least, this isn't an issue because it sets what I think to be the right tone for the scene. Others are not so open-minded about active and passive voice so I've decided to mention it.

Passive voice in the easiest explanation generally gives emphasis to the predicate verb rather than to the subject noun. Generally this happens because the action acts upon the subject rather than the subject performing the action.

*Right*          Hopping with joy all over the cage, the little white puppy was ready to play.
In this format the verb (action) is acting on the noun (subject)

*Thought*          The little white puppy was ready to play as he hopped all over the cage.
In this format the noun (subject) is performing the action (verb)

Again like I said, to me, I think what you have is perfectly fine, as it sets a tone, but I wanted to caution you as there is a near dogmatic point of view that all passive voice is bad. To me, this is an imperfect understanding of literary mechanics, but be careful you don't use passive voice too much, as it does get to be a rather flat read.

With that said, there's a line that could use some attention:
*Right*One day our pup had a visitor who decided to take him home but the pleasure quickly faded away when he started the angry abuse.
This sentence hits hard. Real hard. It makes me feel for this little fella, but the note I've mentioned above needs some attention. This tells rather than shows. Show me the pleasure. Think of how a dog acts when it is excited:

         Wags its tail
         Rears up
         Does that weird run in a circle hop thing that my stupid dog does

These will show the reader the pleasure the dog feels. It will slow the pace of your story down a bit, but sometimes the reader needs a breath of fresh air. This again will also contribute to the high-low method of delivery in your writing that you've captured so well.

Days passed and our pup was grown up to be thin, all skin and bones with all the beatings he had to his face.
There's 2 comments to make with this sentence other than the note above. What I underlined is a bit of unnecessary wordiness. If the puppy is skin and bones, you don't need to tell me he's thin.
Because of the ending to this sentence, rather than mentioning the puppy is thin which only really adds unnecessary weight to the statement that he's skin and bones, and does nothing to the statement about his beatings, a better adjective could be used to modify both clauses:
*Thought*Days passed, and our pup was grown up to be ragged, all skin and bones with all the beatings he had to his face.

The other issue here is the entire sentence is telling rather than showing. Show me how the puppy looks. Skin and bones though I see it, is really lacking what my imagination could be seeing.
You'd see his ribs, you'd see every joint in his body, he'd be weak, he'd be sickly. All of these will elicit emotions from your reader and really paint a better picture. Don't however, simply say the things I've listed otherwise you'd be back to telling vs. showing. Think of this narrative as what Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon likes to call a guided dream.

*Right*A fine day with little less misery for our dog came in quite a while.
I'm not quite sure what is going on in this sentence but the last bits of it aren't needed. The mood set with it is good, but the dog needs to be in the forefront for it to work. I'd suggest a restructure such as this:

*Thought*A fine day came for the dog when there was a little less misery.
This flows a bit better for the reader, but it also keeps the tone you've done.

It was a little girl with cookies in her hands, she stretched her arm and offered to our dog a bite.
There's a couple issues here. First, this is a comma splice wherein you're connecting to independent clauses with a comma. This Isn't too big a deal and could be fixed with a period, but I'd consider this more of a style thing than a grammar thing as it's a bit wordy and can be condensed without taking away from the scene:

*Thought*It was a little girl with cookies in her outstretched hand.
This offers the reader the same picture without all the extra wordiness.

*** Grammar ***

Some grammatical errors, one I mentioned above in the opening section: was and as for them

*Right*Scared & tired with the blows our dog decided to run away, now when he became a stray life still wasn't kind to it.

Couple things here, I love the setup with this sentence, but a lot of it is conflicting with itself due to its format. What I marked in red should be better structured and separated from the idea that the puppy is also tired. If you were getting beaten, of course you'd be scared, but the beatings wouldn't make you tired I don't think.

*Thought*Scared from the blows and tired, the dog decided to run away, but when he became a stray, life still wasn't kind.
This emphasizes that the beatings are making the puppy scared, but he is also tired (not from the beatings). It also removes the implication that the narrator is part of the abuse by replacing our with the.

That said the entire sentence could be further condensed to read as impactful without the wordiness of from the blows. You've already established this previously in the story so unless there's a new condition making the puppy scared, then it's actually not contributing anything to the sentence that the reader doesn't already know.

*Thought*Scared and tired, the dog decided to run away, but when he became a stray, life still wasn't kind.
This accomplishes the same delivery, only with less words and because of this, it hits harder due to the reader not having to wade through context that they don't need.

*** Typos ***

*Right*Strangers would beat him and the kids would throughthrow rocks.

*Right*...ran away as far as it cancould...

*** Ending ***

I want to say, this was not at all the ending I was expecting. I really like that! A surprise compared to what I was predicting is an excellent way to put a cherry on top of your writing. Very well done.

*** Summary ***

I want to mention you utilize a style in your sentencing that is very effective. You start a lot of your sentences on a high note, eliciting a more happy or pleasant emotion, and end them with a low note, pulling on empathy and sadness. This works very well to your advantage, and keeps the reader engaged on an emotional level. I'd highly encourage you to keep developing that stylistic approach because it works great!

There's a good few things in the writing that I think could use some attention, but man does it pull at the heartstrings hard, and never really lets go. I really felt for this little guy, and sadly I think this is likely an all-too-common situation for many animals. This story evokes a lot of emotion in a reader. With some refinement, this could really hit someone pretty hard.

There were patterns in some of the items I've listed for your attention such as telling vs. showing. and passive vs. active voice, so I've included a couple of articles to help better understand what I mean when I mention it. Granted, as I said before, in the context of the story, I think the voice you used was spot on! Should you however, wish to utilize a more active voicing in this or other writings in the future I decided to include it.

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Why showing is important in fiction
#1970226 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon

This is an article written by an author that I consider to be one of the very best on writing.com. He really knows his way around what makes a narrative engaging for a reader.

This is a good, quick article discussing active and passive voice in a method that makes it easy to understand.

Thanks again for sharing this writing, and for the invite to further review your work, I was honored. I look forward to seeing more of you on the site and I hope you find this review helpful. Keep on writing!

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Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Crosstimbers Author Consortium  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, I found your writing while browsing random read and reviews. I'd like to spend a minute and share my thoughts with you. I noticed that you're also new here to writing.com. Welcome! I hope you find this community as helpful as I have these many years.

I'd like to give a bit of a preface to this review before I get going. I read your work in its entirety before deciding to write this. Some of the comments on this might seem negative, but I promise you, these are only meant to help you. None of what I say is intended to be mean-spirited.

Review in affiliation with "Crosstimbers Author ConsortiumOpen in new Window.

*** Opening ***

That's a whopper of a sentence right in the beginning! 28 words to be exact. Your first line is your first and generally only chance to grab the reader and engage them into the story. Think of some of the greatest opening lines in literature:

         Moby Dick by Herman Melville
         A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
         1984 by George Orwell
         The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein

Right from the off, in only a few words, these lines set a tone, without going on and on about who and what.

*Right*In a tiny little cage there lived a blue fluffy budgie her name was Buga just to her right in another cage comparatively bigger was a parrot Dula.

The bit that is underlined struck me pretty well. I like your first bit of words in the opening, it's not much of a hook, but it sets the tone very nicely. It has a bit of flare similar to The Tale of Despereaux. Or even, dare I say, The Hobbit. Remarkably fairy-tale'ish.'

That said, the first sentence is about twice as long as it should be, and is lacking a bit of punctuation in certain spots.

*Thought*In a tiny little cage there lived a blue fluffy budgie. Her name was Buga. Just to her right in another cage comparatively bigger was a parrot, Dula.

This is a suggestion of a way to break down that opening into more manageable, bite size chunks while maintaining the tone of the narrative. This is however, your story. If you like it the way it is, by all means. This is just my thought.

*** Points that could use some attention ***

There's a couple things in the writing that stand out to me:

*Right*Just opposite was Dula who was also in a cage...
You've already established this in the opening lines. This statement isn't needed and only clutters the narrative.

...but he used to eat all of his seeds and then sings...
The underlined sections are conflicting tenses, you go from past to present tense in this statement.

*Thought*...but he used to eat all of his seeds and sing...

But for Buga life had no hope or Joy as the sky was out of reach and her wings of no use.
I like this line a lot, very evocative. However, I assume the bird has more than one wing. This was likely just a typo.

*** Ending ***

Pretty sad ending. In the few words used in the narrative it leaves a lot of room for thought and analysis. Very well done.

*** Summary ***

There's some things in the narrative that could use some attention, but in its entirety, it speaks volumes. A nice read. A bit bleak in comparison to the beginning, but I like the 180. I enjoyed this writing. Thank you for sharing it and again, welcome to writing.com.

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Review of Things Change  Open in new Window.
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Crosstimbers Author Consortium  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, I found this on a random read & review click, and I'd like to share my thoughts on the writing with you.

This won't be a super in-depth analysis of the writing, as there's not a whole lot here for me to really pick apart. What I can say, however, being a parent (and a car-guy myself) is this is very rooted and impactful in all the right ways.

*** Style and Voice ***

The child's fiddling with language is very well depicted.

I do pity her though. Cars as a hobby is probably the biggest and deepest money-pits known to man. It's fun though.

There's however, once sentence that felt less like the perspective of the child, and more like an outside observer:

*Right*“No Honey, it’s a car, an auto-mobile,” Mom said slowly, trying to keep things straight, without confusing her.
The underlined bit doesn't seem like it's quite in the viewpoint of Tina and more on the outside of the scene looking in. Up to this point, it felt like it was written fairly consistently from Tina's perspective.

Other than that, there was really nothing else I could find blaring out at me in the writing.

*** Summary ***

Nearly the entire narrative is done through dialogue. I'm curious if this was an old dialogue contest entry. I will say, that there's no spot in it that really dampens the narrative. The dialogue is well crafted and believable and strikes the heartstrings of any parent whose had this activity with their kids.

In short, it's quaint, and fun. I don't know how it faired in the contest it was written for, but it gets top marks from me, well done.

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Review of Devil in details  Open in new Window.
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Crosstimbers Author Consortium  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello there, I found this while searching random reads. I see you're only 10 days old here at writing.com so as such I'd like to welcome you. I hope you find this community as helpful as I have these many years. With that said, I'd like to share my thoughts on your writing with you.

Review in affiliation with "Crosstimbers Author ConsortiumOpen in new Window.

*** Opening ***

I like what little words you use doing quite a bit of work. It's short and simple, but it has enough impact to implore me to read more. Well done.

*** Style and Voice ***

There's a few sentences in the writing that trip me up a bit for different reasons that I will explain as I go:

*Right*Every morning, his tie had to be knotted precisely, his shoes shined to a mirror finish, and his coffee brewed at exactly 190 degrees Fahrenheit.

There's a few things here. I'd first mention adding Fahrenheit to the 190 degrees. While I don't mind the unit of measurement, It can be reasonably assumed that its not Celsius or Kelvin or whatever other measurement considering that that would be a pretty extreme temperature. I will say however, in the context of what you're saying, I get why you'd say it. It does kind of add a bit of O.C.D. to the delivery. I'm only commenting that it's adding a bit of context that isn't entirely needed.

I'd also mention you've established in the beginning of the sentence that he does things precisely. Considering that 190 degrees Fahrenheit in itself is already a precise measurement, the adverb exactly is hollow context in a sentence that is already establishing that he is precise. This makes it wordy.

Lastly, there's a LOT of repetition in the sentence. The same modification of the adverbs, I've already mentioned, but the pronoun his is almost like the count of a metronome. This makes it have a boring tempo and really only takes away what the sentence wants to do.

While I like what you're setting up with the sentence as a whole, I think in its format it sort of diminishes the overall oomph of emotional impact it could have on me. This is mildly passive in its delivery and I think a restructuring would hit the reader harder.

*Thought*Every morning, he had to precisely knot his tie, shine his shoes to a mirror finish, and brew his coffee to 190 degrees.
This is only a suggestion, but it removes some unnecessary words that really only diminish the overall idea behind what you're saying.

In short, sometimes less is more.

*Right*Numbers didn’t lie. People did.
That's a great couple sentences right there! This adds in so few words, a lot of depth to this character.

*Right*He kept pulling at the thread, and the picture began to unravel.
Not quite the right wording for this sentence. I have to say is minute as it may seem, this really distracted me.

*Thought*He kept pulling at the thread, and the fabric began to unravel.
Again, just a suggestion, but I think this metaphorically works better.

*** Ending ***

The last sentence was a great juxtaposition. Nicely done.

*** Summary ***

It's a cool gumshoe style story. I really liked it. There's a little in it that I found somewhat lacking which I've mentioned above, but overall, great story. On the whole I'd like to mention you do use a lot of gerund phrases which tend to deliver more passive voicing to the story. Some might find this a bit problematic, but in the overall whole of the story and in its tone, I think it works.

This was a good read, and even if it's not your element, I think you captured the suspense and tension very well. Thank you for sharing it, and again, welcome to writing.com.

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Review of The Last Argument  Open in new Window.
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Crosstimbers Author Consortium  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, I saw your review request so here I am to offer you my thoughts on your work.

Review in affiliation with "Crosstimbers Author ConsortiumOpen in new Window.

*** Opening ***

You're off to a good start. I like the image you've got going, it's not much of a hook to keep me reading but the image is really good.

*** Style and Voice ***

Most of your narrative is accomplished through dialogue, and I have to say, the dialogue is superb. I'm not a big fan of sci-fi, but I think what you have here really puts a human element to something that we perceive as markedly inhuman.

I'll mention that there wasn't any area in the dialogue that I lost track of who is who, which can be difficult to accomplish.

*** Ending ***

This is a solid ending. It leaves a lot of questions for me in a good way. To be quite honest, you've got something interesting here that I'd love to continue reading.

*** Summary ***

I'm not a reader of sci-fi in most cases, but there is more to this than the far-future technological leaps of mankind, this remains firmly rooted to the ground with abstract and obscure feelings felt through something that shouldn't have them. This is a very intriguing story that has a lot of room for direction of thought.

Solace is a remarkable character that I feel has an amazing story following this interaction. Whether the author chooses to write it or not, I find myself branching down different paths of the imagination to determine where this character's outcomes might be.

There's really nothing for me to fault in this writing. I thank you for sharing it. It was a joy to read.

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Review of The Hum  Open in new Window.
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Crosstimbers Author Consortium  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello there, I found your work while browsing newbie writers, and I would like to first extend my welcome to you. I hope writing.com is as wonderful a community to you as it has been to me for all these years. I'd like to spend some time here and share my thoughts on this writing with you.

*** Opening ***

Intriguing first lines. They work well and compel me to read further. I like abstract and obscure things, so this is right up my alley. The entire paragraph reads well and gives away just enough to keep the story dangling like a carrot on a stick. Well done.

*** Style and Voice ***

You really set a good tone with your prose, very similar to the styles that I like. Inward and emotionally evocative in the first couple paragraphs. I feel this character's constant aggravation very well.

I would make a minor suggestion that the inner dialogue of this character might present itself better in the narrative if it were italicized.

Beyond that one thing I can hardly find anything to fault in your writing. You have a very deft hand when it comes to crafting sentences. I think some might fault some of the structuring as being a bit long winded, and perhaps a mild abundance of emdash punctuation, but I think it's quite well-crafted in terms of the voicing you're utilizing.

*Right*There were no windows, no doors that he could remember entering through.
There's an old proverb to never end a sentence in a preposition. I don't always hold to that, but I say that with all of the remarkable prose around it, this sentence actually did distract me for that very reason. Perhaps a different verb might do the trick or simply removing the preposition.

*Right*The walls were smooth, sterile, and the air was heavy with an oppressive stillness that made his chest tighten.
Thus far, the narrative has been well constructed, but I feel I should note that this sentence reads a bit more passive than I feel it should. I think the oppressive stillness should hit the reader a little harder than it is in its current format. I'd suggest restructuring this sentence a hair:
The walls were smooth, sterile, and the air was heavy with an oppressive stillness that tightened his chest.
It's only a small, nearly unnoticeable change, but it gives more oomph and emphasis to the oppressive stillness that's tightening his chest. This in turn gives it more breadth of effect on the reader by giving it some metaphorical color.

*Right*Across from him, a woman sat, her hands twitching in the lap of her loose, faded dress, her fingers moving like they were trying to hold onto something slipping through them.
Seems kind of odd, but after so many great paragraphs, I brought up the entirety of this one. Coincidence perhaps. I'd like to mention that while this sentence is sound, there's kind of an obscene abundance of gerund phrases i.e. 'ing' actions. This sadly diminishes the imagery with less striking verbiage. Restructuring the sentences a bit could fix this, but otherwise I think it's still decent imagery.

*** Imagery ***

I don't think I've ever made a section in a review for imagery, but I'd like to simply mention you set a very gloomy yet vivid tone with your style. I made this section simply for a line that really drives home well.

*Right*Unremarkable, and yet it felt deliberate, as though it had been crafted for the sole purpose of being forgotten.
I must say that is a brilliantly crafted line.

*** Ending ***

I really anticipated that going a different way through the sequence of events, but it ended even darker than it started. Really took me by surprise. Very good, gloomy ending to a well-written tale.

*** Summary ***

I have to say this is a magnificent tale for those that like the more inward reflective prose. I am actually a bit loathe to fault what I've remarked as items that could perhaps use an adjustment, but it's your story. That said, it's a spectacular bit of writing, if you choose not to do anything with what I mentioned, I think you've still got yourself a fine piece of storytelling worthy of praise.

Well done, this was a pleasure to read, thank you for sharing it. I look forward to seeing more of your work, for you certainly have a gift.

Again, welcome to writing.com

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"Crosstimbers Author ConsortiumOpen in new Window.

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Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Crosstimbers Author Consortium  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Nick, I found this while browsing the newbie writers section and would like to share my thoughts with you on the writing. I noticed you've just joined today so Welcome to writing.com, I hope you find this site as welcoming and helpful as I have these many years I've been here.

I'd like to mention before we get going here, I'm not quite at the age where I'm squinting to read this, but I'm close. The font size does make this a bit uncomfortable to read.

*** Opening ***

It takes a couple of lines, but it is compelling once it gets going. I'm willing to let the first line slide a bit as this is in a letter format.

*** Style and Voice ***

I find myself talking loudly to pretend I'm having a conversation with my own echo.
I'd like to just point out that I really like this line with the establishment of the narrative. This really feeds well into the loneliness of the character.

Nothing but dead yellow sand as far as the eye can see.
This is your story and so far, its captivating, the way the character is talking, I don't feel like "dead" is quite the right word. You mention there's a blue dandelion and vegetation so I wouldn't quite call that dead.

*** Ending ***

Somewhere in the end you lost your Italics.

*** Summary ***

I'm not much of a sci-fi guy, but this is more of a reflective, reminiscent writing. There's elements in it where they need to be, but it was more of an inward expression from a lonely character for me. It's intriguing, and verbose enough to be believable. There's a lot of subjects that don't have much context, that is simply due to the format here, but I'd be interested in learning more about the populus war. I'd also like to learn what the character is referring to as 'Earthie' months. I'm curious to know if this is a time dilation thing or simply the seasonal differences of the planet he's currently on. It could be a good start to an interesting narrative. Should you consider pursuing more exploration of this character and his setting.

If not, what you have here was a nice writing. It accomplished what it needed to in its short length, if I had to knit-pick I do wish the Populus War had a little more depth behind it other than a name.

Otherwise, it was charming. Well done, and again welcome to Writing.com

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Review of Aegis 2 - Heist  Open in new Window.
Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Crosstimbers Author Consortium  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello there, I found your writing on the review request page so here I am. I'd like to mention, you asked for an anything goes review, I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I'm deciphering that as a more in-depth review. I won't be going line-by-line, but I'll be going into some pretty nitty gritty detail.

*** Opening ***

I'm usually not real partial to opening with dialogue, but this works fine. I think it does what it needs to do in a few words, and it does it well enough to engage me to go further.

*** Dialogue ***

A lot of the narrative is driven through dialogue, which there's not a problem with that. I think the tags to the dialogue are a bit overbearing and redundant. You're a bit of a saidist. Tagging the dialogue early on is fine, It helps to establish who is who, but it makes things kind of unremarkable.

You have an added advantage in this story because there's only 2 people in it thereby reducing the need for so many tags. i.e. If Catalina said... then the next line, I already know that Mira is talking, so there is no need to tag her with a Mira said... The only true necessary tags are used to establish who is who, emotion, and voice nuance, the rest in my opinion tend to become distracting.

Consider tying the dialogue more into the action. Setting up your characters' actions before whatever line is being said, can remove redundant said, replied, asked. tags.

Your first line for example:
*Right*“Remind me why we can’t just break the door down?” asked Catalina.
Consider putting the reader into the action. You can remove these dialogue tags, and it will make your narrative more engaging. Catalina is clearly irritated with the cautious, slow going, method that Mira is using to do this heist. Knowing that information you can unpack your character a lot more into the exposition. Show her restlessness and anxiety she's getting from impatience. Things like this will give the character more depth and make the dialogue tags less distracting at the same time. This will also give the narrative a lot more vivid imagery.

Some examples of tags that aren't really needed:

*Right*Catalina tried to open their mouth to argue, but thought better of it. They knew that Avery wouldn’t be happy with unnecessary casualties. They clicked their tongue with a frown and looked at the orb.

“We got what we came for. Lets get the hell out of here before I actually have to kill somebody.” said Catalina.

With a restructuring of this, you wouldn't need the dialogue tag. A quick action by Catalina, followed by what she says, and the redundancy is gone.

*Right*“So much for stealth. Mira, lets get this over with.”

“We tried our best, but it seems Avery underestimated the people.” said Mira...

In those two lines, since Avery is addressing Mira with her name you're setting up the dialogue so that I already know who is talking. Therefore, you do not need to tag Mira in the following line.

That said, after those two lines, you go into a pretty enormous paragraph followed by more dialogue. This is where you need a tag, because there's no way for the reader to know who is talking.

An example of a line without a tag that works well into the action and still establishes who said the line:
*Right*Mira began counting down.

“Five... four... three...” reality itself began to quake. They went faster and faster, Catalina smiling all the way. This was the part they enjoyed the most.

You've established before the dialogue through action, that this is Mira's line. This works well into the action and the pace.

*** Style and Voice ***

OK. Now we can talk about the voicing and telling vs. showing. You tend to tell the reader what is happening more than you show it. The whole narrative reads like you're doing an instant replay in a sporting event, only mentioning the bare minimum of atmosphere, and action. This contributes to a shallower story. Put me in the shoes of these characters. Everything is better shown through the five senses: Sight, Smell, Touch, Taste, Sound. This will add depth and richness to the narrative.

*Right*...replied Mira, trying to figure out the security system to the building.
This line has a couple things that could use some attention. The Gerund phrase that I've underlined makes it read in a passive voice and is a bit weak in impact, this in turn also contributes to a Telling vs. Showing. But first let's discuss the gerund phrase because there's a good few of them in the writing. Gerund phrases are verbs ending in "ing." Sometimes, as a writer, they can simply feel unavoidable, and sometimes they are. I've got no problems with a couple, but generally the make for a weaker delivery of the scene because they diminish the action with passive voice. A way to make this a more active sentence would be something like this:
replied Mira, as she to navigated through the building's security systems.
Something like that delivers better because the verbs are more definitive, this adds more vivid imagery to the scene.

That said, the whole line is telling more than it is showing. You can explore a lot of exposition here with this security system. How is she trying to figure it out? Is she hacking a mainframe? Is she at a terminal somewhere? Is she in a relay box? Where on the building are they? Are they in the building? There's a lot of possibilities with this line that could add a lot of richness to the atmosphere.

*Right*They slapped the air in front of them and the chopper began to spin like something had hit its tail.
This is another example of telling vs. showing. I get what you're trying to say there, at least I think, their slaps are producing some sort of sonic, or kinetic wave? You can explore that a bit, talk about the air displacement, or the other physics of it I might not understand. You could also talk about the impact on the craft itself. All of these would deliver a better picture to your reader.

*Right*...much to the credit of this world’s future technology...
This doesn't read correctly in the context of the story. The two characters you've introduced are clearly more advanced in their technology than the chopper, so I think you meant to say, primitive technology

*Right*Bullets bounced off Catalina and Mira like mosquito bites
In my experience, mosquito bites don't bounce. I would consider a different simile.

*Right*One hit Catalina in the eye, making them have to blink a little in frustration.
This is very telling to the reader. Put me in the eyes of this character for a moment here, frustration has a lot of symptoms. You could mention any of those to better show me the frustration this character has more so than "blink a little"

*Right*...overwhelming presence of power over them as the gateway began to open...
This is another example of telling vs. showing. There's a lot of cool things atmospherically that you could do with a gateway opening. Talk about what it looks like, what it sounds like, what does it do to the air around it?

*** Grammar ***

*Right*Catalina tried to open their mouth to argue, but thought better of it.
No comma needed here.

*Right*It turned its side to them, soldiers with guns shouting to put their hands up.
These are two independent clauses that while in your own mind are related, but grammatically they aren't. Therefore, the comma here is what is known as a comma splice. This could be fixed with either separating these clauses into two sentences, a semicolon (although in the context of the line, this really wouldn't work) Or you can add something to the chopper to make the sentence work better. Turning to its side and revealing the bay where the soldiers are would be a way to do this. Otherwise, your 2nd clause is not establishing that these soldiers are in the chopper, even if you and I know they are.

*** Summary ***

The story has some quality to it. That much is certain. The foundation is there and the suspense is there. That said, a lot of the narrative is diminished by redundant tags, and telling vs. showing. While the pace moves pretty quickly, there's a lot of missed opportunities to explore more of the atmosphere around the characters you've introduced through their own eyes. This will better engage the reader, and hold their interest. It's not a bad story, and with refinement, it could really drive to be a solid and suspenseful sequence of events.

Here are some articles that I think could better help you further your understanding of dialogue tags, and showing vs telling.

SAIDism Open in new Window. (E)
The bane of good dialogue.
#1317481 by Ladyoz Author IconMail Icon

This is a really good article to help understand when and when not to use dialogue tags. I'm sharing this with you because I am also guilty of over-tagging, that's why I know about this article.

This is a great article discussing the differences between showing and telling, written by a member of writing.com that I consider to be one of the very best.

Thanks for posting it on the reviewing page. It has a lot of potential. I wish you well and hope to see more of your work.

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Review by J. M. Kraynak Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Crosstimbers Author Consortium  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello there and welcome to writing.com

I saw your message in the noticing newbies forum, and I am here to offer you my thoughts on your work.

Let me first caution you that the content of your narrative does not match the rating you've given it. Your character uses some curse words, making this not suitable for everyone, which is what you rated it. Some more information on the content rating system can be found here:

"Content Rating System (CRS)Open in new Window.

After reading this, I'm under the impression that this is perhaps translated to English, if that is the case, I suppose I ought to be reviewing the translator but either way if it is or isn't, I'm here to offer suggestions and mark what I found in the writing that could use some attention. I'll mention there's quite a few errors in this, and I've only marked some of the ones I found to be most distracting.

*** Opening ***

I'll say it's not often that I come across a writing that's in 2nd person point of view. You're already establishing a link to the reader this way that is intriguing. This is a brave endeavor, 2nd person in my experience requires a certain finesse and style that seems to elude me.

Your opening is ominous, but its lacking a bit of context at the end I'll elaborate on this below in the style and voicing section of the review, however despite that, it does pull me in.

*** Style and Voicing ***

*Right*As you walk on the bridge at midnight, the eerie silence makes your hair stand. Stand what? Stand on end?
The opening line of your story is your one shot at hooking the reader into the narrative. While you've set the tone, you've done it merely by addressing the reader directly. There's more that can be done in this sentence as it is lacking depth and richness due to it telling me what I'm experiencing rather than showing me. Perhaps a rephrasing and a bit more of the symptomatic effect the eerie silence has could achieve this. Consider:
Goosebumps crawl up and down your skin and your hair stands on end during the midnight walk across the bridge. The eerie silence...
Just a suggestion, but you can explore a lot of reader experiences through their senses. Feel, touch, taste, smell, sight. All of these excite emotions and have an impact on the narrative. You can also accomplish a lot of showing over telling, by giving these ominous, abstract (eerie silence) ideas life. Eerie silence can act on your subject i.e. the reader. This can be accomplished by using vivid and distinct verbs. To set the tone you're trying to achieve I'd suggest something like pricking, stabbing, teasing, whispering, etc. Subtle but lively enough to give it some life.

Upon further reading, your opening conflicts with the rest of your narrative. As the very next line of the narrative and throughout its entirety thereafter is now in first person perspective. This is a glaring distraction to the reader too early in to not mention. This, however can easily be rectified by changing the pronouns in your opening lines to I, Me, We, Us, etc.

*Right*...do a number on one's mind.
This is another example of telling rather than showing. There's a lot of emotional potential here that can be explored. Reflective and philosophical sentences can really pull on the reader's strings (so long as they're not overused, something I'm guilty of doing.) Elaborate on the "do a number." What is it doing? Is it making the mind wander? Is it evoking feelings of emotion? Is it causing some kind of delirium or tricks of the light? All these things could be potential causes of a "do a number" statement.

*Right*...lead to company with Mr. cold.
This does evoke some degree of eeriness and it is spooky, but it reads a little odd. If the underlined is an entity, or even if you're just giving a sort of title to the temperature, the 'C' needs to be capitalized.

*Right*As I hold the palm sized dull bronze key in my hand, its cold metallic touch sends a shiver down my spine.
I'll mention that the previous sentence said the key was copper rather than bronze so there's a conflict there, however, this is a good image, and an example of exploring your reader's senses rather than simply telling them context. It is however a bit weak in its structure due to some unnecessary context which clutters the image. I've underlined them above. Being that it's a key, unless its unusually small or large, we can assume it fits in the palm of the hand thereby that context isn't needed. You've also stated that it's bronze, being that bronze is a metal, I already know that the key is going to have a metallic feel, therefore that context is also not needed.
As I hold the dull bronze key in my hand, its cold touch sends a shiver down my spine.
Simply removing hollow context delivers a greater impact to the image. This is however, an otherwise solid example of showing over telling.

There's a lot of repetition in the first half of your story. You've used the word cold 4 times in 3 paragraphs, this can be very distracting to the reader and also makes the narrative a bit flat. Sometimes simple is better but there's a lot that can be unpacked from the word "cold." Again consider exploring the reader's senses, what does the cold do to you? It makes you shiver, it gives you goosebumps, it makes your breath visible, it makes your teeth chatter, etc. All of this will give the narrative more flavor and character and add an alluring life to the setting just by exploring something as trivial as the word "cold."

*** Grammar ***

There's some mishmash in here. Again, I think this is likely due to a translation function, but I'll cite some examples:

*Right*Yesterday's rain have washed the bridge for the third time in this week. no period needed And itsit's only the fourth day of the week.
To avoid repetition of the word 'week' consider replacing the underlined section with an actual day i.e. Thursday. The whole sentence would read like this:
Yesterday's rain washed the bridge for the third time this week and it's only Thursday.

*** Ending ***

I am curious to see what significance this key has in the tale. This is an intriguing closing to the chapter.

*** Summary ***

As much potential as the narrative has to evoke tension and suspense, it is diminished due to odd sentence structure, pronoun misuse, "to be" form misuse, and very jumbled prose.

I'm relatively certain that this was translated from a different language to English, so I can't fault the writer if that is the case, but I will make note that it is a distraction.

I had to labor to understand the narrative due to the odd linguistics, but from what I was able to discern through a restructuring and replacing of certain words, the narrative is ominous and brooding. I'd be interested to read it once it is polished, as it has a lot of potential.

I hope the marks I've mentioned above don't discourage you from exploring the wonders of writing, I'm not here to bash someone's ability, but rather offer assistance where I think it might be needed.

I've included articles as well as a unique exercise below to help elaborate on showing vs. telling.

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Showing Why Showing is Important Open in new Window. (18+)
Why showing is important in fiction
#1970226 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon

This is a great article written by a member of writing.com that I consider to be one of the best authors here.

"Show vs Tell ClassroomOpen in new Window.
This is a terrific exercise that can help solidify your understanding of showing vs. telling.

I hope this review helps! Thank you for sharing it, and should you prefer a more in depth review than the one I gave here I can give you a private review, going line-by-line through the narrative. I wish well and again would like to welcome you to writing.com!

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