SnowFire Dawn Will Be Your Reviewer Today
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Please Note that all My Reviews are my Own Thoughts and you may take form them what you see fit.....This is a Teen Creative Review for your Package From Gothic Angel
What I Liked: What a Great look into some of the Charactors I heard about in the other one, This helps Explan alot on the Over all Stroy Line, Great Work, it has a interesting Feel to it. Its Really Got my Attention....Great Job doing that.
Over all Thought: Anough Great Short Story, these have some intersting Charactors and Base Stroy lines, Great Work in Tying them all Togeater....
SnowFire Dawn Will Be Your Reviewer Today
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Please Note that all My Reviews are my Own Thoughts and you may take form them what you see fit.....This is a Teen Creative Review for your Package From Gothic Angel
What I Liked: This is a Great Piece the Rhyme Sceme and Flow are great. You a Couplet format that you did really will. The Flow of the ideas form one to the other is strongly worded and very well written. The Piece has a Sorrowful Tune but also has a Sweet undertune if it goes as the Narritor hopes. Hopes and Dreams, Fears and Sorrow. What a Great Balence of the different Emotions Love can Bring....Great Work
What Needs Work or Changing: I saw No where in the piece that needed Ether....However I do think if it could be a little more Detailed in the Stroy or the feelings it could be an Even Better Piece....But it still a Wonderful Piece
Over all Thought: This is Such a Lovely Piece on love and lose you take the feeling of fear and hope and Tangle them together into a great Piece. Great work on the Flow and The Couplets....Anywho that all I've Got to Say, So Keep Writing......
So Til Next We Meet Blessed Be, and Have a Merry Holdays Snowfire Dawn
Dawn Here To Review you For the Belaten Shadows and Late Contest.
First of all I am so sorry for the wait, it been a rough time for me of late. So Anywho on to the Review.
What I Liked: This is a great use of the Abcd syllabic format, and the use of the prompt is cool. I Liked that it wasn't anything I would have thought of a way to use it.
What Needs Work or Changed: I didn't see anywhere that needed it.
Over All Thought: Great piece, strong Imagary with great Diction and rhyme. Thanks for the Entry and I hope to see you again when we reopen next year...
HarvestDawn Here to Review You for the Shadows and Light Contest
First of all I so sorry for the wait, It been a hard year, anywho, Good Luck and I hope to see you again when we reopen next year.
What I Liked: This is a Great Piece I love the way the prompts all flow togeather, and of chose the use of the prompt. YOur Diction and tone are great.
What Needs Work or Changed: I saw nowhere in the piece that needed ether. So Good Luck, and Bye...
Til Next We Meet Blessed Be.
Over all Thought: Great Entry with wonderful imagary and use of the prompts.
HarvestDawn Here To Review You for the Shadows and Light Contest
What I Liked: First of all I'm sorry for your lose, I can still remember the pain that my Grandfathers death caused me, so this is very personal to me, it a wonderful piece with dark Shadows of memorys river playing on a persons Heart Strings.
What Needs Work or Changed: Nothing this is great.
Over All Thought: This is great, I love the imagery and the flow of the sorrow and memorys. Wonderful Pieces. Once Again Good Luck, and I hope to see you again when we Reopen Next year....
Bleeding Dawn Reviews For Shadows and Light A Contest
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Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest. Now Good Luck in the Contest, and I thank you for your entry and your interest in my Contest. Anywho, On To the Review.
What I Liked: This is wonderful, what a tale, and great use of all the prompts in one piece....I love that way it reads, the word use is great, and so many meaning in this piece it captavating....Draws you in to the flames...Great Work...
What Needs Work or Changed: I saw nowhere in the piece that needed ether...
Over All Thought: This is a great piece I Love the story and the word use...Great Job, and as always good luck...
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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Bleeding Dawn Reviews For Shadows and Light A Contest
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Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest. Now Good Luck in the Contest, and I thank you for your entry and your interest in my Contest. Anywho, On To the Review.
What I Liked: This is a good use of the prompt it flows well and reads wonderfully...I like the story the lost of innocences. Sad yet beautiful tale....Darkly writen...
What Needs Work or Changed: I saw no errors or mistakes throughout the piece...Flows well and reads good....
Over All Thought: This is a great read... I like the tale of lost innocence, something that is seen in this world far to it is easy to relate to...Wonderful tale....Beautiful write...So Good Luck and I hope to see you again. as Always...
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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Bleeding Dawn Reviews For Shadows and Light A Contest
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Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest. Now Good Luck in the Contest, and I thank you for your entry and your interest in my Contest. Anywho, On To the Review.
This is a great wirte the story of a lovers pain, paints a picture of agony know to all. This is a great write atha flows worndrully with a tale of heart ache. This is a great read, and a wonderful entry. Thank you for doth the read and this great entry....What a story of lover ache...
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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Bleeding Dawn Reviews For Shadows and Light A Contest
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Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest. Now Good Luck in the Contest, and I thank you for your entry and your interest in my Contest. Anywho, On To the Review.
This is a wonderuflly dark piece, you paint a lovely picture of fate at her best and her darkess. I love the use of the prompt and the way the poem flowed with such ease, this is a great piece. I saw no mistakes or miss steps in the writing it self, it is a wonderful read. Thankd again for you entry, and for the read.....
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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Bleeding Dawn Reviews For Shadows and Light A Contest
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Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest. Now Good Luck in the Contest, and I thank you for your entry and your interest in my Contest. Anywho, On To the Review.
What I Liked: Wow, this is great I love the use of the prompt so creative....this is a wonderful read with a great flow and a storng meaning in a sea of pain, and sorrow all have known in one way or another...that just adds to the power in the words you took that and made it into a great read that all can relate to...Wonderful Work...
What I Think Needs Work or Changed: I saw nowhere that it was in need of ether this is a great reads....
Over all Thought: This is a powerful read with a great meaning that every one can relate to...Great work in making that into the peice, and giving it a light all can follow....So anyhoo, this is a great piece....So Good luck, and Goodbye...
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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Bleeding Dawn Reviews For Shadows and Light A Contest
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Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest. Now Good Luck in the Contest, and I thank you for your entry and your interest in my Contest. Anywho, On To the Review.
What I Liked: This is a wonderful piece, I love the story, what a sweet bloody Valentine....Truely a lovers tale of Shakespeares Standing...Wonderful I love the creativety the flow, the well everything this piece is just great....
What I Think Needs Work or Changed: I saw nowhere that it was in need of ether of those things....I love it...
Over All Thought: What a wonderful Bloody Valentine this is a great read i love the read it was wonderful...anyhoo, I truely sorry fo rthe amount of time it took me to get this out, and thank you and everyone else for there understanding....the Winners should be up today, so Check it out, anyhoo Good Luck and Good Bye...
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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Bleeding Dawn Reviews For Shadows and Light A Contest
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Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest. Now Good Luck in the Contest, and I thank you for your entry and your interest in my Contest. Anywho, On To the Review.
What I Liked: This is such a heartbreaking song...Truely used the prompt well, and give it to a light I'ed didn't think of useing it as a comparision to music...Great job in the creativety of the piece, and flow and over all read of the piece.
What I Think Needs work or Changed: I saw nowhere that it was in need of ether of these things...
Over All Thought: This is a great read, creative and powerful in meaning and in use...Great Job, and I'm Truely sorry for the time it took me to get these out....So Good luck, and Goodbye...
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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Bleeding Dawn Reviews For Shadows and Light A Contest
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Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest. Now Good Luck in the Contest, and I thank you for your entry and your interest in my Contest. Anywho, On To the Review.
What I Liked: I love this form it so fun to read, it fun creative, and flows great....I like the use of the prompts as well, this is a great read....
What I Think Needs Work or Changed:I saw nowhere in this piece that was in need of ether of these things
Over All Thought: This is a great write that I loved to read and it was just a new fun way to write wonderful job in both acounts....Thanks for the Support, and I truely sorry for the time it took me to get this out....So Goodbye and Good Luck
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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Bleeding Dawn Here To Review you for C.A.T.S Auction
This is a really great Group, the idea is great and it set up wonderfully, I love the idea it's a really nice way to help the newbes understand and feel walcome into this wonderful community....Great Work....I'm sorry it took me so long to great you this last reivew.... I just couldn't decide on what to review, I hope it okey, that I didn't review a poem for the last review, I felt out of every thing in your port this really needed a review.... It truely is a wonderful Idea....
Bleeding Dawn Here to Review You for C.A.T.S Auction.
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Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest.
What I Liked: This is another powerful piece, that has a sadness ringing in the words. That makes it stand out in my mind, makes it as great a read as I think it is....
What I Think Needs Work or Changed: I saw nowhere in the piece that needed ether.
Over All Thought: This is a really good read. Thanks for Sharing....
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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Bleeding Dawn Here to Review You for C.A.T.S Auction.
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Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest.
What I Liked: This is a sweet poem, I love the banner for it as well. I like how though the whole thing there thinking on there words a wondering it what they say really means what it sounds to be....I like that in the end they release that don't mean what they say, and never really did...
What I Thinks Needs Work or Changing: I didn't find any mis-takes or etc...
Over All Thought: This is powerful piece, that has a sweeter meaning then some of the other I review... I like the peaceful way it read, and the happy ending per-say...
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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Bleeding Dawn Here to Review You for C.A.T.S Auction.
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Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest.
What I Liked: This is yet another dark and powerful piece, I really like this one. It a story that some popel in ways can relate to making it all the more meaning for to the people who read it. I like this Line "Beware of what lies beyond the shadows. For me I'd say it was may fave in this piece...
What I Think Needs Work or Changing: I saw nowhere it may need ether.
Over All Thought: This is a really good piece, that I found to be a great read. Thanks for Sharing....
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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Bleeding Dawn Reviews For Shadows and Light A Contest
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Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest. Now Good Luck in the Contest, and I thank you for your entry and your interest in my Contest. Anywho, On To the Review.
What I Liked: What a lonely tone.....I loved the way it flows with such strong words and a heart strong as a river flows.... Beauitful... you used the prompt in a creative way, Great Job this is a wonderful piece....
What Needs Work or Changed: What needs To be Change well be in Blue "For more time, he'd trade his soul" The Trade I think should be Traded.... it sounds better and fix's the miss in the flow ....
Over All Thought: This is a wonderful tale truely written form a heart broken as the Melody for which the name gives light.....Wonderful Shadows intertwined in this....Great Work, this is a Wonderful Read.... Now Good Luck, and I hope to see you again....
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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Bleeding Dawn Reviews For Shadows and Light A Contest
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Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest. Now Good Luck in the Contest, and I thank you for your entry and your interest in my Contest. Anywho, On To the Review.
What I Liked: This is a Great piece I love the Story, this is Wonderful. Your Words sweet, lonely song wonders the ear as you read the words in a sorrow story of lost love...Beautiful
What I Think Needs Work or Changed: I saw where it needed Ether.....
All Over Thought: This is a Wonderful Read, truely....So Good Luck, and See Ya...
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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Dear Lady, that was funny...I can't stop laughing.... Cute I truely loved it...I meant have to go get the book, this was wonderful....You have a way with words...Wonderful piece...Thanks for the Wonderful read....
Bleeding Dawn Reviews For Shadows and Light A Contest
Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest. Now Good Luck in the Contest, and I thank you for your entry and your interest in my Contest. Anywho, On To the Review.
What I Liked: What a beautiful tale of a Deaths Garden...You same to be able to view in in one's mind if you read close anough....Wonderful..
What I think Needs Work or Changed: I saw no Errors, or brakes in the flow Etc... So Good work....
Over all Thought: The Piece is Strongly Written with a dark but lovely tone and a beautiful flow...Good Work... and Good luck... and as Always Hope to see you agian....
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest. Oh and before the review, Welcome to WDC, I hope you having a good time, I hope you enjoy your time here....
What I Liked: This is a wonderful story poem. Great form, great flow, and a great and powerful meaning. So intertesting to read, you pulled me in on the first line, and by the title both drow me into your world of good and evil. Great Work. Truely great piece.
What I Think Needs Work or Changed: Nothing I saw no mistakes, and I believe there nothing wrong with the piece.
Over All Thought: I really enjoyed this piece it shows you great potantal as a writer. Wonderful read, thanks so much.
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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Please Note, all my reviews are what I think, and are meant to be helpful. Take Form them what you well and leave the rest.
What I LIked: This poem is one I can understand in more then one way. I know what it like to have it feel as if they don't care or your not good enough. But your be surpresed at just how much they do, but there are those that don't....and if your is one I so sorry noone deserves such a thing. Anywho, off track.......The piece is strong with a hurt melody of a childs heart in the words of the auther ringing like a strom on twilights sky. Wonderful form, and flow, never uncompect thought or etc...Great Work.
What I Think Needs Work or Changed: Nothing, the form and all was fine....
Over All Thought: Bueatifully powerful piece. I understand and can see the pain of such things in your words. You give the reader feeling it is what I truely love as a reader is to feel. So Good Work.
Til We Meet Again, Blessed Be.
Bleeding Dawn.
May the Lady watch over you and yours. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.
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