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568 Public Reviews Given
574 Total Reviews Given
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Overall impression, likes, suggestions, positive closing. I am honored to do reviews upon request, usually on the first day 2023 Quill Winner 2023 BEST REVIEWER
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...emphasizing positive things in addition to at least one suggestion2023 Quill Winner 2023 BEST REVIEWER
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Biography, short stories, all styles of poetry.
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Horror, Dark because I am not fond of voluntarily being scared.
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True stories and experiences
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Anything that scares me
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I will review anything. I have reviewed books, however, they take a lot of time, the turnaround is longer than 3 days.
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Review of Kitchen Magic  
Review by tracker
Rated: E | (5.0)

I am reviewing your essay, "Kitchen Magic". I am happy to see another entry from you.

Initial Impression: What a delightful childhood story. Sharing the cooking experiences was a fun way to get to know something about your past. All the elements of a good short story are present.

What I liked: I loved each example of culinary genius. I wanted an Easy Bake Oven too. My youngest sister got one. She did not want any help playing with it. I hope you were able to bake again according to the instructions with more cake mix. The insertion of images like saying an incantation and the road to cooking, like Rome was not smooth. I laughed until I cried. Your style is so subtle but unmistakably clever.

I enjoyed reading your account of cooking at home. Just when I thought I couldn’t laugh anymore, in came the coup coup d'état, the meatloaf heavy on oats and light on meat. Your ending was a wise solution. It was a sure thing a cookbook would lead you to successful cooking and baking.

Your story is technically flawless. I look forward to reading many more of your stories. Your sense of humor is unmatched.

Write On!

*Cool* tracker

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DWG Autumn Sig
A clover image for the Power Group to use
Review by tracker
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Shepard,

This is a review of "Tarot Project 05 - The Heriophant". This review was requested on the Please Review page. It is important to correct the spelling of the name. It is spelled Hierophant.

1. Impression of the illustration: Looking at the illustration, I felt his wisdom from his white beard. There is a mythical feel to him. It is a strong image as he seems to be reflecting on his teachings with his eyes looking downward. The colors and patterns give him an ancient look perfect for a Tarot card. This is another great distinctive card for a child's Tarot deck.

2. The poem is strong. It plays on the strong character of this wise philosopher. Your active verbs tell the story. There appears to be one typo. I think the word “wheather” was meant to be whether.

Another strong page in your children’s book. Your poetry is clear and concise. Your illustrations are top-notch.

Write on!


Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Shepard,
I have read and am ready to review “Tarot Project 4 – The Emperor”, both the poem and your illustration. I found your request in the WdC’s please review page. It is part of “The Children’s Book of Tarot”.

1. Impression of Illustration. I see the strength of the Emperor demonstrated by his muscular arms and chest. I like the yellow and orange sphere. The card’s painting is very balanced with the figures on the four corners. His clothing, like the Empress, is wonderfully detailed. It gives the picture depth---a 3D effect. I am not clear what the brown skeletal legs signify.

2. Your poem tells the Emperor’s story. It flows and supports the strength and maturity of the Emperor within your pattern of eight lines. I am puzzled by “Morning’s Son”. Each time I went back over it I thought of the sun and not of a son. At the end of the poem, when he comes back as a son, I thought that might be the tie-in. I was left confused. I like the personification of the sun retreating to the Earth. I also liked the use of capital letters for Morning, Son, Earth, and Mother. It gave them importance.

3. Your cards so far are intricate. You want them to be unique. Being inspired as an artist has transferred meaning to your illustrations very well. They become more interesting the longer that you look at them. I am unaware of any books for children. Yours would be in high demand. Great work! You left me ready to read more!

DWG Autumn Sig

Review of My Lament  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good evening Marqueena,

I am a friend of your sister's. I came to your portfolio to wish you a Happy Birthday. I hope you are having a wonderful special day. I noticed your poetry. I read the first one and would like to review it and give you my impressions. It is called "My Lament".

What I liked: The tempo is wonderful. The rhythm starts immediately. It felt like I was singing a hymn. The message is clearly stated. Your reverence is thoughtful and expressed with the sounds of thanksgiving. The focus of the Lord being your advisor, your strength, and a constant in your life is inspiring from your first to the last word. I like the way you talked about how He, like a father, holds your hand and guides you. Who better to wipe your tears and reaffirm he is the way, the truth, and the light. He relieves strife, disappointment, and despair. You seek him and he is there, constant, always there to give you comfort and ultimately calm. Each motion is expressed in rhyme. You did not need to take random words and make them rhyme. They fell into rhyme naturally. I can tell this is a fervent prayer. Hearing a prayer in poetry has been music to my ears.

You write beautifully. We do trust in the Lord and lean not unto our own understanding. Some days nothing seems to go right. By nature, I think we want to handle our lives as things come up. When things turn out well, we give Him all the praise and Glory. If things persist and are not resolved, we lift up our hands and beseech Him for comfort and blessing. Your poem reminded me of my grandmother reading to me from her Bible. Those are precious moments and I thank you for stirring those fond memories with her.

Keep on writing. You are a terrific poet. I love the words, the meaning and the pace of "My Lament". Happy Birthday!


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#1300305 by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello again Shepard,

Today I am reviewing “Tarot Project 03 – The Empress”. I found your request on WdC’s please review page. This is a fabulous project you are creating. I am formatting this according to your review request.

1. Impression of illustration: I am impressed! I feel good about the illustration matching the poem. I am in awe of the detail in the gown and train. The multi-colored hair gives her such a distinctive look. The milky skin depicts royalty. They don’t ever need to toil in the fields or expose their sensitive skin to the harmful rays of the sun. I love the qui

2. How the poem made me feel: I feel good about the illustration matching the poem. It flowed, as I imagine her gown would, with the train behind her. The profile of her face shows her looking demur while she is pouting. I detect a hint of a smile. The scene keeps pulling my eyes toward Venus. I have been mulling over having no punctuation. I would suggest the same as in previous pieces. Commas and periods guide the reader. The words from the second to third lines don’t make sense if run together. Likewise, for the sixth to seventh line. I am not deducting again for those. I liked the use of capital letters as if in reverence to her. Great job!

3. This was another great experience looking at a new take on Tarot cards targeted at a children’s audience. The poems help the traveler visually see where his journey is taking him. Characteristics, like the Beauty of the Empress, are illustrated effectively. You have a knack for blending colors that give the subjects a modern look in ancient times. Another resounding thumbs up! In closing, these are my opinions. Please take what is helpful and not worry about the rest. You are a gifted poet and illustrator.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann

A clover image for the Power Group to use

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Shepard,
I like your children’s tarot book. The illustrations are detailed and specific characteristics that apply to that one teaching the fool a lesson. I am reviewing “Tarot Project 02 – The High Priestess”.
1. Impression of the illustration: The picture of the high priestess is awesome. Her character is strengthened by the big stars with the Star in the East on the right. Her gown is stunning. The way her hands are held in a delicate manner gives her a soft look as she represents femininity. The veil around all but her eyes gives her a majestic look. The picture is in balance with her standing straight with both arms and hands in the same position. Her place in the Arcana is one of balance and mediator. So far, my favorite illustration.

2. The poem was skillfully written. You had the characteristic of femininity to work into the poem. You wrote a period at the end of lines two, four, and eight. I would suggest putting one at the end of line six for consistency. Punctuation is your call, I just like to see it carried out the same through the poem. You could keep the suggestion of the first poem which is to put a comma instead of a period at end of line 2 and 6, with a period at the end of line 4 and 8. I like femininity and nocturnally as a match. Nice one!

3. Overall, I think the message of the High Priestess is right on. I would like to see the punctuation consistent. The illustration, especially the blue shade of her gown, is perfect. Great writing, Shepard. The poem flows at a good pace and the words are not forced, like some poems are, which makes yours terrific to read out loud.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Shepard,

I enjoyed the opening poem in your book. I will do as many as I am able to at one sitting as I am invested in reviewing the entire book. I am ready to review “Tarot Project 01 – The Magician”

1. Impression of illustration: He is a distinctive Magician. I like the colors that contrast the black. They add a mystical element.. His hat leans toward that of a witch, but it is okay. The colors inside his robe are enchanting. The pastels, yellow and blue, designed around him and the background give the card a feel of Tarot. The right hand looks gimpy.

2. The poem continues with a nice pace. The characteristics are up above which I take are part of the page. If you take a look, there is a typographical error: strenght should be strength. I wondered if you meant to have no punctuation. It was hard for me, the reader, to tell when to pause. I would suggest a comma at the end of the second and sixth lines. I suggest putting a period at the end of the fourth and eighth line so the reader knows when to pause.

3. Overall, I am feeling the pattern from the first to the second poem. The illustration directly relates to the message of the poem. The poem itself clearly tells the lesson the Magician is there to tell, as well as what happens if the reverse were true. Great job!

Right on and Write On!


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Good evening, Shepard.

I found your request to review on WdC’s please review page. I plan to review your entire “The Children’s Book of Tarot. I have given 63 reviews. Today I was notified I have been nominated for a Quill Award for reviewing. I begin with ‘Taro Project 00- The Foolish Man”. I read Tarot cards which I think will be a plus. These reviews will be my opinion. Please take what sounds helpful and discard the rest.

Let the quest begin!

1. Impression of the illustration: The first thing that struck me is the top of his hat is cut off. I would suggest illustrating the whole hat. The fool himself is neat. I like the silver face, the pointed ears, and the inquisitive face. The hat and cloak colors go well together.I love the shade of blue in the background. It is interesting you gave him a cleft chin with a dimple in the middle. “In many cultures, dimples are a sign of beauty, youth, and luck.” (source: MedicineNet, a division of WebMD www.medicinenet.com). I do not know who the people in the background are. Perhaps they are faced in opposite directions to indicate choices? You might want to look at his left hand which looks distorted to me. It looks cartoonish. It may be your intention. I won’t know until I look at the coming illustrations if this is consistent, then it is understood as is. I do not see the age range for the story. Older kids are used to seeing unusual characters. If it is younger children, they might be afraid of him. He does totally matches the poem.

2. The poem is wonderful. The meter is delightful. The syllable count matches. There is a light and cheerful pace I like. The narrative is clear, telling us who he is and what he is going to do. You did not insert words because they rhyme. One correction. Move along’s (singular possessive) should be Move alongs (plural).

3. Overall, I think this is a perfect first page experience for the reader with a few tweaks. Great writing! I am looking forward to moving on to “Tarot project 01-The Magician”.


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann

A clover image for the Power Group to use

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Listen to the Trees
Review by tracker
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Blog City image small

Hello Prosperous Snow,

I saw your post on the newsfeed about your new entry "Listen to the Trees." I read it and felt the need to review it and give you feedback.

Technically, your poem is more than sound, it is flawless. The meter was pleasing. The exclamation points at the end of the first line of each stanza produced nice imagery and emphasized listening with a sense of urgency. The pinnacle is when they raise their voices "To the Living Lord." There is power in the increase in volume at that point.

Your poem has an extra infusion of inspiration. I read your blog entry where you talked about your routine of writing the night before, often inspired by what you are reading. When people aren't knocking on your door, do you think your inspiration comes particularly at night? When most in our hemisphere are sleeping, it is a quiet time. Do you think it allows you to be open to the ideas flowing in your head?

I liked the aesthetics of your poem. The lines form a nice symmetrical pattern. The pattern of 5 and 7 syllables was just right. For me, that sends the message that your ideas were well thought out, using clear and specific words. I read more of your poems. Your style is soothing. I will be reading more.

Thank you for this poem, as you say in your portfolio description, your work is inspired by God's glory. It was a joy to read and the message about saving the planet is important and timely. You have things to say and a beautiful way of saying them.

Write on!

Blog City Prompt Forum  (E)
Message forum for Blog City group members to place their entries to blog prompts
#1972533 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Why do I write?  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Khola mousethyme,

I saw your note in the newsfeed. You mentioned in it that you rarely are reviewed. I needed to remedy that. I selected a recent entry with the provocative title "Why do I Write? I wanted to know the answer.

Overall impression: I liked your article for several reasons. It is written as a short story with your opening sentence declaring you are a writer. The hook in that along with the next sentence revealed you, the protagonist, are an avid writer. Regrettably, there appeared to be no audience for your work. I wanted to know more.

Details: The body of your piece explains your "vicious cycle". I was already convinced you are a terrific and expert writer. Going without writing was like cutting off both of your hands. If that happened, I have no doubt you would learn to write with your toes. Your desire to get some of those "thousands of ideas constantly swimming around" written down won in the end. Your tie-in from "I am a writer" to your answer, "I write because I can't not write" was a terrific twist of words. As a bonus, the piece is flawless, devoid of any technical errors.

Thank you for your tale about writing. I am going to read more of your work. I may not do formal reviews, but make you aware of what I read. I encourage you to not give up on contests. Many contests are judged subjectively. In some of the contests I have entered, the moderator has given feedback. My review here is subjective in that it is just my opinion. You can take away the things that are helpful and discard the rest.

Great job! I thoroughly enjoyed reading “Why do I Write?” Write on!


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

A clover image for the Power Group to use

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Pondering  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Paul,
I saw your note on the newsfeed replying with your thoughts about reviewing. I knew I wanted to read your work. I decided to read the first piece listed on your portfolio."Pondering" is the first one.

Overall impression: The opening provides all the elements of a good story. A hook, making me anticipate what you would ponder. Your poem goes on to successfully give the setting, the reason for your pondering, and expressions of frustration and dismay. It was clear how you were feeling. How difficult to see the vivacious, caring, and loyal wife of four decades disappear. You no longer had "Her". Your words accomplished the goal of a poem which is to tell a story. You had those elements with your opening, body, and closing.

What I liked: I liked the way you used powerful words like "detest, consume, and destroyed." The active verbs made me sense the depth of the pain in your soul for your beloved. Your unique phrases were so descriptive I felt I was in the room as you pondered. Examples: "a random thought slipped", and "slip gently into her being". My tears started to fall at about that time.

Poignant from the start, just a few questions waited to be answered as the reader. I wondered if she was already gone and how were you going to close the story. When you had your hand clutched in her cold one, I knew she was gone. The final line was the gut-wrenching one. I did not expect you to go so far as saying in effect that your life was meaningless to go on living without her.

I am sorry for your loss. This thoughtful poem, in remembrance of what transpired, demonstrates a marriage filled with wonderful memories. When those memories faded was the saddest part of all.

Thank you for sharing a moving and very personal time in your life. Your writing is creative with each word, chosen carefully, moving your story forward to its sad conclusion. It is a solid poem. Congratulations on the language and structure. I would not suggest or want anything at all changed.

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Dave,
Confession first: I was just as perplexed when I read the contest's purpose and rules. I clicked over there and see the note I wrote: Your contest is a challenge. I have no experience with a redemption vignette. I have saved to watch any entries to learn how to write one. Like you, checking back showed the tumbleweeds.

Overall Impression: This is a fabulous award-winning redemption vignette. I almost believed all those accolades would be in progress now save one thing. It is en retard or late in English. Your tongue-in-cheek piece was incredibly original. Sometimes I think new writers have an advantage where they will try all kinds of genres to see which ones fit well. This one fits perfectly.

What I liked: The progression you used from pseudo self-loathing to hero extraordinaire. The angst you went through was palpable. Morphing from he with a "furrowing" brow to he of the "devilishly handsome features".

I paid no heed to grammar or spelling at the outset. I was having too much fun to think of such banal details.

Dave, you are a gift to WdC. There are over one thousand people online each time I sign on. I wish there was a way for a big red stop sign to pop up diverting them to this piece. It is a delight to read the wide variety penned by you. Do you have one style you prefer?

Thanks again for "The Redemption of Empathy". Write on!

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

A clover image for the Power Group to use

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of We Did It!  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there and good evening to you,

I found your flash fiction story when I clicked on Read and Review. I see you are a seasoned writer here. I understand why this won a daily flash fiction contest. It is an original plot with the geezers winning over the show-offs at the end.

Overall impression: I can pretty much tell how I will react to a story from the hook. The hook was for me your title. I am a huge proponent of the exclamation point. I have been cautioned about its overuse. So, you had me at We Did It! It was a great read written within the parameters of flash fiction.

What I liked: I liked the story being told from the point of view of someone I can relate to ie: a geezer. There is no way I would make it up a mountain in 4 or 40 hours. Reading about someone else doing it, however, was enjoyable. I did not strain a muscle!

The piece is flawless in structure and mechanics which is always a pleasure to experience as a reader. The character development of the young whippersnappers was fabulous in its brevity. The audacity of them!

Your creativity shined through the entire telling of the tale. The first thing I was taught in my story writing communications class was to be clear and concise. Flash fiction itself lends to that, but executing it is achieved by a skilled and constant writer. You achieved that well.

Congratulations on a winning story. A belated Happy 18th WdC Anniversary!

Write on!


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

A clover image for the Power Group to use

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Biking* This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports. Come ride with us! *Biking*

Good morning Jessi,

Welcome to WDC, which is the acronym for our site Writing Dot Com. I notice two pieces completed by you already. Right on! and Write on! That is commendable. You have a sincere and demonstrated commitment to writing and receiving constructive feedback. Reviewing is the most important feature of our community. I am interpreting from your title, "Need advice for revisions" that you are requesting a more in-depth review that will give you suggestions on what areas may warrant a second look. I am proceeding with that goal.

What I liked: I liked the concept of family being more than those related to you by blood. You state that is the purpose of your rhetoric in your opening statement. Your first sentence is an effective hook to get the reader interested. O was hooked and invested in what you had to say. Keep it in.

I have some thoughts on areas you may want to look at. I felt the piece was too long. It is 1224 words. If this is a class assignment with a minimum word count of 1000 words, you met that goal. Each subtopic you write about gives every supporting point you have to the rhetoric. It is cumbersome for the reader. One point under each assertion is enough. The decision to start each paragraph with what a family is did not work for me. It sounded repetitive. You may want to change it up at the start of each paragraph.

It may have been the transfer from MS Word to our space here, but your paragraphs were not double-spaced. They run together making it crowded, thus, difficult to read.

On a very positive note, the entire piece is flawless. There is not one error technically. None! Not one! Fabulous! Perfection is the best there is, right?

As far as revisions, read it again out loud as if you were the audience. Does it feel like too much? Do you think you belabor the point that family is more than blood relations? Do you have a word count requirement? I

I did not have to be persuaded. I believe every word. In my vast experience, there are very many people who come in and out of your life, who become even closer than a family member by blood. I have made a couple of them right here on WDC.

If you want any clarification, our system will notify you of the review with a space to respond to my review. It looks like you have a rating already so you may have already experienced it.

It is very important for you to know that what is written here is my opinion. You may take what is valuable or meaningful and discard the rest. You wrote a comprehensive piece. In a debate, your supporting information is overwhelming in a positive way. I believe it would receive a 10 out of 10 rating. I am rating it 4 stars due to the length, the repetitive nature with more than enough proof, and the missing double spaces between paragraphs.

Continue writing here! It is great to see you pour out your words in a way that reflects the good writer you are!

Write on!


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

A clover image for the Power Group to use

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Biking* This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports. Come ride with us! *Biking*

Good morning Jeff,

I notice you as a monitor online every day. I even emailed you once. Now, I thought I would visit your portfolio and look around. I saw the word hoarders and knew immediately this is the piece I am supposed to review. In brief, my daughter is a hoarder.

Overall impression: I have a very positive view of your piece. The opening sentence, as a hook, worked perfectly. There was valuable information both stated and left to my imagination. I appreciated that you elected to give that in the opening sentence. It fits with the ending like a well-worn, yet still serviceable shoe. I already surmised you have prepared an opening line many times in your life. I admit I stopped abruptly and flipped to your bio page. Sure enough, I was correct. Overall my impression is a win. As Roger Ebert would say, "thumbs up!"

What I liked: I liked the picture you drew immediately of you, as a couple, working to make sure your home was more like the home you imagine yearly, after the decluttering. You introduce the point early on. The language is clear and concise.

It would be easy to put off this annual event. Because you infer both you and your wife teach or work in the education field, I am confident you will get the job done. I know that because teachers prepare a lesson plan. Generally, they stick with that program.

The program, "Hoarders", is equally gratifying as repugnant. The deplorable condition the show's talent coordinators find is disturbing. Without exception, a person who has not experienced, or knows someone who is hoarding, will confirm the program is true. These vulnerable people are not actors.

The strength of your rhetoric is the methodology. You present the topic explaining how it applies to you and your wife directly. You fill the body with a specific source of information to recommend as an incentive for someone to declutter. The biggest plus is the difference between decluttering and clearing a hoard.

My favorite line, in part, is "We’re not all that worried about being featured on an upcoming episode." It supports my belief you are not a hoarder. You head that condition off with action.

What I thought of after the conclusion. Is this an instruction video or a story of you and your wife? I see it leaning toward the video. As a reader, I wanted more of the backstory. You devote some time so I know the frame. I am left wanting more. I think giving a brief scenario from one show would fill that need.

I know your "Inspired by Hoarders" is ready to present as an essay, play, or a potential sitcom. Nothing like that has been done before. Families on any program you could name are "not all that worried about being featured on an upcoming episode of Hoarders anytime soon". It would take different instructions to the set designers, and any one of them could show hoarding behavior.

Congratulations on a publish-ready piece that can be the jumping-off point for several purposes. It was a privilege to read and talk about your polished work.

Write on!



*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Twins Piqued  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello Carol St.Ann,

Another member referred me to your portfolio. I signed your guestbook. The play script "Twins Piqued" caught my eye. I have twin grandsons and I know how they would carry on a conversation. I was not disappointed as the exchange starts and before long Mitch has "had it”. The audience knows from the outset which is the more aggressive twin. Normally, you have pages, if you want, to develop character traits in a short story or novel. You don't have that luxury with a play. You accomplished this quickly and effectively.

Overall impression: I enjoyed your script immensely. I don't know if you are a twin or personally have family or friends who are twins. From my grandsons, I know they are highly competitive. They are identical and played pranks on people by pretending to be the other. They do have character traits that are exact opposites of other. That was what the drama revolved around. I could picture Mark and Mitch as they had this conversation/argument.

What I liked: I appreciate good dialogue. That is what a play is all about. There are plays that drag on and on and you never get below the surface. Your play is deep and worth reading and contemplating what would happen next after their mother’s birthday the next day. Mark came on as the aggressor. Mitch at one point says he is sorry but that “this has got to stop.” Twins do play pranks. Identical twins, like my grandsons, think it is the best kind of fun to pretend one is the other to fool people. The fact that one would play the prank with the other’s girlfriend demonstrates twins are just people and people have motives that go beyond a prank.

You exceeded my expectations by clearly developing each twin’s character. The manner you used made it easy to identify ust by them talking with each other. One twin uses sarcasm, while the other trying to resolve the disagreement logically. You moved the story along with the subplot of their mother’s birthday.

I saw no errors in the structure, form, or grammatical concerns. Great job!

I bookmarked to come back and read more as time permits. That is what a good writer does: leaves the reader wanting more. I give you a 10 out of 10, or in the WDC world a 5 out of 5. Excellent script Carol St.Ann. Write on!

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DWG Autumn Sig

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Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Biking* This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports. Come ride with us! *Biking*

Hi IntueyFeelingCreativeOnceAgain,

I have returned! I took time to reflect on the previous review. I came back wanting more. I know, kind of selfish right? This time I saw the cute picture of the dog. Perhaps it was yours? I have an 11-month-old puppy name, Jack. He is a Boston Terrier. Previously I had a Shih-tzu. The terrier is a lot more frisky.

Overall impression: Your belief about a dog's ability to act, like the one you wrote about who "casually glanced,
then promptly turned his head and continued to bark!" I can relate one thousand percent. It can be a real nuisance when a dog barks. Neighbors can be quite vocal about a barking dog in the neighborhood. Mine only barks when he hears a loud truck noise. That doesn't happen often because we are out of the way where random traffic does not exist. The overall reaction I have is positive. Once again, a personal story. told skillfully.

What I liked: Your words are strong. The dog "gave a glance" are words we can easily picture and engage with. "A statistical stray" was hysterical both describing and alliterating at once. Shutting his mouth and his sass was not that hard to do.

One thing I had a little strain with was to read all 26 lines without a line break. It must be the poetry type, perhaps verse, that dictated that.

There are no known mistakes in the piece. Once again, you have written what I call a keeper. It keeps giving each time you read it. You told a story about an every day occurrence with terrific humor that was subtle and effective.

Write on!

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

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"Blog City Prompt Forum
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In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Biking* This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports. Come ride with us! *Biking*

Hello, Wordsy,
I can't say how I happened to land in your portfolio. When I signed in it was in front of me. I thought as long as I was brought here, I would like to review something you wrote. I picked the second folder. I was drawn to this poem, about a by the appropriate title, "Mommy can you hear me,"

I am not certain, but I think the introduction of the story was free verse with a report of what the story was about. It does read like a free verse. The background it provided gave me a way to interpret the poem.

What I liked: The rhythm, rhyme, theme, poetic style, the preface that hooked me, and the gentle care you extended to your character, the little girl. I liked the poem displayed in red font. That alone drew me to your poem.

This was a joy and a privilege to read. It is one I have put in my save this poem file. I will revisit it from time to time to once again savor the style and flavor of your words. I hope you return to continue writing.

The brief description of your portfolio is memorable:
"The heights of my wisdom can only be surpassed by the depths of my ignorance."

Thank you and keep writing! You are super good at it!
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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann

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for entry "Sorrow
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Ned,
I selected the recent poem you wrote "Sorrow" to review today. Congratulations on the consistency with writing in the Promptly Poetry Contest.

Overall impression: I expected the story to be very sad considering the title. Reading a theme of death or dying appeals to me. I am at the passage in my own life where siblings have passed away. Your poem evokes the angst of having a life and a bit of your own taken from you. The impressions and thoughts I have for you are my impressions. Take what makes sense to you and anything else is food for thought.

What I like: The best part of reading poetry is how the words fall around me. Do they wash over like a gentle rain or go straight for the gut doing damage to my physical and mental well-being? Your words were in the gentle mist area. Words like "brave resolve", "courage" and "new resolve" are positive. The sting of the passing is raw, seeming fresh and new. The determination in the closing, the emptiness "will never again be whole" sounds like a fact. The grief is resolved to it, but perhaps, the feeling of emptiness that "will never again be whole".

Favorite line: "Grief has silenced the music of my soul.” Your relationship would have been the opposite if they music was dead. Have a soul singing is a joyous emotion. Being silent, by means of the declarative line, conveyed to me the drastic change one faces similar to the day three giant singers were the focus of “the day the music died” (February 3, 1959). A vow was broken due to no one’s fault. I felt a hint of promise that you will live to hear it sing again, albeit a long time from now.

Thank you for writing this special poem based on a sad theme. Forgiveness and faith that the soul can sing again is my hope. Keep those poems coming. You are a gifted writer. Poetry is a strong point for you. Write on!

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

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"Blog City Prompt Forum
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Shadows Potpourri  
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In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Biking* This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports. Come ride with us! *Biking*

Hi Shadow Prowler,
I answered a suggestion by two members in our newsfeed today 7/26/23. It was recommended with an assurance I could expect to laugh a lot. Yes, indeed, my dog was a little worried about my guffaws. It isn't like me to lose control laughing like that. I am reviewing your blog entry "Unexpected Results".

Overall impression: I feel God's love literally beaming here from the adorable border you made with cakes at the top to the adorable blue angel and rainbow at the end of the blog page.

What I liked: The best was the story itself. It was told chronologically throughout your anniversary day. That narrative made it very easy to follow along. The photos added exponentially to the story. I could picture your husband pulling out a screwdriver and a hammer to get into the champagne bottle. You pleased your sister by taking a sip of the champagne for the first time in your lives. I thought that was a respectful decision. The food fight was hysterically funny. The first volley alone is funny, but, it was made funnier by the way you artfully put your words together.

The other thing I really liked is how open and encouraging you are in asking for feedback about your entries. This entry is easy for me because you and your husband acted so freely like you make it a point to have fun from time to time. I felt your honesty and persistence to deliver an honest account of your antics. Dinner sounded delicious. I was committed from the delicious strawberry Danish and coffee. The shower mishap could have had a worse outcome. It was a relief that it closed with again an enjoyable event. I am glad you had a happy Anniversary Day.
I enjoyed your writing style and sharing the mishaps and highlights of the day. Your sharing the good time was heartwarming. Continue to write like this. I have already fanned you. Write on!
Blog City Prompt Forum  (E)
Message forum for Blog City group members to place their entries to blog prompts
#1972533 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am reviewing your Technical Support Forum tonight. I came here to ask a couple of questions. Both were answered quickly and professionally. I have been a member since 3/31/2016. I was active a bit, left, active a bit, left, and am now back since March for good. A moderator directed me here early on to post an issue. The quick response and help I received the first time and now several times later was very important to me. The win-win comes in when another member sees it and can answer their own question just by seeing mine.

Things I like: You have selected an interactive forum mode where you don't fill out a form, send it to support, and wait for a reply. Congruently, other members may be filing the same issues. I like the directions spelled out at the top of the page starting with the description. They are clear and concise. The critical cautions in red stand out. Because this is so well-written, I know I came to the right place and what I need to do to resolve my issue. Linking the Forum directly to Need Help? is a hugely positive experience.

Suggestions: I would like to see something to draw more attention to the forum. When you are new, you try to blend in and function as a member without help. It is human nature. Perhaps just change the Need Help? Text to bright red and maybe increasing the font size a little could be a solution.

The activities of Reading, Writing, and Reviewing are successful with a support system that communicates. I appreciate this forum immensely. Keep up the huge job you have to support us who are not only your customers, but your friends.

As you can see with the following affiliations, I am all in!
WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

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"Blog City Prompt Forum
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*Biking* This review is part of my journey to complete "Tour de Ports. Come ride with us! *Biking*

Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Anni Pon,

I read your poem about Mr. S tonight. I laughed when I read the description you gave saying it was what you did “instead of studying for Physics.” You have a great sense of humor. Here is my review of your poem.

Overall impression: The poem was written like a short story. The main character is well thought out and fully developed. I saw the picture you painted with his “plutonium eyes” and hammerhead tongue. Mr. S seemed otherworldly. He had peculiar characteristics yet was entirely believable.

Things I liked: Your poem was unique in form, written without capital letters. I liked that. The cat’s description was also different. It is the first time I heard of plutonium eyes, for example. I like to read poems that contain elements that are outside the ordinary.

The structure was pleasing to read. The number of lines per stanza varies from five to three. The two-line stanza right before the end foretold the cat would have something profound to say. When Mr. S finds himself in a precarious position in the middle of the road, I was certain something or some magic was going to save him. It was in character for him to say that he was not going to believe his demise until it happened. The build-up to his final thoughts felt like a natural progression to the climax with the fabulous twist at the end. I felt like I was right there watching. I think he was in denial.

Great job! Thank you for the original idea, the interesting form, and the twist at the end. I wish we could avoid disaster in real life simply by denying its existence. Write on!

Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

DWG Autumn Sig
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Stik’s on a Boat!
I was browsing tonight and happened upon your story “Adrift in the Aftermath”. I just finished reading it. Here is my review.

Overall Impression: Reliving the true-to-life scenarios from the pandemic was okay for me. I felt for Felicia’s concerns. It was hard not to be invested in the events I watched play out on the news during the protests.

What I liked: I liked the dialogue because it was dynamic and moved your story forward. Felicia and Adrian have an easygoing communication style. You can tell that he knows how to read her like a book. He knows her strengths. He is fine with her plans. I particularly liked the banter about Daisy and Lulu/Lucifer in the opening.

One sentence is missing a word. “That made Adrian ? his phone down." Possibly Adrian put or set or threw his phone down? The layout, technical aspects of grammar, and spelling are top-notch. I do not know what, Song: "Underground" by MISSIO refers to.

I was intrigued by your Have Something To Say…? item in your portfolio. Coincidentally, I did have something to say tonight. I asked another member here who put fresh eyes on my concern. It worked wonders to bring down my blood pressure!
Congratulations on being a member of WDC for over 21 years. That is an outstanding accomplishment. Thank you for creating your story around those dark moments in our history. Knowing it could happen again at the least provocation is worrisome.

Write on!

Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

DWG Autumn Sig
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Cosmic Serenade  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Ryan S,

Welcome to WDC! I am thrilled to see you writing within your first week here. The main focus here is reviewing each other’s work. The feedback makes us aware of what works and things that can be done to enhance our writing. There are scores of other pursuits in our realm including groups, contests, and online access to the WDC free writing classes. I call it the reading, writing, and reviewing happening
place to be. The link to your poem was on the right navigation panel. It says “READING A NEWBIE”. There you see constantly updated links to all genres of work by new members.

Overall impression: Your title spoke to me. I was curious to know what kind of cosmic song you would be singing. The word that came to my mind after reading the last line was exquisite. You are an amazing wordsmith. I loved every word as written then paired together times two. A heady experience for one, such as myself, who adores the English language.

What I liked: The aesthetics. Addressing the object of your affections as “your gaze…your aura…your mind’. The cadence as the words flowed from one expansive word to the next was one I knew well. It is like tapping your shoe in time to the music. My eyes bounce off one, with anticipation as they land on the next descriptive nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Just when I think no finer word could exist, a new one appears. It is a clean piece without any errors detected...

Bravo for your outstanding work! I can’t sing your praises enough. You have encouraged me to use more grand language in my own writing.

Write on!

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hi Espinado,

I saw your story "Going for a Last Drive" displayed on the right navigation panel under ‘By Online Authors'. I was in the mood for a good short story. That is exactly what I received!

Overall: I was enchanted by the story. It had a storybook kind of opening. I almost expected it to start with 'Once upon a time'. The picture you painted was clear. I could see the scenes, hear, and smell the ocean. I would love to see all those shelved dolls. I was engaged with your characters, mom and son. At the time I was reading, however, I was not sure of the relationship. They could easily have been a couple.

Things I liked: Would saying I liked every word be too over the top? Well, I did. You had just the right number of words in all the right places to weave your story based on real life. I truly thought I was riding along in the back seat. Making a reader feel a part of the story takes amazing skill. I am familiar with that drive which made it even more appealing.

I noticed one typographical word written as pasted when you meant passed. They passed a small shop. When you referred to the driver door, I think you meant driver's door.

Thank you so much for writing this story. It is one I have saved to read again. The ending was a surprise in a good way. I did not want the story to end. It was satisfying to have closure with the appearance of the urn. There is a little catch in my throat while I write this.

Congratulations on a story well told. Looking forward to more of your writing!

Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

DWG Autumn Sig
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
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