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Review of An Angel's Love  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Moon Beam!

At last I made it back to your port. Since this is the third time I’ve reviewed this piece for you and you’ve rewritten it, I’m going to play editor tonight. I think this is the best way for me to show you what I mean. My changes are suggestions. Take them as you will. The booboos I found most were missing commas, shifting verb tense, repeated words or the same words used too often in close proximity to each other.

I’ll probably get yelled at for posting this as a public review, but honestly, there were so many places I wanted to note that I felt it necessary to post the whole thing.

I hope this helps you see what I meant in past reviews. Let me know if you have more questions or need anything else.

Best regards,


It was a coolcomma winter night and Kristy tossed a rock into the calm water of the pond behind her house. She watched the ripples shimmer in the light from the full moon. The night breeze carried her breath out and away in puffy clouds. As she looked up at the star filled sky, snowflakes fell upon her face and mingled with the warm tears flowing from her redhyphen rimmedcomma green eyes. As She licked her lips she could to taste the salty tears at the corner of her wet lips mouth. The glittering snowflakes lightly dusted her longcomma wavycomma brown hair as it which hung loosely down her back.

“Why? Why can’t I just be loved like everyone else?” she asked the night.

Kristy wanted someone to love her, but she has always felt like she was never meant to be born. Her parents abandoned her when she was five. They took her to her aunts’ aunt’s house one night and never came back for her. She can't couldn’t remember much about them, but the main thing she remembered was except that they she never told her that she did not tell her not one time that they loved her. Her aunt put her up for adoption when she realized they Kristy’s parents were not coming back. “I don’t have time to raise a little brat like you!” Her aunt had said just be for she walked out the doors of the shelter houseperiod and Kristy never saw her again.

New ParagraphA family adopted her one time, but when they won the lottery they took her back sayingsemicolon “We don’t need you anymore! We just adopted you so we could get a check!” They kept her in a small room in the attic. She could remember the cold nights when she slept at the attic door just to feel the warmth coming out from under the door the next room and the hot summer days she would lay in her bed so exhausted from the heat that she didn't feel like doing anything.

The shelter house was full of cruel kids that used to pick on her. Cruel kids picked on her in the shelter house. She could hear the voices echo in her head. "Stinky Kristy has holey feet!" "Don't get too close to Kristy! The rats in her nappy hair will jump out and bite you! She would lay on her smallcomma hard cot with a thin blanket and cry herself to sleep most nights, but sometimes she would get a feeling someone was watching watched over her.*period* Kristy could hear a voice sayin her head tell her that everything would be okay. semicolon "Be strong Kristy. Everything will be okay."

New paragraph.The shelter mostly fed the kids dry cereal for breakfast, a plain cheese sandwich for lunch, and for supper comma they would get a small bowl of beans with a slice of bread. Every now and then she would get lucky and the bread would not be old and stale. Sometimescomma the boys that sat across the table from her would toss pieces of the stale bread in her hair and laugh at her. "Look! Kristy is feeding the rats in her hair!" She was only allowed to have two pairs of clothes so if one pair got dirty she could wear the other pair till she could get some soap to wash them. The shelter provided two uniforms and though Kristy tried to keep hers clean, she often found herself scrambling to wash them, fighting for a handful of soap. Sometimes she had to just use water. Her shoes had holes in them and were one size too small for her feet.

She was in and out of many foster homes before she ended up here. This was the worst one of them all. She could not leave until she turned eighteen and that is six months away. Her newcomma adoptedcomma alcoholic father beat her nearly every day. After school she would come home and quietly sneak upstairs to her roomcomma hoping he would pass out before he realized she was home. She hid in her small closet shaking from fearcomma, sobbing. Sometimescomma he would find her in there and drag her out by the her hair, of her head kicking and screaming. He mostly used his bare hands, but sometimes he would take off his belt and beat her with it till she stopped screaming. He would tell her that if she ever told anyone what he did she would regret it. She could still hear his drunken slurred words in her head. " If you ever tell anyone I will beat you so bad that nobody will recognize you!" "Nobody wants you, because you're worthless!"

Kristy dropped to her knees in the icy snow as she clenched a knife in her hand that she took out of her adopted fatherapostrophes pocket when he passed out on the couch for the night after he beat her. She watched the reflection on the water as the light from the full moon reflected danced off the coldcomma ridged rigid steel.

“I just can’t take it anymore!” she choked out.

Kristy held out her wrists and sliced through the warm flesh. She winced at the excruciating pain, but the pain was no comparison to the agonizing pain felt nothing like the agony that filled her heart. She dropped the bloody knife in the snow and watched the warm liquid seep from her wrists. She could feel the warm trails of blood run down her arms and drip off her elbows. She began to get dizzy and faint as Feeling dizzy and faint, she watched a darkcomma crimson puddle stain the sparklingcomma white snow. Kristy felt her body swaying swayed back and forth like the ripples on the dirty water of the pond across the dirty pond water. She could feel the life draining from her as her body began to tingle and go numb. Life drained away and her body tingled then went numb. At that same momentcomma her mind let go of all the feelings, the pain, the sorrow the emptiness of being alone. heart went numb to all her feelings. She didn't care anymore. All she wanted was to die so the aching in her heart would stop. She closed her eyes as her last tear rolled down her windhyphenchapped face and fell forward into the icy pond. As she opened her eyes and looked upcomma she could see the trail of blood coming from her wrists. *period* She sank closer to the mossy bed of the pond. The dirty water stung her lungs as it pushed the air from her body. Kristy slowly closed her eyes as she welcomed welcoming the darkness surrounding her that embraced her.

Zaine hovered above the coldcomma dirty water as he watched Kristy sink further away from him. The longer he watchedcomma the more he panicked as he realized that he would never see her again. He can't couldn’t stand the thought of her dieing this dying that way. He loves loved her too much.

He looked up to the heavens and saidcomma “Not this way. Let me save her.”

A strongcomma soothing voice spoke in his head.*period* “There is only one way. Are you willing to sacrifice your innocence for her?”

“I have watched her grow into the woman she is now and as I watched my love for her has grown as well. I love her too much to see her die like this so my answer is yes. I am willing to sacrifice everything for her.”

The voice spoke “Then so it will be.”

As Zaine spread his longcomma feathered wings and held out his armscomma as a blinding light broke through the clouds and struck him. His wings broke free from him and dissolved into the bright light. Warm tears flowed from his eyes, a sensation he never felt before. that he has never felt before. Senses awoke in the former angel: smell, taste, touch, things he could not grasp before that moment for having been deprived of them all his eternal life. He began to feel all the senses and tastes that he has been deprived of. His heart began to ache from the love he felt for Kristy.

For the last time the voice saidcomma “For you sacrificing your innocence I shall grant your wish and let you have her.”

The light disappeared into the clouds just as quickly as it appeared. Zaine felt the cold sensation of the water as he hit the surface. He has never felt cold. He never knew cold before that moment. He quickly dived down through the dirty water in search for Kristy. When he reached the bottomcomma he saw her limp body. He grabbed her around the waist and quickly kicked to the surface. As his face met the cold night aircomma he sucked in a deep breath of fresh air. He swam over to the bank and pushed her up out of the water onto the snowhyphen covered ground. He climbed up the muddy bank side and kneeled over her. He ripped pieces off his robe and binds bound her wrists to stop the bleeding. He placed his hands on her chest and began to press.

“Come back to me Kristy. Let me love you like you should be.” He gently placed his lips mouth over her coldcomma wet lips and breathed life back into her lungs.

When he raised sat upcomma Kristy spit out water and gasped for air. As the air filled her lungs she began to open her eyes. Her eyes flickered as her vision cleared and she found herself looking up at the most handsome face she had ever seen. He looked at her with beautifulcomma caring blue eyes.*period* His hair was as golden as honey and with his perfect lips he formed a smile. She could feel the warmth of his gentle embrace around her trembling body.period* Zaine picked her up and carried her to the oldcomma runhyphendown barn on the other side of the pond. He sat down on a pile of hay as he and cradled her in his arms.

Kristy softly whisperedcomma “Who are you?”

Zaine gently brushed the wet hair from her face. as he said “I thought I had lost you forever,” he replied.

The gentlecomma soothing voice sounded so familiar to her. It brought a sense of peacefulness within her. She felt so warm and content in his strong arms. It was the same voice that soothed her to sleep at nights when she lived at the shelter house as a child. The only voice she ever loved because it was the only one that brought her comfort and that did not demean her. speak to her like she was the dirt on the ground.

“Zaine.” For some reason she knew his name and it shocked her.

“I have been watching over you for so long and I have longed to hold you in my arms. I have waited so long to tell you that I love you Kristy.” Insert some body language hear or some caring action, even an inflection of awe/love/yearning in his voice.

Tears welled up in her eyes and her voice shook as she saidcomma “I have waited so long to hear someone say those words, but nobody loves me. Just let me die.”

Zaine cradled her face in his hands as his breath lightly brushed across her face cheek. *period* “I can't let you die. I love you Kristy.”

Kristy closed her eyes and tears rolled down her cheeks as he pressed his lips to hers. She felt loved for the first time in her life. It was a feeling she never felt before. She wrapped her arms around his strongcomma broad shoulders hoping that if she held him there the feeling would never go away. He slowly slid her off his lap onto the golden hay. She felt the overwhelming urge for him to hold her and love her like she has always dreamed of. His tongue lightly teased her lips and she opened to taste the sweetness of his love. As their lips parted from the spellbinding kisscomma Kristy released a soft sighed from deep within her aching body. An irresistible aching for the man holding her, consumed Kristy. Zaine trailed soft kisses down her neck to her small collarbone, as he unfastened her pants. He raised her up and slowly slid her pants off. He caressed her soft inner thigh as his hand slowly made found its way to her panties. The gentle caress sent warm chills of delight throughout her body. He pulls pulled them off and tosses tossed them to the side with her pants.

Zaine leans leaned over her to claim her lips as he sensually rubbed her the juicy folds between her trembling thighs. Kristy wanted him inside of her. She slowly untied his robe and gently slid it off his shoulders. He shrugged it off onto the golden hay beneath them. She can could feel the pulse of his manhood against her leg and it intensified the urge her desire for him.

He couldn’t wait to feel her warm wetness around his aching manhood as he knelt between her aching thighs. He has waited so long to show Kristy how much he loves loved her.

Zaine huskily whisperedcomma “Tell me you love me. I will not go any further if you do not.” He held his breath as he waited for her to answer, hoping she loved him as much as he loves loved her.

Kristy pulled his face down to hers and hesitated for a brief moment as she looked into his crystal blue eyes. She could see the love in the watery depths. “I love you. I have always loved you.”

Zaine released a deep groan before he pressed his lips to hers and gently slid his manhood inside her. Both of them claimed each other’s innocence as they made passionate love. Everything seemed to fade faded away except for the undeniable love they showed for each other. As she rubbed her hands down the slender curves of his back she can feel felt the warm wetness of blood coming from where his wings used to be. The sweat on their bodies glistened in the moonlight shining that shone down on them from a hole in the barn roof. *period* Snowflakes lightly dusted the air surrounding them. They fell further into the world of ecstasy with each passing minute. Kristy’s body filled felt her body fill with a sensation she had never felt before and with each thrust she was sent her further over the edge. She buried her face into his chest as she muffled a longcomma deep moan.

New paragraph.Zaine felt her hot juices engulf his manhood. His body began to tremble as he released his seed into her body and joined her in the blissful world of ecstasy.

As they laid in the hay with their bodies entwined under the moonlight Zaine whispered into her earcomma "*no space here* I love you Kristy. Let me take you far away from this place. Will you come away with me?"

Kristy tightened her grip around him as happy tears filled her eyes. *period* and says "Oh, yes, Zaine. Yes!"

Zaine held her in his warm embrace as she snuggled closer to him and gently kissed her on the forehead. He watched her as she fell into a deep sleep for the first time since she was a baby.

Mer Sig Let Passion Lead

Review of My Angel  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Heya NoOne's Shadow~

Thank you for peeking in my port first of all. The short story you read was based on a dream I had. I probably need to go back and rewrite it.

Here's a review for you.

My Feelings
This poem was not at all what I expected it would be based on reading the blurb at the top. I loved the darkness, the pain, the way it affected the angel and changed what he once was.

You use imagery to show the angel's appearance and tell the reader why it's so. Well done.

Has sad insert comma dark eyes,

Other than that- I can offer nothing else. Lovely dark poem.

signature of the hunting seastress
Review of An Angel's Love  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hi Moon Beam!

I read this through and liked all the additions you made. I have two suggestions I can offer. One is fixing the shifting verb tense. Let me show you what's wrong:

It's a cool winter night and Kristy watches present tense the ripples shimmer in the light from the full moon after she tossed past tense a rock into the calm water of the pond behind her house. She can see present her foggy breath in the cool breeze. As she looked past up at the star filled sky, snowflakes fell past upon her face and mingled with the warm tears flowing from her red rimmed green eyes. As she licks present her lips she can taste present the salty tears at the corner of her wet lips. The glittering snowflakes lightly dusts present her long wavy brown hair as it hangs loosely present down her back.

This happens all throughout the story. I would like it all in past tense. The teller is relaying a story that already happened. Present tense is hard to read, hard to get into and not commonly used in story-telling. Again, if you decide to go back and revise it- I'll be happy to re-read and re-rate again. The tale has grown and feels more substantial.

The second thing is the way the memories are done. Instead of all narration it might be better to give her clear, sharp, in the moment memories that show her pain. Like so:

"Stinky Kristy, stinky Kristy always in the corner!" It was Criss' screachy little voice, the kid that used to pick on her at the shelter. She remembered others, but his was the worst. He used to flick the stale crusts of his sandwich at her during lunch when no one was looking. She'd sit on her small, hard cot at night and pick the crumbs out crying. After Marin, the bully girl that had a cot next to Kristy fell asleep, she'd pull her thin blanket up to her chin and cry. There wasn't a night in that horrible shelter that Kristy didn't cry herself to sleep. And every night, after all the other children were snoring, she'd feel a wave of comfort pass over her. Someone was watching. She could hear his mystical voice. "Everything's going to be all right," he would say. "Just be strong Kristy."

Imagine yourself in those memories. Find the worst part and show the reader that. Make us feel what she felt, hurt like Kristy did. Give the reader that hopeless, the world hates me feeling.

Hope that helps!

signature of the hunting seastress

Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Title of novel: Book 1 "Chapter 1: The Silent WatchOpen in new Window.

Chapter number: Chapter 1

Setting: Could you see it? Did the author use all the senses?

I saw everything- so many things that I think I may have seen too much. You start with a rat then an owl then a soldier that gets shot. Another soldier readies to go see what the matter is and he gets whacked. The castle is broken into.

Then the scenes shifts a bit to introduce what I guess are the main characters.

You’re great at describing small details but I’m not sure yet if you have too many or not. The scenes are crystal clear.

Character Development: How did the characters grow throughout the chapter? How believable are they?

I have a drunken half elf, Isac, in a tavern. He tries to get involved with the following characters and the only past I get on him is that he drinks a lot and has a goodie-two-shoes brother.

There’s the Halfling girl, Cloey, stealing a pineapple (is pineapple an appropriate fruit? It’s quite tropical…) and then she steals money and gets busted by the dwarf. As far as development goes- she’s a thief- that’s all I get to see.

The dwarf, Glom, catches the Halfling and suddenly volunteers to help save the kidnapped princess, Anne.

Now as far as being believable- I’m still a skeptic at this point. They just volunteer to help? It seems off. The drunken half elf just follows after them because he has nothing better to do? The Halfling has no real reason to come back to the group that I can think of.

The other character and I’ve no clue whether he’s important yet or not, is Sir Jonathan the guard from the castle that drew the dwarf’s attention by proclaiming Anne missing. He isn’t interested in the little band so we’ll see if he comes up again.

Historical Referencing: Do the clothes, hairstyles, language, actions, etc... match with the time period—this includes current day—of the novel?

It seems fine to me so far.

Plot: Did it leave you asking the right questions or were you totally lost?

Ok we have a kidnapped princess and a mixed band of rescuers that want to save/find her and get the prize for doing so. It’s a quest.

Strange thing is I have no questions. The plot is clear. I can guess what’s going to happen- but the only way to know if I guessed right is to keep reading.

Grammatical: Are there any consistent grammar or spelling errors the author should be aware of?

Ripping his eyes away from his fallen comrade, the lone soldier groped a his side with a shaky hand for the handle of his weapon.

Yep- you’re great at this part. *Delight* I love to read things so smoothly written.

General: Talk about any other areas where there is room for improvement: POV, descriptions, dialogue, format, etc...

You jump around a lot to introduce all these characters. Based on the prologue I know there are many that make up this little band. You do well to show a slice of each one. The massive setting throws me off even though you do it so well and with such clear description. I am a character driven reader. I want to break in and attach to a character I instantly feel something for.

Personal Opinion: Summarize your review, give any advice you can, and give your honest opinion.

I want to feel more for these characters. Not much is revealed about who they really are, just what they do and how they appear. You have a lot going on in this first chapter but I come away not being attached to the character’s or their quest. It could be me. I’ll keep going and let you know.

signature of the hunting seastress

Review of In August Sun  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Dwendl~

You peeked in my port so I'm returning the kindness. Thank you for your review of my poem. Poetry is not my thing, not the place I feel most comfortable writing, but I'm glad you enjoyed it.

My Review:
I had to slow down to read this piece. It's rhyme and balance is meticulous. The poem is perfect in my humble opinion.

You write in a tricky sort of way, moving the road instead of the walker, and the child noted first and then his or her discarding. It comes clear only when I slow down.

The meaning I take from it is one of whimsy- of 'discarding' letters to make a paper airplane, abandoning work for fun and dreams.

Great poem- I enjoyed it. When will you post more?

signature of the hunting seastress

Review of An Angel's Love  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

Setting: Could you see it? Did the author use all the senses?

A girl sitting by a pond. It’s night, stars above, snow falling. Brr.

Character Development: How did the characters grow throughout the chapter? How believable are they?

Kristy feels she has nothing left to love for- she slits her wrists and commits suicide by falling into the pond.

Her guardian angel, Zaine, can’t bear to see her die like that and so he forsakes what he is to save her and love her.

Now as far as how believable they are I’m not yet convinced. Kristy’s life sounded bad but was summed up so quickly I didn’t feel her pain in it. To improve that- do it in clear, realistic flashbacks. Make me see her stepfather beating her, make me feel how awful the orphanage is to be in and have me suffer with her more. It makes me want to follow her and see the change. Throughout those moments, to make me believe someone was watching over her- she needs to hear Zaine’s voice or be given signs that he’s there- just not enough that she realizes who or what he is.

Historical Referencing: Do the clothes, hairstyles, language, actions, etc... match with the time period—this includes current day—of the novel?

It feels modern day. Zaine gets a shirt and Kristy gets jeans and panties. Only question is- what need do angels have for clothing? I picture them as above such mortal trivialities.

Plot: Did it leave you asking the right questions or were you totally lost?

I wasn’t lost. However I want more.

Grammatical: Are there any consistent grammar or spelling errors the author should be aware of?

You need to fix your shifting verb tense. It’s mainly written in past tense- but there are parts where you shift to present. I suggest reading it aloud and you ought to feel the change.

With-in should be within.
Angels should be possessive: Angel’s

General: Talk about any other areas where there is room for improvement: POV, descriptions, dialogue, format, etc...

Build more history into the characters. Make it more believable, more furious. Although I have no problem with the transformation Zaine undergoes it sort of conflicts with the religious definition of what he is. Zaine is an angel. He gives that up to be with this girl and BAM they have sex. That’s way sudden for me. Religious doctrine indicates that sex at random is frowned upon. If he is truly an angel he needs to have more convictions, morales.

Also it’s snowing- freezing cold there. Although the snow is beautiful and makes for a pretty backdrop by the pond- I think he’d carry her to a warmer place. I also think it strange that her wounds heal and she suffers nothing from the water in her lungs. Consider making her wounds still bleed- he must bind them. Her lungs so full of water that he must do mouth to mouth. And when she wakes in a barn or some warm place nearby and looks up at him she must sense the familiarity. When he speaks she must recognize his voice, a voice she has ‘almost’ heard in dreams.

I’m fine with him declaring his love for her. But I think she caves too fast. Humans move more cautiously especially those that have been ill treated- like Kristy.

Personal Opinion: Summarize your review, give any advice you can, and give your honest opinion.

It’s good but I think you can make it shine brighter. By all means if you decide to rewrite- let me know and I’ll read again. I like your style and your spice. You’re great at the hot parts- something I envy.

signature of the hunting seastress

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go NoticedOpen in new Window..

Review of My Dark Angel  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Title: "My Dark AngelOpen in new Window.
Setting: Could you see it? Did the author use all the senses?

I see barren night swathed streets and a full moon that turns red then the teller of the tale gets pulled into the air.

Character Development: How did the characters grow throughout the chapter? How believable are they?

I don’t know their names- that’s always something I want. It’s a short story but I still want a feeling for who they are and what drives them. It’s anonymous, a flash of a moment in time.

The character that gets taken by the vampire grows into one. At first she is fighting it- but not very hard.

Historical Referencing: Do the clothes, hairstyles, language, actions, etc... match with the time period—this includes current day—of the novel?

The victim was wearing a skirt and panties. The vampire had jeans on. Their clothes and the setting are contemporary. So yes it fits.

Plot: Did it leave you asking the right questions or were you totally lost?

The plot was quick. I do come away wondering who these characters are. There’s not any background information or clues as to why they end up together other than the vampire saying that he’s been watching her.

Grammatical: Are there any consistent grammar or spelling errors the author should be aware of?

Yes. There are a lot of typographical errors. You need to run a spell-check. Go back also and read it aloud. You’ll catch most errors that way. Voicing your tale makes you slow down when you read.

Being that this is a contemporary setting, you should be using contractions: don’t, can’t, won’t etc. People in real life speak casually. The narrator is the victim and she’s recounting what happened. She wouldn’t use proper English. You can even toss in some slang.

Some misspelled words I noticed:
thru (through)
earie (eerie)
crimsion (crimson)
heald (held)
sentually (sensually)
corsed (coursed)
I good barely whisper "N...no." (could)
throbing (throbbing)
hugeness (ew is that a word? I’d like something such as: engorged manhood)
tounge (tongue)
rared (reared)
tremmors (tremors)
hungary (hungry)
spred (spread)
wraped (wrapped)
trobbing (throbbing)
*Did you notice that a lot of the misspellings were in the really hot scenes? *Smirk* That was mean. It stopped me every time and made me go- drat!

TenseAlso your tense got weird. It was past tense then shifted to present. Example: I could feel the strong frame of a man holding me tight as my feet dangled in the night air ,but the glowing eyes and teeth told me he was more than a man. He was a vampire. I should be scared ,but I'm not.

'Could feel', 'was', 'dangled'- those are all past tense verbs. 'Should be' and 'I’m'- those are present tense.

Commas You need to get your commas in the right spot. They go next to the word that precedes them not the one after:
I could feel the strong frame of a man holding me tight as my feet dangled in the night air ,but the glowing eyes and teeth told me he was more than a man.

Should be: …air, but…

General: Talk about any other areas where there is room for improvement: POV, descriptions, dialogue, format, etc...

I prefer third person narrative but because this is erotica you can get away with first person. It’s not so long that it loses me with the journal sort of narration.

I’d expect the girl to fight him more. She gave in quite easily. If someone snuck up on me at night and the blood moon appeared I’d be more apt to kick and scream. I don’t care if he was the sexiest vampire ever with long dark hair and mesmerizing ice-blue eyes.

Personal Opinion: Summarize your review, give any advice you can, and give your honest opinion.
It was a good flash erotica tale. You need to go back and clean up the typos. 'Typosis' detracts from the flow of the tale. Every time a reader’s eyes fall on a misspelled word, they pause and it takes them back into the present. You want your reader engrossed- in a place they don’t want to come back from- even more crucially because it is erotica. Like sex no one wants to fall out of the moment. I mean that in the nicest way. *Wink*

The actual sensuality of your piece is drawing. It’s animal passion in a fast moment, urgency, desire, forbidden longing- everything I love in erotica (but am too afraid to write- so far). Great job. Thanks for having this up to share and again thank you for peeking in my port.

signature of the hunting seastress
Review of Crossing Over  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Gabriella:

Thanks for stopping by my port. Now I must stop by yours. *Flower4*

This poem is detailed with all the things that made dad who he was. It shifts back in forth from his present state, his changed body and the memories he longs for.

It makes me sad. My own father was in the hospital years ago for bypass surgery and I feared the worse though I'd never tell him that.

This work touches on what it's like to see someone so powerful, so invincible, become weakened by time or age or health and then pass.

A touching poem. Thank you for sharing it.

Rainbow angel
Review of Jealousy  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Tis just me.

Ok read it through. Very nice image drawing me in to his emotions. I'd not change it. This poem is simple and to the point.

My favorite part is the first verse and the catch is that he stares. Glares and stares- grrr I feel the anger.

Great job.

~Lady Rook
Review of Autumn Requiem  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Zehhrey:

You entered my poetry contest for October's prompt of: Fall Colors. The entry you linked to the forum shows up as an invalid item. Is this the poem you meant to link?

I love it by the way.

So I shall review it anyhow- please let me know either way...

Edits: Last line requim should be requiem

General Comments: This autumn inspired poem reflects cycles of life and seasons. It shares the feeling of mourning over the loss of fall's beautiful colors as winter sets in.

Lady Rook
Review of Shadow  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
By: Shelly

Creepy. It sounds like the teller was raped by this other shadowy person. It could be just me catching that meaning. The poem has a sinister feel, a paranoid loss, deep sadness and anger.

It was a good, simple read, a confession of feelings. The tie in to the prompt was perfect. I like the line: “You stole the light from me.” Great message in that one.

My only suggestion for change would be that the “I” and “You” words were used too much. You may want to go back and change some of those lines. Up to you though.

~Lady Rook
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi irishwriter:

Thanks you for entering my contest. Your entry was a joy to read. The images are riddled with good hard work, memories, vivid images and a story. The final verse left me happy despite the struggle. It embodies the bond from mother to child that surpasses wealth and sorrow and makes light among shadows.

Wonderful to read.

~Lady Rook
Review of Taste of the Rain  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Halloween:

Thanks for entering my Monthly Poem Maker contest. Here is a detailed review for your submission:

general comments:
This piece is a scene. It shows the simple joy in the rain. I liked the way you described it as lonely and free. Those two words sure go together great.

The end is sweet.

I have no edits or suggestions.

~Lady Rook

Angel and Light
Review of Shape Shifter  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Snow~

Thanks for entering my Monster Maker Challenge. Your entry was short and sweet. I feel that way sometimes about my muse. Sometimes they are mysterious tellers that sneak up when we least expect it or haunt us with daily occurences. Often a muse is a pain.

The only edit I saw was: women should be woman.

The title fit the piece well.

In fact my favorite thing about this piece was the way the title describes a muse as something that is ever changing.

Keep writing.

Lady Rook

Angel and Light
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Opera Phantom,

Thanks for entering my Monster Maker Challenge. This tale was wonderful, its roots resting in a bit of reality. I loved the way you took the obsessive writer (face it every writer can be) and really gave her a musr to reckon with.

That the writer created the angel for an RPG was perfect. Those RPGs can be addicting things. You characterized your main perfectly.

I like the development, the way the angel helps at first, then pushes her to destroy her work, then continues to drive her over the edge.

For me this was the epitomy of what I wanted to read when I created the prompt for August. My own muses become annoying at the worst times and in your tale you make a nasty illustration of what could happen if a writer gives in too much to that imaginitive world that he or she must coexist with.

A pleasure to read.

Keep writing.

Lady Rook

Angel and Light
Review of A Whisper of Wind  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello again.

I got nosey. Good thing my nose is small or else I'd never sleep.

A review for you:

General Comments:
I was attracted to this poem because of its title. I have a similair sort of title on one of mine. The wind carries spirits sometimes and in your poem it carries the sprit of a love.

Your rhymes scheme comes off as marvelous until these two verses:

Determined to face illusion with spite,
I open my eyes to the heavenly sight,
Of you laying amongst the pinks and blues,
Melodically whispering, “I’ve finally found.”

You tug me in to fall beside,
Where in your arms I reside,
As tears of bliss I begin to cry,
Knowing happiness is finally mine…

Not being one for rhyme, it doesn't bother me. Meaning is better and should neve be forsaken for the rhyme.

I have no edit suggestions.

A lovely piece. Thanks for sharing it.

~Lady Rook
Review of Moonlit Night  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Arismeir:

A detailed review for you:

General Comments:
What a treasure to read. You write prose like a poet. At some points the wordiness was a bit much, but still the way you described each moment kept me reading to the last.

The dream scene in which the teller is seeing another look at her and he does not realize it is his past self is fabulous. For even at that point the reader is not sure of her fate.

April's character is revealed most of all by the details of her unusual actions and celebration of life. She is put forth as a character the exudes joy and love.

The teller is clearly given a difficult conflict to overcome. He wallows in his pain, struggling to go on. The outcome is mysterious and beautiful.

The use of the wolf as symbolism and something they both were fascinated by was done well. I like the way the wolf theme was tied in in the ending.

Edits/ Suggestions:
Once upon a time, it was a cheerful little heart, carefully carven into the wood.
~I would choose 'carved' instead of 'carven'.

“Farewell,” it seems to say, and with no further ado, turns aOnce upon a time, it was a cheerful little heart, carefully carven into the wood.
~'ado' should be 'adiue' (I think!)

My favorite line is this:
Darkness cannot survive long, however, for it is from absolute darkness that light is born.

That line gives the reader hope. I feel there is a place for sadness and moutning in writing. However, we must go on. That line made me think he would.

You have a unique writing style that is slow at first to read. I like the way you do it. Keep up the work. Thank you so much for sharing this story.

~Lady Rook
Review of The Color Wheel  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi AliciaWithAY.

Here is a detailed review for you:

Title Choice: "The Color WheelOpen in new Window.
Interesting. The many colors within the poem make the title fit.

General Comments:
It tells a little story of a chore and the character doing the work. It offers insight to the surroundings and the final line makes the reader go hm, interesting.

Please just capitalize I. If you feel your poem is better without punctuation and capitalization in the lines then by all means do not change that. But, alas, the I being the speaker's name in a way, should be capitalized.

Thanks for sharing it.

Lady Rook
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi Chasing His Dreams:

What a refreshing poem. I like its simplicity and its humor, if you can call it that. It describes a moment of happiness. Ok maybe the teller was happy.

Keep writing.

Lady Rook


Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Title Choice: "The Stories of the ConstellationsOpen in new Window.
A title that screams of myths.

General Comments:
The beginning was shaky for me. I had trouble with so much detail in such a short span. Also, there were so many characters introduced that I lost my way. I kept trying to relate them all.

What a horrible life there. Squalid and lost and without hope. I had hoped it would end with hope. You kind of pulled that off with her tale of the puma offering her soul. That was a fine analogy but I do not see how her death saves them at all.

The ending of tale was poetic and well done. It was a beautiful way to end something so dreery.

I liked the end best.

The introduction of so many characters. I don't think you needed all of them. I'd like to see it all focus on Sati, her children and the signifigance of the taxi driver.

The only suggestion I have is to put a space between each paragrapg. On this webiste it makes the piece easier to read.

Thanks for entering Philthy's Shorts Contest. Good Luck!

Review of Another Chance  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Title Choice: "Another ChanceOpen in new Window.
Nice Title- a bit vague but it works.

General Comments:
Marie's loss over her children moving far away is done well. I think it would be that way for me. Can I marry Henry? Ha. What a cool guy. The bond between husband and wife was believable and touching.

It did seem a little unbelievable that Sarah would end up back in or near her home town. Even more so that the dog would be hers. But then again- with dogs, stranger things have happened.

A nice turn around tale.

I loved the opening- the beginning sets the scene and reveals Henry's character as well as the conflict Marie is suffering with.

Perhaps a bit too much coincidence.

None- thank goodness.

Thanks for entering Philthy's Shorts Contest. Good luck!

Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Title Choice: "Mothers and DaughtersOpen in new Window.

General Comments:
Ok that was incredibly trajic. The dialogue was spectacular- the meaning behind each piece was awesome. The tale shows us this woman trajically slipping away, bit by bit. Also, the daughter is the classic co-dependent, covering up for her, still caring for her, trying to keep it all together.

The way you portrayed the insanity of it all. I loved the bits of the progression.

Aw the dog? Sheesh. That was just mean.

none to speak of

Thanks for entering Philthy's Shorts Contest. Good Luck!
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Title Choice: "My Uncle Told Me a StoryOpen in new Window.
The title doesn't catch me. But I am at a loss fpr a suggestion.

General Comments:
The beginning is a bit slow, but draws me in because it feels real. The uncle talks like many of my relatives, so I long to hear more.

You've woven the fantasy in just right. Not too little or too much- leaving the reader with a feel that it could have happened. I especially like your detail- the chocolate coloerd spit- the way they poked for worms in the soil.

The circle of the tale flows well too- that each returns to that mysterious land.

I liked that the people remained rather anonymous. It was more a tale about Silas. That kept it believable.

Nope- liked it all

last paragraph:
I’ll tell you want.
I think you mean: I'll tell you what.

Also there is a part where you say Silas was drunk and bit off. Maybe just add an 'a' before bit.

Thanks for entering Philthy's Shorts Contest. Good Luck!

Review of Under the Bed  Open in new Window.
Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Star-

Nice poem. Monster Maker is actually a contest for short stories. You are most welcome to enter a tale for June. The topic this month is a demon that gets to go 'upstairs' to the mortal world and bug someone.

I thank you though for sharing this poem. 'Twas a bummer no one entered for that month. The monster under my bed is most certainly real. I like to think he's my muse and at times he is. He gets especially frightening when I do not write. Jealousy, I suppose.

Anyhow, how 'bout a detailed review for your poem?

Title Choice: "Under the BedOpen in new Window.
Well now it seems that title is not really the title of the poem. The title of the poem seems to be 'Nightmares' and that fits the piece just fine, better in fact.

General Comments:
I like the author's voice- speaking directly to me. Also you do well with the contrary belief that it's not real yet we still hide our feet from it. You even have rhyme- simple and complete.

None. Clean writing.

Now as far as attaching all the comments after the poem, I know that's a personal choice. It's cute to read the reactions, but my, there are so many that I became distracted. (needs more coffee to focus)

Thanks for sharing. Keep writing.

Review by Lady Rook Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Frostcry:

This is a different piece for me to read. Here goes:

Title Choice: Christ As My Lover
Well, that is a bit of a shocker. Most do not think of a lover in the sense you speak of. However, I like where you went with this idea. Oh, if all lovers could be so supportive and caring as this.

General Comments:
I like your outlook. It's positive. If this point of view feels right to you, by all means take it.

As far as the piece itself, you may want to put a space between paragraphs. You don't have to- I know that's not the usual way when writing for submission. However, on this website, it is easier on the eyes to read.

He did create me after all, modeling me after he thought was most lovely.

I think you may want to place a "what" between after and he.

Thanks for sharing. Keep writing.

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