Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/topbeehler
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109 Public Reviews Given
109 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I tend to be nice. I never review on subject or anything but more about how things are written and how easy it is to read. If you do that I'll always give a 5 star review. :)
I'm good at...
I'm good at Erotica. But I'm by far best at Vore and Monster Girls. I love stories like that and is almost all I write.
Favorite Genres
Vore erotica... That's about it.
Least Favorite Genres
Don't really have one...
Favorite Item Types
Interactives by far. :)I also sometime do privet role playing stories with people who ask. Again Mostly Vore.
Least Favorite Item Types
Again Not sure? Haven't even used them all yet.
I will not review...
nothing... I will review almost anything. I'm a nice guy when it comes to that stuff.
Public Reviews
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Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Love Love Love everything here! Slimes are a wonderful. Quickly becoming my new favorite monster girl, with so much of what I like I honestly have to give it 5 stars. I love this so much. My only complaint is not of this, but that not as many people work this hard to make something this amazing.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Love the stories and love Natalie and Naomi. Some of the best characters in a series I love here. I can't wait to re-read everything I have found and enjoyed. It's also inspired me to maybe work on some more stories myself. Love the work again, and can't wait to read it again.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Actually, I have not read this, but plan to very soon. Still, I loved the authors work so much, I plan on giving all of their works I found 5 stars. Seriously. If anyone reading this hasn't read any of their works, Read them now. It's quickly becoming a favorite of mine.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
After the first one, I had to read the second... And Now I'm 100% hooked! Clearly this work of art needs to be recognized, and be given a 5 star review. I love what happens, and not just because this is sort of something I am into. But also because of how well made it is. Natasha and Naomi are so wonderful. *Heart*
Review of Natasha & Naomi  Open in new Window.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A very wonderful story, and really can't go wrong with a slime girl. I actually am a huge fan of monster girls, and have stories of them myself. So it's nice to see someone else making something so wonderful and well made that is also something I love. I will for sure be reading everything I can by this author.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Not bad, Personally I find this to be a wonderful story, So interesting, It made me want to keep reading to see what was going to happen next. I can't help but feel sad that I finished it, Like all good things this had to come to a end, But it left me wanting so much more. A beautiful work of art and worth all 5 stars.
Review of Henry Hudson  Open in new Window.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Is this a school project? Well, It looks nice. Well made and easy to read. I never heard of Henry Hudson? Then again I am no good at history. :3 Well, Looks cool. Nice job and very well made. A+, and a 5 stars for this. I love to learn and this was cool. Nice job.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Oh man it has been a while since I have seen this story. I remember this one from a while back. :) I forgot how much fun it was to add to this. I also remember how much fun the author is. :) We would always write together and I would love it.

But enough of that story. Now one to this one. As I said I am a fan of the author so of course I needs 5 stars. :) But this is why I should get it. First off, I love vore. This story is full of it and Monster girls too. Next, this story has a lot of good memories of some of my first writings on writing.com. And last, this story is detailed, well written, and all around louds of fun. :) I may even get back on this story some time and add to it again. Well, that is my review!

Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I love this group. :) Not much else to say other than I love it. The reasons I think so highly of the UEN Group is because I love erotica. I write it more than anything and have a few good erotica stories. I also would love to become a member and did the Application now I'm just waiting. Anyway, I can't wait to be a part of this newsletter. I love it and hope I can even contribute some too.

Your fan:
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
First off I would just liek to say, nice job! :D I love a good monster girl story and you have one. I love the stoy here too. A witch used her magic to get an army of monster girls and now rules the world. Nice. :) My only complant is that this story is a little short, but thta can be fixed with a few adds. I may ever write a few my self if I find the time. :)

So to sum it all up. Sexy monster girl story. Love it! 5 Stars. :) Nice job friend.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I've only recently learned about Lamp and after reading up about her I have to say I do think this story is going to be cool. It's still far to short for me or anyone really to fully enjoy but I know you'll fix that in no time. :) I love the idea and already have some ideas I want to write once I have time. Nice job Phazoid on this and I love how it is. 5 sexy pink majin's out of 5.
Review of COW COW BOOGIE  Open in new Window.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Nice. I had to re- read it to figure out you were trying to say 'tucows' and when i did I got it. his is a cool, if not slightly weird story but that is not a bad thing. :) It is well writen and easy to follow, soemthing I love in stories. So I give this story a 5 of 5 and finish by telling you, Wel done. 5 of 5!
Review of PE3 Assignment  Open in new Window.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nice. I'm not normally reading stuff like this but you have put lots of good detail and easy to read instructions. I'm not sure if you made this to help people with some kind of Lesson or soemthing but it is made well enough to and easy to follow. Not sure how to rate this as I have never rated an item like this so I guess a 5 out of 5 is what i'll give you. Nice job. :)
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Nice job with your story. I love a good monster girl story so I was happy to find one like this. You've done a good job putting it together and making it look good. I also like that you can pick your characters age and sex. I have a few monster girl stories too so I'm glad to see a fellow monster girl fan. But back to the story, over all awesome and the fact you have monster girls makes it perfect. 5/5 every time!
Review of Voices  Open in new Window.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Nice poem. I loved how well it was made and written. It made it's point and it did it well.... The only thing I didn't like was that it's more or less liek every other poem. It seems all short poems are them same. Or more, have the same feel. But if it's not broke don't fix it. :) I just feel like some one needs to do somehthing else with poems. Anyway, nice job.
Review of the voyager  Open in new Window.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Not bad... I found this to be a... well a weird little story. I have a feeling there is a meaning for some of the stuff in it but I've never been good at figuring that stuff out. But I don't rate on that. It was very well writen and made well. I just clicked randown review and ended up and and I have to say nice job. Other than the fack I have a feeling you ahve a meaning in this that i can't figure out, I love it. 5/5 :)
Review of Kidnap  Open in new Window.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Very interesting. I love it when i read something like this. It was very well written and easy to follow the story. The story was very good and I read it from top to bottem. The ending was my favorite but for anyone else reading this I don't want to give anything away. (But Now I'm undering after they go into the bedroom? I have an idea but you know...) Over all it was good and well woth the 5 stars I'm giving it. I'll have to read more of your work Once I have time. Awesome story!
Review of Paging Theodore.  Open in new Window.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I just have to give this five. First off it is easy to read and next it is by one of my favorite authors. I enjoied this short story alot and was surprised how it ended. You could say I really didn't see that coming. (Bad joke.) Anyway. Nice jobe Gimlet!
Review of American Suffrage  Open in new Window.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is really cool. I don't know a lot about history but this was really fun to read. Anything that makes me learn is always a 5 but I also loved how it was writen more like a story than a history book. I have no idea how true this is but It seems like something that would happen. Nice job.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This is a great story. I love how it is writen and I love Monster Girls. I wish there was more stories like this one on Writing.com. Great story and lots of fun. The only thing I would change is that it is really short. It needs more chapters to become even better. Other than that it is awesome.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Not bad. It wwas well writen and very detailed. Over all a great story. This is only the first chapter from what i saw so i guess I have to read them all now. It made me feel like It needed something or like something was missing but I feel like the next chapter or next few xhapters will cover that.
Review of Trick or Tweet  Open in new Window.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Wow this was a long story. It took me almost an hour to read it. I love long stories and this one was really cool. I think i missed a few things because some things I just didn't get. I'll have to re-read it. But over all a good story. I give it a 4 out of 5. Nice job.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
It's not really a story but it helped me find stuff I wanted to read. It had info and every thing you would need. I guess a good way to put it is more like a catalog or something. I have no idea how to rate this but I guess a 5 out of 5 is good. At the very least it is helpful.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a great Poem. I don't like to date because I feel like all the good girls are taken. From what I can see you must have one of the good ones. But enough of that. The Poem is awesome and very well writen. You showed alot of talent and I loved how it felt. Great Job.
Review by TopBeehler Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I liked this story. It had a great start and right away I was hooked. It was easy to read and I just couldn't get enough. I hate it when good stories end because most of the time I don't want them to end. But this story ended well and I was very happy I took the time to read this. Great Job.
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