Hey there 13poes!
Welcome to WDC! The algorithm has decided to promote your piece, so I've decided to leave a review! To keep things easy for you, I'll split my thoughts into three parts: subject, form, and philosophy.
First of all, I can't really pinpoint the target emotion here. And I think that's actually a cool thing. You can read this poem as both a description of heartbreak AND as a description of yearning and hope, so I absolutely love that. Obviously, yearning and heartbreak are two sides to the same coin, and you've managed to tread the fine line that encompasses both. Seriously, hats off to you.
My second series of comments usually focus around form, but since you mentioned that you're a non-native speaker, I'll also include some feedback on general English here, too. For starters, your English is excellent: the only grammatical mistake is an unneeded comma in the line "for within time...quiet heart." It's excellently composed from a grammatical standpoint. From a technical standpoint, though, I'd like to offer two bits of advice. First off, and you've probably heard this already, but I'd avoid grammar words. What do I mean? In poetry, especially free form poetry like this, it can often help to leave off the articles (a, an, the), possessive adjectives (my, your, his/her, our, their), and some prepositional phrases (opt instead for single-word prepositions). This is by no means a rule, but it's advice that I've carried with me since high school and it's really helped my poetry. The second thing is watch where you break your lines. I think your current breaks work well, but try playing around with it on your own and seeing what you can come up with. If anything, it just gets you into the habit of practicing.
I usually leave comments here about my general thoughts on the thesis statement or message of the piece for the third section, but I honestly don't think there's much to say. These emotions are a universal experience, which is part of what makes this piece to relatable.
Overall, I think this is a piece to be proud of. With a little love and attention, and maybe some ~linguistic experimenting~, I think it'll be a solid piece that you can be proud of. If you have any questions or just want to talk writing, feel free to hit me up anytime! Also, out of curiosity, what language is your native language? I'm a language nerd so I always like to ask :)
Happy writing!
-Novaire |