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Review of RESURRECTION!  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
You have written a very nice piece. I read it as if Jesus was speaking the words to me and to me that is what every writer wants. To draw their readers into the item. I only have one suggestion, but it is your piece. I feel it would be smoother if you were to remove, (also.) Have you ever used dropnotes? They hide all the clutter that is at the bottom of the page. I have a tendency to award gp's when someone uses them.

And is also - the Son of God!

I will feature it in April's Feature Author. I am sorry that there weren't any other entries in the March contest. I will give you a gift for your participation.

Keep creating your dreams,

My Masquerade Ball Mask in Red.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
For quill 2021 winners Quill Finalist Logo 2022

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The Best Disguise  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Wow, what an amazing altogether piece. It is spot on. I love the word play and have used it as well in a few pieces of mine.

Unfortunately you did hit it spot on how most people feel about themselves. If we would only say I love you more often to ourselves. Then we would radiate that love to others.

Wonderful read first thing in the morning. I’m going to go look in the mirror and say, I love you!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of HOMECOMING.  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
It gives me great pleasure to wish you a
🎊 Happy πŸ₯‚ Anniversary 🎊
What better way to celebrate than to give you an anniversary review?


These are only my opinions. Feel free to use what you find helpful, and please disregard the rest, for I'm not an expert reviewer.
October Reviews

πŸ“š β˜• πŸ““ β˜• πŸ“– β˜• πŸ“š β˜• πŸ“– β˜• πŸ““ β˜• πŸ“š

""HOMECOMING.Open in new Window."

I put on my brakes after your title captured my attention. What better way to celebrate your anniversary than by gifting this review!

Rhythm & Flow:
Your piece has the perfect rhythm and flow to keep your readers wanting more. I can see how you won first place.

Imagery & Emotions:

I picture a man walking peacefully along the road from pavement to a dirt road. Maybe he has a stick in his hand and humming along to a childhood song. I've done that many a time in my life. Then as he's getting closer, he fades with one step closer to his final resting place. It's a sweet piece. As I lay my cousin to rest at his memorial this Thursday, I picture it being him in your piece. Thank you!


My favorite stance is:

The green vine will cling to trees,
Violet will rule the sky.

I can picture Wisteria hanging around, and when the wind blows, I can smell the sweet scent in the air.

Thank you for sharing with us this lovely piece. I really enjoyed reading ""HOMECOMING.Open in new Window.."

Keep Writing those Dreams!
Anniversary card to WdC members.
My Masquerade Ball Mask in Red.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
It gives me great pleasure to wish you a
🎊 Happy πŸ₯‚ Anniversary 🎊
What better way to celebrate than to give you an anniversary review?


These are only my opinions. Feel free to use what you find helpful, and please disregard the rest, for I'm not an expert reviewer.
October Reviews

πŸ“š β˜• πŸ““ β˜• πŸ“– β˜• πŸ“š β˜• πŸ“– β˜• πŸ““ β˜• πŸ“š


I put on my brakes after your title captured my attention, and I remembered that it was inspired by "My Soldier Blue, I love you!Open in new Window.. Then I realized that I hadn't given you a review on it. What better way to celebrate your anniversary than by gifting this review on your inspiring piece?

Rhythm & Flow:
Your piece has the perfect rhythm and flow to keep your readers wanting more.

Imagery & Emotions:

It drew me in to see a young couple saying goodbye to one another. There were tears and sorrow about what was to come with this departure. Neither wanted to let go, afraid that it was the last to see one another. Then he had to depart on wings that took him away. It paints a picture of what one would see if they had one parting off to war. Like so many military families do with their loved ones.


My favorite stance is:

I can still so well remember
Long ago when you were mine,
β€˜Tho the fire is but an ember
Dying in the mist of time.

It reminds me how time heals all those wounds that we endure while growing older.

Thank you for sharing with us this lovely piece. I really enjoyed reading "WINGS TOOK ME AWAY."

Keep Writing those Dreams!
Anniversary card to WdC members.
My Masquerade Ball Mask in Red.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Dandelions  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
I enjoyed your piece""DandelionsOpen in new Window. It spoke of the love God has for us and how He wanted us to spread His word and grow His love amongst His people by spreading His seed. I want to thank you for entering "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.. I do hate that it has taken me this long to review your June 2021 entry. It is my fault that I'm late in awarding and reviewing the entries. I am still having health issues. Please, forgive me for not catching up sooner. I am awarding everyone who entered special gifts for being so patient with me this past year. It is my pleasure to award you 2nd Place for June 2021 contest. I appreciate your time and support.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
I enjoyed your piece""God’s Guidance will not Despair meOpen in new Window. It spoke of the love God has for us and how He wanted us to spread His word and grow His love amongst His people by spreading His seed. I want to thank you for entering "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.. I do hate that it has taken me this long to review your June 2021 entry. It is my fault that I'm late in awarding and reviewing the entries. I am still having health issues. Please, forgive me for not catching up sooner. I am awarding everyone who entered special gifts for being so patient with me this past year.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
I enjoyed your piece""Growing God's Precious Garden Open in new Window. It spoke of the love God has for us and how He wanted us to spread His word and grow His love amongst His people by spreading His seed. I want to thank you for entering "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.. I do hate that it has taken me this long to review your June 2021 entry. It is my fault that I'm late in awarding and reviewing the entries. I am still having health issues. Please, forgive me for not catching up sooner. I am awarding everyone who entered special gifts for being so patient with me this past year.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The Gardener  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
I enjoyed your piece""The GardenerOpen in new Window. It spoke of the love God has for us and how He wanted us to spread His word and grow His love amongst His people by spreading His seed. I want to thank you for entering "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.. I do hate that it has taken me this long to review your June 2021 entry. It is my fault that I'm late in awarding and reviewing the entries. I am still having health issues. Please, forgive me for not catching up sooner. I am awarding everyone who entered special gifts for being so patient with me this past year.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Damon's Lilies  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello TCPrescott,

I don't usually read horror and try to stay away from watching it, but I do on occasion. We are celebrating Angus Author IconMail Icon birthday this week, and I stumbled upon your portfolio and found this gem. I did find a few grammar and punctuation errors, and I will include them for you. I also found your piece written very well and feel like it could be a great candidate for a horror movie.

I hope you find my review helpful and respectful. It always helps to have a second pair of eyes helping out.


These are only my opinions. Feel free to use what you find helpful; please disregard the rest because I'm not an expert reviewer.

1. Damon peeled Lillian's socks away, taking special care not to touch her toes, interfering with her body as little as possible. (It has been re-worded for clarification)

2. Her feet were pale and pink, just like the lily. In time they would look more like a white lily, but they were the perfect color for now. (It has been re-worded for clarification)

3. Before plucking the lily between her feet, he leaned down and inhaled deeply. (It has been re-worded for clarification)

4. Maybe later in the summer, Lillian would have gone out tanning, but for now, they were still as pale as fresh-fallen snow. (punctuation)

5. Feeling adventurous, he'd slipped the stem of that night's lily into her vagina and created what Damon considered to be the 'Holy Grail' of photographs. (remove comma)

6. That was the way his mother had held flowers, never by the stem but cradled carefully in the palm. (add a comma, and remove coma)

7. He longed to stroke her hair but refrained. (remove comma)

8. Disturbing this delicate equilibrium would be a crimeβ€”a sin, perhaps. (add a comma) It makes it more dramatic. With the pause!

9. The tissue surrounding her head was pink, and the blood had blossomed across the pillowβ€”in the shape of a flower? (add a comma)

10. Inspiration took hold, and he drew Lillian's head up by a wad of silken blond hair. (add a comma)

Last but not least, I never saw that coming the way you ended it! I enjoyed your story and look forward to reading more of your work.

Thank you for sharing. I really enjoyed reading it.

Let your creativity flow!

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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Brittle Dance  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow, a very powerful piece. It flows evenly throughout with a dramatic ending. I could picture the dance as they spun around to be surprised by the shards of glass under their feet. Coming to a horrifying stop. VERY POWERFUL piece!!!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey Shannon, I wanted to see if you would like to join us at "My Secret ValentineOpen in new Window. . I am looking for adorable Valentine shops to add, just like yours. Check it out and let me know, asap.

It is an adorable little shop that you have. I hope you join us. I liked several myself.

Hope to hear from you soon, Legendary❀️Mask Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Good evening The StoryMaster,

Dropping in to wish you a Happy WdC 21st Anniversary. I stumbled upon your survey "Guidelines to Great Reviewing - The QuizOpen in new Window. and decided to take it and review it. I think that most of us do follow the guidelines that have been set. I think that it is an excellent idea to have guidelines to follow and found it inspiring to use.

I want to thank you for keeping this an encouraging site for all who join. You make it fun, safe, and a place everyone wants to be. Here's to many more years to come.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)

It is my pleasure to read and review your entry for "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.. First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to enter the contest. I know that there are so many different contests here on WdC. I'm so pleased that you took the time to write and enter this contest. I hope that you enjoy my religious-based contest and return often. You may also enjoy "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window. another religious-based contest of mine. It is nothing like sharing the joy, love, faith, and knowledge of our Heavenly Father.

I also noticed that it is your anniversary this month. We want to wish you a wonderful WdC Anniversary from "Anniversary ReviewsOpen in new Window..
New Anniversary Review image.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


I will give you my thoughts, pointers, any corrections if needed, and some advice. These are only my opinions. Feel free to use what you find helpful, and please disregard the rest, for I'm not an expert reviewer.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


The title "GROWING GOD'S GARDEN: sharing His loveOpen in new Window. is a delightful choice for your piece.

Imagery & Emotions:

When I came up with this prompt this month I knew that I would get some creative pieces. I don't think we ever think about us being a gardener in God's garden, and I don't think we realize that we plant seeds wherever we go by our actions, words, and by the way, we present ourselves to the world.

I love the play with your words and seeing how you create the garden around you, family, and friends. You have an amazing garden that surrounds you and those you love. I'm so glad that I'm included in it.

Suggestions for Correction:

I have included a few suggestions for corrections. You will find them in red. They are simple ones that will make your piece move smoothly. I enjoyed your piece very much.

1. GOD and JESUS give me stories: His garden to show {I'm not sure if you need : in your piece.}
2. SEEDS sprout within their hearts, and His glory shows {needed a comma}
3. GARDENER in the GARDEN growing his love given freely {I think you wanted to use freely not free. To ryhme with willingly}

In Conclusion:

My favorite line is:

SEEDS sprout within their hearts, and His glory shows

I love this line because I know how it feels to feel His glory shining through me. I can still feel that glow from the very first day when I let Him in. It burst from my heart into every inch of my body. That feeling is nothing I ever want to forget. His love shines through from that seed that was planted by my baby sister and her church. I shall forever be grateful to them. This line reminds me of that glorious day.

I want to thank you for entering and supporting "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading and reviewing your entry. I hope that you enjoyed spending time, sharing, and writing about the Bible.

May you be blessed always,
Let your creativity flow!
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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of The Steps  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
It is my great pleasure to wish you a

*Star* Happy πŸ₯‚ Anniversary *Star*

Here at WdC and may you have many many more.
I thought while I was here, I would give you an anniversary review to help you celebrate a milestone.

πŸ“š β˜• πŸ““ πŸ“– β˜• πŸ“– β˜• πŸ“– πŸ““ β˜• πŸ“š


These are only my opinions. Feel free to use what you find helpful, and please disregard the rest, for I'm not an expert reviewer by no means.


Your title "The StepsOpen in new Window. really caught my attention. Great name, and it turned out not to be what I thought it would be.
I thought it was about stepfamilies.

Storyline, plot and characters:

The storyline is very imaginative and using steps as characters, awesome. I never saw it coming that they would be the actual characters in it. A nice little twist.

Imagery & Emotions:

I love how you had them come alive and have a conversation between themselves. It's not like they could go anywhere if they didn't like the conversation. And remembering the past with the family memories was priceless. I love walking down memory lane with them. Excellent job on making this a wonderful, stimulating read.

Suggested Corrections, Grammer, Punctuation:

1. Step Three was the historian of the group and reveled in remembering things that some would rather forget.
2. Sure, the house has sheltered them all these years and given them a place to live, relax, and grow.
3. But who’s been here all this time also, giving them access to the meadow beyond you, Arch.
4. β€œYou know, I think you’re right, Four, we are important, just not as important as we’d like to be.

They are some quick, easy suggestions. I love having extra eyes look over my work. I guess that's why I send them to you sometimes... lol.


My favorite line is:

And the meadow, listening in on all the conversation, just grinned a Cheshire Cat’s grin, reached out his grassy arms, and hugged each of them.

I envisioned the tall green grass swaying back and forth in the light breeze by you showing me the meadow hugging the steps made this appear so real.

Thank you for sharing this enlightening story. It makes your imagination soar with the possibilities. I really enjoyed reading it, and it was a delight. "Happy WdC Anniversary, Jim! We love you very much."

Keep Writing on!
My Masquerade Ball Mask in Red.
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Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hey Cuz,

Here is the review you requested me to look at. This is a cute informative story. I like the images that you inserted, you will see that I deleted some but added some in other areas. I also edited them a bit spaced them to the end of the sentence and removed some. So you have a more balanced piece or uniformed look, however you want to look at it. You will see that I reworded a few things as well to have them sound smoother. I love the pictures that you drew and look forward to seeing them all colored.

I love the images going to the next page. Cool effect.

Overall: A cute story, imaginary awesome, just needs fine-tuning.

Chapter One: Ants Work Hard

Hello, I am, Mr Ant! In case you didn't notice, I am an 🐜 ant. There are a few things humans can learn from us ants, and I am here to teach you. I figured I should introduce myself before we get started. I am happy to meet all of you.


The first thing we will learn in chapter one of this book is that ants work very hard. All of these guys are my friends and family members. Together, we work hard to maintain our anthill. It takes a lot of hard work to maintain an anthill.🐜

We have a πŸ‘Έ queen who runs our colony that lives in our anthill and makes sure we have babies (place a baby image here) to take care of. A colony is what you would call all of us together. Our babies have to all be kept at a certain temperature 🌑 or they will die. They also have to be fed 🍼 so they can grow up to become big strong worker ants.🐜 Some of the babies will become more queens.πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘Έ Depending on the size of our colony, we may need more than one. Sometimes the new queens will go off to start their own colonies.🐜

The bigger and stronger ants go out to look for food.🐜 They also protect our colony from predators who would harm us and destroy our home.🐜🐜🐜

Click on the picture below to go to the next page.

Image of the anthill, you might put a few ants in there...lol.

Our anthill is kind of like a 🏠 house. Only, our home is usually made in the ground. It also has several rooms like a house has bedrooms. The anthill has small passageways from room to room like a house has hallways. We only have one entrance from the top. There are a lot of us, and there are a lot of rooms in our anthill. 🐜🐜🐜

We have all these separate rooms.🐜 We mostly just take care of the 🍼 babies inside the anthill.🐜 Of course, we can take a rest here when needed and we can come here for shelter when it is storming or there is a threat to our safety outside.🐜🐜🐜

Ant babies start out as eggs laid by the queen or queens. Then they become larvae. At this stage they may shed their skin several times before they become a pupa. The larvae live off the regurgitated food of adults.🐜

Pupa are in a small cocoon until they emerge as adult ants. The adults begin working to help gather food and maintain the colony or the queens assume their role of laying eggs or go start their own colonies.🐜🐜🐜

Click on the image below to go to the next page.

I love the image of Sarge Ant carrying a leave back to the hill. Have you ever watched a line of ants carrying food back. It is amazing what they can do.

This is Sarge Ant. He is our strongest worker ant.🐜 He can carry up to 20 times his weight. He is one very strong ant. He sometimes has to carry the food he finds a very long way back to the anthill.

Most of his super strength is in his jaws. This is what allows him to carry such heavy objects.

Ants will eat leaves and other types of food. They prefer sweet sugary items. Often they will leave a scent trail for other ants to follow when they find a good food source. This is why a lot of times you will see ants traveling in a single file line. They are following the scent trail that was left for them by the Sarge Ant.


Click on the image below to go back to the beginning of chapter 1.

Love the artwork. Not, a bad artist, you go girlfriend!

May your writings be blessed always,
My Masquerade Ball Mask in Red.
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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)


It is my pleasure to read and review your entry for "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window.. First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to enter the contest. I know that there are so many different contests here on WdC. I wanted to take "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. to a new level and designed a short story contest to allow us to share testimonies and feelings in our faith. I'm so pleased that you took the time to write and enter it. I hope that you enjoy my religious-based contests and return often. It is nothing like sharing the joy, love, faith, and knowledge of our Heavenly Father.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


I will give you my thoughts, pointers, corrections if needed, and some advice. These are only my opinions. Feel free to use what you find helpful, and please disregard the rest, for I'm not an expert reviewer.

A little background on how I review others work:

I want to let you know that I do not review like most people. I, for one, have a unique contest. It is about God and you, your feelings for Him, and the things He does in your lives. I can’t take that away from you, but I can help you grow in the gift He has given you. I will provide you with input to help your story be a powerful testimony for others to read. I don’t want to cross any lines because this is your testimony, not mine.

I use a grammar app that helps me tremendously, and I would like to share it with others as a gift. I will give you an in-depth review of your story. This is by no means a reflection on your work. It is my opinion only, and you may use it or not. It is totally left up to you if you wish to use the changes. I have learned so much these past two years by using Grammarly. I feel more confident in my writing. When I came to WdC four years ago not knowing much about writing, but I have always wanted to write for many years. I needed somewhere to learn, and I stumble upon Writing.com. The best thing I have ever done for myself. I even have recommended it to family and friends who have joined.

When I judge a contest, I have to take many factors into play, how well it is written, grammar, punctuation, passive voice vs. active voice {I had to look those up myself}, if it is too wordy, and a few other things. I keep in mind that this is your story, your testimony, and it has to be your words that I use to make it a powerful message. I hope not to offend anyone with the reviews I give.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


The title "All Things Work Out For My GoodOpen in new Window. is a true statement for all of us.

Imagery & Emotions:

I truly hate this happened to you and pray that the scars have healed and He has given you the peace in your heart.
I can relate to the feelings that come from a rape. I won't go into detail here. Your testimony hits too close to home for our family. Unfortunately, in cases like these, your readers can relate to the numbness, fear, shame, confusion, guilt, anger, so many emotions that go with rape. Especially when it is someone whom you trust.

Which cousin are you talking about? Must be on your dad's side. I don't recall anyone working at the records building in OK City. I know that it would have been a shock to realize that you could have been injured or worse. I'm glad that she is ok.
There are times in our lives when it seems we are alone until we realize all we had to do is reach up to Him. To feel all the comfort, love, strength, and compassion that He offers to us.
In Conclusion:

Distractions and/or Errors: The corrections are just corrections, not meaning that your story is not excellent. The revisions are intended to make it stronger. The corrections in the whole sentence were passive, and I was instructed to rewrite them by Grammarly to make it in an active voice. I found 20 errors in your short story. The following are suggestions for making your piece stronger and less distracting with grammar and punctuation errors. They are more than one correction in some sentences. I added the whole sentence to help you find it easier when/if you make changes.

1. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.
2. I love God, and I am called according to his purpose.
3. An ex-boyfriend raped me.
4. He had lured me outside before I knew what was happening.
5. I won't go into full details here, but what happened during this experience makes the difference in this story.
6. I would slip in and out of consciousness while he had his way with me.
7. Somehow, I ended back up in my body, gasping for air.
8. I had been told later that the ex-boyfriend only spent three weeks in jail for his act of violence towards me.
9. I was in shock and in a daze for several weeks after it happened.
10. All I know is I had seen a guy that looked like my ex-boyfriend at the technical school I was in at the time, and the memory and realization of what had happened to me came flooding back.
11. As horrible as it was, this event turned out for my good because I was able to fully experience what it was like to be washed in the blood of the Lamb.
12. He was able to save many people from a huge famine, including his brothers, who had sold him into slavery.
13. He was able to forgive his brothers because he realized what they had meant for his harm.
14. God had planned and used it for the good of many people.
15. Another memory takes me back to the Oklahoma City bombing at the Federal Building in 1995.
16. A cousin who would have normally been at work in the Journal Records building across the street from the Federal Building.
17. However, she happened to have been at the courthouse 5 blocks away.
18. If she would have been in her office at work, she may have been hit by broken glass and shrapnel as the windows were blown out of her office.
19. Time and time again, I have seen this verse lived out.
20. God is good all the time, and always has my best interest at heart.

I hope this helps you. As I said before, I am not a professional reviewer. I am here to help you sharpen your skills. I by no means am a perfect author myself. I have the Grammarly app, and it has helped me out tremendously these past few years. It has sharpened my skills, and I want to freely and lovingly share them with others. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

ATTENTION: I want to introduce you to an incentive program that I have designed to encourage others to make the edits and gain an upgraded Awardicon. If you make the suggested corrections at your own discretion because it is your work, not mine. But, remember I have used your words. If you place in the contest, I will give you a 25k Awardicon instead of a 10k. I have not forgotten the rest of you! If you do the corrections, I will give you my new Exclusive MB in the works with CR's included. I will also change your rating to reflect a higher rating.

I want to thank you for entering and supporting "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading and reviewing your entry. I hope that you enjoyed spending time, sharing your testimony, and writing about the Bible. It is my pleasure to award you "Honorable Mention" for March 2021 "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window.
"Honorable Mention"
May you be always blessed,
Let your creativity flow!

Bringing sunshine into your life to brighten your day!
Image #4000 over display limit. -?-
Image #2251075 over display limit. -?- ~*Heartb*~ Image #2251074 over display limit. -?-
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)


It is my pleasure to read and review your entry for "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window.. First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to enter the contest. I know that there are so many different contests here on WdC. I wanted to take "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. to a new level and designed a short story contest to allow us to share testimonies and feelings in our faith. I'm so pleased that you took the time to write and enter it. I hope that you enjoy my religious-based contests and return often. It is nothing like sharing the joy, love, faith, and knowledge of our Heavenly Father.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


I will give you my thoughts, pointers, corrections if needed, and some advice. These are only my opinions. Feel free to use what you find helpful, and please disregard the rest, for I'm not an expert reviewer.

A little background on how I review others work:

I want to let you know that I do not review like most people. I, for one, have a unique contest. It is about God and you, your feelings for Him, and the things He does in your lives. I can’t take that away from you, but I can help you grow in the gift He has given you. I will provide you with input to help your story be a powerful testimony for others to read. I don’t want to cross any lines because this is your testimony, not mine.

I use a grammar app that helps me tremendously, and I would like to share it with others as a gift. I will give you an in-depth review of your story. This is by no means a reflection on your work. It is my opinion only, and you may use it or not. It is totally left up to you if you wish to use the changes. I have learned so much these past two years by using Grammarly. I feel more confident in my writing. When I came to WdC four years ago not knowing much about writing, but I have always wanted to write for many years. I needed somewhere to learn, and I stumble upon Writing.com. The best thing I have ever done for myself. I even have recommended it to family and friends who have joined.

When I judge a contest, I have to take many factors into play, how well it is written, grammar, punctuation, passive voice vs. active voice {I had to look those up myself}, if it is too wordy, and a few other things. I keep in mind that this is your story, your testimony, and it has to be your words that I use to make it a powerful message. I hope not to offend anyone with the reviews I give.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


Your title "Dousing the FlamesOpen in new Window. really caught my attention and is very fitting.

Imagery & Emotions:

I can relate to how you feel about getting others sick. Except I'm on the other side of it. I quarantined myself due to my autoimmune system. Sometimes I would be so calm and other times when I had to go out to get supplies I would panic when someone would come near me. I do most of my shopping online and have it delivered or I will do curbside pickup. I rarely go inside if I can get away from doing it.

I do watch Charles Stanley online for my church. I do miss going to church, though. I can understand why you would be concerned for those at church. You are a sweet person who cares so much about others. Missing the holidays can be very disappointing. I missed a lot during these past two years.

Dousing the flames are the right words to use for this piece. Our worries come up and when we talk to God and use the Bible verses to help us they go away. I use Psalms 91 a lot, but I use Psalms when I need assurance, love, strength, and comfort. The words seem to soothe my soul. He is my Rock and Fortress.
In Conclusion:

Distractions and/or Errors: The corrections are just corrections, not meaning that your story is not excellent. The revisions are intended to make it stronger. The corrections in the whole sentence were passive, and I was instructed to rewrite them by Grammarly to make it in an active voice. I found 11 errors in your short story. The following are suggestions for making your piece stronger and less distracting with grammar and punctuation errors. They are more than one correction in some sentences. I added the whole sentence to help you find it easier when/if you make changes.

1. My OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) brain got stuck on the idea, and I worried about it every day.
2. I decided to talk to my mom since she's a retired nurse.
3. I wiped [c:red}the tears from my eyes at the thought of not seeing my family and my brother's beautiful new house.
4. "I don't want you to have to be quarantined if I test positive."
5. We will be there in about a half-hour.
6. We love you," she said, and gave me a big hug.
7. After a nearly five-hour wait, they called me back.
8. A couple of days later, I got a phone call.
9. Despite the negative test, I continued to worry that I would get someone sick.
10. Now, every time I start to worry, I remind myself that I have had two tests, two doctors, and a nurse says I don't have it.
11. I hope that if anyone else with OCD reads this, that it can help them and break the stigma.

I hope this helps you. As I said before, I am not a professional reviewer. I am here to help you sharpen your skills. I by no means am a perfect author myself. I have the Grammarly app, and it has helped me out tremendously these past few years. It has sharpened my skills, and I want to freely and lovingly share them with others. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

ATTENTION: I want to introduce you to an incentive program that I have designed to encourage others to make the edits and gain an upgraded Awardicon. If you make the suggested corrections at your own discretion because it is your work, not mine. But, remember I have used your words. If you place in the contest, I will give you a 25k Awardicon instead of a 10k. I have not forgotten the rest of you! If you do the corrections, I will give you my new Exclusive MB in the works with CR's included. I will also change your rating to reflect a higher rating.

I want to thank you for entering and supporting "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading and reviewing your entry. I hope that you enjoyed spending time, sharing your testimony, and writing about the Bible. It is my pleasure to award you "2nd Place Winner" for March 2021 "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window.

"*Trophyb* 2nd Place Winner"

May you be always blessed,
Let your creativity flow!

Bringing sunshine into your life to brighten your day!
Image #4000 over display limit. -?-
Image #2251075 over display limit. -?- ~*Heartb*~ Image #2251074 over display limit. -?-
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of My Window To Life  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)


It is my pleasure to read and review your entry for "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window.. First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to enter the contest. I know that there are so many different contests here on WdC. I wanted to take "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. to a new level and designed a short story contest to allow us to share testimonies and feelings in our faith. I'm so pleased that you took the time to write and enter it. I hope that you enjoy my religious-based contests and return often. It is nothing like sharing the joy, love, faith, and knowledge of our Heavenly Father.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


I will give you my thoughts, pointers, corrections if needed, and some advice. These are only my opinions. Feel free to use what you find helpful, and please disregard the rest, for I'm not an expert reviewer.

A little background on how I review others work:

I want to let you know that I do not review like most people. I, for one, have a unique contest. It is about God and you, your feelings for Him, and the things He does in your lives. I can’t take that away from you, but I can help you grow in the gift He has given you. I will provide you with input to help your story be a powerful testimony for others to read. I don’t want to cross any lines because this is your testimony, not mine.

I use a grammar app that helps me tremendously, and I would like to share it with others as a gift. I will give you an in-depth review of your story. This is by no means a reflection on your work. It is my opinion only, and you may use it or not. It is totally left up to you if you wish to use the changes. I have learned so much these past two years by using Grammarly. I feel more confident in my writing. When I came to WdC four years ago not knowing much about writing, but I have always wanted to write for many years. I needed somewhere to learn, and I stumble upon Writing.com. The best thing I have ever done for myself. I even have recommended it to family and friends who have joined.

When I judge a contest, I have to take many factors into play, how well it is written, grammar, punctuation, passive voice vs. active voice {I had to look those up myself}, if it is too wordy, and a few other things. I keep in mind that this is your story, your testimony, and it has to be your words that I use to make it a powerful message. I hope not to offend anyone with the reviews I give.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


Your title "My Window To LifeOpen in new Window. really caught my attention as I read more. I understood why you choose the title.

Imagery & Emotions:

I can't imagine what it would be like at such an age to go through what you did. When I was 5 my appendix ruptured and gang green had set in by the time they diagnosed me. I remember laying in the nursery in a crib, wondering why they had put me in a crib. I was scared, I hurt so bad and no one could figure out what was wrong.

How old were you when you had the accident on the bicycle?

I'm glad that your Angel of mercy came to visit you and gave you strength and comfort. It is the most wonderful thing to have them ease the fear that overcomes you. I have had them ease my fears many times. It is nothing like it. The calmness that you feel inside is nothing but sheer peace.
In Conclusion:

Distractions and/or Errors: The corrections are just corrections, not meaning that your story is not excellent. The revisions are intended to make it stronger. The corrections in the whole sentence were passive, and I was instructed to rewrite them by Grammarly to make it in an active voice. I found 7 errors in your short story. The following are suggestions for making your piece stronger and less distracting with grammar and punctuation errors. They are more than one correction in some sentences. I added the whole sentence to help you find it easier when/if you make changes.

1. My mind slowly began to clear, and my eyes focused.
2. While these things were going through my mind, I heard a voice coming from the dark.
3. When I looked up, someone was standing near me and assuring me that everything will be okay.
4. I felt my body strengthen, and the pain left. I rang the buzzer for the nurse.
5. I believed in God; in fact, it was his fault I was in this mess.
6. They say the sweat on your hands is the strongest glue in the world, bonding you to the pew and keeping one from going forward.
7. About fifteen years later, He chose to heal my injury totally.

I hope this helps you. As I said before, I am not a professional reviewer. I am here to help you sharpen your skills. I by no means am a perfect author myself. I have the Grammarly app, and it has helped me out tremendously these past few years. It has sharpened my skills, and I want to freely and lovingly share them with others. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

ATTENTION: I want to introduce you to an incentive program that I have designed to encourage others to make the edits and gain an upgraded Awardicon. If you make the suggested corrections at your own discretion because it is your work, not mine. But, remember I have used your words. If you place in the contest, I will give you a 25k Awardicon instead of a 10k. I have not forgotten the rest of you! If you do the corrections, I will give you my new Exclusive MB in the works with CR's included. I will also change your rating to reflect a higher rating.

I want to thank you for entering and supporting "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading and reviewing your entry. I hope that you enjoyed spending time, sharing your testimony, and writing about the Bible. It is my pleasure to award you "1st Place Winner" in the March 2021 "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window.

"*Trophyg* 1st Place Winner"

May you be always blessed,
Let your creativity flow!

Bringing sunshine into your life to brighten your day!
Image #4000 over display limit. -?-
Image #2251075 over display limit. -?- ~*Heartb*~ Image #2251074 over display limit. -?-
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of There Is No God?  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)


It is my pleasure to read and review your entry for "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.. First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to enter the contest. I know that there are so many different contests here on WdC. I'm so pleased that you took the time to write and enter this contest. I hope that you enjoy my religious-based contest and return often. You may also enjoy "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window. another religious-based contest of mine. It is nothing like sharing the joy, love, faith, and knowledge of our Heavenly Father.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


I will give you my thoughts, pointers, corrections if needed, and some advice. These are only my opinions. Feel free to use what you find helpful, and please disregard the rest, for I'm not an expert reviewer.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


Your title "There Is No God?" really caught my attention.

Rhythm & Flow:

Your piece moves smoothly throughout capturing your readers to the end.

Imagery & Emotions:

You painted a picture of what it would be like if there was no God from beginning to the end. I could picture the chaos and mayhem amongst the people and the confusion there would be. I found no errors of any kind. Excellent job in showing others what it would be like without God in our lives.

In Conclusion:

My favorite line is:

Life would be out of control and full of curses.

There would be so much pain, chaos, sickness, confusion, among many other things. A world without God would be life without peace, comfort, love, tranquility, among many joys and solitude. You did an excellent job in describing what it would be like. I thank God for all He does for us in return.

I want to thank you for entering and supporting "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading and reviewing your entry. I hope that you enjoyed spending time, sharing, and writing about the Bible. It is my pleasure to award you 1st Place Winner for March 2021 "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window..

" *Trophyg* 1st Place Winner"

May you be blessed always,
Let your creativity flow!
The Lighthouse Poetry Contest Signature image
Image #4000 over display limit. -?-
Image #2222769 over display limit. -?- ~ Image #2228545 over display limit. -?-
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)


It is my pleasure to read and review your entry for "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.. First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to enter the contest. I know that there are so many different contests here on WdC. I'm so pleased that you took the time to write and enter this contest. I hope that you enjoy my religious-based contest and return often. You may also enjoy "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window. another religious-based contest of mine. It is nothing like sharing the joy, love, faith, and knowledge of our Heavenly Father.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


I will give you my thoughts, pointers, corrections if needed, and some advice. These are only my opinions. Feel free to use what you find helpful, and please disregard the rest, for I'm not an expert reviewer.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


Your title ""Life Without JesusOpen in new Window." really caught my attention.

Rhythm & Flow:

I enjoyed reading this piece. The rhythm and flow moved swiftly from one line to the next making it a delightful read.

Imagery & Emotions:

You made this piece come alive with the raw emotions that would make life without God unbearable, to say the least. You had every aspect covered of what it would be like without Him. Excellent job in showing others what it would be like. I found one tiny error. You need a comma after answers, line seventeen. Other than that it is perfect.

In Conclusion:

My favorite line is:

When my world fills with chaos and strife
there is only turmoil - no peace given to my life

I wouldn't know what to do if there was no God, and I had to struggle without peace in my soul. It is a very harsh world that we live in today. Not knowing God would be like no breath to breathe.

I want to thank you for entering and supporting "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading and reviewing your entry. I hope that you enjoyed spending time, sharing, and writing about the Bible. Congratulations, it is my great pleasure to award you 2nd Place Winner in March 2021 entry for "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window..

"*Trophys* 2nd Place Winner"

May you be blessed always,
Let your creativity flow!
The Lighthouse Poetry Contest Signature image
Image #4000 over display limit. -?-
Image #2251075 over display limit. -?- ~ Image #2251074 over display limit. -?-
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Construction  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)


It is my pleasure to read and review your entry for "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.. First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to enter the contest. I know that there are so many different contests here on WdC. I'm so pleased that you took the time to write and enter this contest. I hope that you enjoy my religious-based contest and return often. You may also enjoy "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window. another religious-based contest of mine. It is nothing like sharing the joy, love, faith, and knowledge of our Heavenly Father.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


I will give you my thoughts, pointers, corrections if needed, and some advice. These are only my opinions. Feel free to use what you find helpful, and please disregard the rest, for I'm not an expert reviewer.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


Your title ""ConstructionOpen in new Window." really caught my attention.

Rhythm & Flow:

Your rhythm moves smoothly throughout your piece. Making this an excellent read for all your readers.

Imagery & Emotions:

It makes you wonder what if they hadn't eaten the apple to start with. Cain wouldn't have murdered his own brother and there wouldn't be chaos in the world we know. I destroyed it once with Noah. It was overly evil then. Does that mean that we are not even to that point today? Very scary thought, isn't it? You have several stanzas I liked in telling your story. When {In Chaos, Job decried the Lord} should you have added; of the Lord? That kinda threw me off. I looked up the meaning of decried: To condemn as wrong or reprehensible. To express disapproval of a person, denounce. I think leaving out that one word changing its meaning. I actually thought Job decried to the Lord before I looked up its meaning. Great job! I did find a few errors, quick fixes. 1. My Son, (add comma) I'll 2. one of war (remove comma) and pain 3. Job decried (of) the Lord

In Conclusion:

My favorite line is:

"God, I fear I could not say
what life would be without Your sway."

Without His sway, I love it. I'm sure God even knows how to sway in some ways... lol I'm sure He has a good sense of humor dealing with all of us. I even laugh at myself most days.

I want to thank you for entering and supporting "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading and reviewing your entry. I hope that you enjoyed spending time, sharing, and writing about the Bible.

May you be blessed always,
Let your creativity flow!
The Lighthouse Poetry Contest Signature image
Image #4000 over display limit. -?-
Image #2222769 over display limit. -?- ~ Image #2228545 over display limit. -?-
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)


It is my pleasure to read and review your entry for "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.. First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to enter the contest. I know that there are so many different contests here on WdC. I'm so pleased that you took the time to write and enter this contest. I hope that you enjoy my religious-based contest and return often. You may also enjoy "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window. another religious-based contest of mine. It is nothing like sharing the joy, love, faith, and knowledge of our Heavenly Father.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


I will give you my thoughts, pointers, corrections if needed, and some advice. These are only my opinions. Feel free to use what you find helpful, and please disregard the rest, for I'm not an expert reviewer.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


Your title ""This World Without GodOpen in new Window." along with your sub-description of your title, really caught my attention.

Rhythm & Flow:

Your piece moved effortlessly from stanza to stanza making this an inspiration to all your readers.

Imagery & Emotions:

I can truly see that you have thought this one through. A world perilous without God in it. You painted a picture to one's imagination of what could very well be hell on Earth. I imagined the world on fire, destruction everywhere, fighting, killing, chaos, pain, and sorrow. I hope that I never witness hell on Earth, myself. A job well done.

In Conclusion:

My favorite line is:

Your Godless world can't save.

Although we know that there is God who we cherish deeply. I could never truly imagine a world without God in it knowing what I know today. You had a few errors as follows:

1. it sacrifices Earth(no comma) and sky.
2. It's feeding on your flesh.
3. "No, Jesus near, please start to scream {Grammarly has a second comma.}

I want to thank you for entering and supporting "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading and reviewing your entry. I hope that you enjoyed spending time, sharing, and writing about the Bible.

May you be blessed always,
Let your creativity flow!
The Lighthouse Poetry Contest Signature image
Image #4000 over display limit. -?-
Image #2251075 over display limit. -?- ~ Image #2251074 over display limit. -?-
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Wow... That was amazing as it was the first time I read it. The changes made a big impact on it and it read smoothly from start to finish. It was like you were inside my thoughts. I try to do the same routine every day as well. But, once in a while, the world slips through that microcrack and seeps into my thoughts. Not, as much as last year when the unknown was in the air daily.

Thank you for recentering me. I will save this as a favorite so I can go back and reread it for encouragement in this chaotic world we live in now.

Thank you for doing the corrections and making this an exceptional read. I hope to see you in future contest at "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window. and "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. as well.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)


It is my pleasure to read and review your entry for "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.. First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to enter the contest. I know that there are so many different contests here on WdC. I'm so pleased that you took the time to write and enter this contest. I hope that you enjoy my religious-based contest and return often. You may also enjoy "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window. another religious-based contest of mine. It is nothing like sharing the joy, love, faith, and knowledge of our Heavenly Father.

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I will give you my thoughts, pointers, corrections if needed, and some advice. These are only my opinions. Feel free to use what you find helpful, and please disregard the rest, for I'm not an expert reviewer.

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Your title ""God So Loves The WorldOpen in new Window." really caught my attention.

Rhythm & Flow:

Your rhythm and flow move smoothly throughout the piece. Making it a delightful piece to read.

Imagery & Emotions:

I am glad that you choose to use this verse in your piece. For it tells all the love God has for us. The greatest love ever. Too bad that Jesus had to die for us to be saved. If we could have been good to start with. Makes you wonder what life would be like if Adam and Eve had not eaten that apple to start with. It also makes you think what would life be like if Jesus had not died for us. Sounds like a prompt to me. Would we have had to continue the sacrifices of animals to cleanse our souls? You did an excellent job in writing the love God gives to us unconditionally day in and day out.

In Conclusion:

My favorite line is:

But have everlasting life.
They will walk on streets of gold.
Pain and tears will come to an end,
And they shall never grow old.

The ultimate goal for Christians is to have everlasting life with our Father in Heaven. For no more aging or pain and tears to be shed, only love, peace and joy to be had for eternity. What a glorious goal. To be in His presence forever.

I want to thank you for entering and supporting "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading and reviewing your entry. I hope that you enjoyed spending time, sharing, and writing about the Bible. It is my pleasure to award you the 1st Place WINNER in February's "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.

" *TrophyG* 1st Place "

May you be blessed always,
Let your creativity flow!
The Lighthouse Poetry Contest Signature image
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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)


It is my pleasure to read and review your entry for "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.. First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to enter the contest. I know that there are so many different contests here on WdC. I'm so pleased that you took the time to write and enter this contest. I hope that you enjoy my religious-based contest and return often. You may also enjoy "The Lighthouse Short Story ContestOpen in new Window. another religious-based contest of mine. It is nothing like sharing the joy, love, faith, and knowledge of our Heavenly Father.

✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️ πŸ™ ✝️


I will give you my thoughts, pointers, corrections if needed, and some advice. These are only my opinions. Feel free to use what you find helpful, and please disregard the rest, for I'm not an expert reviewer.

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Your title ""Stream In The DesertOpen in new Window." really caught my attention.

Rhythm & Flow:

The rhythm and flow ran throughout this piece. You did have one hiccup that stumped me for a second. He come and grace this field with a stream. Maybe if you say it this way; He comes to grace this field with a stream. How does it sound to you?

Imagery & Emotions:

What a beautiful piece! I followed you from the exhaustion down the trail to the gleaming in the stream with His Holiness. You did an excellent show of love that He gives us through our trials and showed the rewards that follow. I think if you had the one change I suggested it would've flowed effortlessly throughout, it would have been flawless.

In Conclusion:

My favorite line is:

I drink and fill myself, and bask in His dashing gleam.

Basking in all His Glory what a feeling it is. I can't help but get excited about spending time with Him. His love is so full of grace, hope, knowledge, faith, strength, comfort, and peace, all wrapped into one feeling, His Love!

I want to thank you for entering and supporting "The Lighthouse Poetry ContestOpen in new Window. I enjoyed reading and reviewing your entry. I hope that you enjoyed spending time, sharing, and writing about the Bible.

May you be blessed always,
Let your creativity flow!
The Lighthouse Poetry Contest Signature image
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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
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