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88 Public Reviews Given
154 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of Forbidden Power  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
-"The answering stir of my being" This does not sound right. Answering stir?
-"Is fresh as a clear summer stream" This allusion is not clear. Why would you refer to a stream as freash?

I love the seasonal metaphors. I hope my review is helpful. Well written!
Review of Why?  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
-"Others simply say that faith itself is all that is need. " the need should be needed
-"So - there's my first point. It's actually easier to define and accept God than it is to define and accept the concept of "nothing"." I would recommend, So, here is my first point: It is actually easier to define and accept God than it is to define and accept the concept of 'nothing.'
-"Some will try and get round that problem by hypothesizing that prior to the "Big Bang" there wasn't nothing after all." One, round should be around and then I'm not sure what you are trying to say in this sentence. For one thing you need to state what the problem is. This is a new paragraph, so I need to understand what the subject of this paragraph is going to be. Should it be: there wasn't anything after all or there was actually something after all?
-"There was some sort of quantum energy field, or perhaps there was an eternity of universes before this one - a sort of cyclical crap-shoot of infinite meaninglessness." Some speculate there was some....
-"After all, if life is just random chance, and all we are is a bunch of chemicals that just so happened to bump into each other at exactly the right time (in millions of different, logical and irreducibly complex combinations) - then there is indeed no ultimate meaning." combinations), then there is needed...
-"How can there be? I am a cosmic accident. Sorry about that." these sentences need to be reworded. They are fragments and there is not clear thought, just implications of what you may be trying to say
-"Believing in God as the "beginning" is more logical than any of the alternatives." Is this your second point?
-"What then?" why is this here? what is the contrast here? what then from what?
-"b) I believe in the Christian God because that frees me from a bunch of impossible and all too often man-made rules." bunch being more than one means that impossible should be plural also.
-"Time to define "Christian"!" a Christian, the Christian, something is missing between define and Christian
-"It comes from Χριστός (christos) meaning "the anointed one""What is It? Jesus Christ?
-" Even amid the calamity of humanity - there is beauty." Even amid the calamity of humanity, there is beauty
-"She watched him die - day by day. She did everything for him. He was helpless. A 90 year old baby. She cared for him to and beyond the point of exhaustion." To many choppy sentences. She watched him did- day by day. Although he was helpless, much like a 90- year old baby, she did everything in her power to help make his last days the best. She cared for him to and beyond the point of exhaustion.
-Paragraph beginning with 'But wait," does not describe any of the joys that you are trying to convince the reader exists.
-I continue reading the same paragraph from the previous comment and it ends on a negative. The following lines need to be tied into the paragraph, because I was confused as to what faith this woman really had. The flow is not good.
-"They are the words of Jesus. He speaks to His children. " These need to be combined
-"Our once perfect race has fallen - our ultimate parents unplugged themselves from the power source of life, and since then - life has been all about death. " very well written
-"Here's one:" Is this your own personal goal? specify whose goal this is.
-" But of course, who seriously actually believes that Jesus was somehow God as well as a man?" you do not need both seriously and actually
-The paragraph beginning with, "Some people believe," is very well organized and the flow is perfect and well thought out
-"Good? Insane or evil, take your pick." bring these two sentences together
- " Jesus was, is and always will be God, and as God he chose to willingly give up the indescribable position He had and clothe himself in human flesh." after the first God, there should not be a comma because if you take out that phrase, the sentence will not make sense. You can use a semicolon.
- I think that there should be a conclusion that refreshes the different main points you stated clearly. That way the reader will have a clear and concise visual of what your ideas are.

Here is my review. I hope it was helpful! *Smile*
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
This is a really good story. I enjoyed it so much, it's not even funny! *Smile* I'm half Trini and I've never really read a real Trini story. It was a blast from the past. Remembering when I lived down there for a short while. I was a kid, but I remember the accents and the licking, and school. I really enjoyed this. Are you going to continue?

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:
What do these mean:

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
You did very well on this screen play. I felt the story and what was going on. I felt the transaction of feelings between the characters. I visualized and stayed with it till the end. Continue this one, it's a keeper.

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Review of My Silent Plea  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
This is a very well written poem. I can sense what is going through your mind. Your words are expressed very well. Only things is that I really don't prefer this one line. It's not bad, but its not great like the poem. "I'm like a stone without feeling"

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
This is a reality check poem. Well done on this, and I pray everything works out for you.

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
You're a pretty interesting person. Like me you like tv and reading, but of course writing. We wouldn't be here if we didn't.

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:
Was just wondering who Dean Koontz is, but I found out.

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
Cool. I like this. It's cool to know a little more about the person's novel you read. My favorite part is you header/intro, it's really funny.

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Review of Let My People Go  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
This story is just so cute! I love it. How did you think of something like this? I love how smart this little kid is, knowing in detail all the info on Moses.

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:
God had me to hit a rock with my rod
God actually told him to speak to the rock, but instead he hit it. He didn't go into the promise land because of it. You have it in the next paragraph, you just have to add it here also.

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
This is unbelievably cute, I wasn't expecting this at all!

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Review of "Your Loss"  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
It's a nice poem, but what makes it better is the fact that it was written for family from the heart.

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:
I think it's so cute! I love it. It's so individualistic.

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
I'm sure your family loved the poem

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Review of Untitled  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
Wow! Very good. Well written, not sure I totally agree with your point, but it's an awesomely written poem.

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:
I think your point is that God isn't what people put him up to be.

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
Very good. The style, vocab, creativity, perfect ending.

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Review of Open Book  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
Wow, that was beautiful!

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
I'm breathless after reading this poem. It's a beauty. My fav's are "redeeming the time," "Into the unknown I go holding the Hand I know will never let go; never leave," and "to behold you, no one else, " I entreat."

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Review of September Day  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
Very hooking! Exciting metaphors which are not over used. It's very thought out and just really good!

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:
Paragraph 4, line 4, not sure if this works. Paragraph 6, line 3, you put the but would A work?

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
Great piece. I captured each part of that day, especially the indescribable part.

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Review of November  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.0)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
Don't know what to make of this. I can't really tell whether or not you meant to use punctuation or not.

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:
I don't get it

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
I feel as though you're trying to put something into a little space, but I didn't catch it. Sorry.

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
What! How could you have any doubt about this site? *Smile* I know everyone has doubts. I love this site with a passion and the features work well for me. If I have any doubts i'll just tell ya!

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:
Not a single one with this site! *Smile*

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
Keep on improving and adding to the site!

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Review of "Pass It On"  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
This group seems like a lot of fun. I'm ready to join. sign me up!

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
Sign me up!

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Review of Friend or Foe  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
Nicely written. I like the similies you used in the third and fourth lines.

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:
None. Perfect clarity.

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
I really like this poem, because it reaches into my mind and reminds me of the issues that comewith friendships. But, also that in time, wounds heal.

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Review of Traitor  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
Can't seem to get the flow of the poem. It is the important word followed by the explaination or something else. It's eems to change up. Bu I like the poem itself.

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:
No spelling mistakes.
The root of the evil,
Is this supposed to end in a period?

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:
The way the poem is supposed to flow.

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
Has a good start. Just need a little more work. I think I get it but not completely sure.

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
Intresting question. I think of a witch and what comes to mind is a spirit worshiper who has dedicated their life to the devil.

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:
None. Question perfectly understandable.

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
Intresting topic. Hope you got my answer.

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
I like this poll. I have always wanted to post one, just never did. Cool I get to do your poll and get inside the heads of the people of Writing.Com

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:
None. You make your expectations very clear.

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
Well done and keep on creating nice polls.

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
I like this type of poll because it's gets into the minds of other christians to see how they think.

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
None. The description is very clear about what the poll is about.

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Review of Questions  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
Very funny. I love the topic! It's very creative and cute! *Smile*

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:

*Frown* Mistakes/ Confusion:
None, it's to funny!

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
Great job!

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Review of I Will Not Go  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Review By Tadoll08

*Reading*Overall 1st Impression:
Very stern and sure of what you want. NO way your giving in. Through out it seemed a little one way then the other. Like you were fighting someone to stay, then for you to go.

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Spelling and Grammar:
None! *Smile*

*Frown* Mistakes:
I didn't see any. You are a very well written person.

*Exclaim* Conclusion:
I get it now after further look and the concluding paragraph. After seeing the whole picture, I say go for it and I pray God be with you! *Smile*

Keep Writing!

Don’t hesitate to drop on by my port: http://www.writing.com/authors/tadoll08

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Review of Weeping Willows  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Personally, I never thought about wheeping willows. To me it's just a tree. But the soul crying out from the poem just went into my heart and said listen. I wanto actually find that tree and try it right now. That's exactly what I should feel and do feel.
There are no errors to be found, except, if you stop writing such great poetry! *Bigsmile*
Awesome job!*Bigsmile*
Rated: E | (5.0)
I know some that will go through their whole life searching for love. I believe that true love comes from above, but there is also one true love for us on earth. I'm glad to know you're still with your love. I'm still a teen, but I love to smile upon the abounding love of those older than me.
Your poem is from deep inside, which makes it flow so smoothly.
There are no errors to see and it rhymes perfectly.
Well done! *Smile*
Review of That Day  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
The key to every great poem, more than anything else, is it's heart. The heart is what keep things going, gets emotions moving.
I really felt the uneasy of that dreadful day. That unexplainable feeling only that day had brought.
There are no spelling or grammatical errors.
Nicely done. I felt it.
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