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Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Our founding fathers would be aghast if they could see the country they risked their lives to found. They were willing to give all to see their dream realized. The keepers in high office are not willing to give anything but have set themselves up to take everything. In World War II, when the Germans overran a country, they stole everything that wasn't nailed down. Most of our leaders are nothing but thieves and liars. They would trade their grandmother for just a bit more power. If Trump runs and wins in 2024, we may have a chance of reclaiming our country. If not, it is all over for the dream that was once America.

You did well with this piece.

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Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
They say that on January 6th when the big brouhaha took place at the capital, the people responsible were rogues, scoundrels, and divisive enemies of the state. What they forgot to say, was that the rogues, scoundrels, and enemies of the Union were the ones inside, certifying the votes.

When the Germans invaded Poland, they turned everything upside down. Good became evil, and evil became good. After the war, George Orwell predicted the rise of a dystopian society in his novel 1984. Our current society is a mirror image of what he wrote. History is determined to repeat itself.

Fine job on your article. I always enjoy reading what you have to say.

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Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is very interesting, Miss Loren. However, she almost seemed too accurate in her responses. I find it unusual that a child who rarely discusses such things would be in line with one who discusses them regularly. The influence of yourself are others who hold conservative views cannot be denied. If she was taught from a purely democratic point of view, how is it that she picked up none of it? Come on, Miss Loren, you are grossly underestimating your influence. Kids do not come up with such ideas on their own.
Having said all of that, She seems as though she will become a fine young lady, maybe a force to be reckoned with.

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Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
         It is certainly amazing how that snake in the grass got elected as our president. It certainly didn't have anything to do with an informed public. Of course, I am one of those who believe the election was fraudulent. I watched a documentary called
"Four Hours At the Capital," I think that was the title. It was on HBO. It was the events of Jan.6th in real-time. If you watch it, you will see where Trump supporters
messed up. Before the violent faction stormed the Capital, we held the moral high ground, which was then handed to the dems on a silver platter. That group screwed it up for the rest of us.

Thank you for a wonderfully informative article. Keep up the good work.

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Review of Foundation  Open in new Window.
Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well, Bride A, this was an excellent article. I always enjoy reading what you have to say. However, there is a touchy question that I have been pondering for some time. Anyone who reads what you write can see that the grammar you use is often very poor, at least according to English grammar standards. I certainly mean no disrespect but I am wondering is this your normal mode of expression, or do you do it for effect? An example would be a phrase in this article which states "Older generations done seen more than yall." In another place, you say "Why some youngins ain't got no respect..."
Some may think that this is just a put-on to get people's attention. To use common vernacular, "It makes me no never mind", but I was curious. You know how writers are. They'll be giving you the hairy eyeball when they see bad grammar.

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Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (2.0)
I must begin by apologizing by respectfully disagreeing with such New Age nonsense. I know where Snow Vampire is coming from because of her spiritual beliefs. But it is all the same fools gold that men have been believing for the genuine article. She has the right to believe whatever she wishes. I do not fault her for that, but I do not agree with her. There is a clear and present convergence of events that makes it plain that we are living in the closing days of this age. To sing happy songs and extol the words of John Lennon's song "Imagine" Is the epitome of naivete. Look around and honestly tell me you believe that the world is coming together.

Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Just to make a small observation here. You surely do not believe that people from totally different cultures and belief systems will ever come together, stretch across the globe and sing "I like to give the world a coke and bring it harmony."

Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
         Hello, Canovas. This piece of work seems to function within sadness and despair. When you begin, you mention love and joy. Some might say that you could love to the point of despair. If you saw the world as loving warmness, why would you describe your own path as lost, delusion, and bitter? The pain you describe does not allow for even the consideration of joy. This is good work, but it seems to be undecided as to what it is.
         Understand that I am not ridiculing your work. If you are proposing a philosophical thought, then be sure to make that clearly understood, as much as is possible. If the writing is a true assessment of your life, then do not equivocate.
If I have completely misunderstood your intent, then take what might be helpful and throw the rest out.

Review of L'aura del Campo  Open in new Window.
Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
         Well said, I am one who has always embraced the darkness. I too am one who cannot sleep in a room with a shaft of light slicing through it. I love going out into the night, sitting under the stars, and composing complete monologues. If there is a full moon, that is the icing on the cake. I simply love the night.
I appreciate this writing and the cat in the bag is perfect. Cats feel safe in the darkness of the bag.

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Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, Brad. This story poses several problems. There was indeed a hurricane named Bebra that hit Texas but the storm in your story has a different spelling. The actual storm was a Cat 1. The storm hit in 1959. Your story mentions no date. Aside from minor grammatical hiccups, the story moves along. However, the people's reaction to the storm sounds as if it comes from a much older period. Also, no storm sits for a month offshore without going one way or another.

My point in all of this is that historical fiction must have the feel of reality. Educated readers will notice when the story promises more than it delivers. Historical fact-checking and careful editing will do wonders in making your writing pop.

I only say these things because you want people to read what you write without a constant furrow on their brow. There are sophisticated writers on WDC, and they will notice problems in the writing. They may not mention what they see, and go on to give you a good review for encouragement. I must ask, however, is that what you want them to do?

Your story has great promise. With a little work, it will be truly great.

Review of THE ORDER  Open in new Window.
Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
         This is a very simple and life-revealing story. Do not misunderstand my meaning. Simple is most often the best way of telling a story. The reader is not caught in the convolutions of the writer's mind. Your story tells of the events of life that happen every day and night. These stories go unnoticed by most and are forgotten by those whom they do not touch. I believe you did a fine job. Good work.

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Review of Hourglass sands  Open in new Window.
Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
         Never have truer words been spoken. When we were young, we never considered that time's shadow was dogging our path. Now, however, that shadow not only follows us but ever reminds us of its presence. Yes, the sand is slipping away, but enough remains that we might take advantage. Personally, I create my own adventures while my body is obedient. There may not be great fanfare in what I do, and few would take notice. Yet, it makes me happy.

         I thought your poem was a brief mastery of what it is to know that your time is nearly done. It was very touching and akin to those emotions of my own heart. Very well written.

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Review of POETRY  Open in new Window.
Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I may be the exception, but I find this to be a very powerful poem. This piece details wonderfully the woes of those walking wounded that return to their native shores and homelands. It has ever been the same, and will always be. Men return with different eyes and minds than when they left.
This may be a simple poem in its form, but it is more than profound in its content. Excellent work.
Review of Heart's Content  Open in new Window.
Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
         Let us go ahead and get the negative out of the way by encouraging you to increase the size of this font. If you haven't already been told, some of us are getting to the age where the tiny font is a chore to navigate. Please do it for everyone's sake.

         Now, let me get to brass tacks. I consider this essay to be well written, although I must admit to prejudice for this type of writing. I too love to make people think, a discipline I feel that many have lost the ability to practice. I love philosophy and the consideration of our ultimate end. You have been revealed to be an inquisitive and intelligent mind. I find that very refreshing. My estimate is that you have a great store of insight to share. I hope to see much more of your work in the near future.

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Review of Ruthless  Open in new Window.
Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
         That was a good one, Jacky. It didn't take long for me to get the strong feeling that this chick is headed for a fall. Being a head hunter for a company is a job only certain people have the stomach for. Obviously, she had what it took and she liked what she did. She must have forgotten that karma is a b****. Great succinct writing.

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Review of Pre-writing  Open in new Window.
Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
         Hello, Joy. The instructions examined here are very good indeed. I wholeheartedly agree with your ideas. I have always endorsed the idea of what I call "Cold Writing" I will often sit at my typewriter (yes, I have several and do use them.) and begin to write. When I begin, I may have an opening thought but have no idea where it will go. As I write further, a more solid subject may begin to appear. Many of these have appeared in the newsfeed. It does work and may stir a slight wind that moves you from the doldrums. Yes, I very much like your style.

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Review of Toe in the Water  Open in new Window.
for entry "Pretty in PorcelainOpen in new Window.
Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Or sound like for that matter.
Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
         Your story certainly has merit. Aside from some minor editing and proofreading, I believe you should continue to expand the idea. From the looks of things, there are many directions open to you. Of course, therein lies the rub, for you have to settle on one course and stick to it. You might consider making up a storyboard to plot the flow of the story and the movement of the characters.

         So far so good. Consider it a work in progress.

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Review of In God We Trust  Open in new Window.
Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
         Well, Bikerider, you certainly could have opened a can of worms with this one. Being a historian, the war of Northern aggression - what we call it in the South - will forever be a very prickly issue from my perspective. Don't you find it ironic that both sides trusted in God for the final victory? I do believe that you make a valid point in considering the differing views of why the war was being fought. If you ask a southerner you may get into a convoluted debate as to the why of the matter. Of course, we have not met on this field to debate.

         I really enjoyed your story. The characterization seemed true to life. Many a man fought alongside relatives and were there when they died. Overall, you did a fine job with this piece.

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Review of Ghosted Memoirs  Open in new Window.
Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
         Now, this was rich, beholden. A Ghost being a ghostwriter, now that's a twist I have never heard before. I can hear in my head the colonel's somewhat raspy British accent in every word he speaks. You threw in some unfamiliar vocabulary to this old crow, and that's from a bonified word junkie. You wouldn't be showing off a little, would you? What am I suggesting? You would never do such a thing.

         I truly loved the style and the atmosphere of this piece. It is very clever writing indeed.

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Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well, strangely, if there is one thing I know about is hurricanes. I live in Louisiana. Last year, it seemed like every storm that formed was headed for the Gulf of Mexico and had Louisiana in its sights. I believe we had about 15 named storms. This year, Ida came through as a category 4 storm. It wiped out a great deal as far inland as Baton Rouge, La., and further. One million people without power, now that's a figure to think about when you consider how hot it gets down South.

As far as Nova Scotia goes, I don't know much about those storms that trouble you. In any case, I would like to visit your freezing landscape. You can tell that I don't know much about Nova Scotia except that it is cold.

I enjoyed reading your poem. I've never connected hurricanes with Nova Scotia. It was a small education. Let me welcome you to WDC. I will have to check out more of your work.
Review of Toe in the Water  Open in new Window.
Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
God's way notwithstanding, I find that many people are very thin-skinned. At the drop of a hat, many will turn any discussion or debate into a personal affront. I simply do not get this hypersensitivity. My wife is always warning me not to bring up certain subjects within certain circles. It is very difficult for me to remain quiet, and yet I will usually do such for the tranquility of all concerned.
Review of Indelible  Open in new Window.
Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
My mother had dementia before she died. Although it was unknown to me and anyone else for some time, the doctor concluded that she had been experiencing many mini-strokes. I do not believe that my mother ever reached the point where she didn't know who I was as her son, but she did exhibit eccentric behavior.

What you have gone through is one of the most difficult experiences of life. It is great that you can write about it as a help to others walking through the same valley.

Review of Claimed  Open in new Window.
Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
That was indeed a unique story. I have the feeling that I don't have to tell you that. I'm certain that you know your writing is good. After all, it was good enough for someone to publish. Any writer should believe in their work.

I always tell story writers that I don't usually read stories, especially fiction. However, every now and then I get the sense that what I am about to read will be worth the effort. Your work here was one of those pieces. I liked it from the moment I started, being pulled in by the highly refined and descriptive construction of your work. The question I have is, how did Elson get the stitches on her chest? I could go into a protracted self-styled exploration of that question, and how it appears that this happens to her regularly, but I hope you will explain.

No doubt, this is excellent writing. You have my compliments.

Review by Crow Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well, It is somewhat surprising to me that you chose such a long period of time. 60,000 years is almost beyond comprehension. I cannot imagine what any civilization would be like 60,000 years from now. Since you are speaking of The United States and seeing the way things are going politically, would there even be such a country even one thousand years from now? If you are a Christian believer, you must consider whether Christ would have long since returned to set up His earthly kingdom.

The way things appear at present, one must wonder whether or not our country would have turned to socialism and Communism. If so, millions have died. However, considering that God's providence has directed what it has been to this point, would his hand have protected it until Christ's return?

Your postulation opens up much for discussion. It is a very interesting speculation.

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