Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/storytyme51
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33 Public Reviews Given
34 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by Verbena
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey silvermoon14!

That was really great! It danced along quite well. The poem had good rhythm and rhyme and seemed pretty well constructed and it all makes good sense. I think you did a fantastic job on this! It was a pleasure to read.

Have a great Labor Day Holiday weekend!
Review of Deep Secret  
Review by Verbena
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there, stokecity!

Sure enjoyed your poem and thought your descriptive words about the rose were well chosen. I like the way you hooked the reader at the very beginning, built up the reader's curiousity all way through, and then ended with what I thought was a perfect ending. Very good!

Review by Verbena
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello there, Phoenix Blue!

Your poem has an excellent message to it that I can really relate to. It seems the world is always trying to push us around to their way and their speed but it is us who need to be at the control panel, so to speak. I thought this was well written and put together. Great job!

Review by Verbena
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Adri,

This poem is definitely very thought-provoking. It certainly makes a person stop and think about this and learn to be thankful for everything we do have at this moment in time. I think this poem was an excellent idea and put together quite well. Very good job!

Review by Verbena
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there, ElizaJane!

I thought your poem was a nice and fresh approach to writing poetry. Your use and description of nothing, something, and everything worked surprisingly well and was incorporated into the poem quite well. It was nice and neat, free of spelling or punctuation errors. Very good!

Review of Power Of Mind  
Review by Verbena
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi there, jonnimichelle!

Wow! You really know how to write the scary ones, don't you? And all in only 100 words, too! This was well constructed. I didn't even notice any errors in this story. This was a really good read for Flash Fiction. This story gets the reader hooked from the beginning and then all the way through.
Good job!

Review of The End  
Review by Verbena
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there, mljs81!

I really thought this was perfect. It flowed together wonderfully. It had me hooked right from the beginning and kept me there all the way through to the surprise ending. I wasn't expecting that. That was really a fantastic read! Hope you write more like this that I can read. It was realistic. Great job on this!

Review of When I Wake Up  
Review by Verbena
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey there, MaHarreys!

I loved your poem, and I truly picked a good time to come upon it -- just when I needed it most! To me, that was very uplifting and it is packed with very meaningful words that deliver an excellent message. There didn't appear to be any errors in punctuation or spelling. Very good!
Write on!

Review of Hard to Tell  
Review by Verbena
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Trebor!

I like your poem. I could not see anything wrong with it and no spelling errors. You put it together well and used correct punctuation. It has a good point to it because we all ask questions like those from time to time. It really is becoming difficult to tell friend from enemy sometimes. I can relate to it. Good job!

Review of perfect sun set  
Review by Verbena
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Kristy!

I liked your poem and enjoyed reading it. It reminded me of being back at the beach again on the Gulf where I used to go. Other than the punctuation being just a bit off and the word "shining" you mispelled (where you have two n's instead of just one) it is a very descriptive poem.
Your words made me feel like I was right there. Very good!

Review of H.  
Review by Verbena
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi sydesqua!

Your poem was really great! The rhythm and rhyme went together so well and it made good sense with the story that you had to tell in it. That was well thought out and put together. I like to read poems with good stories like this one has. Great work!

Write on!
Review of You  
Review by Verbena
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi D.L.!

You have a nice way of describing your lingering feelings for that one that isn't in your life anymore, even though you moved on. Your descriptions are well defined and I don't see any errors in your spelling, punctuation, or capitalization. Nice writing style, too. Good job!

Review of My Dream  
Review by Verbena
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow! You must have had really vivid dreams back then. And so detailed too. In your writing it down, it looked like you had pretty good recall from it and had no trouble defining it. You could probably write a good short story on this dream and even use more details with each little escapade that happens, maybe even add some interesting characters too. Good job!

Review of Stay.  
Review by Verbena
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Your poem is short and sweet. Yet it describes very well the strong desire for this person to stay and not go away. It portrays the pain that one feels when their partner is leaving and the emptiness that is left behind that is so heart wrenching to endure. You said so much with just a few lines.

Review of Mothers Love  
Review by Verbena
Rated: E | (5.0)

I think this poem is excellent in describing a mother's love. Your well defined words seem to flow with a lively rhythm and rhyme. You used words with syllables that blended together well with each line. I didn't see any spelling errors. It was written and constructed very well.
I enjoy your writing style!

Review of A dream  
Review by Verbena
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is very good, colorful. You have the great ability to paint a picture with your words. I can almost hear the "waves dancing upon the rocks". The dream seems to transition into reality where it turns into a sad nightmare. Your spelling and punctuation are accurate and this is well written!
Review by Verbena
Rated: E | (5.0)
I was truly inspired by your short story. It is so true about the words of our mouth and the power that those words have. The Bible has a lot to say about that. Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue". We can actually change our circumstances by the words that we say. Sometimes silence really is best at times. Great story with a valuable point. It was well written and constructed.

Have a nice weekend!
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