Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/stardust
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19 Public Reviews Given
34 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of Wild Card Review  Open in new Window.
Review by Stardust. Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi! This contest looks awesome and encouraging, my two favorite things.

I've never participated in something quite like this, not even when I was "kireimusume"; the closest I've come to it is when there used to be a group that let us do port raids for people who needed cheering up, I think. This is a very inventive contest, and pardon me if I go on about it like it's a brand new thing when it might not be. *Smile*

Complex Simplicity:

You simply post a message in the forum stating whether you'll be a reviewer (contestant) or the reviewed (enter.) Above the forum is a page showing listings of other entrants and contestants, and the "cards" they have drawn (hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades.) You pick one of the cards and mention it in the message descriptor. Then you'll become one of the listed people playing.

I liked this whole idea, and know that takes talent to think up good ways to explain involved ideas in a way that anyone, literal minded or not, can understand and apply.

Kudos for that!


Creative, bright, catchy, not overwhelming.

Five stars.


The idea behind the contest is a good one. 3 people will get to review an author twenty times in twenty days. That means they'll get a chance to hone their skills if they do not do this a lot, for starters, and the author will get a whole lot of comments on their works. The other prizes seem like good incentives too.


Good contest, explained very well, will enjoy watching the public review section for those reviews.

Review by Stardust. Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I miss my own story. Mmm...this is breathtaking and fascinating, Walkinbird. I love it! Not only have you communed with nature and spirits in this story, but everything is envisioned in such a way as to keep my interest, fill my mind with other imagery and thoughts besides those presented to me, and it literally awakened my senses. I could smell the grasses, the mosses, the sweat of men, the tears of women, the gardens, the water that would be running someplace nearby, the pine trees or cherry trees that might be close too. Your story made me feel alive.

It is very well written and engaging. Would be nice to see more of it, if there were more.


Best regards,


Review of Mr. Fish  Open in new Window.
Review by Stardust. Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.0)
This reminds me of something I'd see in a very original comic strip, like maybe The Far Side by Gary Larsen. I don't really have any suggestions for improvement other than perhaps including some illustrations next time. Very cute story! Thanks for entering the NAWAF contest in the month of April! I hope you had as much fun writing this as I had reading it.

Best regards,

Review of Help Me  Open in new Window.
Review by Stardust. Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your depiction of autism-related feelings is quite good. This poem would be good for raising autism awareness. There are some commas in spots they do not belong and maybe some of the words could join other words to form new lines, but the poem is well written. Very dramatic, in a good way that keeps my attention on each word so I can get the overall message from it. Quite good.
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