Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/soverncomfort
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35 Public Reviews Given
40 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of Tunnels  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: E | (4.0)
I bet this is about riding your bike in Bath *Wink*
Review of Counting Stars  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Ha ....like this. Actually it is really well written but I guess it prob is relevant because I remember you describing this to me in similar detail. By the way, funny thing is that I always knew The Plough as The Big Dipper ...not that I could ever quite make it out. I always loved looking at the stars but never quite got that these 'objects' existed. I mean you could see all sorts of shapes in the stars if you looked closely ....and if I was laying on my back in that spot where you were, I'd prob have more stars to chose from too *Wink*
Review of Walter's Choice  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
HaHa ....this was quite funny to read. I know it was for a contest but I read it as a clever little parody on the EU thing. I'm guessing not all Americans will necessarily get that but it reads really well independently of that with great humour, and the message is still there (if you meant there to be one) and there were even some words I didn't know. Maybe I should check you for grammar as I can't keep giving your writing top marks, but it really was good.

I was a little sad though that the cats had to shut the borders in the end. Those bears are clearly way too fickle. Cats are cunning though so I reckon they'd win the war.
Review of Muddy Waters  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a beautiful poem Jenny. One of your best I think. Sadly I know whilst writing this, you would have felt every word, but hopefully you're getting a little bit more sunshine now that might carry into the weekend 😄
Review of WINGS  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hey there, its writing like this that sometimes frustrates me about you. The imagery, imagination and storyline is fantastic. It's well written and grammatically spot on (I know grammar is not your strongest point). So why frustration? Well, you have a book in you and I don't mean some sort of self-publishing thing. I honestly believe you could write a novel and I think you do too. I'd love to see you do it. You often come up with these great ideas for stories when we chat and, though often tongue in cheek, I really do look forward to the day when I'll be asking you to sign your own book for me.

Great writing Jenny
Review by Spacecat
Rated: E | (5.0)
Just had a quick look at your port and found this absolute gem. What a fantastic and original idea. I absolutely love it. Look forward to seeing more of these *Wink*
for entry "Easter Memories
Review by Spacecat
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hey, this kinda made me smile. Taking out the specifics, it sounds almost identical to the way my Easter has gone over the years. I remember as kids we used to have a competition to see who could make our eggs last longer. Sara and Lucy would fight out to the end while Joel and I wouldn't last long at all. I didnt remember that til I read this *Wink*
Review of An Easter Miracle  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi there,

I am reviewing this for "The Challenge.

I absolutely loved this take on the Easter Bunny, especially the image you paint of the white rabbit that steps out of the van at the end, though I'm not sure I should *Wink*

I have never had a traditional easter bunny, egg hunt type of easter before. When I was a kid we tended to just get given a selection of eggs by relations, not that I'm complaining.

I can just imagine this tall man dressed up in a bunny costume. If you think about it, I cant think of any way in which such a situation is going to be fun for kids. I'm not surprised your two year olds hated it. You do paint the picture though with great humour ....and a nice ending too.

RIP Easter Bunny *Wink*
Review by Spacecat
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I know how hard it is to lose a parent as my dad died a couple of years ago, something I am still bitter about although I don't talk about it. That said, I could not imagine how hard it must be to grow up not knowing one of your parents. I try to imagne that and just can't. It's sad to read this and looking at the date she died I'm guessing you're still quite young now ....I really am so sorry you've had to go through this. Many people wil of course try to understand but noone can understand how you feel. My heart really does go out to you.

Although different circumstances, I know one thing that helped me was to find out things about my dad that I didn't know and, though it must be hard, talking to your aunt and maybe your father to find out some nice things about your mum, maybe stories of things from the past will maybe give you the smallest opportunity to know who she was. Sending you all the best ...it won't be an easy road but I hope you come through it.
Review of Naming Your Cat  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: E | (3.5)
Am reviewing this item as part of "The Challenge.

I chose this item to review as I guess I'm a bit of a cat obsessive. I have never really thought much about the name given to my cat although I do tend to go for unusual names. I hadn't really thought to much about the science or practical thought that should go into the name though what you say kind of makes sense.

I like what you've written and including the top 20 cats from each sex is very useful, however, I wonder if you could flesh it out a bit as it seems a bit short as a first chapter and I'd imagine there's probably more you could say on this area. That said, off the top of my head I wouldn't know what to add myself so maybe I'm wrong.

Actually, I have just noticed that this was written in 2005 so I wonder, did the project get completed. I'd love to know if you got published. All the best.
Review of Poetry Readings  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Elle, I'm reviewing this as part of "The Challenge. It's a fairly simple item to review as its one of my favourite activities on the site so far.

It was a great idea. I think when you interact with people online regularly its human nature to have pre-conceived ideas of who these people are and what they sound like. This activity gives us firstly the opportunity to hear, and in some cases, to see how these strangers sound and perhaps get a feel for who they are in some small way. It's been great hearing the various accents from around the world. Secondly, of course, and perhaps most importantly, is the opportunity to hear the poem read as it was intended, perhaps with tone of voice and emphasis adding something that the written word can't give.

Thanks once again Elle. A fantastic idea
Review by Spacecat
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
hmmm ...I gave that one four stars mainly for laughter value. It is pretty good too though I was expecting you to have a go at the German version. And you even managed an ecological message at the end ...nice one *Wink*
Review of Best Friend  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this ....and its so true. I was expecting it to be about your best 'human' friend until the end. I had to look up furbaby and realised its urban slang for cat, dog, etc and I can truly relate to this as I count my cat as my best friend.

I love the simple way the rhyme fits together. I must be honest though, I mainly like this because I totally relate to it.

Just one thing and I won't mark you down for it, but that font is quite hard to read especially in pink. It may put people off, sorry to be negative. But really I'll still give it 5 stars *Wink*

Review of Looking  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi there,

Thought I'd write a few words on your poem. I tend to 'like' dark writing I guess partly because I struggle a lot myself so it's the sort of thing that I'd like to write.

Looking at this, it reads well and rolls of the tongue when reading it. It's quite blunt and to the point but the rhyming rhythm also gives it a 'light' feeling which takes some of that dark, bluntness away. I don't know if that was intended but in all honesty it's possibly the only thing I wouldn't have liked about it. Having said that, I think thats down to personal preference.

I don't know if this was a feeling or emotion you had when you wrote it or something you generally feel, or maybe it was just something you felt like writing about. One of the 'interesting' things about reading someone else's poetry is trying to interpret things. Anyway, it was a nice poem. Keep writing *Wink*
Review by Spacecat
Rated: E | (5.0)
Fran this is just brilliant. My friend Queen Jellyfish (Jenny) suggested this to me as she knew I liked the site but was having problems with my writing and she thought it would be right up my street. I do like a good discussion and there are some good ones ....well done *Wink*
Review by Spacecat
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hey buddy .....love it. Obviously the subject matter is pretty close to me right now as still feel pretty crap at returning home to this country and it's dull weather! .....I know its also an idea/plan/thought that is close to your heart.

As far as the story itself is concerned, it is of course very well written ....I do like how your short stories begin & end at the right point covering exactly what you want to convey without going overboard ....or maybe thats just short stories in general. I must confess I don't read many of this sort of thing. I did spot one grammatical error which I mentioned in a WDC email I sent you.

I wish I could emigrate tomorrow ....I think you're pretty spot on with the raised eyebrows and things people would say. Anyway catch you soon
Review of Loaded  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Oh ....not sure I had seen this before ......another of your dark poems that really grabs me. Not a review as such but just wanted to add my endorsement and give you a deserving 5 stars *Wink*
Review of Say No To Snow!  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: E | (5.0)
Just a few words my holidaying friend .......I wholeheartedly agree and if I were to write words to express my views of snow, I would have liked to have written this. Of course, I would have left out the bit about Fuerteventura as I obviously wasn't there. But even as you were preparing to fly to Egypt I had concerns that your dad may not make his flight from Manchester ....I'm so glad he did and that you are enjoying yourself. I'm confident now that the snow may pass us by but even a few flecks on Wednesday had Facebook full of statuses about snow, to an irritating degree may I add. I hope you'll forgive me if I occasionally steal your famed hashtag ...I am most definitely a believer and follower of this campaign.

Oh by the way, you misspelt St Pancras ....sorry, hope you don't mind me pointing that out. It won't affect my rating of this piece which is maybe wrongly based on the views I share of the white stuff.

#saynotosnow indeed.

Review of Banquo's Ghost  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Just a few words ....I was looking for this as I thought it was beautifully written with a really nice twist at the end and I just had to give it a good rating. I really do think you should get some of your work published. It's some of the best on here especially the poetry. This story like many others I came across while searching for this, uses wonderful descriptive sentences and shows what a lovely imaginative way you have of writing. Not only that but when you read your stories or poems you put such expression into things. You're a talented girl Miss Jellyfish x
Review by Spacecat
Rated: E | (3.5)
Nicely written poem ....very simple in its words and rhythm but I can empathise ....is that the right word? Well what I mean is I've lived by the sea for many years now and much as Id like to move nearer family, as you rightly say 'The sea is my solace' ....I dont know if theres hidden meaning here or just a general comment on how the sea can affect one's mood. I do like it though.

Thanks for sharing, take care, Daniel
Review of Heavenly Summer  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: E | (3.0)
Ha ......I absolutely love this ......a poem which simply lists all the things we look for in a beautiful Summer. What more can be said? And now at last, at least here in Portsmouth, we are getting that sun. Long may it continue *Wink*
Review by Spacecat
Rated: E | (2.0)
just went to buy a Writing.com mug and was going to be charged $48 shipping. Is there any way of using the shop from the UK without such costs? I've bought from the US before and never been charged shipping costs so high before.
Review of Sleepless  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
As someone who really struggles with sleep and totally gets this, I thought this was beautifully written and truely captures the irritating torment of struggling through the night and eventually seeing daylight arrive. I particularly like the way you've used words descriptively to fashion a poem that reads well and whilst simply written shows an intelligence to the writing. All the best
Review of Bottled.  
Review by Spacecat
Rated: E | (3.5)
I really quite liked this. It is in my nature to try and read into what lies behind the words, it reads like a mix of two personalities fighting for the right to control. Even if Ive not got that quite right, it's a nicely written piece.
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