Review Requests: ON
33 Public Reviews Given 33 Total Reviews Given |
I give constructive criticism of your work. I will be very honest but polite. When I read a story I ask myself if this is something I would pay to read in a magazine or an online venue. If it is, I will tell you why, if not I will tell you why it's not. Please do not send me rough drafts. If it is not a finished copy, then I don't want to see it because the errors tend to be too distracting from the actual story. |
I am good at giving feedback as to if it is a good story or not, and why that is the case. I tend not to delve too much into grammar, but will point out if it is something obvious. |
Horror, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Experimental, Literary |
Romance, Poetry (I do not know enough about it to give a good review so please, no poetry), Erotica, Torture porn |
Short stories, possibly novellas if they are less than 15,000 words. |
Poetry, Novels. I just don't have the time to read novels at the moment, but if that were to change, I will update this section. |
Romance, torture porn, novels, erotica (see above to get an overall idea of what I prefer. |