Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/sirigina
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In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Well written piece that articulates your thought process, efforts, and solutions brilliantly. However, I feel the length could have been shorter and the article a bit more crisp with a little bit of fine tuning. Nevertheless, I totally enjoyed reading this brilliant piece. Thank you.
Review of Garden of Tears  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear renflower,

An evocative and imaginative poem. It is emotive and expressive. The essence of the poem gives one hope and the last line rekindles it.

I like this poem because it is sensitive and sweet and does not pretend to be anything else other than an honest and sedate way of looking at life.

Write more! Simply loved it. *Heart**Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3*

Rated: E | (5.0)
Awesome Fyn!

I wondered for a minute there as to what I'd sorely missed all these long days and reading this piece reminded me of the uplifting feeling on a good read, a story well told, a feeling beatuifully expressed.

You truly are an amazing writer. Write on!

Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Ray,

A very important article and nice piece of writing. You have touched on the salient points. It is well written as well as being encouraging and inspiring. It is indeed necessary that we focus on the "right frame of mind".

Thank you,
Review of Blinded?  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
My friend, after a long draught the promise of water is itself refreshing even if there is no water ... every destruction leads to construction ... all death leads us to look forward for life ... if not for this then today there would not be the Voyager etc., searching for life (water) on Mars... in the belief that Mars was once like Earth...

Too good to see your amazing progress and your wonderful port ... kudos!

Rated: E | (5.0)
This is the reason I relate to your poetry and admire it so much. Axilea, you have a rare and wonderful treasure trove that brings forth the profoundest of thought in the most abstract yet sweetest of verse.

I salute the uniqueness of the poetry that flows forth from your wonderful spirit.

May you forever write such meaningful words.

Rated: E | (4.5)
This is so beautifully written. I am real touched by the depth and sensitivity of this writing.

Do write more!

Review of The Dream  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Ree,

This is such a wonderful poem. So surreal. Leaves one with a feeling in the end that it indeed was not a dream but abject reality. But the reality has such a dream like enchantment.


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Review of What is Black?  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dea MiaMac,

Boy, oh boy! Did I really read this poem? It is so touching and superbly crafted that I could'nt stop myself from reading twice over.

Perfect job! Write on!


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Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Amu,

Absolutely brilliant job!

Amazing form and flow, and I loved the whole theme. You can rest assured, you are going to climb the poetic highs. I can say it, though I am no great shakes as a poet or as a writer, but as a mere connosieur of poetry who loves the poetry of T.S. Eliot, and the likes of Elizabeth B. Browning.

A very fine job!


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Review of Top Dogs  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Vicky Emma,

You have loads and heaps of talent, young rising star! It was a pleasure reading, rating and reviewing this piece from you.

Excellent item!

Some suggestions:

Making me feel in-slaved --> should "in-slaved" be "enslaved"

I’d be to scared to give them what they deserve --> I'd be "too" .....

You can not --> you "cannot"

One other thing, the stanza that starts with "They give you dirty looks for smiling," is different with the connotations to "you" rather than the constant refrain of "I" in the rest of the poem. May be you should take a second look at it.

Write on!


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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* Dear Humming Bird Falguni *Star*

*Halfstar* These are precious little lines that I loved from the word go, you are truly an emotional poetess who could make me experience the beauty of the feeling with the overall sensitivity in there.

*Halfstar* Kudos to you!

*Halfstar* Bests, *Halfstar*
*Star* Sarah *Star*

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Review of Little Firefly  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Snow1*Hi W.D.Wilcox,*Snow1*

*Snow3* This is a PORT RAID REVIEW for the WDC Angel Army. First of all let me wish you peace, happiness and a lovely new day.

*Snow3* I liked the repetition of the first 2 lines in the last stanza, as the first stanza begins with the firefly's introduction to you and the poem ends with your wish that it should never put the fire out

*Snow3* Showing me what life’s about -> would the addition of "all" between "life's" and "about" have been appropriate, if not, please don't mind me

*Snow3* The poem flows smoothly


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Review of I Wonder  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Snow1*Dear Diane,*Snow1*

*Snow3* This is a PORT RAID REVIEW for the WDC Angel

Army. First of all let me wish you peace, happiness and

a lovely new day.

*Snow3* "What could have been" is a haunting question and the daunting thing is, there are no answers for such questions, no satisfactory answers

*Snow3* life makes us wonder about the choices we make and a someone lost (loss of life) due to a choice that we make, is something that keeps us wondering, what if we had'nt made that choice, but then I wish life would allow us to change that one moment, that one choice.

*Snow3* I wish one could go back in time and redo the whole thing again, but I am sure that irrespective of the consequences, we would still do the same thing in the same manner once again. Cause at that time, we cannot predict that life would deal such a cruel blow.


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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Snow1*Dearest Ann,*Snow1*

*Snow3* A beautiful poem. The one line that haunts me is: "Hope Shines its Eternal light"

*Snow3* This world needs these beautiful feelings you have captured in this poem.

*Snow3* It is always a pleasure to read your superbly crafted poems.


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Review of My Child  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Snow1*Dearest intuey (Tracey),*Snow1*

*Snow3* This is my HUM Port RAID Review. First of all let me wish you a wonderful new day and joy forever.

*Snow3* A few lines, but what immense depth they have! A nest of sticks, stones, sunshine and happiness reflect the security, joy, safety and fearlessness

*Snow3* A very symbolic poem that is self explanatory in the succeeding lines.

*Snow3* The poem has got amazing grace.

*Snow3* Simply loved it!


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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Snow1*Dearest Gabriella,*Snow1*

*Snow3* This is my HUM Port RAID Review. First of all let me wish you a very beautiful day and happiness. What a beautiful setting and your words pour in just like the sunlight streaming across the green glades of grass that cover the landscape.

*Snow3* The whole poem flows so smoothly and reminds me also of a small lake whose waters are lapping the sand shores

*Snow3* A perfect setting for memories of fondness and loved ones touching your soul in tenderness

*Snow3* The parallels you draw with the last stanza bring the poem to a silent breath of memory

*Snow3* A wonderful job!


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Review of Gray Rain  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Snow1*Dearest Kiya,*Snow1*

*Snow3* This is my HUM Port RAID Review. First of all let me wish you happiness and joy forever. God! this poem reminded me of AKira Kurosawa's "Rhapsody in August," the A-Bomb, the mushroom clouds and Black Rain.

*Snow3* The whole setting, scenario was superbly crafted.

*Snow3* Very powerful imagery.


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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Snow1*Dearest Sherri,*Snow1*

*Snow3* This is my HUM Port RAID Review. First of all let me take this opportunity to wish you grand success, delight, joy and good cheer forever. This is an amazing poem that is so true to our life, and our journey.

*Snow3* The spiritual odyssey, journey and the quest are eternal for some of us. One does not rest in the inner sphere unless one has encountered it in complete measure. Cause what we look for is within us, around us and surrounds us.

*Snow3* I am glad that you have found that friend, that spiritual companion who has opened up a new dimension to your journey. So now no more, lonely journeys my friend.

*Snow3* An amazingly soothing and calming poem that encourages to believe and restores faith in how a questing spirit will find another like minded spirit. Perhaps, it is this that they say "kindered spirits"

*Snow3* A beautiful enlightening poem.


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Review of Heaven  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Flower2*Here is a tribute to yet another horse lover and one who is evolving day-by-day into an amazing poetess/poet*Flower2*

*Flower3*You remind me so much of my good ol' friend in MN, whose home is filled with horse pictures and whose horse was the love of her life
*Flower3*I just can imagine how a young girl would have felt seeing the golden brownies and the black beauties

*Flower3*The poem is highly imaginative, wonderous and captures the wonder, utter fascination, stupendified amazement, all these expressions

*Flower3* I am totally enamored by the scent of this poem. Can feel a light breath of the horse smell!

*Flower2*Love and Bests,*Flower2*

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Review of Alone...  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Dearest Christina,

I could feel the impact of each and every line in this poem "Alone". The line "decapitating like petals" and the lines preceding it, convey such depth of pain and emotions for that little girl.

The next lines however, throw up some hope or possibilities that could arise with sun and the spring.

*Flower2* A truly exceptional poem because it makes use of such powerful language

*Flower2* Never believed it when people said that the word could be so powerful, but now I have to revise my opinion after reading this commendable effort from you.

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Review of Our Love  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dearest Tina,

It is simple to say that I simply loved the verses, but I would just like to say simply that the first stanza was simply superb! Brilliant!

The first 2 lines of the stanza 2 are so tenderly crafted. Probably it is the dual "ands" in the last 2 lines that make the difference ... but they too have a voice of their own.

Such a wonderful job dear!


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Review of Predictability  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Verkanmass,

A beloved friend of mine pointed me out to this writing of yours and I was hooked from the word go. You have a style all your own that is effervescent and smooth.

Is that "latch to" or "latch on to"? Just a question to educate myself.

Good job!


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Review of Odds  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Josh,

Cool poem, odds are that I had fun, nah, much fun. Rhyme well and convey the perfect meaning.

Just a few suggestions:

- Worth mentioning thats been --> .... that's been
- have meet a girl --> have met a girl
- Odds a rejection --> (question: is that odds are or odds a)


Review of beautiful dawn  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Hi Joseph,

A friend pointed me out to this poem of yours, and I somehow for an undefined reason got hooked to the verses in this poem. I read it and reread it. Let me only comment on the meaning. It has captured my nihilist tendencies, it's got a strong viewpoint and makes for a good thoughtprovoking poem with the symbolism.

Good job!

:: Member of the following forums::

***WDC Angel Army***
***A Day in the Life***
***Rising Stars***
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