Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/silent1
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Public Reviews
Review of Does race matter?  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Only when we can look past skin tone will we be able to come together as Americans (or whatever country you are a citizen of). All of us have a common ancestry stemming back to Adam and Eve, one genetically diverse couple. geographic isolation, caused by various groups of people spreading out to fill the earth after God confused the languages at babel. These people groups, became genetically isolated from other groups - because they could not understand or communicate with eachother. This split was not caused by racial differences, it was caused by the rebellion of the people against God's command to spread out over the earth, and attemping to bring glory to themselves by building a tower to the heavens (tower of babel). The different groups were isolated genetically, and physical traits began to manifest themselves more. Natural selection honed which traits became manifest. That being said, all these traits came from pre-existing genetic diveristy. And despite initial appearances, this genetic divergence is extremely minute. Lets minimize the apparent external differences and focus on character.
Rated: E | (4.5)
What a sad and shallow man Chris is, to let something superficial step in the way of what apparently was not real love. What an irritating doctor, and how unprofessional he behaved. Very good characterization. It is sad that such stigma is still attached to so called "interracial" relationships, and this shows very aptly how shallow people respond to societal criticism. Instead of taking a stand and working to better society, we too often cow-tow to immoral and unjust social norms. When a man and a woman find true love, skin color is a non issue. Shame on anyone who has ever demeaned a person for falling in love with a person that has more or less melanin than they do. This story presents a very good potrayal of those kind of people.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
part of the problem is race is often presented as "us" vs "them." Some black leaders call for acceptance while constantly churning up the evils perpetrated upon black people by some of our white ancestors. This constant churning leads to demanding the payment for the sins of the fathers by those who never even hated someone of another ethnicity.

Black and white children play together before they are taught that they are different. The very concept of different races it itself a fallacy, since all are members of one race: Human.

It is also wrong to presume that "blacks" want it that way. It is not the average black person, but those who have been galvanized by radical leaders with animosity towards white people. Racism is practiced by both sides, and each side uses the other side's racism to fuel its own. Racism is evil. God Himself is no respecter of persons, how then could we esteem someone in higher regard or lesser on account of having more or less melanin in their skin? The genetic differences between members of "different races" is incredible minute. It is my belief that God will call into account the actions of people motivated by race that caused others to fall away from the truth of the human race and God.
Review of His, Her, They  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very good poem, well established soft tranquil feeling, interleaved with love and compassion. A beautifully subtle description of a happy interracial couple. True love is always color blind, good poetry is always colorful. This poem has both. Excellent job.
Review of Black Blood  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Emotionally gripping story. The only problem is that it should probably be rated 18 for racial slurs and the F word. That being said, it was an interesting and well excecuted story. All along Dom thinks the boy is weak, and is coping out...anyway I won't spoil the ending for other readers. An entertaining story with a good message
Review of RACISM  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Ethnic hatred can never be excused. Especially with children. Children are not a problem, they are the future. The way to brighten the future is not to shut someone out for their skin color, but to give them equal opportunity. Children are easily influenced, whether for good or bad. Hitler knew this, and he made sure that nazi children were brought up from "cradle to grave" in nazi doctrines of hate.

We must instil in children that every life has value, for all are created in the image of God. Not everyone believes in God, but the truth about race was in the Bible long before Science discovered genetics and the "mitochondria eve" that links mankind through the female parentage. The Bible says that "All men are of one blood..." Racist concepts go against both science and genuine Christianity. I bring this up, because as a believer, I resent bitterly the racism that goes on under the guise of Christianity, and will refute it whenever given the chance. I also happen to be white, and have been discrimated against before because of it; so i know how it feels. Racism is ugly, in any color.
Review of Starship Sentry  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Quite engaging. I never would have guessed the ending. Excellent potrayal of the canine as some sort of android. looking back i can see what everything is. The only thing I am not sure of is the exact nature of the command console. I would guess its a leather recliner with a TV remote. Very well thought out story, a delight to read.
Review of Color Blind  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Very good. I can relate to this, though from the other side of the story, as the caucasian guy. At college, my roommates teased me and joked about it. Some of them really thought it was wrong. All along my parents haven't said anything, but recently I've been talking to a girl more, and my mom randomly brought up that she was black (something i already knew) and that people might give us(or future children)a hard time, and if I was sure i wanted to pursue a black woman, but that if i was she was ok with it. It kind of made me feel uncomfortable. Well, with all that said, I definately relate to your story, very well written and realistic...After thinking about it, it reminds me of the song "i believe" by Blessid Union of Souls
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