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Rated: E | (4.0)
I loved the story. Your dialogue is so believable.

One friendly critique - The following sentence confuses me.

What I she already saw that letter?

Thank you for sharing.

OnWords & UpWords,
Shirl, ReJoyce, whatever
Review of Salt...  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Holy WOW!
This deserves an award! And so I shall present one when I figure how to do it.

JUST SUPER, Readers...don't miss this one!!

And don't forget to post your reviews on the PUBLIC review page....

OnWords & UpWords
Shirl, ReJoyce...whatever
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I think this is sensational! Whyever do y'all need to be in a Dialogue Class with so much talent? You've applied all the 'Quick Tips' and avoided all the 'Common Mistakes'. It's a good thing I'm not the instructor, I'd ship you to the highest class.

As well as demonstrating a great writing technique, the story was fun, believable and left me wanting more.

OnWords & UpWords
Shirl, ReJoyce...whatever
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Review of Her days...  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I love anything with the word 'pebbles' in it. God knows why? And I really enjoyed this eulogy...guess I'm now motivated to write my own. One words baffles me, I'm sure it was meant to be glistened...but, what do I know? Glinstered in the sun sounds kind of interesting.

Good Job Maria!

OnWords & UpWords
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Review of Christened  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Again, you amaze me with your perspective. What is sweeter than cracking the spine on a brand new journal? Perhaps, re-reading the dog-eared one it replaced...yah?

Love the phrase - pre-owner slumber.

Love it...Shirl
OnWords & UpWords
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Rated: E | (5.0)
Another enchanting cocktail of gossamer wings and fairy taled chatter. I loved it!

My favorite sentence..> Wood folk are forever to festivals drawn

OnWords & UpWords
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PS: Using SPELLCHECK would correct the spelling of dediccated...or maybe that's how it's spelled in Pixieville. smile. smile. Just a humble suggestion.
Review of My hen Matilida  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is priceless! Too cute and the short storied poem deserves to be read by everyone at WDC.

If I can make one humble suggestion - see how it reads if you eliminate the word 'her' in the third sentence.

Can't wait to read more of your work, Greygoose.

OnWords & UpWords
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Review of Winter  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
AHA! You slipped into WDC like a Christmas mouse and left a little present for us. What have you done with all the intelligence you absorbed at the Conference? This sweet treat fits my mood today and the chill of December. I can almost smell the oak burning in the distant fireplace. YOU are missed!
Hugs a bunch,
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Review of Last ride  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Wow...that was quite a story! Once I began reading, I couldn't stop.

I love reading NEW words, such as 'mellifluous' - Thank you for a great one.

But what I especially like in conjunction with the way you have written this fine piece of work is the ending. It's fantastic and saying so little really causes the reader to think.

Terrific Job...carry on.

OnWords & UpWords
Shirl, ReJoyce..whatever
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PS: Don't forget to give your reviews on the Public Review page - free advertising for you and the reader ---just check the little box on the bottom, above Rate & Review. You're Welcome.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is really a great tale that is so timely right about now. Your grammar was perfect, darn..you left me nothing to correct. The only little nit is that I had to really concentrate on the timelines of Dan's thoughts and actions - what was happening now and what was the past. But I got it.

You do the 'soldier stuff' like you've been there.

The reddish brown puppy was a zinger of a description.

I loved your opening line, Small towns are boring...

Carry on..soldier.

OnWords & UpWords
Shirl, ReJoyce...whatever
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Review of Last Hurt  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Before you begin to read my review, please take into consideration my inept ability at changing colors at will. If some of this looks displaced, forgive me. I've done the best job I can with my God given abilities and if I must say so He was very stingy when he came to me.

Sometimes when we write in the flame of pain it's hard to cut the wordy words. I know. I've written a novel with a bleeding heart. It was over one-hundred thousand words in the beginning - when I read it last month and several years later, I condensed it to 2,000 words.

If I could make a few 'take it or leave it' suggestions, it would be the following. I know this is your baby, so take what you will and ignore what doesn't fit your way of thinking or feeling.

got the call today.
He managed to take more out of me.
Using my own daughter to say,
Or do things that will destroy me.

All that I am now,
And all that I will ever be come,what if you eliminated the first word And and closed the space between be and come to read become.
I don’t know how
I can ever be more than just numb. what if you eliminated the word 'just'?

In the following traumatic stanza, WHAT IF you eliminated these words (please take them with three grains of salt and a glass of Merlot: *Bigsmile*
do, And, But, that?

Sorry if these words do offend,
And I am sorry if my tears are permanent,
But I felt my heart quit and my life just end,
When I heard the tales that he had sent.

And turned their mother’sSince you have begun this poem in the present tense and first person POV (point of view) may I suggest an alternative line? heart to stone.
Turning this mother's heart into stone.

I hear them playing as I write,
And my tears just keep flowing. What if this line simply read?:My tears keep flowing,
This may be my last night. Do you wish the reader to see this as a clue that the writer is contemplating ending her life?
But they will keep growing. Is it possible to eliminate the 'But' and replace it with 'I know'?

In the following stanza, there is a mix of Points of View. What if (I say that a lot, take it or you know...)...

Yes, he said that my girl Do you feel comfortable deleting 'that'? I would. FWIW: Whenever I can, I do, see how it tightens and strengthens your writing. You have tremendous = (GREAT) possibilities or I wouldn't be taking so much of your time. *Bigsmile*
Was hurt while in her mother’s care,OKAY, yes it hurts and you can't say 'I' ---get over it, you must say 'I' - Me or 'MY'..so, my humble suggestion is for it to read this way, and keeping a consistent POV:
Was hurt while in my care,

I would suggest the deletion of the first word in the following sentence.

And now I have nothing left in this world.
I can’t fight, and I am so very scared.

Well he has won the battle (or even the war)
I just can’t see me winning. Can you bring it into your heart to delete the word 'just'? ---please do.
Right now I can not see breathing any more
I can not see anything worth defending.

So who can stand by my side?
Who really knows my pain?
I have lost everything even though I tried.
I have nothing else to gain.

His sister said that the proof was in,Can you eliminate the word 'that' and the first word 'And' in the next sentence?
And there is no denying.
I know that is just a story from him,
But still I am still crying.

So if you pray day or night,
I think I need your prayers now.
Because God is the only one to make this right,
But I just don’t know how.

This is the not a tale told.<<I don't know what this means. Perhaps it could say, "It's not a tall tale told."
This is my world to day. today
Please ask God to help me to be bold,
And look to him and pray.

For God, I know can see,
But I stand in the shadow.
I know he is watching over me
But why is life so hard to swallow?

Thank everyone that can feel
My pain and my grief.
And that what I am writing is real,Can you eliminate the first two words?: And that.
If I could just have believed.
Right now my faith is small,
And so maybe I will rely on you.This is a whoops, who is YOU in this line? God? The reader? I don't think so. Regardless, the first two words - And so - I would eliminate them.
Then God will heal it all,
And make a happy life a new. I feel you copped out on your last line, you flung in whatever would fit.
It has little to do with your dilemma, the suffering, the anguish, the loss of your daughter. It DEMANDS more courage on your part to explain the feelings you have demonstrated in the early part of this work of art.

You've built the reader to a crescendo. Tell it like it is.

OnWords & UpWords
Don't Shoot the Messenger...
Shirl, ReJoyce..whatever
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Forgive the colors if they come out crooked...My fingers are faster than my mentality....*Bigsmile*
If I didn't care, I wouldn't be here...
Review of Too late now  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A very interesting take on a very traumatic event. May I offer my 'take it or leave it' advice?

What do you think about deleting these few words: was, just, even - in the first two lines? Try it, see what you think, it's your baby.

In the sixth line, what if you eliminated the word 'there' and described the cloud? Angry? Soaring? Or a better two-syllable adjective?

In line seven you may wish to insert an apostrophe in the word its (s/be it's).

The reader wonders by the last two lines - what could possibly be different about coming back? The world could be different. But how would you be different? Physically, mentally, spiritually? You haven't given us enough information to fully understand why or how your prayer has meaning. It would make more sense if your prayer was to come back someday to a world opposite of the one you left. Please do not take my words the wrong way, this is simply how this reader interprets your work of art.

My favorite line - I would save the world if I knew how.

The wonderful piece makes us stop to think, to ponder and you've done an excellent job.

OnWords & UpWords
Shirl, ReJoyce..whatever
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Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Yes, this is a WOW. So much emotion and feeling, one cannot help but feel a range of emotions - anger, sadness, hate, helplessness, empathy. How can one rid the world of THAT kind of person? But then...it's just a poem, isn't it?

OnWords & UpWords
Shirl, ReJoyce..whatever
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Rated: E | (4.5)
The simplicity of this poem is the charm of it. The picture it paints is pure and sad. I hope there is a sequel, one that is opposite and shows that the little girl has found the happiness she deserves.

Nicely written. The only wee constructive suggestion is to rework the last few lines.. The use of the words 'I' and 'my' changes the Point of View and the tone of how the poem progresses toward the end.

I can't wait to read more of your work.

OnWords & UpWords
Shirl, ReJoyce, whatever...
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Review of Bellarose Part 5  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Haley,
I think you've done a terrific job on this lesson. This really could lead to a very interesting story. If I was/were the teacher I'd give you an A+.

I love reading this style of dialogue.

See you in class.*Smile*

OnWords & UpWords
Shirl, ReJoyce...whatever
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Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm pleased to hear your opinions on Points of View. At last, I've found someone who is not afraid of mixing them under the right conditions and for the right reasons.

The omniscient POV is also my favorite - it's the best way to allow the reader to get inside the head of each of the characters. From a writing standpoint it also requires the author to really know his sardines from his cheddar.

Thank you for an enlightening essay.

OnWords & UpWords
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Rated: E | (5.0)
CHEERS! A wonderful story and extremely well written. I love it when good editing shines almost as bright as the writing. GREAT Job.

OnWords & UpWords
Shirl, ReJoyce..whatever
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Thanks Katherine for the artwork!
Review of The Dinner  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
I enjoyed reading this short excerpt for the class. It looks like it will become an interesting story. There are a couple of typos you may wish to change with your magic fingers:

goes my<<by Mac;

It’s not you Mac. I just miss his<<him so much sometime. I wish he was here to meat you tonight

looping her are<<arm through his

I look forward to reading more.

OnWords & UpWords
Shirl, ReJoyce!
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Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a really unique perspective on respecting the deceased. I think its fantastic.

I can't wait to read more of your work. I'm intrigued with the way you shape your thoughts.

OnWords & Upwords
Shirl, ReJoyce!
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PS: Don't forget to check your reviews to go on the REVIEWING page - advertise each of us :)
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I so enjoyed the trip of fantasy. I was moved right along from the first sentence. I started to choose a favorite sentence then realized I would have rewritten most of the story. Totally enchanting.

OnWords & UpWords
Shirl, ReJoyce!
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Review of Africa  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is so dear. I love it, especially the phrase 'in an old wife's yarn'. Also the penning of the possibility (somewhat pessimistic and clever) that being Soulmates would be dutiful - very insightful, realistic, showing deep thought and that you are not looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. I sense a deep thinker here. I hope everything turns out the way you want it.

Thank you for sharing. Don't stop now.

OnWords & UpWords
Shirl, ReJoyce!..whatever
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Rated: E | (4.5)
I love the tone, setting and everything about this charmer. I wanted to reread it because it felt so good.

Reminded me of the thunderstorms in PA.

Just a little nit for your magic touch:

They run to into their houses - <<if it had been a snake ...you know

OnWords & UpWords
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Rated: E | (4.5)
How PRICELESS!! I couldn't stop reading it. Youthful and so sincere. I loved it. Just correct those little misspelled words with your magic touch and it will be perfecto.

OnWords & UpWords
Shirl, ReJoyce! whatever...
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Rated: E | (5.0)
ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC - SHEER TALENT! Everyone who appreciates fine 'FINE' poetry should read this.

A great tale, wonderful pace and sheer pleasure to read. I loved it.

One teeney nit for your magic touch - the very last word, I'm sure you meant quiet.

Don't stop now, keep them coming. Can't wait to read more.

OnWords & UpWords
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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
FIFTEEN STARS!!! This was the most fun to read. Very very clever. I can't wait to read your other treasures.

OnWords & UpWords
Shirl, ReJoyce..whatever
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