Greetings greenicat089
Review of "Freshman beat down Day" E: A fun poem about being a freshmen in highschool.
Things I Liked:
I just experienced my first day as a highschool freshman Monday… I liked this poem because I could relate. I felt just like the freshman in this poem—oh no, seniors! —and think you did a wonderful job with capturing the character’s feelings and making it all very realistic.
Specific Suggestions:
Here I have pointed out some errors I caught or things I think could use some work... You are the author and it is your decision entirely on whether you choose to take my suggestions or not. Please keep in mind that I am always more than happy to come back to re-read and re-rate if you make corrections.
First Stanza, Third Line:
[ A freshmen comes running past, ]
“freshmen” should be “freshman” (singular, not plural).
Second Stanza, Second Line:
[ As I hear a freshmen shout, ]
“freshmen” should be “freshman”
Second Stanza, Third Line:
[ I quickly give a silent pray, ]
“pray” should be “prayer”—I understand that this disrupts the rhyme, but you can reword a bit to make it fit again… For example ”In the hall I silently pray”
Fourth Stanza, Second Line:
[ Of freshmen’s tossed and cast aside, ]
“freshmen’s” should be “freshmen”
Fourth Stanza, Third Line:
[ Oh what horrors would come next? ]
Insert a comma after “Oh”
Fifth Stanza, Second Line:
[ And nosily thrown across the room, ]
“nosily” should be “noisily”
Fifth Stanza, Fourth Line:
To hear the freshmen’s shout, ]
“freshmen’s” should be “freshmen”
Seventh Stanza, Third & Fourth Lines:
[ They grabbed my arms, and with much laughter,
And threw me in a small blue locker, ]
Using the word “and” twice is a bit repetitive. Consider deleting the “And” at the beginning of the second line and replacing it with “they”.
Eighth Stanza, Third Line:
[ Freshmen’s gather, shaken and distraught, ]
“freshmen’s” should be “freshmen”
Ninth Stanza, Second Line:
[ When I’m a senior King of the Rink, ]
Insert a comma after “senior”
Overall Impression:
Your poem had no problems with rhyme, except for the seventh stanza, which you may want to double check because “laughter” and “locker” are not perfect rhymes. Other than those couple lines though, no problems here.
The rhythm and meter are excellent for the most part (just remember to try to make sure each line has around the same number of syllables), and the poem flows well from line to line. You did a good job with details, emotions, and expressions, as well. Like I said earlier, you got right into the freshman’s mind and wrote down exactly how a first-day highschooler would most likely feel—nervous, excited, scared, anxious.
I liked this poem! It was funny and truthfully honest (although I’ve never actually seen anyone get stuffed in a locker ); I enjoyed it… Good luck with highschool! Keep writing. 
My Rating:
4.0 stars
Write on!
Have a great day,
Smiles and Hugs
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