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Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
I love the fact that you tell this story from the dog's point of view. What a creative idea! I'm glad all your stuff was okay. Whew!

Grammar and Mechanics:
"I, being the gentle, cinnamon doberman I am, stand and watched the activity through the sliding glass door." I assume that should be "...stand and watch..." You're switching tenses. I do it all the time too--though usually from sentence to sentence, not within the same sentence. lol There are a couple other places you go back to past tense too.

"Chairs flew, doors opened, suitcases came out and Mom and Dad behaved like something serious was happening." I would have expected that they'd already have known there was a fire and had been watching carefully. But maybe the fire just started? "I see the parking lot coming into view." It feels like the resort is really close, but that wouldn't make sense. I'd suggest something to give a sense of time or distance traveled to be safely away from the fire.

Favorite Part:
" Mom is in the file cabinet, throwing stuff into boxes. Dad is in the back closet getting wine. Dad obviously has his priorities." Hahaha! Awesome touch! "I sit on my haunches; looks like this could be interesting." I'm also amused by this part. *Smile* " Maybe they should try the IAMS for older dogs; keeps you calm." I'd expect it to give you energy, but still, funny statement. "I draw nose art all over the back window of the Montero in anticipation." What a creative and descriptive way to say this! I love it! I also love the ending! I wouldn't have thought about taking the trash out either. lol

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:

Grammar and Mechanics:
"...every time I am “wrong”." In America, we always put the comma or period inside the quotation marks. Question marks and exclamation points vary depending on usage. In Europe, periods also vary depending on usage. I'm not sure about commas in Europe. *Smile* "...are all tore up for construction season." That should be "torn up." "...he just wanted the placed cleaned up – by cleaned up..." When using a dash in a place that doesn't automatically make dashes (such as on WdC), use two hyphens. Also, don't put a space before or after the hyphens. It should look like this "...cleaned up--by cleaned up..." "...all I could do was listen and “get it”." The period should be inside the quotation marks. "So at the end of the day that Monday after the long holiday..." I believe you need a comma after "so" and "day." "But they were okay. I hope there is nothing in there that will get us in trouble..." You keep switching tenses. I do it too. lol

"That month had a sea of red check marks." I think a check and an X are different. I'd suggest either just "...sea of red" or "...sea of red marks." Just my opinion... *Smile* "...my next residence will be the moon." I don't really see how moving to the moon will help. You'll probably avoid mice, but the rest is just things going wrong, so that can happen anyway, just ask Apollo 13. lol

Favorite Part:
"My husband has a habit of putting a red x on the calendar every time I am “wrong”." WOW! What an opening sentence...and what a sucky thing to do. I hope you take this well...not sure I would. lol " Holy circuit breaker, Batman, I was ready to blow a fuse." Hahahaha!!! “Kill it. Get a gun and shoot it!” Lol--you're so funny!

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
This is a lovely and interesting piece. I enjoyed that it was a period piece as well. Nicely done. I'm glad I got to read it!

Grammar and Mechanics:
None noted--great work!

I'd suggest you consider changing your introduction blurb at the top. It just says "Contest entry" but it's already in the Contest Entry folder, so we know. Your writing talent should be used here as well. *Smile* "But finding a means to even the score with Mr. James Buchanan was not something that could be accomplished with mere money. It would make things difficult, but not impossible." To me, it almost sounds like the money would make it difficult to even the score. I assume you are referring to them being female. "... the intelligence and determination of a woman who has been played..." To me, "being played" is a modern term, albeit for an ancient act. I'd suggest a different word such as "deceived" or "used." That's just my opinion... *Smile*

Favorite Part:
"She sat soaking in the hot water of the round tin tub; out the north window snow hung like a sheet on a clothesline, but the room was bright with the fire on the hearth and redolent of lavender water. Across the room and behind the privacy screen, in a similar tub of lavender water, was the other woman in James Buchanan’s life. It may have been accidental that both of them ended up at the same bathhouse. It may have been coincidental that their conversation turned from polite small talk to the man in each of their lives. Stunned silence emanated from both sides of the room when the two women realized they were talking about the same man. It was with dead reckoning when the first invitation to get even with Mr. James Buchanan was uttered." WOW! You have an awesome way to introduce your story here. I love this first paragraph--between the beautiful descriptions and the way you draw us into the drama of the story...all very well done! You have quite a talent for words! "...although not particularly attractive in the modern sense of the word..." That's funny since this isn't a story set in the current times. lol

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
This is a nicely written short story that gives the reader more information and background about you. I love that in a piece! Nice work! Touching and interesting story!

Grammar and Mechanics:
"After that, all other toys were forgotten, fot there was only one..." Fot? I'm assuming this is a typo.

"I remember it so vividly as if all of that happened yesterday." Saying we remember something like it was yesterday seems too common, in my humble opinion. I'm pretty sure you have a more creative idea in there than that. It's a good placeholder for now and I really like the idea that you open talking about how vivid the memory is. But I'd like to see you try something a little different from "yesterday." "It was simply expensive, she said." I feel like you meant to say "...simply too expensive..." It would be GREAT if you uploaded a picture of her for this piece since you still have her! (Don't ask me how, I'm the newbie. lol)

Favorite Part:
Your tagline, "Something I hold dear" is exactly what drew me in to read this piece. I wanted to know more about you. Plus, I saw it listed as "experience" and I really dig those as well. I enjoy getting to know more about people and learning from them and their experiences. This piece was a great example of what I like to read! "The weather was cold, cloudy, some raindrops here and there, and that's how my mood was." Hahaha! I love this statement! Perfect! I can totally see you as a little kid! *Smile* "I did not beg or scream so I could get what I wanted." Wow! Your parents were LUUUUCKYYYYY! That was some great parenting skills they had! *Smile*

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
I know I'm using my short story template for this letter, but I don't have a letter template and I REALLY wanted to review this for G.o.T. for your celebration! I'm a Soldier, so I support anyone supporting us every chance I get! *Bigsmile* This is a wonderful letter expressing gratitude and it makes me feel great! It was also extremely well written with only one typo that I noticed and lots of beautiful descriptions! Well done!

Grammar and Mechanics:
"...to get ready for the farmer market." Should be "...farmer's market."

"I am overwhelmed with gratitude for your service to your country." I'd suggest "our" country, but that's just my opinion. *Smile* "Our flag is flying freely throughout these United States, because of you..." I'm not sure that comma is necessary.

Favorite Part:
"You and your fellow soldiers make huge sacrifices so our country can be a better place to live." You have NO IDEA! lol I'd researched and dated military guys and about 70% of my family has been in the military at some point, so I thought I was prepared for what to expect when I joined. I was NOT. WOW! The military goes through a LOT. Yet, most of us wouldn't choose any other life...or we would have already. *Smile* But I just didn't know things like that I'd be on a roster to work 24 hrs straight (in some places we did that about once a week, though it was usually more like once every 4-6 weeks in most places)...and that 24 hrs isn't really 24 hrs because I have to get up and do PT at 5:30, then shower and change and be ready to work at 8, THEN work 24 hours. (In a REALLY crappy place you can't even watch TV or play on your computer during your 24 hr shift...just read the whole time, which gets hard around 3 a.m. We're usually just staying awake in case there's some emergency like a Soldier gets arrested or if you work in the hospital, you're answering the phones at 2 a.m. when the civilians are home in bed. I'm not talking about guarding Ft. Knox here. Just that someone (usually 2-3 people) have to stay up in every unit every night. The worst place I ever did that was in an open bay of a barracks where I couldn't even talk to my counterpart above a low whisper, so we had to sit close to each other and lean in the whole night and I did that about once a week for 6 months. Ick!) Then, when your relief comes at a little before 8, you have to brief them, then after you're relieved you have to brief your supervisor. If all goes smoothly, you're home by 9, but if not, it may be the afternoon before you get to leave. More times than I can count I've been told I couldn't leave because we had some sort of mandatory training when I was supposed to be home in bed on "recovery." Being up 30 hrs is pretty normal...35 happens more than you'd like. AND you have to drive home. But if you have an accident, guess who gets in trouble...not the Army... That's just one example of the things we do/go through that most folks don't know about. Okay, I'll be quiet now and get back to your lovely letter... *Smile* (TRULY, I DO LOVE THE ARMY, though I complain sometimes. lol) "I just cannot imagine what it must be like to constantly live with danger going on all around you." It can get addictive, honestly. A lot of Soldiers get in trouble or even get killed doing risky things after deployment. A friend and I were comparing notes and we both started picking up hitchhikers after we got back because we needed a sense of danger. Crazy! (We've both quit that by now. lol) Of course, that constant sense of danger is what causes PTSD and that can be incredibly destructive on a life! "Some of you are so young, leaving your homes to venture into enemy territory." GREAT DESCRIPTION!!! "Just remember you are not alone, God is watching over you." Thank you for the reminder! "I live in rural Minnesota on a hobby farm where we raise sheep, one llama, ducks, geese and chickens." If you're ever looking to add to your farm, I'd like to suggest you check out the Livestock Conservancy https://LivestockConservancy.org where they work to save almost 200 breeds of farm animals that are at risk for extinction. Want to add more animals, look into them and the breeds they protect. There is even a breeder's directory where you can find the animals you're interested in. *Smile* "Nicholas and Leah love going down the long aisles of tomatoes, the green foliage dotted with lots of red tomatoes makes for some pretty pictures that we show at the market" Great image! "It makes for quite a picturesque setting with the white sheep grazing on the green pastures." That sounds BEAUTIFUL! "Our llama is black and white and does silly things like lie on his back with his feet up in the air." HAHAHAHA!!! I hope you've posted those pictures EVERYWHERE on the internet!!! LOL I have some alpacas (purchased because I have a minor traumatic brain injury and can't make good decisions sometimes--I'm getting medically retired from Iraq). Thankfully, they don't do that! lol "I think I’m not alone when I say that we would like to have you and your fellow soldiers back home with your families again." Thank you, but I don't want us to come home until everything is stable or all those lives will have been lost for nothing. Whether we should have gone over in the first place, I can't say, but I think Iraq shows the dangers of us coming back too soon.

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
I really love your sense of humor and your writing style! Fantastic work here!

Grammar and Mechanics:
"Or maybe I wanted to hear a teacher say The test is canceled, Karie." What the teacher says should be in quotation marks. "Maybe I should explain the week a little clearer." I believe that should be "clearly" instead of "clearer."

Except maybe to change the sister's name so it's not quite so similar as to momentarily confuse the reader, but maybe that's part of the fun. lol

Favorite Part:
"A fateful story below. How I won. This is also how I lost. Every word here is written by me: Karie Jana Muller.
Before you read: Don’t tell anyone.
A month ago: A longing for cash and the desire for fame. I had it all worked out..." That's a great hook. I'm interested as soon as I begin reading!
"One thing was left on my list.
Find a way to get famous.
And this is why I signed up for a contest. That endless month ago." That sounds like me with Game of Thrones, except I didn't do it for fame, but it sure seems like an "endless month ago." lol P.S. Game of Thrones is why I'm reviewing you. *Smile* "I am trying to drum this into your head before we go on further." Hahaha! I love that line! "Was I expecting it? Maybe. What could a teen do? Especially when facing the math homework of nightmares." Heeheehee! "It could’ve been a little showier in my opinion, but it didn’t matter." I just love your writing style! Great stuff here! Your description of your progress on your idea is priceless! I LOVE IT!!! I loved your writing so much, I decided to "fan" you! *Smile*

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
This is an interesting look into the early morning life of a paper boy. It brings back memories, except that I was older and drove. lol

Grammar and Mechanics:
"“extra-terrestrials moving among us unawares”." In Europe, the period can go either inside or outside the quotation marks, depending on usage. However, in the U.S., it only goes on the inside of quotation marks. *Smile* "...jeans and two pairs of socks. One cotton and one wool." Just so you know, the descriptions of the socks isn't a complete sentence. An option would be to write "...two pairs of socks--one cotton and one wool." But I SUPPOSE you could claim artistic license and keep it how it is. lol *Wink*

None--great job!

Favorite Part:
"...left the house quietly. “No need to wake up the whole family” Dad had told him." lol Yep, I can see that! "He moved out onto the step. The snow crunched under his boots. The cold felt sharp in his nose. His breath hanging in the stillness." GREAT descriptions here! "He crunch-crunch-crunched his way over to the side of the garage..." I love how you wrote that sound." "...which in the silence sounded like tiny mechanical screams." You REALLY have a way with words! Great work! "Some of these customers had the unfortunate habit of waiting angrily in bathrobe and slippers to tongue lash the little reprobate who had the temerity to bring THEIR paper late." I'm not sure whether to smile or cringe at this site. Poor paper boys! "Dogs barked. People coughed. Cats scurried from shadow to shadow." More descriptions I especially liked! *Smile*

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Lab  
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
Wonderful story--I TOTALLY LOVE IT! AWESOME!

A scientist and a guard are discussing the new sequence of alien characters coming up and what they mean.

Style and Voice:
The style and voice of this piece seemed natural and appropriate.

An underground lab/cave in Peru

Marie and the lieutenant (and some aliens acting off screen)

The dialogue seemed natural and appropriate for this short story. I liked the back and forth with the characters and how their emotions seemed to play out fairly.

Grammar and Mechanics:
"I’m not sure but this is the most amount of data..." I believe there should be a comma after "sure."

I don't have any suggestions--this is a great story!

Favorite Part:
Xenomathematicians--Sweet word! *Smile* I love it! lol "“Blah…blah,” I mocked. “I’ll let my men worry about that.”" Funny...but I wouldn't want him in charge of protecting me. Hahaha "It says, message received." This part made my stomach nervous and that part made my physically smile because I knew I was reading good writing! lol "“This place isn’t a lab,” she explained. “It’s a slaughterhouse.”" Super awesomely amazing ending!!! I LOVE IT! I didn't see this coming (except that I knew it was something bad). How awesome is that?! I love twists at the end and this certainly was one! *Smile*

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
Another interesting chapter. Alas, I'm reviewing for Game of Thrones and my leader will get mad if I spend any more time in here. lol But nice, creative work.

Grammar and Mechanics:
"...I could find eight legs dragging a large bulbous body between on tree and another." I assume that should be "...one tree..." "...the glop seemed to whether, it sunk down and simply slipped off of me." I assume that should be "wither" instead of "whether." "...it was the faint marks on my chest remained." That should probably be "...chest that remained." "...I fought was a seasoned adventure..." I'm guessing that should be "adventurer." "I walked through a path leading pasted several black wreckages." I'm not sure if this should be "past" or "passed" as I get them mixed up, but I KNOW it's shouldn't be "pasted." lol "...the marketplace that would was once a hub of activity and life." I assume "would" shouldn't be there. "Cosmos shadow appeared..." Should be "Cosmo's shadow..." "...so with Cosmo showing me how I sat up..." Should be a comma after "how." "...but at least now I wouldn’t be holding in its place." Should be "...holding it in its place." "...a twisted ankle and a swollen bloody face." Comma after "swollen." "...it means ‘light bearer’ or ‘brightness’.” we had sat facing the village..." Capitalize "we." "Bandits, they wore animal furs..." That comma should be a dash (which is made with two hyphens here like "Bandits--they wore..." or ellipses (the three periods). "he was serious, so much so that I found myself awestruck..." "He" should be capitalized. "...any serious bandit groups nearby.”, with that he turned around and continued walking." There shouldn't be a period after "nearby" and the comma should be inside the quotation marks (if you live in the U.S.--if you live outside, I'm not sure, but in the U.S., all commas and periods go inside the quotation marks where question marks and exclamation points vary by usage...in Europe, all three vary by usage, but again, I don't know about commas there).

"...causing some steps to support the hard coral while others resulted in my foot being briefly stuck." FYI, coral is very sharp and if you're stepping on it or even rubbing legs against it, you will get cut. lol "Like a predator stalking its prey..." Not a bad place to start a new paragraph if you'd like. *Smile*

Favorite Part:
"The sentient glop clung to my torso, burning the fur that covered it, spreading out to my arms as I ran and thrashed desperately to get clear of it." Nice description! "...he appeared as a morning star that briefly outshone the sun itself." WOW! Fantastic writing!

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
Interesting story. I started here, in part, because of the title. Very creative story. Nicely done, though I'd probably benefit from starting from the beginning. lol

Grammar and Mechanics:
"Then, I brought it down on the little trolls head..." Should be "...troll's head..." Also, I'd recommend saying the "littler troll's head" since you've already described them both as little trolls, so I don't know which you mean here. "I, Robert was gone, the bear stood alone..." You also need a comma after "Robert." "I entered the dark damp cave." You also need a comma after "dark." "...they weren’t under Me's' spell anymore." That should be "...under Me's spell..." "...the darkest depths of the cave, here; lay all the treasures..." That comma should be a semi-colon and I'm pretty sure that semi-colon shouldn't be anything. *Smile* "One, the youngest had a pregnant swollen belly." You need a comma after "youngest." "Me, surprised at my appearance looked back with a rather terrified look on her face then readied herself in a heartbeat." Comma after "appearance" and probably after "then." "Hurt she looked up and rushed a small muffled speech..." You need a comma after "hurt." "...wearing fur pelts and armed with sharpened sticks they stumbled off..." Comma after "sticks." "...but as luck would have it I found shelter..." Comma after "it." "...while being surrounded by all sides with a purple flower." Should be surrounded on all sides..." "She didn’t, Mother was strong." That comma should be a semi-colon because those are two complete sentences. "...it is nature's way.” was this really its attempts..." "Was" should be capitalized. "After I was satisfied it could hold me I clambered..." Comma after "me."

"...completely unsuspecting of my betrayal, I Two whole years had passed..." I feel like this was supposed to be two separate sentences. "Once done, I scooped up some mud and, grimaced at the prospects of what I was about to do. Once done I gathered my resolve..." I don't recommend using "once done" twice so close. "She attempted to retreat from the melee..." This might be a good place to start a new paragraph as this one is really long. "I stood tall over the tiny troll." Maybe another paragraph break here. "My dreams wondered oddly..." I think you mean "wandered" here. New Horizons offers a comma class here on WdC. *Smile*

Favorite Part:
"A pair of brain-dead little trolls, looking artlessly out at the lush woods before them..." Great description! "It was like watching a row of dominoes." Wonderful sentence! If you'd said they fell like dominoes, I wouldn't have liked it because I've heard it a million times. Yet, this seems fresh. Good work! "I couldn’t breathe, the guilt choked me." Nice! We have trouble breathing when we cry, but he's now also having trouble from guilt. I like it!

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Newbies Academy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
I like how you didn't force yourself to choose a version and you didn't even put all three in different items. *Smile* I vote for number one as it sounds the most fable-y to me, but I'm also fond of number three. I'd have liked number two better if I hadn't already read number one. lol You write very well and I'm glad I've had the chance to read some!

A fox tunnels into a hen house and the chickens strike a bargain to save their lives.

Style and Voice:
Sounds like a fable to me--especially numbers one and three. Great job!

A hen house

Mainly the fox and head hen, but sort of also other hens, the farmer, and the farmer's dog

Sounds natural and appropriate for this short story

Grammar and Mechanics:
"...he approached her and said, “never trust a friendship..." "Never" should be capitalized. "To which the head hen replied, “never trust a bargain brokered with threats.”" Again, "never" should be capitalized.

"...they had nowhere to run to." I know they are getting more lax about the rule that you shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition, but I think in this case, it does sound better without the "to" at the end, just "...nowhere to run." It sounds more powerful to me. That goes for all three versions. *Smile* "...the fox soon starved." I think it sounds more powerful to say, "...starved to death." But if you're intending this for little kids, you probably shouldn't. lol

Favorite Part:
"One day, a clever fox tunneled his way into the hen house and caught all the hens by surprise." It already sounds like a fable! GREAT WORK! "... the hens began to like the fox, who was pleasant company and told many scandalous and interesting stories of the forest as he ate his eggs." Hahaha--typical females! (I'm female, so I can say that. *Wink* ) "The fox smiled wickedly as he approached her and said, “never trust a friendship based on bribery.”" And the end totally sounds like a fable too! Awesome!

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Newbies Academy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
Very adorable piece! I love this! *Smile* VERY CREATIVE DESCRIPTIONS!

Summer won't go away so Silver Sam has to talk to Winter.

Style and Voice:
Sounds like a fable--well done!


Mostly Silver Sam, but sort of Winter and Summer and Night and some of the months of the year

Natural and appropriate for this piece

Grammar and Mechanics:
"Well now, one summer down in Houston long before you or I was born, it was so hot and sunny that birds taking off in flight would burst into flames and fall, fully cooked to the ground." Pretty sure you need a comma after "Houston" and after "cooked." "...he did didn't say what, an idea already taken hold..." I'm pretty sure you need to erase the "did" just before the "didn't." "...as innevitable as the hand of God." Should be "inevitable." "But then by degrees the piece of Winter..." I think you need a comma after "then" and "degrees." "He called it, "air conditioning."" You don't need a comma here.

"...a Jehovah’s Witness who came vangelicising to his porch..." Did you purposely use a word that wasn't a real word? Or did you mean "evangelizing?"

Favorite Part:
"Well now, one summer down in Houston long before you or I was born, it was so hot and sunny that birds taking off in flight would burst into flames and fall, fully cooked to the ground. Eggs came out of chickens hard boiled, and children went down to the lakes with butterfly nets to swoop up fish swimming in the steam." Nice intro! lol You've got some funny and creative stuff in there! *Smile* "September gave up and passed on early into October, and November was skipped altogether on account of it wanting to stay up North where it was cool. Then by December, the night up and went on strike, and the sun started shining 24/7." Hahahaha!!! Great sentences! Okay, I can't keep copying and pasting all my favorite parts or I'd just copy the whole thing. Suffice it to say, this is a great story with some wonderful descriptions and fantastic creativity! Great work!

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of My Name Is Mud  
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (5.0)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
This is an amazing piece! I LOVE IT!! GREAT WORK!!!

Style and Voice:
Appropriate for this piece

school and home

Wilma, Sister Collette, Wilma's grandpa, and Sister Mary Vincent

Naturally funny

Grammar and Mechanics:
None noted--great work!

You have this listed under Comedy, Experience, and Other. Isn't Children a genre on here? You should list that, too. *Smile* I suggest you add spaces between paragraphs for easier reading. If you type your stuff elsewhere first, it might take a bit of experimenting to figure out how to do it. I use Microsoft Word and it automatically makes an extra space between paragraphs when I hit enter, but it doesn't translate, so I hit enter twice and it does. It looks a bit weird on the page, but it transfers to WdC fine. *Smile* If you didn't use more paragraph spaces because you wanted to separate parts, you can use a few dashes or something in a row. That's just my suggestion.

Favorite Part:
"As a child growing up in the throes of Catholic education, I heard idioms and clichés used daily by the nuns who ruled the classroom with iron fists." Hahaha--and it's funny that you use the idiom and cliche about nuns when describing them as ruling with iron fists. Hahaha "The Sisters of St. Mary were dedicated to the task of forming good Christian ladies and gentlemen out of us little heathens." Hahaha This is some really great writing! "I burnt the midnight oil reading your essay papers last night until I was blue in the face." This whole idiom filled paragraph is just IMPRESSIVE! It was probably much harder for you to come up with than it was for her to come up with. lol “My name is Mudd, Sister.” Hysterical piece and great last line!!! I LOVED THIS!!!

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
What a beautiful tribute to your dad! I'm so glad I got to read it!!! Thank you for sharing it!!!


Style and Voice:
This sounded like a historical essay rather than a personal letter, but I'm not sure what you were going for. I really like it as is because it will serve future generations very well! *Smile*




Grammar and Mechanics:
"W.D. "Dub" Welker,Jr. was born November 22, 1927, in Cape Girardeau, Mo..." There should be a space after "Welker," and "MO" should have the "O" capitalized also. "...graduate of Cape Central High School, Cape Girardeau, MO, In 1945." Don't capitalize "in." lol "Once while playing on the Capaha adult baseball team..." There should be a comma after "once." "...at his home in Chaffee, Mo, Sunday, April 24, 2016." You need a period after "2016." (And I'm VERY SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS!!! And for the loss of your sister!!! HOW HORRIBLE!!!)

If you're going to list all seven siblings, you might as well include your father and say "from youngest to oldest" or vice versa or something. I'd like to know where he falls because this seems like a piece that is great for future generations of your family to read. *Wink* Technically, when you say things like "He was one of 8 children..." or "...shared 6 children," you should spell those numbers out, but whatever. It's a personal essay, not something you're submitting for judging, I assume. "He also served in the Missouri National Guard." You have dates for everything else. It would be nice to find out when that was and add it to this. You can contact the MO National Guard and they can direct you to how to find out if no one in your family remembers.

Favorite Part:
"...he didn't make the Cardinal team." WOW! How sad for him, but still, how awesome that he got to try out!!! Did his friends make it? *Smile* This whole thing was wonderful! He'd be so proud! Now I know what an amazing man he was, and by default, what an amazing woman you must be! *Smile*

On an unrelated note, why do you auto-reward us 251 GPs instead of 250? Just curious...I'm assuming there's a really good reason and I'm about to get educated. lol

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (4.0)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
This is a sweet piece--thanks for sharing!

Jasper find a surprise on Christmas morning

Style and Voice:
Appropriate for this piece

Jasper's house on Christmas morning

Jasper with mention of his estranged wife and obnoxious aunt as well as his Writersgang friends

None, but it's not needed

Grammar and Mechanics:
In your title, "inspiring" and "treat" should both be capitalized. Also, in your blurb about the piece, you said, "Jasper gets a surprise of his lifetime" but technically, that should be "Jasper gets the surprise of his lifetime" because in theory, there's only one surprise of a lifetime. *Smile* "He had got used to this monotony..." That should be "gotten" instead of "got" here. "...with a puzzled expression and Lo Behold..." That should be "lo and behold" and it shouldn't be capitalized. "...a sudden rush of memories connected Christmas." I assume that should be "...connected to Christmas."

Recheck your spacing between paragraphs when editing. Yours is a little erratic.

Favorite Part:
"He had slept late because he was chatting with his online friends on a writing website. They were the only family for him now." Funny and sad. Except my brother, I feel the same way and now that I'm being medically retired from the military, they're also my socialization. "As he stood watching the scene, dumbstruck, he felt as if the star on top of the tree winked at him and his throat became caught up emotion." Awww...that's so sweet. "Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought somewhere someone loved him and were encouraging him to start afresh." That's a nice ending...a bit creepy that strangers snuck into his house, but still, sweet and a lovely "feel-good" ending.

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (4.0)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
Interesting and creative idea. I'm impressed!

A couple is moving after their kids are out of the house.

Style and Voice:
Things seemed bit weird at times, but that's because of trying to fit TV show titles into the piece. "...more than ready to begin living different happy days." That's an example of a place I feel it sounds weird because of the titles. But I'm still impressed with what you accomplished!

The speaker and her husband; Rosanne; Kate and Allie, the daughters; the movers, Laverne and Shirley; the cab driver, Murphy Brown; Webster, the police officer; Charles, the doorman; with reference to B.J., Bear, and Mr. Belvedere

There wasn't a lot, but it was done appropriately and none wasn't really needed.

Grammar and Mechanics:
Go through and edit your spacing between paragraphs. Sometimes there's a space and sometimes there isn't. "...a deluxe apartment in the sky was uneventful." You need a comma after "sky."

I see you were trying to use names of TV shows. Were you supposed to use a certain number or certain ones? Was this for a specific contest or was this your own challenge? I'd like an intro or something at the end. Some people write in in grey to show that it's an intro and not an actual part of the story. I find this very useful and have started doing it for some of my pieces. *Smile*

Favorite Part:
"The idea to move struck me like a wet mop or maybe it was my friend, Roseanne, actually trying to knock some sense into me." Interesting image--very distinct and unusual. Good choice. "I had hired a moving firm, B.J. and the Bear. Ideally, the bear wouldn't be pressed into service." Hahahaha Very funny! "I survived the hyper-ventilating and the accident-report paperwork." 38 80's sitcom titles? WOW! Impressive!!! I couldn't have done it! lol

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Merry Chrismouse!  
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
This is another great story from you filled with action and humor. You're a great writer!

Grammar and Mechanics:
"Four-year old Emily screamed...eight-year old sister, Sydney..." Those should be 'four-year-old" and "eight-year-old." When you put your story in WdC, be sure to check your spacing between paragraphs. It's erratic. ""He's so little and cute!"She squealed with delight..." You need a space before "she." ""Yeah, Pappa!" The catch of the day..." You mean, "yay" here. What you said was the informal yes. "...scrabbled towards the exit. 'Sydney hollered, "Nanna, shut the door!"" Erase the apostrophe before Sydney. "...a goalie's stance in front of it; a semi crouch." This should be a comma. You use a semi-colon when both are a complete sentence. Also, I'm pretty sure that should be "semi-crouch." "As she handed over a copy of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, Sydney snuck one last peek." Book titles should be in italics.

"Dust bunnies appeared to be larger, darker, and furry." I think you should end that with "furrier" instead...just my opinion. "As he dug deeper, Pappa's shadow, Sydney, cooed..." I feel like the "he" is a little unclear here. You have a whole lot of blank space at the end of your story. You might want to edit and just delete it. It's like you were going to put a picture and never did...or you accidentally rested on the Enter key for a moment. lol

Favorite Part:
"...around the kitchen my nimble nemesis led me..." I like your repeated use of alliteration! "Over the next few evenings, this bold mouse would saunter into my livingroom, uninvited, to check out my choice of television programming. I swear he smirked as I cursed and gave chase. Some people sweat on a Stairmaster or a treadmill; I had a wee, furry, fitness coach." You have such a humorous way with words! *Smile* I love it! "With his Tupperware trap ready in one hand, Pappa slowly slid the speaker away from the wall; muscles tensed. Eagle-eyed Emily redirected him, "No, he's over there."" Hahaha You're a really great writer!

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Cold, Eh?  
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (4.0)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:


Style and Voice:




Grammar and Mechanics:
"...mystery novels, ( movies too), we speak of..." Erase the space between the open parenthesis and "movies." " Wages , assets, and even memories may be frozen." Erase the space after "wages." "What ifs become ' when Hell freezes over'." I believe that should be "if's." Also, erase the space before when. "...icy temperatures; " I'm freezing my butt off", or..." Erase the space before "I'm." "Fate, in cahoots with gravity, ( and an icy parking lot), lured me into a slushy puddle." Erase the space before "and." "...until it's simply ' learning to drive in Canada, eh'?" Erase the space before "learning." "...coffee shops, ( like Timmy's), where we can defrost..." Erase the space before "like." "...in our pockets--- the Loonie and the Twoonie." When using hyphens as a dash in places that don't automatically make them (like on WdC), use two hyphens and no space before or after them (or between them, just to be clear lol). So, "...in our pockets--the Loonie..."
"...'an icy stare', 'ice in their veins', 'blood runs cold'..." I'm not 100% sure what to do when using apostrophes here, nor am I sure what the rules are in Canada. In America, when using quotation marks (so, already two differences), you always put the comma inside the quotation marks. (I don't know about in Europe, but I know in America, the period also always goes inside, but in Europe, it varies with the sentence, like question marks and exclamation points.) ANYWAY, the main point is to say, those comma placements might not be right...or they might be--not sure. lol "...people who treat others with a 'cold shoulder'." The same goes for this sentence and others. "It's a frozen- with- fear -and- shock instance that renders a driver temporarily immobile." I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to do here, but I'd suggest, "It's a frozen-with-fear-and-shock instance..." or really I think, "It's a 'frozen with fear and shock' instance..."

Favorite Part:
"In our frigid climate, we are forced to identify people by the whites of their eyes." HAHAHA "Fate, in cahoots with gravity, ( and an icy parking lot), lured me into a slushy puddle." I really like your description here! "My butt and I were not lessened by this experience, instead this mishap has been frozen in my memory." Great connector to your topic! "Wages may be frozen, but fuel costs are not." Wonderful line! lol "...winning a lottery, becoming another American state, The Toronto Maple Leafs earning the Stanley Cup..." Do some Canadians really want to be part of America? Why? I would have thought they'd just laugh at us or be mad at us for all the problems we have/cause. Don't get me wrong, I love America and wouldn't want to be a citizen of any other country, but still, I'm surprised Canada feels that way. "Through it all, we shrug and say, "cold, eh?"" Great ending!

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
Funny story! I enjoyed this. But I'm pretty sure it didn't compare to being there. lol

Grammar and Mechanics:
"...a cantankerous rocking chair; it was absurd, it was ridiculous, it was funny." You separate full sentences with semi-colons, not commas, so I'm pretty sure you need one after "absurd" and "ridiculous" too. "Most of us were laughing so hard the tears obscured our vision; not my youngest granddaughter though." Since you use semi-colons to separate full sentences, I think this semi-colon should be a comma. "That look of utter incredulity.....there was definitely a disconnect..." There are only three periods in an ellipses. But good job not putting spaces before, during, or after them like a lot of folks do or capitalizing the "there" as I used to do. *Smile* "...enacting some crazy clue sort of like method acting?" There should be a comma after "clue." "Maybe there was wording such as ' adult discretion is advised' or 'play at your own risk'." Erase the space between the apostrophe and "adult."

WdC does comma classes in the New Horizons section, if you're interested. But for the most part, your punctuation is a lot better than most. *Smile* "The rocking chair was not maimed." Unless this is how they would say this in your country, I'd recommend "The rocking chair was not harmed during this event" or maybe even "No rocking chairs were harmed during this event" as it's closer to what is at the end of movies, at least in America.

Favorite Part:
"The game has a timer, so it is fast-paced. With our mob it was soon rowdy with clues being shouted and laughter ringing off the walls." You make this sound like fun. *Smile* "Without provocation or even a bit of a warning, I was catapulted/ejected/shot/bucked/pitched forward onto the floor in a crumpled heap at his feet. I could never have foreseen that I'd be wedged under a cantankerous rocking chair; it was absurd, it was ridiculous, it was funny." I really love how you picked a bunch of words to describe the action and how you chose several sentences to describe how it looked. Genius! "I was most definitely wet, but my bladder is an Olympic athlete; superb muscle control." Hahaha--congratulations! Otherwise you'd have been doomed during this! lol

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (4.0)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
Wonderful story about a little girl's first camping trip!

Grammar and Mechanics:
"The lyrics are: " fire's burning, fire's burning..."" Erase the space between the quotation marks and the first "fire's." "...in the gloaming, ( often sung as 'in the glowing'...}" erase the space between the parenthesis and "often." "No it sounds the same, but this merry means happy." There should be a comma after "no." "The five-year old logic..." You need a dash between "year" and "old." "Squirming into it she delighted in now understanding 'snug as a bug'." I'm pretty sure you need a comma after "it." "In whispers she questioned and marvelled everything..." I'm pretty sure you also need a comma after "whispers." Also, "marveled" is spelled wrong, unless that's a European spelling.

I don't get your line spacing. The spaces between paragraphs are sometimes not there, but other times you basically separate out parts of sentences with a space before and after them. It seems to be the last line of most of the paragraphs, but even that isn't consistent. I don't get it. "God is night". If you're from Europe, this is correct. However, if you're from America, the period always goes inside the quotation marks, as does the comma. (I don't know about the comm in Europe.) In both Europe and America, the question mark and exclamation point can go inside or outside quotation marks, depending on usage. "...I enjoyed my third childhood..." What was your second childhood?

Favorite Part:
""Let's go!", she hollered as she pushed me towards the door." That part is really accurate about how a little kid would be. Great work! "The highlight of any Guide camp is the campfire." YES! I totally agree! Roasting marshmellows, telling ghost stories...well, maybe not with five-year-olds...lol "Immense shadow trees act as our sentinels while aromatic smoke spirals into the darkening night sky. The purple-black velvet cathedral shimmers with zillions of shimmering stars." Maybe I'm just cold, but I literally just got goosebumps when I read that. AMAZING imagery! Wonderful descriptions! "The lyrics are: " fire's burning, fire's burning, draw nearer, draw nearer, in the gloaming, in the gloaming, ( often sung as 'in the glowing', but,hey, this makes sense), come sing and be merry."" I like that you included the lyrics since I've never heard this song before. Thank you. "Syd bellowed, "Rolling over the pillows,"..." Hahaha! "All too soon it was time to retire and we sang our smoldering fire to sleep with 'Taps'." I really like this image and had forgotten that we did that too. *Smile*

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
This is a loving and well-written tribute to your mother! Excellent work!

Wilma is struggling with her mother's dementia, perhaps in some ways, worse than her mother is at this point.

Style and Voice:
The style and voice seemed natural and appropriate for this short story.

Mrs. Davison's nursing home room

The speaker, her mother (Joyce Davison), Wilma (Mrs. Davison's daughter), with references to Mrs. Davison's husband, Cecil and to other children as well as doctors, Mrs. Davison's mother,

There wasn't much, but it felt natural and appropriate for this piece.

Grammar and Mechanics:
None--as expected. lol

None--great work! Sorry this review it mostly useless to you, though.

Favorite Part:
"She knew she was alive. She could see her chest rise and fall with the intake and expulsion of air. The mechanics of this involuntary action were beyond her understanding." Excellent opening...it really draws me in, though it equally makes me sad. "Her hearing was failing, but Joyce's face erupted in a toothless grin as her children’s laughter filled her ears. She felt the cool breeze from the open windows pass through the little house as she prepared supper for her family." This is sad, but also sweet. My dad's end was met with him struggling against imaginary people grabbing him and he was terrified at the darkness that was surrounding him and this assailants, even with the lights on. "In another life, Joyce was a beauty, once pictured in magazines of the 1940’s." WOW! You must be REALLY proud! *Smile* "There was a look of recognition, and Joyce was smiling. Wilma’s heart soared." I can't imagine the heartbreak of this life mixed with sporadic joy when she suddenly recognizes you. My grandmother who suffered like this towards the end was not "the nice one" so it didn't hurt so much. She freely said she didn't like us, so her not recognizing us was actually more a blessing. lol "Wilma listened to the story of the imagined visit of her long-dead father and wondered if it was, indeed, imagined. Maybe there’s a connection between the two worlds that only the demented can see, Wilma thought." I'm glad you explained your line of thinking further because at first I assumed it was an old memory. Maybe not.

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
I don't really read or write poetry, so I chose this essay. It's a lovely peace with an interesting take on music that I'd never really thought about. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. *Smile*

Grammar and Mechanics:
"The album is a collection of Native American tunes entitled, MANY BLESSINGS." Album titles should be in italics and not all capitalized (unless that's the way the title is written for that particular album. "The track that I am especially drawn to is called, A ROAD BEFORE US." For song titles, instead of capitalizing them, put them in quotation marks. "...music transcends messages to the spirit more quickly than any of the other senses." Music isn't a sense. Perhaps say that "listening" does it more quickly or maybe "than any other media." "...and experience that (spiritual) "road before us"." Unless you don't live in America (which I assume you do), the period always goes inside the quotation marks. The same for commas. Exclamation points and question marks vary, depending on the sentence. In Europe, periods also vary. I'm not sure about commas there. "I wore my Boze ear phones to listen and meditate, which gave me an enhanced listening opportunity." That's spelled "Bose" but I'm sure they'd forgive you given your statement about them. lol "...in his own (broken down) home...." Ellipses should only have three periods. "...he never thought existed.....at least for himself." Again, only three periods.

I'd recommend you put spaces between paragraphs for easier readability. If you're bringing this over from a computer file, I find that double spacing helps it transition for me...just my two cents. lol If you don't want to add spaces, perhaps you'd consider indenting the first line of your paragraphs?

Favorite Part:
"The speed of sound." I really like this idea. "The sound becomes a visual and an experience beyond the third dimension." Wonderful description! Thank you!

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Patterns  
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
I realize this is an essay I'm reviewing and I'm using my short story template, but it was the closest thing I had. Sorry. But this is a wonderful essay that made ME wish I'd known your mom TOO! Great writing!

Style and Voice:
Seemed natural and appropriate

the speaker, her mother, "the girls" and the driving instructor with reference to husbands, children, and grandchildren

Seemed natural and appropriate

Grammar and Mechanics:
None noted

"She was at least twenty years older to the one ..." Usually we are "...older than..." not "...older to..." at least in America. *Smile*

Favorite Part:
"Every week her school offered instruction is some homely art, such as ironing a shirt." I really like this sentence. It amuses me and reminds me of how much times have changed--not necessarily for the better or worse, they're just different. "She left school at age thirteen and died at ninety-three, so she knit for at least eighty years." WOW! How awesome! I can't imagine the skills she had! "She taught knitting at the Girl's Club, and through evening classes, and when the evening classes ended, the ladies in those classes came to my house to drink tea and knit there." Wow--she REALLY had a passion for knitting and for passing that passion on...how wonderful! "The flummoxed look on the questioner's face was rewarding to see." Great sentence and especially great word--flummoxed! "They were part of a network, an extended family of people Mum somehow touched. None of us will ever forget her." What a wonderful ending!

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
This is one of the best pieces I've read in a bit! I LOVE THIS!!! Thanks for sharing your talent with us mere mortals!

A person has a conversation with their shadow as they are about to embark on a new exercise routine.

Style and Voice:
The style and voice seemed natural and appropriate for this piece.

Jogging with one's shadow

A person and their shadow

The dialogue was natural and appropriate for this short story. By the way, it was also super funny! *Smile*

Grammar and Mechanics:
"Okay let's do this." I'm pretty sure you need a comma after "okay." "Shouldn't it be called jiggling?" I think you might benefit from ...ummm...I've forgotten the name suddenly... (I have a minor traumatic brain injury that causes trouble sometimes--sorry.) Anyway, I'm referring to those single quotation mark things you'd use inside another quote. I'd put them around "jiggling."

"Oh, there's nothing between us; I know you." I don't get the part about there being nothing between them. Does the shadow mean they're connected? And if so, what does that have to do with the sweating? Maybe it's just me. lol

Favorite Part:
"Really, you're not wearing a parka? Maybe it's the angle back here, but you seem a bit broader in the beam." HAHAHAHA!!! That is SO AWESOME!!! At first I wasn't sure which was the shadow, but now I am and what a way to secure that knowledge! TOO FANTASTIC!!! "Whoa, this is jogging? Shouldn't it be called jiggling?" You're such a creative and hysterical writer! I love this piece!!! "By the way, you're a little flat-footed." Hahaha! "You never sit with me in the shade." Very creative comment!

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of A Simple Rescue  
Review by Schnujo's i...
In affiliation with The Witch's House  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I'm glad I found your story. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful. Remember, this is just one opinion, so take what you like and leave the rest. Everything is said with love and in hopes that it helps! *Smile*

Overall Impression:
What a sweet piece. I really like it and how it speaks to your wife's character!

A wife is trying to talk her husband into helping his brother.

Style and Voice:
Is natural and appropriate here

Their living room or den, I'd guess.

Carla, the writer, and the writer's brother

Flows naturally and appropriately in this piece.

Grammar and Mechanics:
"My wife Carla as the rescuer of everyone with me as her simpleton accomplice." If you have the space, there should be a comma after "wife" and "Carla" and I'm pretty sure after "everyone" also. You can also leave out her name in the intro and just use the comma after "everyone." "You don’t know him like I do Carla." You need a comma after "do." "He’s useless Carla." Again, you need a comma before "Carla." "Carla, my long suffering wife would not look at me." You need a comma after "wife." "...calm and at rest she pressed my hand..." You need a comma after "rest." "Where do think he wants the money sent..." I assume you left out the word "you" from this sentence.

"She was broken and weary of a night filled with phone calls..." I'm not sure if "of" is grammatically correct here. I know "from" would work. There's a comma class available on WdC, if you're interested. *Smile*

Favorite Part:
"Her sternness was her way of covering the empathy she experienced for all life forms." It's interesting that she feels a need to cover her empathy and that's an interesting cover. "Desperation is getting to him at last and I hope desperation takes him to the darkest edge of eternity and drops him off!." Wow! Powerful image here! I really like it, though it's disturbing. lol "The best part of who I was appeared in her loving gaze." That's one of the sweetest sentences I've ever read! AWWWW!!!

Thank you again for sharing your story! Keep writing! *Notepad* *Pen*

*Snow1* *Snow2* WHITE WALKERS WIN *Snow3* *Snow4*

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Image for GoT

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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