Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/scarypotato14
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131 Public Reviews Given
136 Total Reviews Given
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Review of Blame Cupid  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This poem is sad but it brings up some good points about modern society and how our attitudes towards romance and commitment have really become shallow.
Good job!
Review of Odd Diction  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is hilarious! I like the way you worked in the prompt to the song lyrics. I can imagine this happening on a televised singing competition. The stove pipe hats were a great way of foreshadowing the Gettysburg address quote the end of the story.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
That was exciting! The narrative really built suspense. Didn't expect Watanabe to disappear at the end. Thanks for sharing this story.
for entry "Happily Ever AfterOpen in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I am reviewing Happily Ever After for I Write 2025.
This poem was sweet. The inclusion of the "sitting in a tree" line took me right back to grade school.

I liked the poem's story. I think it's great that you took the time to really show this couple ended up getting married all because of the spread of a rumor. It's a very interesting concept that I don't think I've seen before.
Review of I Hope You Dance  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I am amazed at how brave you are. This letter shows a lot of yourself and what you've been going through this last year. Your words paint a clear picture of someone who has been through a lot.

Thank you for including the video for the song that inspired the title of this item. It really added to the already uplifting tone of your work.

I don't think I have any suggestions for improvement. You did a good job of making sure your letter was easily readable by choosing the font and letter size that you did. Your use of WML enhanced the emotions that were present. Your word choice was clear and easy to understand. Good luck in this year and this contest!
Review of I Choose Jesus!  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
You make some interesting points in your writing. While mostly fine grammatically, there were some errors. Mostly rhetorically and one spelling that I picked up on.

In your writing you declare that Jesus is a real person and say there is evidence. Yet you do not expound or offer any examples from archeology or historical records. If you're going to state something like this, it needs facts for you to back it up.

I'd also like to say that Mohamed is also a real person who lived near present day Mecca around the sixth century common era. He didn't inspire the Qur'an —which you also misspelled—the words which he received as what he felt were revelations from God—Allah as Islam calls Him. The Qur'an is the record of those revelations.

Also you say that Mohammed was trying to save Arabs from "Immortality." Immortality is eternal life. I think you mean immorality. Just an idea but always make sure your auto correct is off or make sure you're using the right words by using a dictionary.

Just a personal feeling but the term Arab is a bit dated and kind of racist. Please research the Middle East and find a different term. And no I don't mean spout off what NBC CNN or FOX news has said about the area. Real facts about the place Islam originated.

Islam was founded in the city of Mecca. Mohammed was trying to get people to worship who he believed was God. At the time in the city Mecca, the Kaaba was a black cubic temple built for the idol worship of gods like Baal, Ishtar and Inana. Mohammed wanted to find the true God so he prayed.

Regardless of your beliefs, I think it behoves you to research a little more about the beliefs of other religions. It would greatly improve the quality of this piece. You don't have to convert, but this needs a rewrite.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was such a cute story! I'm reviewing it for I write 2025.

I loved how even though the panda was silent, it had such a huge personality. It made the return in the plot line kind of whimsical.

The prompt for the contest asked for the story to be mostly dialogue. Did an excellent job of writing that. I could almost hear the different character's accents and emotions.

The only thing I could find was the words "mirror-lense" to describe the sun glasses. I always assumed lens didn't have an "e" at the end. It's a minor imperfection but you can fix it or leave it in.

This was a heart warming, goofy, and had a good ending. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Review of I Am Home  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
I'm glad things had a happy ending. I just hope Marie doesn't end up with yet another unsupportive boyfriend or a job worse than the one she left. It sounds like she did find a silver lining to not winning the lottery though.

You did a good job of building excitement.

There were some things that my brain had trouble with.

In one of the first paragraphs, you mentioned a sink hole in the road. I wasn't entirely sure if it was literal or metaphorical. However, the narrative then goes on to describe the parasitic boyfriend begging her for breakfast.

That left me wondering if it was a literal sink hole she could see from their bedroom window or just if her life felt like a sinkhole.

The other thing was just a minor mistake. Since it was a but of dialogue, I'm not sure it needs fixed. "You and I the only ones here that long. Nobody else stays past six months." I think that the word "are" might need to be inserted between 'I' and 'the'. I'll leave it up to you if you rewrite that because I've heard people talk the way the co-worker did.

As I said earlier, I'm glad this story has a happy ending. The protagonist definitely needed the change.
Review of Promptly Poetry  Open in new Window.
for entry "SerendipityOpen in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thats amazing that you can see the Serendipity in all those things. I don't know that I would've if I was in your shoes.

The music movie at the end really was a tear jerker. Thank you for including it and the warning.
for entry "Capital punishment Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am reviewing Sumojo's December 7th entry for I Write.

The topic for the prompt was controversial. I think that what you wrote was both tasteful and tactful. I had no idea that the UK and Australia had done away with the death penalty. Your rhetorical questions really swayed me over.

I used to think that as long as it was carried out humanely, and the person was guilty, the capital punishment was justifiable. However, the questions made me think about it. I changed my mind. Your writing convinced me to switch to your point of view.

I'm impressed with the way you worked the prompt into your blog entry. It made an excellent hook to keep me reading.

I cannot find any writing, grammar or spelling errors. The piece is short and to the point.

I hope this doesn't come across as patronizing, but I really feel like this is a well put together piece. It would probably make good reading for a philosophy class. Possibly on a collegiate or at least secondary education level. Good job, thanks for allowing me to review your entry.
Review of Killing Christmas  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
So glad Thornton had a change of heart. That was a lot of suspense you built up there. You definitely nailed the prompt for that contest!
for entry "ApocalypseOpen in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a bittersweet story. I could almost feel what the character felt.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I am impressed with your unique response to this prompt. I feel like you made a very good point about patience.

You made excellent use of WML in this entry. The words you wrote flowed.

One tiny bit of feedback. While you did make it clear that the quote was from the bible, it took me a minute to find where the quote ended and your writing began. Just a suggestion but you could use double quotes to separate the verse from the rest of your entry.

Other than that, you made some excellent points about patience and did a good job addressing the prompt.
Review of Promptly Poetry  Open in new Window.
for entry "Seeking ShelterOpen in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very observant poem. I can see this woman clearly in my head. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people like that who are usually homeless. Either because unsympathetic people kicked them out or by choice.(Though if they did choose it must've been under extreme duress.)

I am glad you chose this lady as the subject of your poem. It highlights an issue so many of those in power in my area choose to ignore. Thank you.

I didn't notice anything wrong with this poem. It flows smoothly and held my attention all the way through. You took a difficult subject matter and handled it well. Keep writing!
Review of Soul Thief  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is an unusual story. Still good but not what I would've expected.

I am glad Dan's mom got her soul back and that Harold had a change of heart. That was a nice way to end things.

If I were Dan, I don't know that I would've been so forgiving. Then again I have a different life than he does.

There weren't any spelling errors that I could see. As far as the telling of this story goes, the narrative was smooth and made sense.

I really liked the reveal of Harold's lair. It had just the right amount of ominous while still being in the realm of believable.

This is overall a tale that grabs attention. It had a very heartwarming ending.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Wow, this is unsettling in a good way. I would've never thought to write the story from the dead persons point of view.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is really a good chuckle. I like your unique take on the prompt.
for entry "Dreams of FlightOpen in new Window.
In affiliation with I Write  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Reviewing Dreams of Flight for I Write. This poem makes use of rhyme and repetition throughout. The prompt asked for a High Poem. Can't get much higher than flying. Unless you leave Earth.

Sorry, that last bit of my review wasn't very useful.

This poem is whist-full, rhythmic and could have some subtext. The last line of the poem talks about flying away with someone. Is it somebody or the birds the narrator wishes to fly away with? My heart says it could be a lover but my head wants to second guess that. I'm not sure it was intentional but I do like how subjective this last line is.

The video embedded at the bottom of the poem re-enforces the flight imagery throughout this piece. It plays smoothly and is a great visual to include.

I do not see any grammar or spelling errors to correct. Although I wasn't sure what form of poetry this was supposed to be. Free verse is fine as is any other form. You met the vital criteria of the activity this was written for, it is exactly eight lines and does a good job addressing the prompt.
In affiliation with I Write  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I think this is a good entry for the book you were making. I had no idea Avril was still writing and performing songs.

So I don't have a whole lot of feedback. The video embedded worked and the entry fit the activity it was written for. The words you used to describe the song matched what I saw in the video.

There weren't any grammar or spelling errors. I found the use of emoticons in the entry to enhance the writing refreshing. I haven't read many items that do that.

So, keep doing what you're doing. It works*Wink*
Review of Key To My Heart  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Beautiful and passionate poem. Really well done.
Review of Call to Arms  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is so cute! I love the way Lucy took care of the monster under the bed.
Review of Unsealed Fate  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I liked the story. The beginning really puts the reader into the action. And, despite past Nathan's arrogance, I am glad he was able to learn from his mistakes.

Just a few minor things stood out to me. I'm not sure how space travel works in Nathan's timeline but ten million light years is a long trip. It currently takes seven months to get a ship to Mars. Even if wormholes exist, are they natural and how does Nathan keep them stable?

I'm not sure I've heard the word subduction used when it's not in reference to plate tectonics. But all said and done this was a good sci-fi piece.
for entry "VinnyOpen in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Words fail me! This was really dark and edgy. I didn't see the ending coming and you kept me reading all the way through.
Review of A Dangerous Gift  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow! This is intense. A very gripping read.

I liked how you broke the narrative down into smaller chunks. It made it flow better.

That power the fire bearers had sounds like a terrifying burden. I halfway thought that Phil would destroy himself trying to master his ability. I liked the slow build showing how Phil got his power from his dad, then read about his other family member's experiences, finally mastering his ability when he most needed to.

I didn't find any spelling or grammar mistakes. The pacing was really good. Thank you for allowing me to review your story.
Review of God Only Knows  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This girl has been through a whole lot! She had a lot of courage to get away. And I really cared about what happened to the character.

I loved the climatic action and I'm glad Ken got arrested. I also liked that you included a plug for the National Human Trafficking Hotline at the very bottom. That global problem is one that needs awareness. Too many people loose their lives to that vile institution.

You captured the details of the first two months pretty well. I am guessing Beth is pretty skinny. Most women don't start to show until after their fifteenth week. Other than that, no issues with the character she was relatable even though I haven't been in her exact situation.

I do have one or two minor things that could be adjusted. Cocaine mainly comes from the leaves of the Coca plant. Heroin is an opioid derived from morphine, which originally came from the poppy plant. Was Beth addicted to both? Because you mention heroin as her drug of choice in one of the first paragraphs. Then in later paragraphs and conversations with her pimp it's crack/cocaine she had been using. If it's both then feel free to ignore me.

The other thing was you kept calling them clients. Prostitutes or pimps usually refer to their customers as Johns. At least in the nineties and early two thousands.

Other than those two very minor things, I liked your story! It's a good read and I feel like you did a great job.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/scarypotato14