Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/sarcheard
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6 Public Reviews Given
6 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I am open and honest. I will tell you what I thought of your character development, your story line, how it flows, and if needed suggest grammar or word change (which you can take or leave)
I'm good at...
checking for typo's, misspelled words, and grammar mistakes.
Favorite Genres
Christian, Christian romance, fantasy, sci-fi, fan fiction, poetry
Least Favorite Genres
anything with smut, violence or abuse
I will not review...
Anything involving smut
Public Reviews
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This was such a fun story to read!! I could imagine reading some form of this story as a storybook to my daughter when she was little! It was very well written and kept my attention the entire time. I didn't have a favorite part because I liked it all!!
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem is so wonderfully written and perfectly explains the devastation and heartache many people are feeling during this time after the horrible earthquakes. My heart breaks for those dealing with the overwhelming grief. You're right....life is so brief!
Review of " JESUS CHRIST "  Open in new Window.
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Amen!! This is so true! I love that you are writing a poem about our Lord and Savior! You're right, He is a jealous God. He said that you aren't even to mention other gods on your lips...there is only one GOD....as I'm writing this review, I am listening to Praise and Worship music which I play all day long in the background while my husband is at work. This was very well written!!
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow,this is so relatable! I have ADHD and my thoughts often scatter helter skelter like you described in this work of poetry. It is very well written. I enjoyed reading this because it so relatable to me and flows beautifully, explaining in perfect detail how many feel about their thoughts and what they want to put out on paper yet their minds keep going over and over many different thoughts not allowing a single thought to reach paper because of either writers block or ADHD. Very well written!
Review of Campfire Tale  Open in new Window.
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I LOVE this!!! It's so well written and pulled me in from the first sentence! I love the relationship between Taylor and his dad and the fact that he raised him alone (with the help of Kenny)! HaHa, Taylor and Kenny really got him...I love that! It's a fun story, and very well written! Well done!! I enjoyed it very much!
Review of Spectators  Open in new Window.
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very good microfiction story! It tells a lot in just the small amount that you wrote. It tells how excited their daughter is, it tells how devoted both parents are, but also implies that either they aren't in a romantic relationship with one another anymore or that they aren't getting along at the moment. They are proud of their daughter and there for her, no matter what. Well written!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/sarcheard