Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/retrospect
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30 Public Reviews Given
30 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by Sean Stone
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is sooooo helpful to anyone new at WDC. I've been a member since April and I still feel new to some things on the site. Thanks to this directory (that I've now added to my favorites), a newbie should never feel overwhelmed when they join.

How long did it take you to create this? It was certainly well worth it.
Review of Left Behind  
Review by Sean Stone
Rated: E | (4.0)
Greetings Stony!

This makes me think of a summer fling where one person is starting to become serious, falling in love and the other just want to have a little fun. Especially the part:

Lifting her hopes on all your behalf... Turning away to strive in the dark

I did notice some grammatical errors:

INSTEAD OF: Life isn't fare for those who wear it
         TRY: Life isn't fair for those who wear it

INSTEAD OF: Never seeing him again until your thrown into your vault
         TRY: Never seeing him again until you're thrown into your vault

Until Then,

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
         Sean Stone

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Bumble Boy  
Review by Sean Stone
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Greetings Radioshea!

This is a very good story. It had me hanging on by every word, trying to find out why Jon was in the hospital. Very good work.

The only suggestions I have are:

Instead of: ...took a cutting board off the wall...
Try: ...grabbed (or retrieved) a cutting board off the wall...


Instead of: A couple small pieces...
Try: A couple of small pieces...


Instead of: ... this new track would lead him to freedom, a track that would lead him out...
Try: ...this new track would lead him to freedom. It would lead him out...

Other than that, this can definitely be a 5-Star rating.

Sean Stone
Review by Sean Stone
Rated: E | (3.0)
Greetings Harry!

This story was precariously perplexing. Particularly, the parts where words with the letter "p" ran on and on. However, this story will definitely help with phonetics. Some words, I had to look up for its meaning and pronounciation, had nothing to do with the main idea of the sentences and paragraphs. But that's just my opinion.

All in all, I enjoyed the ride reading this. Are your books filled with illustrations, like Dr. Seuss? I can imagine so if it is.

Sean Stone
Review of Without You  
Review by Sean Stone
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings Emily!

This was an excellent piece. Especially the last two lines. Those who can relate will definitely agree with me that when reading this, your raw emotion was at the forefront, bearing all for others to witness.

Everyone's been through a situation similar and you captured it quite well. I have no suggestions for improvement as you've covered everything perfectly.

Sean Stone
Review by Sean Stone
Rated: E | (4.0)
Greetings Igserio!

This poem made me think of a time in my life where I wanted to fit in with this clique. No matter how much I changed, becoming something others (my actual real friends) didn't care to be around, the important thing was that this clique accepts me. They did, but eventually dropped me because I wasn't catering to their egos. I can definitely relate!

Minor errors:

1.) "...stand on the oustside of the inside..." (outside)

2.) "you keep your click among you." (clique)

Sean Stone
Review by Sean Stone
Rated: E | (3.5)
Greetings SpandexWarrior!

You brought out your point clearly as well as the supporting information behind it. I wonder if this started out originally as an essay, but later, took a life of its own.

"Yes, question, think, and be inquisitive."

SUGGESTION:This could be written to be read and understood more easily.

"But by no means let that stop you from tasting life."

SUGGESTION: But do not, by any means, let that stop you from tasting life.

Sean Stone
Review of Lifetime of Sins  
Review by Sean Stone
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very well written. I only saw one or two instances where a sentence could've flowed more easily. Other than that, this caught and had my attention from the first line.

Here, at last, there was silence...

...but the silence never lasts...

I love how this repitition keeps the story going by hooking the reader, compelling them to continue on.

You've killed us both. Only you could be so stupid! Finally you get the guts to stand up to me, to push me down into the fire, and then what do you do? You jump straight in after me! Stupid girl!

Here is our Hell now, witch! Mine to suffer your poison, yours to deliver it upon me. And I swear, I'll never go quietly...

This was the climax that explained why Jana repeated this ongoing cycle. Very very nice twist...
Review of Spanish Lesson  
Review by Sean Stone
Rated: E | (4.0)
         Nicely written. I felt like I was there, listening to the preacher talking to a small group in an enormous and open space as dozens of others strolled about. I also related to the main character feeling compelled to listen, hanging on the preacher's every word.

         I think you've accomplished the goal of narrative description in this piece of work. However, you could use some commas in certain paragraphs. Also, in the beginning of the story, you go back and forth, writing in present and past tense. This is cool, but you have to use consistency.

1.) The stone was polished smooth by thousands of butts before mine. There were benches too. People sat on them alone or in pairs and on the walls. Massive trees cast a thick shade.

EXPLANATION: The last sentence would sound better if written in past tense, complimenting the other statements before it.

EXAMPLE:The stone was polished smoothly by thousands of butts before mine. Thre were benches too. People either sat on them alone or in pairs while others were against the wall. Massive trees casted a thick shade.

2.) Mystical tackle passed from them to the Roman soldiers who a thousand years ago slowly turned Latin into Spanish. Spiritual tools passed finally to this preacher who now cast a glittering net of melodious Latinade words, seining for sinners in San Jose.

EXPLANATION: with commas used, it makes the paragraph more understandable.

EXAMPLE: Mystical tackle passed from them to the Roman soldiers, who, a thousand years ago, slowly turned Latin into Spanish. Spiritual tools, passed down to this preacher, who now casts a glittering net of melodious Latinade words, seining for sinners in San Jose.

Keep up the good work. Write On!
Review of Hollow Girl  
Review by Sean Stone
Rated: ASR | (4.0)

This poem was very deep, bringing one into the person's mind. The message was concise and to the point of what the character wanted to convey. I wonder if this character is a man or a woman.

Anyways, it read smoothly for the most part. The sixth line kind of took me from the rhythm. But other than that, I liked it.

Feel free to check out, rate and review my some things in my port.


Review of Drip. Drip. Drip.  
Review by Sean Stone
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

This is very well written. I was drawn into Paul's life (as the coffee maker went drip, drip, drip) and his frame of mind that particular moment. You enough of his background and current circumstances to turn this story in any direction, as far as plot is concerned.

Feel free to check out my portfolio and rate & review. I hope you develop this into something bigger...

Review by Sean Stone
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I love how you described a sense of struggle between your subjects. Especially when the struggle brings out the polar opposites in each.

I loved this one most of all,

A housewife has five small cubs.
She adores them so, so much
She drowns each in a bathtub
So the devil will not touch.

Review by Sean Stone
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very vulnerable and open. Seems like a relationship gone sour with Teddy Geiger. He's all about his music now...

Anyways, I loved it. If I loved it, why didn't I give it a 5 right? Only two things:

They wonder why I even bother COMING to visit you on days like these, where all you do is work silently on the passion of your life,
making void all else. So why do I continue, if I know I am ONLY TO BE ignored?

Why not try:

They wonder why I even bother to visit you on days like these,


So why do I continue, if I know I am only going to be ignored?

What do you think?

Review of Backhand  
Review by Sean Stone
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Very moving and compelling. I became empathetic with the character beating him/her-self up...

I only have 1 suggestion:

Instead of - The pain in my
face wills only serve to distract from
shame in my heart.

How about trying - The pain in my face will only distract me from the shame in my heart.

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